[Live-demo] Python scripts in build?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 14 04:31:32 EDT 2010

Alex wrote:
> I was looking to do some work on the auto docs build
> specifically inserting the standard header in the test
> (downloaded from wiki) but I don't really know how to do it
> all in bash.

with more details I might be able to donate an example.
do you need to `cat file2 >> file1` but to the beginning of an
existing file1?

> Is it a problem to do some of these html docs mashing scripts
> in python instead? I'd be fine with bash, I just don't think I
> have the skill for that right now.

I have no problem using python scripts if they are genuinely the
best tool for the job. ie when you need to use a real programming
language, and doing it in Bourne shell starts to look like some
advanced perl modem noise. (I don't have a problem with perl
scripts either if they are the best tool for the job, as long as
they are written & commented in such a way that non-perl experts
can still debug and maintain them.



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