[Live-demo] MapGuide Open Source for Live DVD 4.0

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Mar 23 00:26:42 EDT 2010

Trevor Wekel wrote:
> Hello list,
> The MapGuide project would like to be included on Live DVD 4.0.  I am currently working on Ubuntu packaging scripts for MapGuide to make DVD installation easier.  Once the packaging is complete, I should be able to start on the install/configure script for the DVD.
> So here are a few questions to start with:
> - Is http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/ open for business as usual?
> - Can we install our own Apache server running on 8008?
> - Is installing packaged binaries to /usr/local allowed?
> - At what point will the Live DVD be switched to Ubuntu 10.04?
> - Are there any limitations on disk space per project?
> Regards,
> Trevor Wekel
> Principal Consultant | OTX Systems
> (403) 870-1582 | trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com
> http://www.otxsystems.com

It would be better if you could just add a config to the default Apache
/etc/apache2/site-available/, feel free to configure a virtual host to
listen on port 8008 if that's the normal default for your application.

Our first preference is for an Ubuntu/Debian deb hosted on a repository
like Launchpad. If you create a valid package, the UbuntuGIS repo would
be more than happy to host it. That said using a package like that
binaries would be expected under appropriate Ubuntu directories. As a
secondary method /usr/local would be ok.

The next version of the LiveDVD will be built with 10.04, you can expect
the transition of all scripts to that target to start sometime in May.

This next version we will probably be implementing some sort of space
limitation on example files included since we are reaching the max
capacity of a DVD. I wouldn't worry about the actually program binaries
just give us an idea of how big they'll be so we can figure out how much
space we need to budget for.


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