[Live-demo] Setting up list of to-dos for GeoMoose install on LiveDVD

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed May 25 18:26:49 EDT 2011


So, did some more snooping on the DVD (my USB version), seems the structure of things are a little loose as to where things are planted, so, would these be the correct locations to use is there a preference of any sort: 

/usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv  (for mapserver.cgi calling  [http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv] ? ) 
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/PHP(5)  (for PHP stuff, - if I get to it . . .) 
/usr/local/share/data/natural_earth/  (LiveDVD community data for demos, I also see them in POSTGIS under the "public" schema) 
    (Question: are there community Mapserver Mapfiles for the POSTGIS layers or do I need to roll my own?) 

And, for adding of GeoMoose stuff . . . 

/usr/lib/cgi-bin/<geomoose_custom service(s)>  (GeoMoose specific services) 
/usr/local/share/data/geomoose_demo_county/  (Geomoose County demo data) 
/usr/local/share/data/geomoose_demo_mercator/ (GeoMoose Mercator demo data) 
/var/www/geomoose/  (Geomoose install) 

Apache Config stuff should go??? 

/etc/apache2/conf.d/geomoose (pointer to geomoose apache config) 

I think that's everything.  Did I miss something? 


>>> Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:

Alex wrote:
> Also make sure to use the "mini" image to make a usb stick
> there is a known bug in the full iso that may cause it not
> boot which we haven't had a chance to fix yet.


just to note two other bugs in the 4.5 release just found and
fixed in svn (both trunk & the 4.5 release branch):

Problem: gpsdrive Mapnik/OpenStreetMap rendering broken
Reason: renaming of Natural Earth layers late in the rc cycle. oops
Solution: edit ~/.gpsdrive/osm.xml and change "10m-urban-area"
to "10m_urban_areas".

Problem: welcome message never appears
Reason: i18n efforts trod on copying the script to where it
needed to be. oops
Solution: copy ~/gisvm/desktop-conf/welcome_message.sh into

I expect those two, plus the Windows installer filename problem
can be hand edits to the primary VM image, and a new full-build
would not be not necessary. (I hope)


ps- zygrib now has a quickstart, so we are 100% for those now.
(copy editing requested)
(do check out the CAPE instability [tornado/tstorm predictor] for
the S.E.rn USA currently.. some 1000s of J/kg .. ouch)

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