[Live-demo] Final ISO done, can I change the .deb repository?

Stefan Tzeggai tzeggai at wikisquare.de
Wed Sep 7 04:19:17 EDT 2011


I would like to release next AtlasStyler and Geopublisher versions into
the .deb repository.
According to the Schedule
the final ISO has been build.

So.. despite the Talk about a "Release Checklist 5" that means, that you
are not planning to rebuild the ISO, and that I don't have to wait any
longer to release a new version into my .deb repository??

For clarification: When I release a new version into the
AtlasStyler/Geopublisher .deb repository, it is automatically pulled by
the AS- and GP-install scripts for the live DVD.

Greetings and keep upü the good work,

wikisquare Softwareentwicklung
Stefan Tzeggai
Straßburger Weg 26
53113 Bonn

email	tzeggai at wikisquare.de
webpage	wikisquare.de
skype	alfonx
phone   0228 24 000 528
mobile  0176 40 38 9559

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