[Live-demo] OSGeo Live CD / Cartaro

Patric Hafner | geOps patric.hafner at geops.de
Wed Dec 12 06:59:16 PST 2012

Dear Members of the OSGeo mailing list,

Am 10.12.2012 12:11, schrieb Cameron Shorter:

> What I would suggest is that for our 6.5 release, that you write your
> installers for testing.  

I have just committed our install script and our project logo (r9413)

We will probably ship the DVD with Cartaro
> installed, but we just won't advertise this to the greater OSGeo
> community until Cartaro reaches a stable 1.0 release (probably in the
> OSGeo-Live 7.0 released for foss4g2013).

We support your suggestion and understand your concerns.

With best regards,

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