[Live-demo] Mostly complete Ohloh quality comparision between OSGeo-Live projects

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 18 00:13:22 PST 2012

On 18 December 2012 07:52, Andrea Aime <andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I've included Ohloh metrics from almost all OSGeo-Live projects here:
>> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/metrics.html
>> This provides some very insightful information about the maturity of both
>> codebases and communities behind OSGeo projects.
>> There are some notable glitches:
>> * Some projects don't seem to be registered in Ohloh
>> * Some projects have moved repositories. (I think you can register
>> multiple repositories with Ohloh, but not many projects have).
> Yep, GeoServer misses the history older than 2 years, but if we had multiple
> repos we'd be in the opposite position, a good year
> of commits registered twice.
> Btw, noticed that at least in Chrome on Linux both GeoServer and
> MapServer have their commit graphs visually cut and seem much smaller than
> they actually are (I believe the next row
> is overlapping with their graphs)
> Cheers
> Andrea

Hi Cameron, can you add please the gvSIG 2.0 Ohloh project[1] metrics?


[1] https://www.ohloh.net/p/gvsig-desktop-2

Jorge Sanz

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