[Live-demo] TileMill Live_GIS_Disc_Apply Form

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 15:36:02 PST 2012

Hi all,

+1 from me too to include TileMill on OSGeoLive


On 12/22/2012 10:31 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Thanks Javi,
> Based on Javi's responses, and also that I understand from Brian 
> Hamlin that an installer has already been written, I'm +1 for 
> including TileMill as part of the OSM tools that we include on 
> OSGeo-Live.
> I can see from responses that this project is well established, and 
> has a strong user community behind it.
> On 21/12/12 18:54, Javi Sanchez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Following the instructions at 
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Apply , we have filled in 
>> the requiered information to apply for TileMill to be included in the 
>> Disc.
>> Find answers either bellow or at [1]
>> [1] 
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlRFyY1XenjJdHZpZTJLcHNITHMwNG5wZWgxQXkxcFE
>> Regards,
>> Javi Sánchez
>> Capitulo Hispanohablante OSGeo (Madrid)
>> - TileMill Live_GIS_Disc_Apply -
>>          What is its name?    TileMill
>>         What is the home page URL?    http://tilemill.com
>>         Which OSI approved Open Source Licence is used?    BSD
>>         What does the application do and how does it add value to the 
>> GeoSpatial stack of software?    TileMill is a tool to quickly and 
>> easily design maps for the web using custom data. It is built on the 
>> powerful open-source map rendering library Mapnik ( the same software 
>> OpenStreetMap and MapQuest use to make some of their maps ) and uses 
>> CartoCSS as a stylesheet language.
>>         Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which 
>> versions of the standards? Client or server? You may wish to add 
>> comments about how standards are used.    TileMill does not support 
>> any OGC standards, like WMS or WFS. Rather it adhers the widespread 
>> practices of z/x/y tile schemes used by Google and OSM and is based 
>> on the MBTiles and UTFGrid specifications.
>>         What language is it written in?    JavaScript - Uses Node.js 
>> on the serverside and shares some backbone.js models on the clientside
>>         Which version of the application should be included in the 
>> next OSGeo-Live release?     0.10.1
>>     Stability is very important to us on OSGeo-Live. If a new user 
>> finds a bug in one application, it will tarnish the reputation of all 
>> other OSGeo-Live applications as well. (We pay most attention to the 
>> following answers):
>>         If risk adverse organisations have deployed your application 
>> into production, it would imply that these organisations have 
>> verified the stability of your software. Has the application been 
>> rolled out to production into risk (ideally risk adverse) 
>> organisations? Please mention some of these organisations?    
>> TileMill can be both used as a Desktop GUI tool and a 
>> serverside/command line rendering engine. In both forms is has been 
>> used by many organizations in production. MapBox uses it to render 
>> global baselayers down to z17 (mapbox-streets), NPR used it to make 
>> the census map: http://apps.npr.org/fire-forecast/, and many more 
>> examples: http://mapbox.com/tilemill/gallery/
>>         What is the size of the user community? You can often answer 
>> this by mentioning downloads, or describing a healthy, busy email 
>> list?    New releases usually see 10-15 thousand downloads
>>         What is the size of your developer community?    10 Developers
>>         Do you have a bug free, stable release?    Every release 
>> becomes more stable, 0.10.1 is the most stable yet.
>>         Please discuss the level of testing that your project has 
>> gone through.    TileMill has unit tests as well as many of the 
>> libraries it depends upon
>>         How long has the project has had mature code. Several years
>>     OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use rather 
>> than libraries. Does the application have a user interface (possibly 
>> a command line interface) that a user can interact with? (We do make 
>> an exception for Incubated OSGeo Libraries, and will include Project 
>> Overviews for these libraries, even if they don't have a user 
>> interface.) TileMill is a map design studio desktop application that 
>> users can interact with by means of its graphical user interface.
>>     We give preference to OSGeo Incubated Projects, or Projects which 
>> are presented at FOSS4G conferences. If your project is involved in 
>> OSGeo Incubation, or has been selected to be presented at FOSS4G, 
>> then please mention it.     "- TileMill is not an incubated project 
>> at present.
>> - It was present at FOSS4G 2011
>> - Workshop at Girona (Spain) GIS Open Source 2011 venue
>> - Next FOSS4g 2013 paper: 
>> http://foss4g-na.org/schedule/cartography-with-tilemill-postgis-and-openstreetmap/"
>>     With around 50 applications installed on OSGeo-Live, us core 
>> packagers do not have the time to liaise with every single project 
>> email list for each OSGeo-Live release. So we require a volunteer (or 
>> two) to take responsibility for liaising between OSGeo-Live and the 
>> project's communities. This volunteer will be responsible for 
>> ensuring the install scripts and English documentation are updated by 
>> someone for each OSGeo-Live release. Also test that the installed 
>> application and Quickstart documentation works as expected on release 
>> candidate releases of OSGeo-Live. Who will act as the project's 
>> liaison person. Javier Sánchez
>>     OSGeo-Live is Ubuntu Linux based. Our installation preference is:
>>         Install from UbuntuGIS or DebianGIS
>>         Install .deb files from a PPA
>>         Write a custom install script             Write a custom 
>> install script
>>     Can you please discuss how your application will be 
>> installed.     Application is installed by means of an Ubuntu PPA
>>     OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained. Can the application 
>> run in 512 Meg of RAM?     YES
>>     How much disk space will be required to install the application 
>> and a suitable example application?     146.3MB on disk
>>     We aim to reduce disk space by having all applications make use 
>> of a common dataset. We encourage applications to make use of the 
>> example datasets already installed:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Example_Datasets If 
>> another dataset would be more appropriate, please discuss here. Is it 
>> appropriate, to remove existing demo datasets which may already be 
>> included in the standard release.    ok, Current datasets are 
>> appropriate, as OSM and PostGIS examples can be managed from 
>> TileMill. On the other hand, example projects are also included.
>>     Each OSGeo-Live application requires a Project Overview available 
>> under a CC By and a Quickstart available under a CC By-SA license. 
>> (You may release under a second license as well). Will you produce 
>> this?     YES
>>     In past releases, we have included Windows and Mac installers for 
>> some applications. It is likely we won't have space for these in 
>> future releases. However, if there is room, would you be wishing to 
>> include Windows and/or Mac installers?     Yes indeed, as 
>> Installations from Mac OS X and Windows are available
>> El 14/12/12 00:16, Cameron Shorter escribió:
>>> Javi,
>>> This was discussed at this week's weekly meeting, and we were 
>>> reasonably supportive of this proposal. Could you please make an 
>>> official application, answering our standard questions for including 
>>> a new application, which will allow us to make a better assessment.
>>> The questionnaire is here:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Apply
>>> On 14/12/12 09:32, Javi Sanchez wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> As Volunteer to maintain OSM apps, this is to suggest a last minute 
>>>> change to switch to TileMile instead of osmarender, within current 
>>>> release 6.5. I have confirmed that the installing script is already 
>>>> available, and I would be ready to write the overview/quickstart 
>>>> over the next 1 month, according to the planned milestones.
>>>> I would like to know your opinions or if there is any inconvenience 
>>>> we may have to discus or take into account.
>>>> This can significantly improve the capabilities to exploit OSM data 
>>>> and It may be worth it.
>>>> Best Rergards,
>>>> Javi Sánchez
>>>> Capitulo Hispanohablante OSGeo (Madrid)
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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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