[Live-demo] Re: Missing "Geospatial" pull down menu

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 11 15:45:08 EST 2012

Angelos wrote:
> I think that since I boot up a remote VM, the user logs in 
> automatically, regardless if I sign in from ssh,
> so I think the answer to your question here is yes.
> Using a headless option in VirtualBox does not mean Xserver
> won't start.

yes, you are right, I can confirm that happens, user logs in automatically

sudo adduser hamish
sudo adduser hamish adm
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
<shut down the VM>

host$  kvm -hda osgeo-live-vm-5.5beta3.vmdk -m 1024 \
         -redir 'tcp:2228::22' -smp 2  -nographic -daemonize
host$  reset
host$  sleep 30
host$  ssh -X -p 2228 hamish at localhost
osgeolive$  who

> I should bring down gdm manually for the next build and see
> what happens

you can just log out 'user', no need to bring down gdm too.

osgeolive$  sudo pkill xfce4-session
osgeolive$  who

(automatic login is only working at initial boot time so 'user' doesn't
log back in, see https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/770)

.. and if that doesn't work I guess it's setting single user mode from
the grub bootloader.


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