[Live-demo] Sextane Project Overview on OSGeo-Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 01:35:05 PDT 2013

I see that the Quickstart you reference is making use of QGIS.
I note that we already have a QGIS quickstart, which mentions Sextante. 
I suggest that rather than create another quickstart, we should make use 
of the existing QGIS quickstart, which could be extended slightly to 
include one screen shot and a few more steps. (Note that we still want 
to keep the documentation concise, so that it is easy to maintain and 
test in future).

Could you please also fill in an official application email to our list, 
to make sure that we have all details covered:

On 11/06/2013 5:39 PM, Victor Olaya wrote:
> The quickstart I was thinking about is something like this one, also
> about SEXTANTE for QGIS, but targeted at GeoNode users
> http://geonode.org/workshops/devel/processing/sextante.html
> That should not take long to adapt and have it ready for the
> OSGeo-Live distribution
> cheers
> 2013/6/10 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>:
>> Victor,
>> I'm expanding this email thread to include the OSGeo-Live list, as I expect
>> there will be others with suggestions.
>> I suspect that Sextane would be considered a Library like Geotools, and as
>> such it might be best to just write up a Project Overview, and not write up
>> a Quickstart. I'll be interested to hear other thoughts on this.
>> On 10/06/13 19:34, Victor Olaya wrote:
>>> I have just seen that there is already a section (a tiny one) about
>>> SEXTANTE in the QGIS quickstart. Also, I have seen that gvSIG is in
>>> the OSGeo Live, and that it includes SEXTANTE (it is mentioned in the
>>> description, but not explained in the gvSIG quickstart)
>>> If it's ok with you, I will target the SEXTANTE quickstart to the QGIS
>>> version, and maybe mention that it can be used in the gvSIG also
>>> shipped in the DVD. Does that sound good to you?
>>> thanks
>>> Victor
>>> 2013/6/10 Victor Olaya<volayaf at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Sure, I can contribute that.
>>>>> A few questions:
>>>>> - Which version of SEXTANTE are you including? is it the current core
>>>>> QGIS version (included in what would be QGIS 2.0), or the old one that
>>>>> runs on QGIS 1.8? Changes and bug
>>>>> - I haven't tested SEXTANTE on SAGA 2.1 too much, but I have seen that
>>>>> the syntax of some algorithms has changed, which will cause SEXTANTE
>>>>> to fail when calling them. Target version for SAGA is 2.0.8...but I
>>>>> guess we will  update to 2.1 when it is ready.
>>>>> Anyway, the main ideas are the same, so I can work on a quickstart
>>>>> that work for both versions.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> 2013/6/10 Cameron Shorter<cameron.shorter at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Victor,
>>>>>>> FYI: The detailed documentation howto is linked from here:
>>>>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Documentation
>>>>>>> On 10/06/13 18:55, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Cameron,
>>>>>>>>> I guess Victor would be most useful person for doing this:-)
>>>>>>>>> Victor: are you interested in writing a project overview (or can you
>>>>>>>>> point us to someone who could) and perhaps a quickstart for sextante
>>>>>>>>> for the next osgeo live dvd?
>>>>>>>>> Examples are here:http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html
>>>>>>>>> Sextante (for qgis) is already included on the live dvd, but we can
>>>>>>>>> make it more visible if a seperate overview is added.
>>>>>>>>> Johan.
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Solutions Manager
>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>> http://www.lisasoft.com

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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