[Live-demo] OSGeo Live 8.0 release schedule

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 12:32:27 PDT 2014

Hi OSGeo-Live community,

In response to Daniel's request, I've updated our 8.0 OSGeo-Live 
schedule, which will be released at FOSS4G 2014 at Portland.

Does anyone have any comments or suggestions that we should incorporate 
into the schedule?
I suggest we should go out to the rest of the OSGeo community and invite 
them to incorporate the schedule into their release plans.

(The QGIS community have also reached out asking about synchronising 
their release schedule with OSGeo-Live).

On 26/03/14 03:09, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> Are you planning a new OSGeo Live release before FOSS4G in Portland?
> If there is one then we will try to plan the MapServer 7.0 release to 
> be done in time for the next OSGeo Live release, so we'd be interested 
> to hear what your plans are.
> By default, we are thinking of a MapServer feature freeze around the 
> end of April, to (hopefully) get a final release by end of June or 
> sometimes in July.

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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