[Live-demo] pgRouting

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Fri Apr 29 11:55:55 PDT 2016

On 04/29/2016 08:08 PM, Vicky Vergara wrote:
> Hi.
> I wonder how fast can I learn about packing, I am interested.

To learn about packaging I suggest to have some reference documentation
at hand and start updating the existing packaging for the latest
upstream (pre-)release.

> I don't expect to change osm2pgrouting this year (I am already behind on
> the coding for pgRouting 2.2.3 planned for september)
> I like the idea that its packed automatically after the tag is done (like
> in pgrouting), but its like a magic box, which leaves my curiosity open.

It looks like the pgRouting PPA is not packaged automatically, is that
the "packaged automatically" you mention? That looks like the same
manual process as done to update the pgrouting package in Debian.

I've used the packaging from the OSGeo-Live PPA and imported that into
the git repository for use within the Debian GIS team:


The packaging has been updated to current best practices, and uploaded
to unstable where it's in the NEW queue awaiting review by the Debian
FTP masters.


> I'll tell you my level of involvement now:
> 1. I am the main (if not only) developer of pgRouting.
> 2. I do the code, the developers documentation, the user's documentation.
> 3. I am in charge also of osm2pgRouting.
> 4. I am in the process of updating the pgRoutingLayers plugin  for Qgis for
> pgRouting versions 2.1 & 2.2.
> 5. I need to modify the pgRouting workshop to be used with this latest
> version for the Bonn FOSS4G.
> 6. On summer I will be mentoring two GSoC students.
> My advantage is that my kids are over 20 years old.
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
> wrote:
>> On 04/29/2016 06:16 PM, Vicky Vergara wrote:
>>> Thanks
>>> Lots to read & learn.
>>> So I'll try from the beginning:
>>> I can see this:
>>> https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?packages=pgrouting
>>> and I don't understand the basics, like the difference between stable and
>>> unstable
>>> popcorn????
>>> I can see  pgrouting 2.2.2 so I figure that its packed somewhere somehow.
>>> (where?? = A)
>> The package names in the first column are links to the Package Tracker:
>>  https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pgrouting
>> This is gives a nice overview of the versions in Debian and links to the
>> packaging repository, upstream homepage, various QA tools, etc.
>> You can create an account on the tracker, and subscribe to notifications
>> for various events specific to the package like bugreports and new uploads.
>>> VS
>>> https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?packages=osm2pgrouting
>>> which looks empty so no package
>> osm2pgrouting is indeed not packaged for Debian yet. The packaging
>> created for OSGeo-Live is a good starting point. The source packages can
>> be imported in a git repositories suitable for Debian package
>> maintenance (using `gbp import-dscs` [0]).
>> [0] https://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=gbp-import-dscs
>>> And from
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/bin/install_pgrouting.sh#L54
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/bin/install_pgrouting.sh#L62
>>> its getting pgrouting from the A above
>>> its getting osm2pgrouiting from where??? if it was empty
>> OSGeoLive uses the standard Ubuntu package repositories and pulls
>> additional packages from its own and other PPAs:
>>  https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/tree/master/sources.list.d
>> The osm2pgrouting packages in the PPA are available on Launchpad:
>> https://launchpad.net/~osgeolive/+archive/ubuntu/release-9.5/+sourcepub/6184209/+listing-archive-extra
>> I'll use those packages to populate the git repository for use within
>> the Debian GIS team to get the package into shape for inclusion in
>> Debian and Ubuntu itself. I'd like your help to maintain these packages
>> in Debian and Ubuntu, you're free to chose your level of involvement
>> from none to doing all the packaging work in addition to your upstream
>> development. Keeping the pgrouting packaging updates has so far been
>> easy, and it don't expect osm2pgrouting to be any different.
>>> Sorry for my ignorance
>>> Vicky

Kind Regards,


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