[Live-demo] Chair for Project Management Committee for OSGeo-Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 16:00:46 PDT 2016

Brian, Alex, Angelos,
Welcome to our new OSGeo-Live PSC. (Hamish hasn't responded, and I think 
it inappropriate to include him on the PSC without him accepting).

We need to pick a committee chair. The only difference between a chair 
and a normal member is they have 1.5 votes to act as a tie breaker in 

I'd like to nominate Angelos for this role.

+1 Cameron

I'll start another email thread to discuss populating the PSC with new 

On 21/05/2016 8:06 am, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> As suggested in this week's IRC meeting,
> We would like to kickstart the OSGeo-Live Project Steering Committee 
> with the core team from prior releases listed in our credits page [1]
> Angelos Tzotsos, Cameron Shorter, Hamish Bowman, Alex Mandel and Brian 
> Hamlin
> Angelos, Hamish, Alex, Brian,
> Would you do us the honour of accepting a position on the first 
> official OSGeo-Live PSC?
> Once the first PSC has been established, we would like to invite in 
> people who would like to help coordinate OSGeo-Live, who also have a 
> track record contributing to the project. Our aim is to be inclusive 
> in selection of the PSC. As per our PSC page [2], these are the 
> expectations of PSC members:
> * Regularly contribute to OSGeo-Live or related activities
> * Help with whatever dirty work is required to keep the project moving 
> forward
> * Monitor OSGeo-Live conversations, either in weekly IRC meetings, or 
> on the email list, and contribute constructively where appropriate
> * Vote promptly (within days) to motions being raised
> [1] https://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html#/13
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Management
> On 16/05/2016 6:57 am, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi Angelos,
>> I agree. I've tweaked the wording such that a -1 vote from the 
>> community results in referring to the PSC. I've left the PSC vote to 
>> be based on majority votes. I'm anticipating that the PSC will have 
>> already been involved in the community voting, and referring to the 
>> PSC will be rare.
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 15/05/2016 9:28 pm, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>> I am wondering if a -1 should be considered veto, at least for the 
>>> first round of voting.
>>> I propose that the second round should be a majority vote.
>>> On 05/15/2016 12:24 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> In order to align closer with OGeo-Live incubation principles, we 
>>>> agreed on the last OSGeo-Live weekly meeting to document and 
>>>> formalise our management in a Project Management Committee.
>>>> I've put together a draft here:
>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Management
>>>> Comments welcomed.
>>>> I'm hoping to tweak wording, select the first PSC, and formalise 
>>>> adoption at our next IRC meeting:
>>>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2016&month=5&day=20&hour=20&min=30&sec=0&p1=179&p2=189&p3=224&p4=22&p5=240&p6=196&p7=215 

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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