[Live-demo] Move Documentation to Transifex

Jakob Miksch jakob.miksch at posteo.eu
Sat Sep 3 04:49:20 PDT 2016


@Thomas, thanks for your answer. I followed your instructions and it 
works :-)

What would be the next steps for moving the documentation to Transifex?
Moving the English .pot files to Transifex?

Unfortunately, the next weeks I will not have time to contribute ...


On 31.08.2016 23:19, Thomas Gratier wrote:
> Hi,
> I was suppose to do it but never had enough time for making a PR...
> I've done MapServer internationalization and the French Python Guide 
> translation (including sphinx + transifex support + read the docs) e.g 
> http://python-guide-fr.readthedocs.io 
> <http://python-guide-fr.readthedocs.io/>
> Do you have an existing repository for beginning?
> Do you need to discuss on this directly? Skype, IRC or other channels 
> (I will provide these informations if you need)?
> You can see a small proof of concepts with modifications for this 
> purpose at https://github.com/ThomasG77/OSGeoLive-doc/tree/transifex
> Be cautious: I've removed all languages directories as I would build 
> per language and then copy the output in a build process after porting 
> each language translation in Transifex
> I've run
>      make getttext
> then done
>     sphinx-intl update -p _build/locale -l ca -l de -l el -l en -l es 
> -l fr -l hu -l it -l ja -l ko -l pl -l ru -l zh
> PS: sphinx-intl should be installed as a python package
> then
>     make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'" html
> You will see a lot of unwanted processing during this phase due to the 
> previous way of managing per directory translations logic I didn't remove.
> Open in your browser the following 
> _build/html/en/quickstart/qgis_quickstart.html to see the title of the 
> QGIS quickstart in French
> Cheers
> Thomas Gratier
> 2016-08-31 21:59 GMT+02:00 Jakob Miksch <jakob.miksch at posteo.eu 
> <mailto:jakob.miksch at posteo.eu>>:
>     Hi everyone,
>     at the code sprint in Bonn we were starting to move the
>     translation to Transifex. However, we just created the account on
>     transifex so far https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive
>     <https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive> . Astrid and me are
>     admins.
>     I had some problems creating the English .pot files. I tried to do
>     it with Sphinx.
>     Does anyone have experience how to move the documentation to
>     Transifex?
>     Otherwise we could ask other open source projects ...
>     best wishes,
>     Jakob
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