[Lizmap] Release of 3.6.5, 3.5.14 and also QGIS desktop plugin (possible optimization when publishing)

Etienne Trimaille etrimaille at 3liz.com
Thu Aug 10 02:52:21 PDT 2023

Hi everyone,

Even in summer time, we have released two new versions of Lizmap Web 
Client :

  * 3.6.5
  * 3.5.14

See their full changelogs : 

Some quick highlights from the latest 3.6 release :

  * In a form, the QGIS input type "number" widget is now supported. It
    will use the native browser spinbox. Min, max and steps are read
    from the layer configuration
  * The "QGIS projects" panel in the administration interface has been

We also remind you that the QGIS desktop plugin has quite an active 
development. Please do not forget to upgrade whenever you can, so quick 
to do in the plugin manager.

Yesterday, we released plugin 3.16.2. This version is now checking all 
layers which have possible optimization on the server side :

  * layers stored in PostgreSQL, not having the geometry simplification
    on the server side when possible
  * layers stored in PostgreSQL without the option "Use estimated metadata"
  * layers not having a "proper primary key". QGIS desktop is quite nice
    to let us load any layer, like the result of a random "SELECT" from
    PostgreSQL. This works nicely when displaying in QGIS desktop. But
    on the server side, QGIS server is really hoping to find a proper
    well-defined primary key, and this is bringing issues when using
    some tools in Lizmap, such as "Zoom to feature" etc.

These options are not by default on QGIS desktop, so we decided to warn 
you about these options when the Lizmap configuration file is saved.

We did these changes related to our experiences about our customers, how 
they published their data, and we noticed these configurations were 
often important, but not very well-used.

These new checks are still a kind of work in progress in the plugin, you 
will notice there isn't any CSS. It will come ;-) We are going to 
improve it and more helpers.



Etienne Trimaille
www.3liz.com <http://www.3liz.com>

*Tel.* 06 12 93 11 39
31, rue de l'Argenterie
34000 Montpellier
*Siège social*
73, allée Kleber
Boulevard de Strasbourg
34000 Montpellier

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