[Mapbender-commits] r3048 - branches/beck_dev/http/classes

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 30 06:44:47 EDT 2008

Author: beck
Date: 2008-09-30 06:44:47 -0400 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 3048


Added: branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_georss.php
--- branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_georss.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_georss.php	2008-09-30 10:44:47 UTC (rev 3048)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# $Id: class_gml2.php 2915 2008-09-05 08:16:07Z nimix $
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/class_gml2.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+class geoRSS {
+	var $doc;
+	var $importItems = array("title","link","description");
+	function parseFile($req){
+		#$data = implode("",file($req));
+		$x = new connector($req);
+		$data = $x->file;
+		$data = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data);
+		return $this->parseXML($data);		
+		#$e = new mb_exception("data = ".$data); 		
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the Rss Elements that should go to the property tags of geoJSON
+	 * default is "title","link" and "description"
+	 */
+	public function setImportTags($tags){
+		$importItems = $tags;
+	}
+	function parseXML($data) {
+		$this->doc = $data;
+		return $this->toGeoJSON();
+	}
+	function removeWhiteSpace ($string) {
+		return preg_replace("/\>(\s)+\</", "><", trim($string));
+	}
+	function toGeoJSON () {
+		$rssDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->doc);
+		$rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('xls', 'http://www.opengis.net/xls');
+		$rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('gml', 'http://www.opengis.net/gml');
+		$rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('georss', 'http://www.georss.org/georss');
+		// build feature collection
+		$featureCollection = new FeatureCollection();
+		// elements of rss document
+		$rssItems = $rssDoc->xpath("//item");
+		if(count($rssItems)>0){
+			foreach($rssItems as $item){
+				$rssItem_dom = dom_import_simplexml($item);
+				$feature = new geoRSSItem();
+				$feature->parse($rssItem_dom, $this->importItems);
+				if (isset($feature->geometry)) {
+					$featureCollection->addFeature($feature);
+				}
+			}
+			return $featureCollection->toGeoJSON();
+		}
+		else{
+			return "{'errorMessage':'Kein Ergebnis'}";
+		}
+	}
+class geoRSSItem extends Feature{
+	public function parse($domNode, $importItems = array("title","link","description")) {
+		$currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild;
+		while ($currentSibling) {
+			$tag = $currentSibling->nodeName;
+			if(in_array($tag, $importItems)){
+				$this->properties[$tag] = $currentSibling->nodeValue;
+			}
+			else{
+				switch ($tag) {
+				case "georss:where":
+					$this->parseGML($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "georss:point":
+					$this->geometry = new geoRSSPoint();
+					$this->geometry->parsePoint($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "georss:line":
+					$this->geometry = new geoRSSLine();
+					$this->geometry->parseLine($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "georss:box":
+					$this->geometry = new geoRSSBox();
+					$this->geometry->parseBox($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "georss:polygon":
+					$this->geometry = new geoRSSPolygon();
+					$this->geometry->parsePolygon($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+				}
+			}			
+			$currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling;
+		}		
+	}
+	function parseGML($domNode){
+		$currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild;
+		while ($currentSibling) {
+			$geomType = $currentSibling->nodeName;
+			switch ($geomType) {
+				case "gml:Polygon" :
+					$this->geometry = new GMLPolygon();
+					$this->geometry->parsePolygon($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "gml:LineString" :
+					$this->geometry = new GMLLine();
+					$this->geometry->parseLine($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "gml:Point" :
+					$this->geometry = new GMLPoint();
+					$this->geometry->parsePoint($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "gml:MultiLineString" :
+					$this->geometry = new GMLMultiLine();
+					$this->geometry->parseMultiLine($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				case "gml:MultiPolygon" :
+					$this->geometry = new GMLMultiPolygon();
+					$this->geometry->parseMultiPolygon($currentSibling);
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+			$currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling;
+		}
+	}
+class geoRSSPoint extends GMLPoint{
+	public function parsePoint($domNode){
+		list($y, $x) = explode(" ", $domNode->nodeValue);
+		$this->setPoint($x, $y);
+	}
+class geoRSSLine extends GMLLine{
+	public function parseLine ($domNode) {
+		$cnt = 0;
+		$y = 0;
+		foreach(explode(' ',$domNode->nodeValue) as $cord){
+			if($cnt % 2)
+				$this->addPoint($cord, $y);
+			$y = $cord;
+			$cnt++;
+		}
+	}
+class geoRSSPolygon extends GMLPolygon{
+	public function parsePolygon ($domNode) {
+		$cnt = 0;
+		$y = 0;
+		foreach(explode(' ',$domNode->nodeValue) as $cord){
+			if($cnt % 2)
+				$this->addPoint($cord, $y);
+			$y = $cord;
+			$cnt++;
+		}
+	}
+class geoRSSBox extends GMLPolygon{
+	public function parseBox ($domNode) {
+		list($y1,$x1,$y2,$x2) = explode(' ',$domNode->nodeValue);
+		$this->addPoint($x1, $y1);
+		$this->addPoint($x1, $y2);
+		$this->addPoint($x2, $y2);
+		$this->addPoint($x2, $y1);
+		$this->addPoint($x1, $y1);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_gml2.php
--- branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_gml2.php	2008-09-30 09:16:31 UTC (rev 3047)
+++ branches/beck_dev/http/classes/class_gml2.php	2008-09-30 10:44:47 UTC (rev 3048)
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 class gml2 {
 	var $geomtype_point = 'Point';					
 	var $geomtype_polygon = 'Polygon';
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 		foreach ($values as $element) {
-			#$e = new mb_exception($element[tag]);
+			#$e = new mb_exception($element[tag]);
 			if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element[tag])) == strtoupper("boundedBy") && $element[type] == "open"){
 				$boundedBy = true;
@@ -359,7 +359,10 @@
 		elseif ($this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_polygon || $this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_multipolygon) {
 			$js .= "var current_geomtype = ".$prefix."geomType.polygon;\n";
-		else die("unknown geometry type: '".$this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i)."'");
+		else{
+			$e = new mb_notice("unknown geometry type: '".$this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i)."' or no geometry existing");
+			return "";
+		}	
 		$js .= "var q = new ".$prefix."MultiGeometry(current_geomtype);\n";
@@ -428,49 +431,49 @@
 		return $nodeName;
-	/**
-	 * Parses the feature segment of a GML and stores the geometry in the
-	 * $geometry variable of the class.
-	 * 	
-	 * Example of a feature segment of a GML. 
-	 * 	<gml:featureMember>
-	 * 		<ms:ROUTE fid="ROUTE.228168">
-	 * 			<gml:boundedBy>
-	 * 				<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:31466">
-	 * 					<gml:coordinates>2557381.0,5562371.1 2557653.7,5562526.0</gml:coordinates>
-	 * 				</gml:Box>
-	 * 			</gml:boundedBy>
-	 * 			<ms:geometry>
-	 * 				<gml:LineString>
-	 * 					<gml:coordinates>
-	 * 						2557380.97,5562526 2557390.96,
-	 * 						5562523.22 2557404.03,5562518.2 2557422.31,
-	 * 						5562512 2557437.16,5562508.37 2557441.79,
-	 * 						5562507.49 2557454.31,5562505.1 2557464.27,
-	 * 						5562503.97 2557473.24,5562502.97 2557491.67,
-	 * 						5562502.12 2557505.65,5562502.43 2557513.78,
-	 * 						5562501.12 2557520.89,5562498.79 2557528.5,
-	 * 						5562495.07 2557538.9,5562488.91 2557549.5,
-	 * 						5562483.83 2557558.55,5562476.61 2557569.07,
-	 * 						5562469.82 2557576.61,5562462.72 2557582.75,
-	 * 						5562457.92 2557588.57,5562452.56 2557590.38,
-	 * 						5562449.69 2557593.57,5562445.07 2557596.17,
-	 * 						5562441.31 2557601.71,5562433.93 2557612.97,
-	 * 						5562421.03 2557626,5562405.33 2557639.66,
-	 * 						5562389.75 2557653.69,5562371.12 
-	 * 					</gml:coordinates>
-	 * 				</gml:LineString>
-	 * 			</ms:geometry>
-	 * 			<code>354</code>
-	 * 			<Verkehr>0</Verkehr>
-	 * 			<rlp>t</rlp>
-	 * 		</ms:ROUTE>
-	 * 	</gml:featureMember>
-	 * 
-	 * @return void
-	 * @param $domNode DOMNodeObject the feature tag of the GML 
-	 * 								(<gml:featureMember> in the above example)
-	 */
+	/**
+	 * Parses the feature segment of a GML and stores the geometry in the
+	 * $geometry variable of the class.
+	 * 	
+	 * Example of a feature segment of a GML. 
+	 * 	<gml:featureMember>
+	 * 		<ms:ROUTE fid="ROUTE.228168">
+	 * 			<gml:boundedBy>
+	 * 				<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:31466">
+	 * 					<gml:coordinates>2557381.0,5562371.1 2557653.7,5562526.0</gml:coordinates>
+	 * 				</gml:Box>
+	 * 			</gml:boundedBy>
+	 * 			<ms:geometry>
+	 * 				<gml:LineString>
+	 * 					<gml:coordinates>
+	 * 						2557380.97,5562526 2557390.96,
+	 * 						5562523.22 2557404.03,5562518.2 2557422.31,
+	 * 						5562512 2557437.16,5562508.37 2557441.79,
+	 * 						5562507.49 2557454.31,5562505.1 2557464.27,
+	 * 						5562503.97 2557473.24,5562502.97 2557491.67,
+	 * 						5562502.12 2557505.65,5562502.43 2557513.78,
+	 * 						5562501.12 2557520.89,5562498.79 2557528.5,
+	 * 						5562495.07 2557538.9,5562488.91 2557549.5,
+	 * 						5562483.83 2557558.55,5562476.61 2557569.07,
+	 * 						5562469.82 2557576.61,5562462.72 2557582.75,
+	 * 						5562457.92 2557588.57,5562452.56 2557590.38,
+	 * 						5562449.69 2557593.57,5562445.07 2557596.17,
+	 * 						5562441.31 2557601.71,5562433.93 2557612.97,
+	 * 						5562421.03 2557626,5562405.33 2557639.66,
+	 * 						5562389.75 2557653.69,5562371.12 
+	 * 					</gml:coordinates>
+	 * 				</gml:LineString>
+	 * 			</ms:geometry>
+	 * 			<code>354</code>
+	 * 			<Verkehr>0</Verkehr>
+	 * 			<rlp>t</rlp>
+	 * 		</ms:ROUTE>
+	 * 	</gml:featureMember>
+	 * 
+	 * @return void
+	 * @param $domNode DOMNodeObject the feature tag of the GML 
+	 * 								(<gml:featureMember> in the above example)
+	 */
 	public function parse($domNode) {
 		$currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild;
@@ -487,12 +490,12 @@
 			$ns = $namespace['ns'];
 			$columnName = $namespace['value'];
-			// check if this node is a geometry node.
-			// however, even if it is a property node, 
-			// it has a child node, the text node!
-			// So we might need to do something more 
-			// sophisticated here...
-			if ($currentSibling->hasChildNodes()){
+			// check if this node is a geometry node.
+			// however, even if it is a property node, 
+			// it has a child node, the text node!
+			// So we might need to do something more 
+			// sophisticated here...
+			if ($currentSibling->hasChildNodes()){
 				$geomNode = $currentSibling->firstChild; 
 					$geomType = $geomNode->nodeName;
 					switch ($geomType) {
@@ -516,13 +519,13 @@
 							$this->geometry = new GMLMultiPolygon();
-						default:
-							$this->properties[$columnName] = $value;
-							break;
+						default:
+							$this->properties[$columnName] = $value;
+							break;
-			} 
-			else {
-				$this->properties[$columnName] = $value;
+			} 
+			else {
+					$this->properties[$columnName] = $value;
 			$currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling;
@@ -549,7 +552,7 @@
 				$cnt ++;
-		$json = new Mapbender_JSON();
+		$json = new Mapbender_JSON();
 		$str .= $json->encode($prop); 
 		$str .= "}";
@@ -577,7 +580,7 @@
-	private function addPoint ($x, $y) {
+	protected function addPoint ($x, $y) {
 		array_push($this->pointArray, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y));
@@ -618,7 +621,7 @@
-	private function setPoint ($x, $y) {
+	protected function setPoint ($x, $y) {
 #		echo "x: " . $x . " y: " . $y . "\n";
 		$this->point = array("x" => $x, "y" => $y);
@@ -672,7 +675,7 @@
-	private function addPoint ($x, $y) {
+	protected function addPoint ($x, $y) {
 		array_push($this->pointArray, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y));
@@ -732,7 +735,7 @@
-	private function addPoint ($x, $y, $i) {
+	protected function addPoint ($x, $y, $i) {
 		array_push($this->lineArray[$i], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y));
@@ -804,7 +807,7 @@
-	private function addPoint ($x, $y, $i) {
+	protected function addPoint ($x, $y, $i) {
 		array_push($this->polygonArray[$i], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y));

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