[Mapbender-commits] r7529 - in trunk/mapbender: http/javascripts http/plugins resources/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 3 12:17:58 EST 2011

Author: armin11
Date: 2011-02-03 09:17:58 -0800 (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 7529

some bugfixes, translations, and a new possibility to translate the crs entries of the dropdown lists in changeEpsg and coordsLookup. TODO: change element_var of coordsLookup in gui of mapbender 2.7 - maybe exchange old changeEpsg with new php one - mod_changeEPSG.php - translations are fine - no one knows the ugly EPSG:4326 ;-)

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_changeEPSG.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_changeEPSG.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_changeEPSG.php	2011-02-03 17:17:58 UTC (rev 7529)
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ * Package: changeEPSG
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Select a spatial reference system EPSG code. All maps are transformed to 
+ * that system.
+ * 
+ * Files:
+ *  - http/javascripts/mod_changeEPSG.php
+ *  - http/php/mod_changeEPSG_server.php
+ *
+ * SQL:
+ * > INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, 
+ * > e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, 
+ * > e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, 
+ * > e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('<gui_id>','changeEPSG',
+ * > 2,1,'change EPSG, Postgres required, overview is targed for full extent',
+ * > 'Change Projection','select','','',432,25,107,24,1,'',
+ * > '','select',
+ * > 'mod_changeEPSG.php','','overview','','');
+ * >
+ * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, 
+ * > var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('<app_id>', 'changeEPSG', 
+ * > 'projections',
+ * > 'EPSG:4326;Geographic Coordinates,
+ * > EPSG:31466;Gauss-Krueger 2,EPSG:31467;Gaus-Krueger 3', '' ,
+ * > 'php_var');
+ *
+ * Help:
+ * http://www.mapbender.org/ChangeEpsg
+ *
+ * Maintainer:
+ * http://www.mapbender.org/User:Christoph_Baudson
+ * 
+ * License:
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License 
+ * and Simplified BSD license.  
+ * http://svn.osgeo.org/mapbender/trunk/mapbender/license/license.txt
+ */
+include '../include/dyn_php.php';
+//generate array
+$projections = explode(',',$projections);
+$projectionsValue =  array();
+$projectionsName = array();
+for ($i=0; $i < count($projections); $i++){
+	$projectionList = explode(';',$projections[$i]);
+	if (count($projectionList) > 1) {
+		$projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+		$projectionsName[$i] = _mb($projectionList[1]);
+	} else {
+		$projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+		$projectionsName[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+	}
+(function ($) {
+	$.fn.ajaxChange = function () {
+		var args = arguments;
+		return this.each(function () {
+			if (this.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "SELECT") {
+				return;
+			}
+			var $this = $(this);
+			if (args.length >= 1 && $.isFunction(args[0])) {
+				var f = args[0];
+				var options = {};
+				if (args.length >= 2 && typeof args[1] === "object") {
+					options = args[1];
+				}
+				options = $.extend({
+					disable: true,
+					undo: true
+				}, options);
+				$this
+					.data("ajaxChangeDisable", options.disable)
+					.data("ajaxChangeUndo", options.undo)
+					.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null)
+					.change(function () {
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) {
+							$this.attr("disabled", "disabled");
+						}
+						f.apply(this, arguments);
+					})
+					.mousedown(function () {
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex") === null
+							&& $this.data("ajaxChangeUndo")
+						) {
+							$this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", this.selectedIndex);
+						}
+					});
+			}
+			// control
+			else if (args.length >= 1 && typeof args[0] === "string") {
+				var command = args[0];
+				switch (command) {
+					case "abort":
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) {
+							$this.removeAttr("disabled");
+						}
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeUndo")) {
+							this.selectedIndex = $this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex");
+							$this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null);
+						}
+						break;
+					case "done":
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) {
+							$this.removeAttr("disabled");
+						}
+						if ($this.data("ajaxChangeUndo")) {
+							$this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null);
+						}
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	};
+var $changeEpsg = $(this);
+$changeEpsg.ajaxChange(function () {
+	var srsValue = this.value;
+	if (srsValue === "") {
+		$(this).ajaxChange("abort");
+		return;
+	}
+	$changeEpsg.mapbender(function () {
+		this.setSrs(srsValue);
+	});
+var ChangeEpsg = function () {
+	var compileSrsArray = function () {
+		var srsArray = [];
+		var wmsArray = [];
+		// this is kind of inconsistent...for WMS, only the new extent of
+		// the FIRST main map is calculated
+		var mainMap = $(":mainMaps").eq(0).mapbender();
+		$("div:maps").mapbender(function () {
+			srsArray.push({
+				frameName: this.elementName,
+				epsg: this.epsg,
+				extent: this.extent.toString(),
+				width: this.width,
+				height: this.height
+			});
+			for (var i = 0; i < this.wms.length; i++) {
+				var wms = this.wms[i];
+				// unique entries only
+				if ($.inArray(wms.wms_id, wmsArray) !== -1) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// only wms with bounding box in current SRS
+				var ext = wms.getBoundingBoxBySrs(this.epsg);
+				if (ext === null) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				srsArray.push({
+					wms: wms.wms_id,
+					epsg: mainMap.epsg,
+					extent: ext.toString(),
+					width: mainMap.width,
+					height: mainMap.height
+				});
+				wmsArray.push(wms.wms_id);
+			}
+		});
+		return srsArray;
+	};
+	var setSrsCallback = function (obj, success, message) {
+		if (!success) {
+			$changeEpsg.ajaxChange("abort");
+			new Mapbender.Exception(message);
+			return;
+		}
+		$changeEpsg.ajaxChange("done");
+		var newExtent = obj;
+		var mapObjNames = [];
+		var myTarget = options.target[0];
+		var exists = false;
+		var i, j;
+		for (i = 0; i < newExtent.length; i++) {
+			if (newExtent[i].frameName) {
+				mapObjNames.push("#" + newExtent[i].frameName);
+			}
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < newExtent.length; i++) {
+			if (newExtent[i].wms) {
+				// global wms object is deprecated.
+				// this loop can be removed once the
+				// wms object has been removed.
+				// redundant.
+				for (j = 0; j < wms.length; j++) {
+					if (wms[j].wms_id == newExtent[i].wms) {
+						wms[j].setBoundingBoxBySrs(
+							newExtent[i].newSrs, 
+							new Extent(
+								parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), 
+								parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), 
+								parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), 
+								parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy)
+							)
+						);
+					}
+				}
+				$(mapObjNames.join(",")).mapbender(function(){
+					for (j = 0; j < this.wms.length; j++) {
+						if (this.wms[j].wms_id == newExtent[i].wms) {
+							this.wms[j].setBoundingBoxBySrs(
+								newExtent[i].newSrs, 
+								new Extent(
+									parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), 
+									parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), 
+									parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), 
+									parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy)
+								)
+							);
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				});
+			}			
+			//
+			// Overview map
+			//
+			if (newExtent[i].frameName === myTarget){
+				var map = $("#" + myTarget).mapbender();
+				for (var ii = 0; ii < map.mb_MapHistoryObj.length; ii++) {
+					if (map.mb_MapHistoryObj[ii].epsg == newExtent[i].newSrs) {
+						exists = ii;
+						var goback = true;
+					}
+				}
+				if (goback) {
+					var extArray = map.mb_MapHistoryObj[exists].extent.toString().split(",");
+					var newExt = new Extent(
+						parseFloat(extArray[0]),
+						parseFloat(extArray[1]),
+						parseFloat(extArray[2]),
+						parseFloat(extArray[3])
+					);
+					map.setSrs({
+						srs: newExtent[i].newSrs,
+						extent: newExt,
+						displayWarning: false
+					});
+				}
+				else{
+					map.setSrs({
+						srs: newExtent[i].newSrs,
+						extent: new Extent(
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy)
+						),
+						displayWarning: false
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			//
+			// Main maps
+			//
+			else {
+				$("#" + newExtent[i].frameName).mapbender(function () {
+					this.setSrs({
+						srs: newExtent[i].newSrs,
+						extent: new Extent(
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx),
+							parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy)
+						),
+						displayWarning: false
+					});
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		setTimeout(function () {
+			$(":maps").mapbender(function () {
+				this.setMapRequest();
+			});
+		}, 200);
+	};
+	this.setSrs = function (val) {
+		var srsArray = compileSrsArray();
+		$.ajaxSetup({async:false});
+		var req = new Mapbender.Ajax.Request({
+			method: "changeEpsg",
+			url: "../php/mod_changeEPSG_server.php",
+			callback: setSrsCallback,
+			parameters:{
+				srs: srsArray,
+				newSrs: val
+			}
+		});
+		req.send();
+		$.ajaxSetup({async:true});
+	};
+	// initialization
+	<?php
+		for ($i=0; $i < count($projections); $i++){
+			echo "\$changeEpsg.append('<option value=\"".$projectionsValue[$i]."\">".$projectionsName[$i]."</option>');\n";
+		}
+	?>
+	// update epsg in select box after any map request
+	Mapbender.events.init.register(function () {
+		$("div:mainMaps").mapbender(function () {
+			var map = this;
+			map.events.afterMapRequest.register(function () {
+				$changeEpsg.children("option").each(function () {
+					if (this.value === map.epsg) {
+						$(this).attr("selected", "selected");
+					}
+				});
+			});
+		});
+	}); 
+$changeEpsg.mapbender(new ChangeEpsg());

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php	2011-02-03 16:23:13 UTC (rev 7528)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php	2011-02-03 17:17:58 UTC (rev 7529)
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
  * >
  * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, 
  * > var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('<app_id>', 'coordsLookup', 
- * > 'projections', '[''EPSG:31467'',''EPSG:31468'',''EPSG:31469'']', '' ,
- * > 'var');
+ * > 'projections',
+ * > 'EPSG:4326;Geographic Coordinates,
+ * > EPSG:31466;Gauss-Krueger 2,EPSG:31467;Gaus-Krueger 3', '' ,
+ * > 'php_var');
  * Help:
  * http://www.mapbender.org/coordsLookup
@@ -49,15 +51,31 @@
 // http://trac.osgeo.org/proj4js/wiki/UserGuide
 // 3802000 / 5825000
+//import some php vars to allow translation of objects in select boxes
+include '../include/dyn_php.php';
+//generate array
+$projections = explode(',',$projections);
+$projectionsValue =  array();
+$projectionsName = array();
+for ($i=0; $i < count($projections); $i++){
+	$projectionList = explode(';',$projections[$i]);
+	if (count($projectionList) > 1) {
+		$projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+		$projectionsName[$i] = _mb($projectionList[1]);
+	} else {
+		$projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+		$projectionsName[$i] = $projectionList[0];
+	}
 var CoordsLookup = function() {
 	var that = this;
 		typeof options.target      === 'undefined' || options.target.length      === 0 || 
-		typeof options.projections === 'undefined' || options.projections.length === 0 || 
 		typeof options.perimeters  === 'undefined' || options.perimeters.length  === 0
 	) {
-		return;
 	this.buildForm = function() {
@@ -83,10 +101,11 @@
 	this.initForm = function() {
 //		Fill projection select with options
-		for(var i = 0; i < options.projections.length; i++) {
-			$(this.projectionSelect).append('<option value=' + options.projections[i] + ' >' + options.projections[i] + '</option>');
+		for ($i=0; $i < count($projections); $i++){
+			echo "$(this.projectionSelect).append('<option value=\"".$projectionsValue[$i]."\">".$projectionsName[$i]."</option>');\n";
-		//$(new Option('Projektionssystem','Projektionssystem',true,true)).prependTo(this.projectionSelect);
 		$(this.projectionSelect).prepend('<option value="Projektionssystem" selected=selected><?php echo _mb("Spatial Reference System");?></option>');
 //		Fill perimeter select with options	
@@ -237,4 +256,4 @@
 Mapbender.events.init.register(function() {
 	Mapbender.modules[options.id] = $.extend(new CoordsLookup(),Mapbender.modules[options.id]);	
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php	2011-02-03 16:23:13 UTC (rev 7528)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php	2011-02-03 17:17:58 UTC (rev 7529)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 		else {
-			measureDialog.find(".mb-measure-perimeter").parent().hide();
+			//measureDialog.find(".mb-measure-perimeter").parent().hide();

Modified: trunk/mapbender/resources/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/Mapbender.po
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/Mapbender.po	2011-02-03 16:23:13 UTC (rev 7528)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/Mapbender.po	2011-02-03 17:17:58 UTC (rev 7529)
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-27 17:33+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-27 19:04+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-03 16:01+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Armin Retterath <armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -49,48 +48,32 @@
 msgstr "Notizen"
 #: printPDF.conf:73
-msgid ""
-"This copy has been generated automatically and is valid without signature."
+msgid "This copy has been generated automatically and is valid without signature."
 msgstr "Der Auszug wurde maschinell erzeugt. Er ist ohne Unterschrift gültig."
 #: printPDF.conf:74
-msgid ""
-"This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be "
-"duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in "
-"agreement with"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieser Auszug ist gesetzlich geschützt (§ 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). "
-"Vervielfältigungen, Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an "
-"Dritte nur mit Zustimmung des"
+msgid "This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in agreement with"
+msgstr "Dieser Auszug ist gesetzlich geschützt (§ 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). Vervielfältigungen, Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit Zustimmung des"
 #: printPDF.conf:75
-msgid ""
-"the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of "
-"government agencies or private use."
-msgstr ""
-"Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen zur "
-"innerdienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch."
+msgid "the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."
+msgstr "Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen zur innerdienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch."
 #: printPDF.conf:
 msgid "This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW)."
 msgstr "Dieser Auszug ist gesetzlich geschützt (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW)."
 #: printPDF.conf:
-msgid ""
-"It can be duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only "
-msgstr ""
-"Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit"
+msgid "It can be duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in"
+msgstr "Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit"
 #: printPDF.conf:
 msgid "agreement with the publisher except duplicates and modifications"
-msgstr ""
-"Zustimmung des Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen"
+msgstr "Zustimmung des Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen"
 #: printPDF.conf:
 msgid "aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."
-msgstr ""
-"zur innerdienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch."
+msgstr "zur innerdienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch."
 #: printPDF.conf:94
 msgid "Format"
@@ -112,7 +95,8 @@
 msgid "Quality"
 msgstr "Qualität"
-#: printPDF.conf:105 printPDF.conf:106
+#: printPDF.conf:105
+#: printPDF.conf:106
 #, php-format
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@@ -133,35 +117,43 @@
 msgid "No format selected"
 msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie ein Format aus"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:18 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:18
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:18
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:18
 msgid "polygon"
 msgstr "Polygon"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:19 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:19
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:19
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:19
 msgid "line"
 msgstr "Linie"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:20 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:20
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:20
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:20
 msgid "point"
 msgstr "Punkt"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:21 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:21
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:21
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:21
 msgid "Not an integer value."
 msgstr "Kein Integer-Wert."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:22 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:22
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:22
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:22
 msgid "Not a double value."
 msgstr "Kein Double-Wert."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:23 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:23
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:23
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:23
 msgid "This field may not be empty."
 msgstr "Das Feld darf nicht leer sein."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:24 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:24
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:24
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:24
 msgid "Failure during form evaluation."
 msgstr "Fehler bei der Formularauswertung."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:25 ../http/php/mod_gazetteerMetadata.php:138
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:25
+#: ../http/php/mod_gazetteerMetadata.php:138
 #: ../http/php/mod_gazetteerMetadata.php:201
 #: ../http/php/mod_gazetteerMetadata.php:212
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:25
@@ -171,198 +163,215 @@
 msgid "An error occured."
 msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:26 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:26
-msgid ""
-"At least two geometries must be available. Only polygons are allowed in the "
-"geometry list."
-msgstr ""
-"Es müssen mindestens zwei Geometrien ausgewählt sein. Es sind nur Polygone "
-"erlaubt in der Geometrieliste."
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:26
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:26
+msgid "At least two geometries must be available. Only polygons are allowed in the geometry list."
+msgstr "Es müssen mindestens zwei Geometrien ausgewählt sein. Es sind nur Polygone erlaubt in der Geometrieliste."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:27 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:27
-msgid ""
-"Exactly two geometries must be available. The first geometry shall be a "
-"polygon or a line, the second geometry shall be a line."
-msgstr ""
-"Es müssen genau zwei Geometrien ausgewählt sein. Die erste Geometrie sollte "
-"ein Polygon oder eine Linie, die zweite Geometrie eine Linie sein."
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:27
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:27
+msgid "Exactly two geometries must be available. The first geometry shall be a polygon or a line, the second geometry shall be a line."
+msgstr "Es müssen genau zwei Geometrien ausgewählt sein. Die erste Geometrie sollte ein Polygon oder eine Linie, die zweite Geometrie eine Linie sein."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:28 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:28
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:28
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:28
 msgid "Exactly two polygons must be available."
 msgstr "Es müssen genau zwei Polygone ausgewählt sein."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:29 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:29
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:29
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:29
 msgid "Exactly two lines must be available."
 msgstr "Es müssen genau zwei Linien ausgewählt sein."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:30 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:30
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:30
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:30
 msgid "Success."
 msgstr "Aktion erfolgreich beendet."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:31 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:31
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:31
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:31
 msgid "Delete geometry from database?"
 msgstr "Geometrie in der Datenbank löschen?"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:32 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:32
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:32
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:32
 msgid "Clear list of geometries?"
 msgstr "Soll die Geometrieliste wirklich geleert werden?"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:33 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:33
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:33
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:33
 msgid "Please select an entry."
 msgstr "Bitte treffen Sie eine Auswahl."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:34 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:34
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:34
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:34
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Speichern"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:35 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:35
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:35
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:35
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:36 ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:230
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:36
+#: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:230
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:36
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Löschen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:37 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:37
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:37
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:37
 msgid "Abort"
 msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:38 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:38
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:38
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:38
 msgid "Fatal error: EPSG mismatch. "
 msgstr "Schwerwiegender Fehler: ungleiche EPSGs."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:39 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:39
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:39
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:39
 msgid "No geometry selected!"
 msgstr "Keine Geometrie ausgewählt!"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:40 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:40
-msgid ""
-"No valid line geometries for merging! Please check start and end points of "
-"your lines."
-msgstr ""
-"Keine gültigen Geometrien zum Verbinden! Bitte Start- und Endpunkte der "
-"Linien prüfen."
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:40
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:40
+msgid "No valid line geometries for merging! Please check start and end points of your lines."
+msgstr "Keine gültigen Geometrien zum Verbinden! Bitte Start- und Endpunkte der Linien prüfen."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:41 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:41
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:41
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:41
 msgid "add point"
 msgstr "Punkt hinzufügen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:42 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:42
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:42
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:42
 msgid "cancel editing"
 msgstr "Editieren abbrechen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:43 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:43
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:43
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:43
 msgid "add line"
 msgstr "Linie hinzufügen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:44 mod_digitize_messages.php:46
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:44
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:46
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:44
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:46
 msgid "finish line"
 msgstr "Linie abschliessen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:45 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:45
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:45
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:45
 msgid "continue line"
 msgstr "Linie erweitern"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:47 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:47
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:47
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:47
 msgid "add polygon"
 msgstr "Polygon hinzufügen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:48 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:48
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:48
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:48
 msgid "close polygon"
 msgstr "Polygon schliessen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:49 mod_digitize_messages.php:50
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:49
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:50
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:49
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:50
 msgid "move basepoint"
 msgstr "Stützpunkt verschieben"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:51 mod_digitize_messages.php:52
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:51
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:52
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:51
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:52
 msgid "Insert basepoint"
 msgstr "Stützpunkt einfügen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:53 mod_digitize_messages.php:54
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:53
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:54
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:53
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:54
 msgid "Delete basepoint"
 msgstr "Stützpunkt löschen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:55 mod_digitize_messages.php:56
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:55
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:56
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:55
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:56
 msgid "clear list of geometries"
 msgstr "Geometrieliste leeren"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:57 mod_digitize_messages.php:58
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:57
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:58
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:57
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:58
-msgid ""
-"Merge two polygons into a single polygon (will be added to the geometry list)"
-msgstr ""
-"Zwei Polygone zu einem Polygon zusammenfügen (wird der Geometrieliste "
+msgid "Merge two polygons into a single polygon (will be added to the geometry list)"
+msgstr "Zwei Polygone zu einem Polygon zusammenfügen (wird der Geometrieliste hinzugefügt)."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:59 mod_digitize_messages.php:60
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:59
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:60
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:59
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:60
-msgid ""
-"Split a polygon/line by a line (the new polygons/lines will be added to the "
-"geometry list)"
-msgstr ""
-"Polygon/Linie zerschneiden mit Hilfe einer Linie (neue Polygone/Linien "
-"werden zur Geometrienliste hinzugefügt)"
+msgid "Split a polygon/line by a line (the new polygons/lines will be added to the geometry list)"
+msgstr "Polygon/Linie zerschneiden mit Hilfe einer Linie (neue Polygone/Linien werden zur Geometrienliste hinzugefügt)"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:61 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:61
-msgid ""
-"Combine two polygons (to create en- and exclave or to compute the difference)"
-msgstr ""
-"Verbinde zwei Polygone (zum Erstellen von En- oder Exklaven oder zum "
-"Berechnen der Differenz)"
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:61
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:61
+msgid "Combine two polygons (to create en- and exclave or to compute the difference)"
+msgstr "Verbinde zwei Polygone (zum Erstellen von En- oder Exklaven oder zum Berechnen der Differenz)"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:62 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:62
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:62
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:62
 msgid "Split geometries"
 msgstr "Geometrien zerschneiden"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:63 mod_digitize_messages.php:64
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:63
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:64
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:63
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:64
 msgid "Merge two lines into a single line"
 msgstr "Zwei Linien zu einer Linie zusammenfügen."
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:65 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:65
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:65
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:65
 msgid "save / update / delete"
 msgstr "speichern / aktualisieren / löschen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:66 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:66
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:66
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:66
 msgid "remove from workspace"
 msgstr "aus der Liste entfernen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:67 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:67
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:67
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:67
 msgid "remove from database"
 msgstr "aus der Datenbank löschen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:68 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:68
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:68
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:68
 msgid "clone this geometry"
 msgstr "dupliziere diese Geometrie"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:69 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:69
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:69
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:69
 msgid "click the first basepoint to close the polygon"
 msgstr "Auf den ersten Stützpunkt klicken, um das Polygon zu schliessen"
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:70 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:70
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:70
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:70
 msgid "Current: "
 msgstr "Letztes Segment: "
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:71 ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:71
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:71
+#: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:71
 msgid "Total: "
 msgstr "Gesamtlänge: "
-#: mod_digitize_messages.php:72 ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:118
+#: mod_digitize_messages.php:72
+#: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:118
 #: ../http/php/mod_digitize_messages.php:72
 msgid "new"
 msgstr "neu"
@@ -380,7 +389,7 @@
 #: mod_wfsSpatialRequest_messages.php:35
 #: ../http/php/mod_wfsSpatialRequest_messages.php:32
 msgid "select by point"
-msgstr "Auswahl über Punkt"
+msgstr "Auswahl über Punkt test"
 #: mod_wfsSpatialRequest_messages.php:36
 #: ../http/php/mod_wfsSpatialRequest_messages.php:33
@@ -397,43 +406,50 @@
 msgid "Invalid box!"
 msgstr "Ausschnitt ungültig!"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:56 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:34
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:56
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:34
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:33
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:32
 msgid "Toggles the visibility of this service"
 msgstr "Sichtbarkeit des Layers an/aus"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:57 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:35
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:57
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:35
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:34
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:33
 msgid "Toggles the queryability of this service"
 msgstr "Infoabfrage an/aus"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:58 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:36
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:58
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:36
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:35
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:34
 msgid "Opens the layer context menu"
 msgstr "Öffnet das Layer Kontextmenü"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:59 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:37
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:59
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:37
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:36
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:35
 msgid "Opens the WMS context menu"
 msgstr "Öffnet das WMS Kontextmenü"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:60 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:38
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:60
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:38
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:37
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:36
 msgid "Removes the selected WMS"
 msgstr "Entfernt den gewählten Dienst"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:61 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:39
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:61
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:39
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:38
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:37
 msgid "Moves the selection up"
 msgstr "selektierten Dienst nach oben verschieben"
-#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:62 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:40
+#: /html/mod_treefolder2.php:62
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:40
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:39
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:38
 msgid "Moves the selection down"
@@ -511,19 +527,13 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:466
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:503
 msgid "Enter a Capabilities-URL of a WMS or select one or more WMS from list."
-msgstr ""
-"Geben Sie eine Capabilities-URL ein oder wählen Sie einen der aufgelisteten "
+msgstr "Geben Sie eine Capabilities-URL ein oder wählen Sie einen der aufgelisteten Dienste."
 #: http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:344
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:467
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:504
-msgid ""
-"Notice: Be aware of the scale hints. Possibly you need to zoom in to display "
-"the added service."
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Beachten Sie die logischen Zoomstufen. Möglicherweise müssen Sie "
-"den Maßstab wechseln, um die Ebenen des geladenen Dienstes zu sehen."
+msgid "Notice: Be aware of the scale hints. Possibly you need to zoom in to display the added service."
+msgstr "Hinweis: Beachten Sie die logischen Zoomstufen. Möglicherweise müssen Sie den Maßstab wechseln, um die Ebenen des geladenen Dienstes zu sehen."
 #: http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:350
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:473
@@ -556,12 +566,8 @@
 #: http/php/mod_createJSObjFromXML.php:33
 #: ../http/php/mod_createJSLayerObjFromXML.php:34
 #: ../http/php/mod_createJSObjFromXML.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Error: The Capabilities Document could not be accessed. Please check whether "
-"the server is responding and accessible to Mapbender."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler: Das Capabilities-Dokument ist nicht verfügbar. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob "
-"der Server antwortet und für Mapbender erreichbar ist."
+msgid "Error: The Capabilities Document could not be accessed. Please check whether the server is responding and accessible to Mapbender."
+msgstr "Fehler: Das Capabilities-Dokument ist nicht verfügbar. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob der Server antwortet und für Mapbender erreichbar ist."
 #: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:33
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:32
@@ -609,7 +615,8 @@
 msgid "Information"
 msgstr "Information"
-#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:150 http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:152
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:150
+#: http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:152
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:149
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:151
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:205
@@ -635,11 +642,13 @@
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:59 ../http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:59
+#: http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:59
+#: ../http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:59
 msgid "available applications"
 msgstr "Liste der verfügbaren Anwendungen"
-#: http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:82 ../http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:99
+#: http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:82
+#: ../http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:99
 #: ../http/php/mb_listGUIs.php:82
 msgid "Others"
 msgstr "Sonstige"
@@ -659,8 +668,7 @@
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:452
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:554
 msgid "You have to select the WMS you want to move down!"
-msgstr ""
-"Sie müssen den Dienst, den Sie nach unten schieben wollen, selektieren."
+msgstr "Sie müssen den Dienst, den Sie nach unten schieben wollen, selektieren."
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:484
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:586
@@ -670,9 +678,7 @@
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:488
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:590
 msgid "It is not possible to delete a single layer, please select a WMS!"
-msgstr ""
-"Es ist nicht möglich einen einzelnen Layer zu entfernen. Bitte selektieren "
-"Sie einen WMS!"
+msgstr "Es ist nicht möglich einen einzelnen Layer zu entfernen. Bitte selektieren Sie einen WMS!"
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:496
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:598
@@ -727,9 +733,7 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_wfs_gazetteer_client.php:621
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_wfs_gazetteer_client.php:891
 msgid "Different EPSG of map and wfs featuretype, no spatial request possible!"
-msgstr ""
-"Unterschiedliche EPSG von Karte und WFS FeatureType. Es ist keine räumliche "
+msgstr "Unterschiedliche EPSG von Karte und WFS FeatureType. Es ist keine räumliche möglich."
 #: ../http/html/mod_treefolderPlain.php:39
 msgid "Show metadata"
@@ -756,14 +760,8 @@
 msgstr "Es liegen keine weiteren Stile für diesen Layer vor."
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:467
-msgid ""
-"Hint: Possibly you need to zoom in for showing layers from external map "
-"service. The operator of the external service is responsible for the display "
-"ranges. PortalU does not have a stake in this behaviour."
-msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Möglicherweise müssen Sie in die Karte zoomen, um Layer von "
-"externen Diensten zu sehen.Der Administrator des externen Dienstes ist für "
-"die Anzeige verantwortlich."
+msgid "Hint: Possibly you need to zoom in for showing layers from external map service. The operator of the external service is responsible for the display ranges. PortalU does not have a stake in this behaviour."
+msgstr "Hinweis: Möglicherweise müssen Sie in die Karte zoomen, um Layer von externen Diensten zu sehen.Der Administrator des externen Dienstes ist für die Anzeige verantwortlich."
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:479
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:516
@@ -782,24 +780,29 @@
 msgid "Loading"
 msgstr "Kartendienst wird geladen"
-#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:42 ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:45
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:42
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:45
 msgid "Your meeting point. Follow the link!"
 msgstr "Ihr Treffpunkt. Folgen Sie dem Link!"
-#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:98 ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:108
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:98
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:108
 msgid "Please click for the meeting point position!"
 msgstr "Bitte klicken Sie in die Karte, um einen Treffpunkt zu erzeugen."
-#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:210 ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:227
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:210
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:227
 msgid "Max characters"
 msgstr "Max. Eingabe"
-#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:229 ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:151
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:229
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:151
 #: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:246
 msgid "Please define a text!"
 msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Text ein."
-#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:323 ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:352
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:323
+#: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:352
 msgid "cancel"
 msgstr "Abbrechen"
@@ -935,12 +938,8 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_ajax.php:472
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_ajax.php:373
-msgid ""
-"Do a Basic or Advanced Search of Catalogs in the system. Please visit the "
-"Catalog Admin to add a Catalog"
-msgstr ""
-"Führen Sie eine einfache oder erweiterte Suche durch. Über die "
-"Administration können Sie auch einen Katalogdienst laden."
+msgid "Do a Basic or Advanced Search of Catalogs in the system. Please visit the Catalog Admin to add a Catalog"
+msgstr "Führen Sie eine einfache oder erweiterte Suche durch. Über die Administration können Sie auch einen Katalogdienst laden."
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_ajax.php:480
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_ajax.php:382
@@ -1143,25 +1142,24 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload_images.php:29
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload.php:29
-#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:29 ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:28
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:29
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:28
 #, php-format
 msgid "Files with this extension are not allowed. Must be %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Dateien in diesem Format werden nicht unterstützt, wählen Sie eines der "
-"folgenden Bildformate: %s."
+msgstr "Dateien in diesem Format werden nicht unterstützt, wählen Sie eines der folgenden Bildformate: %s."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload_images.php:49
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload.php:50
-#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:50 ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:49
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:50
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:49
 #, php-format
 msgid "Files with extension %s are not allowed. Must be %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Dateien in dem Format %s werden nicht unterstützt, wählen Sie eines der "
-"folgenden Bildformate: %s."
+msgstr "Dateien in dem Format %s werden nicht unterstützt, wählen Sie eines der folgenden Bildformate: %s."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload_images.php:61
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload.php:63
-#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:63 ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:62
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:63
+#: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:62
 #, php-format
 msgid "File size limit (%s KB) exceeded."
 msgstr "Datei zu groß (maximal %s KB)."
@@ -1170,9 +1168,7 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload.php:78
 #: ../http/plugins/jq_upload.php:77
 msgid "File could not be stored on server. Please contact the administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den "
+msgstr "Die Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload_images.php:80
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/jq_upload.php:83
@@ -1235,27 +1231,15 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:8
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:8
-msgid ""
-"Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMS-Layer "
-"Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal."
-"rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
-msgstr ""
-"Möglichkeit der Überarbeitung und Ergänzung der WMS Metadaten. Die "
-"bearbeiteten Metadaten werden in der Datenbank des GeoPortal.rlp abgelegt "
-"und überschreiben nach Außen hin die originären Metadaten des WMS-Dienstes."
+msgid "Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMS-Layer Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
+msgstr "Möglichkeit der Überarbeitung und Ergänzung der WMS Metadaten. Die bearbeiteten Metadaten werden in der Datenbank des GeoPortal.rlp abgelegt und überschreiben nach Außen hin die originären Metadaten des WMS-Dienstes."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:12
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:36
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:12
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:36
-msgid ""
-"The original WMS-Metadata from the last update could be recovered or "
-"updated, so that the original Service-Metadata will be shown outward again."
-msgstr ""
-"Anzeige der originären WMS Metadaten (Stand: letzte Aktualisierung) "
-"Hilfetext: Die originären Metadaten des WMS vom Stand der letzten "
-"Aktualisierung können wiederhergestellt bzw. aktualisiert und werden damit "
-"nach Außen sichtbar."
+msgid "The original WMS-Metadata from the last update could be recovered or updated, so that the original Service-Metadata will be shown outward again."
+msgstr "Anzeige der originären WMS Metadaten (Stand: letzte Aktualisierung) Hilfetext: Die originären Metadaten des WMS vom Stand der letzten Aktualisierung können wiederhergestellt bzw. aktualisiert und werden damit nach Außen sichtbar."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:15
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:15
@@ -1337,12 +1321,8 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:57
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:57
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_edit.php:57
-msgid ""
-"Auswahl von vordefinierten Lizenzen hinsichtlich Gebühren und "
-msgstr ""
-"Auswahl von vordefinierten Lizenzen hinsichtlich Gebühren und "
+msgid "Auswahl von vordefinierten Lizenzen hinsichtlich Gebühren und Zugriffsbeschränkungen."
+msgstr "Auswahl von vordefinierten Lizenzen hinsichtlich Gebühren und Zugriffsbeschränkungen."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:61
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_edit.php:61
@@ -1416,16 +1396,8 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:32
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:32
-msgid ""
-"Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMS-Layer "
-"Metadata. The modified Metadata will be stored in the database of the "
-"GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-"
-msgstr ""
-"Möglichkeit der Überarbeitung und Ergänzung der in den einzelnen WMS-Layern "
-"enthaltenen Metadaten. Die bearbeiteten Metadaten werden in der Datenbank "
-"des GeoPortal.rlp abgelegt und überschreiben nach Außen hin die originären "
-"Metadaten des WMS-Dienstes."
+msgid "Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMS-Layer Metadata. The modified Metadata will be stored in the database of the GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
+msgstr "Möglichkeit der Überarbeitung und Ergänzung der in den einzelnen WMS-Layern enthaltenen Metadaten. Die bearbeiteten Metadaten werden in der Datenbank des GeoPortal.rlp abgelegt und überschreiben nach Außen hin die originären Metadaten des WMS-Dienstes."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:39
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:39
@@ -1455,18 +1427,8 @@
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:62
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:62
-msgid ""
-"Linking the WMS layer with metadata set (coupled resource), which describes "
-"the underlying informations of the representation in more detail (eg "
-"Actuality / quality). It occurs via a link to an already existing metadta "
-"set in a catalog or a simple metadata set will be generatetd using a "
-"Mapbender Layer Addon-Editor."
-msgstr ""
-"Verknüpfen des WMS-Layers mit einem Metadatensatzes (gekoppelte Ressource), "
-"der die der Darstellung zugrundeliegenden Informationen näher beschreibt (z."
-"B.: Aktualität/Qualität). Verknüpfung erfolgt entweder über Link zu einem "
-"schon in einem Katalog vorhandenen Metadatensatz oder über die Generierung "
-"des eines einfachen Metadatensatzes mittels Mapbender Layer-AddonEditor."
+msgid "Linking the WMS layer with metadata set (coupled resource), which describes the underlying informations of the representation in more detail (eg Actuality / quality). It occurs via a link to an already existing metadta set in a catalog or a simple metadata set will be generatetd using a Mapbender Layer Addon-Editor."
+msgstr "Verknüpfen des WMS-Layers mit einem Metadatensatzes (gekoppelte Ressource), der die der Darstellung zugrundeliegenden Informationen näher beschreibt (z.B.: Aktualität/Qualität). Verknüpfung erfolgt entweder über Link zu einem schon in einem Katalog vorhandenen Metadatensatz oder über die Generierung des eines einfachen Metadatensatzes mittels Mapbender Layer-AddonEditor."
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:65
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_layer.php:65
@@ -1543,12 +1505,8 @@
 msgstr "Ungültige WMS ID."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_twitter.php:22
-msgid ""
-"Element vars consumerKey and consumerSecret are not set. If you don't have "
-"them, get them from Twitter."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Elemente vars consumerKey und consumerSecret sind nicht definiert. Falls "
-"diese nicht vorliegen, können diese über Twitter ermittelt werden."
+msgid "Element vars consumerKey and consumerSecret are not set. If you don't have them, get them from Twitter."
+msgstr "Die Elemente vars consumerKey und consumerSecret sind nicht definiert. Falls diese nicht vorliegen, können diese über Twitter ermittelt werden."
 #: workspace/test27/http/plugins/mb_twitter.php:64
 msgid "Signed in."
@@ -1575,18 +1533,12 @@
 msgstr "Kontakt Telefonnummer (OWS)"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:32
-msgid ""
-"Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WFS-Featuretype "
-"Metadata. The modified Metadata will be stored in the database of the "
-"GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-"
+msgid "Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WFS-Featuretype Metadata. The modified Metadata will be stored in the database of the GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:36
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_edit.php:12
-msgid ""
-"The original WFS-Metadata from the last update could be recovered or "
-"updated, so that the original Service-Metadata will be shown outward again."
+msgid "The original WFS-Metadata from the last update could be recovered or updated, so that the original Service-Metadata will be shown outward again."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:39
@@ -1595,7 +1547,7 @@
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:44
 msgid "Featuretype Title (WFS)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Featuretype Titel (WFS)"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:49
 msgid "Featuretype Abstract (WFS)"
@@ -1606,12 +1558,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:62
-msgid ""
-"Linking the WFS layer with metadata set (coupled resource), which describes "
-"the underlying informations of the representation in more detail (eg "
-"Actuality / quality). It occurs via a link to an already existing metadta "
-"set in a catalog or a simple metadata set will be generated using a "
-"Mapbender Layer Addon-Editor."
+msgid "Linking the WFS layer with metadata set (coupled resource), which describes the underlying informations of the representation in more detail (eg Actuality / quality). It occurs via a link to an already existing metadta set in a catalog or a simple metadata set will be generated using a Mapbender Layer Addon-Editor."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_featuretype.php:97
@@ -1624,13 +1571,10 @@
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_edit.php:88
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_edit.php:99
 msgid "Reset selection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Auswahl löschen"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_edit.php:8
-msgid ""
-"Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WFS-Featuretype "
-"Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal."
-"rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
+msgid "Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WFS-Featuretype Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_edit.php:15
@@ -1700,13 +1644,10 @@
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_server.php:286
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wfs_server.php:295
 msgid "Invalid WFS ID."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invalide WFS Identifikationsnummer"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_edit.php:23
-msgid ""
-"Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMC-Featuretype "
-"Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal."
-"rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
+msgid "Possibility to adapt and add informations in the separate WMC-Featuretype Metadata. The modified Metadata is stored in the database of the GeoPortal.rlp, outwardly these metadata overwrite the original Service-Metadata."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_edit.php:34
@@ -1723,20 +1664,20 @@
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_edit.php:49
 msgid "WMC is public"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kartenzusammenstellung ist öffentlich"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_server.php:26
 msgid "You are not allowed to access this WMC."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sie sind nicht autorisiert diese Kartenzusammenstellung zu nutzen."
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_server.php:147
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_metadata_wmc_server.php:155
 msgid "Invalid WMC ID."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invalide WMC Identifizierungsnummer"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_sql_server.php:31
 msgid "You are not allowed to access this application."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sie sind nicht autorisiert diese Anwendung zu verwenden!"
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php:47
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php:80
@@ -1783,13 +1724,11 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:128
 msgid "Invalid X coordinate! Must be a float or a DMS value!"
-msgstr ""
-"Ungültige X Koordinate! Erlaubt sind lediglich Fließkomma oder GMS Werte!"
+msgstr "Ungültige X Koordinate! Erlaubt sind lediglich Fließkomma oder GMS Werte!"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:139
 msgid "Invalid Y coordinate! Must be a float or a DMS value!"
-msgstr ""
-"Ungültige Y Koordinate! Erlaubt sind lediglich Fließkomma oder GMS Werte!"
+msgstr "Ungültige Y Koordinate! Erlaubt sind lediglich Fließkomma oder GMS Werte!"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:147
 msgid "Invalid SRS!"
@@ -1798,7 +1737,7 @@
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php:66
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_measure_widget.php:99
 msgid "Area: "
-msgstr "Fläche"
+msgstr "Fläche: "
 #: ../http/plugins/mb_print.php:461
 msgid "print document"
@@ -1814,19 +1753,19 @@
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:41
 msgid "Confirmation of subscribers notification"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bestätigung der Abonenntenbenachrichtigung"
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:43
 msgid "Mapbender monitoring subscriber"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Monitoring abonnieren"
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:44
 msgid "Mapbender subscribers notification"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abonenntenbenachrichtigung"
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:45
 msgid "The following services are affected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Folgende Dienste sind betroffen "
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:46
 msgid "e-mail form for notifications to the subscribers of the following WMS"
@@ -1846,15 +1785,15 @@
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:50
 msgid "The subscribers to these WMS have been notified"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Abonnenten folgender WMS wurde benachrichtigt"
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:51
 msgid "For further inquiries contact"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Für weitere Fragen kontaktieren sie bitte "
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:52
 msgid "Subscriber notification"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abonnenten Benachrichtigung"
 #: ../http/php/mod_abo_show.php:53
 msgid "# subscribers"
@@ -1885,28 +1824,29 @@
 #: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:71
 msgid "Please enter a category name!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Geben sie bitte einen Namen für die Kategorie an! "
 #: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:76
 msgid "Please enter a category description!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bitte geben sie eine Beschreibung für die Kategorie an!"
 #: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:104
 msgid "existing Categories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vorhandene Kategorien"
 #: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:116
 msgid "Category Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kategorie Namen"
-#: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:117 ../lib/editGroup.php:219
+#: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:117
+#: ../lib/editGroup.php:219
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:408
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Beschreibung"
 #: ../http/php/mod_createCategory.php:125
 msgid "The Category has been created successfully."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Kategorie wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
 #: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:61
 msgid "You have changed the tree. All changes will be lost. Save changes?"
@@ -1924,25 +1864,26 @@
 msgid "Please select a gui which its tree should be configured."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:229 ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:236
+#: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:229
+#: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:236
 msgid "Add"
 msgstr "Hinzufügen"
 #: ../http/php/mod_customTree.php:231
 msgid "Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Editieren"
 #: ../http/php/mod_editElements.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please make sure you have made a backup of your application before using "
-"this feature! Continue?"
+msgid "Please make sure you have made a backup of your application before using this feature! Continue?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../http/php/mod_layerMetadata.php:277 ../http/php/mod_showMetadata.php:710
+#: ../http/php/mod_layerMetadata.php:277
+#: ../http/php/mod_showMetadata.php:710
 msgid "Monitoring Abo l&ouml;schen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../http/php/mod_layerMetadata.php:283 ../http/php/mod_showMetadata.php:715
+#: ../http/php/mod_layerMetadata.php:283
+#: ../http/php/mod_showMetadata.php:715
 msgid "Subscribe Monitoring"
 msgstr "Monitoring abonnieren"
@@ -1958,7 +1899,8 @@
 msgid "WMC could not be deleted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../http/php/mod_loadwmc_server.php:78 ../http/php/mod_loadwmc_server.php:87
+#: ../http/php/mod_loadwmc_server.php:78
+#: ../http/php/mod_loadwmc_server.php:87
 #: ../http/php/mod_loadwmc_server.php:101
 msgid "WMC could not be loaded."
 msgstr ""
@@ -1981,7 +1923,7 @@
 #: ../http/php/mod_map_messages.php:30
 msgid "The following WMS do not support the current SRS"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Folgende WMS unterstützen das verwendete Koordinatenbezugssystem nicht "
 #: ../http/php/mod_meetingPoint.php:222
 msgid "Input too long. Maximum of allowed characters is"
@@ -1991,7 +1933,8 @@
 msgid "saved wmc document to session"
 msgstr "Speichere Dokument zwischen"
-#: ../http/php/mod_savewmc_server.php:84 ../http/php/mod_savewmc_server.php:91
+#: ../http/php/mod_savewmc_server.php:84
+#: ../http/php/mod_savewmc_server.php:91
 msgid "WMC document must have a title."
 msgstr ""
@@ -2013,18 +1956,16 @@
 msgstr "Kein Dokument in der Session vorhanden."
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:144
-msgid ""
-"The map service contains too many layers. The layers of this service will "
-"not be activated"
+msgid "The map service contains too many layers. The layers of this service will not be activated"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_ajax.php:194
 msgid "The following Service has been added to the application"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der Dienst beinhaltet zu viele Ebenen. Die Ebenen werden daher automatisch deaktiviert. "
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_featureInfoTunnel.php:158
 msgid "No result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kein Ergebnis"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_georss.php:67
 msgid "mapframe: "
@@ -2041,11 +1982,11 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_poi.php:95
 msgid "Invalid search term"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invalider Suchbegriff"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_poi.php:111
 msgid "Invalid language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unzulässige Sprache"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_poi.php:125
 msgid "Invalid configuration file"
@@ -2053,7 +1994,7 @@
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_ajax.php:363
 msgid "Record ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datensatz Identifikator"
 #: ../http/javascripts/mod_searchCSW_form.php:49
 msgid "Search catalog metadata"
@@ -2069,103 +2010,107 @@
 #: ../lib/ajax.php:144
 msgid "The session has expired. Please log in again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte melden sie sich erneut an."
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:189
 msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Name"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:198
 msgid "Title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Titel"
-#: ../lib/editGroup.php:208 ../lib/editUser.php:524
+#: ../lib/editGroup.php:208
+#: ../lib/editUser.php:524
 msgid "Owner"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eigentümer"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:228
 msgid "Address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Adresse"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:237
 msgid "Postcode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Postleitzahl"
-#: ../lib/editGroup.php:246 ../lib/editUser.php:478
+#: ../lib/editGroup.php:246
+#: ../lib/editUser.php:478
 msgid "City"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stadt"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:255
 msgid "Province"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Bundes) Land"
-#: ../lib/editGroup.php:264 ../lib/editUser.php:510
+#: ../lib/editGroup.php:264
+#: ../lib/editUser.php:510
 msgid "Country"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Staat"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:273
 msgid "Voicetelephone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Telefonnummer"
 #: ../lib/editGroup.php:282
 msgid "Facsimiletelephone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Faxnummer"
-#: ../lib/editUser.php:155 ../lib/editUser.php:196
+#: ../lib/editUser.php:155
+#: ../lib/editUser.php:196
 msgid "Username must be unique!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der Nutzername muß eindeutig sein!"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:273
 msgid "User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nutzer"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:278
 msgid "NEW"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NEU"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:344
 msgid "Username"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nutzername"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:351
 msgid "Firstname"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vorname"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:359
 msgid "Lastname"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nachname"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:366
 msgid "Academic title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Akademischer Titel"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:380
 msgid "Password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passwort"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:393
 msgid "Confirm password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passwort bestätigen"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:416
 msgid "Email"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EMail"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:424
 msgid "Phone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Telefon"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:432
 msgid "Facsimile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fax"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:446
 msgid "Street"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Straße"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:454
 msgid "Housenumber"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hausnummer"
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:462
 msgid "Delivery Point"
@@ -2189,4 +2134,34 @@
 #: ../lib/editUser.php:543
 msgid "Login_count"
+msgstr "Anzahl der fehlerhaften Einwahlversuche"
+#: ../http/php/mod_layerMetadata.php:283
+#: ../http/php/mod_showMetadata.php:715
+msgid "Monitoring abonnieren"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "Geographic Coordinates"
+msgstr "Geographische Koordinaten"
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "Gauss-Krueger 2"
+msgstr "Gauß-Krüger 2 (DHDN)"
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "Gauss-Krueger 3"
+msgstr "Gauß-Krüger 3 (DHDN)"
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "Gauss-Krueger 4"
+msgstr "Gauß-Krüger 4 (DHDN)"
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "Gauss-Krueger 5"
+msgstr "Gauß-Krüger 5 (DHDN)"
+#: ../http/javascripts/mod_coordsLookup.php:106
+msgid "UTM 32 North"
+msgstr "UTM 32 Nord (ETRS98)"

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