[Mapbender-commits] r9876 - trunk/mapbender/http/php

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Wed Feb 21 09:07:20 PST 2018

Author: armin11
Date: 2018-02-21 09:07:20 -0800 (Wed, 21 Feb 2018)
New Revision: 9876

script to sync metadata for arbitrary orga to ckan

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/php/syncCkanRoot.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/syncCkanRoot.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/syncCkanRoot.php	2018-02-21 17:07:20 UTC (rev 9876)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Display errors for demo
+//for later development php 5.6+
+//@ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
+//@ini_set('display_errors', 'stdout');	
+// Include class_ckanApi.php
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../php/mod_getDownloadOptions.php');
+//TODO: Problem - datestamp for ckan_package - wrong????? Bug in 2.5.3??? Will the index not be updated???
+$registratingDepartments = false;
+$userId = null;
+$outputFormat = "json";
+$compareTimestamps = false;
+$listAllMetadataInJson = true;
+//initiate resultObject to give back as json
+$resultObject->success = false;
+//$operation = "";
+if (isset($_REQUEST["syncDepartment"]) && $_REQUEST["syncDepartment"] !== "" && $_REQUEST["syncDepartment"] !== null) {
+        $testMatch = $_REQUEST["syncDepartment"];
+        $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/';  
+        if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+                $resultObject->error->message = 'Parameter syncDepartment is not valid (integer).';
+                echo json_encode($resultObject);
+		die();	
+        }
+        $syncDepartment = (integer)$testMatch;
+        $testMatch = NULL;
+} else {
+        $resultObject->error->message = 'Parameter syncDepartment not set!!!';
+        echo json_encode($resultObject);
+	die();	
+if (isset($_REQUEST["userId"]) & $_REQUEST["userId"] != "") {
+        $testMatch = $_REQUEST["userId"];
+        $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/';  
+        if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+                $resultObject->error->message = 'Parameter userId is not valid (integer).';
+                echo json_encode($resultObject);
+		die();
+        }
+	if ($testMatch !== Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")) {
+		$resultObject->error->message = 'Parameter userId is not equal to the userId from session information - maybe there is no current session!';
+		echo json_encode($resultObject);
+		die();
+	}
+        $userId = $testMatch;
+        $testMatch = NULL;
+} else { 
+	$userId = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id");
+  	if ($userId == false) {
+	  	$userId = PUBLIC_USER;
+    	}
+if ($userId !== "1") {
+	$resultObject->error->message = 'Your are not the root user!';
+	echo json_encode($resultObject);
+	die();
+//$syncDepartment = 35;
+//echo "test";
+//get user which may sync the requested department
+$sql = "SELECT fkey_mb_user_id FROM mb_user_mb_group WHERE fkey_mb_group_id = $1 AND mb_user_mb_group_type IN (2,3) ORDER BY mb_user_mb_group_type DESC LIMIT 1";
+$v = array($syncDepartment);
+$t = array('i');
+$res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t);
+$e = new mb_exception("sync department: ".$syncDepartment);
+$e = new mb_exception("res: ".json_encode($res));
+if (!$res || is_null($res) || empty($res)) {
+	$resultObject->error->message = 'No user for publishing department data found!';
+	echo json_encode($resultObject);
+	die();
+} else {
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		$syncUserId = $row['fkey_mb_user_id'];
+		$e = new mb_exception("syncuser:  ".$syncUserId);
+$syncCkanClass = new SyncCkan();
+$syncCkanClass->mapbenderUserId = $syncUserId;
+$syncCkanClass->compareTimestamps = $compareTimestamps;
+$departmentsArray = $syncCkanClass->getMapbenderOrganizations();
+//second parameter is listAllMetadataInJson ( = true) - it is needed if we want to sync afterwards. The syncList includes all necessary information about one organization
+$syncListJson = $syncCkanClass->getSyncListJson($departmentsArray, true);
+//$syncDepartment = (string)$syncDepartment;
+$syncCkanClass->syncOrgaId = $syncDepartment;
+$syncList = json_decode($syncListJson);
+if ($syncList->success = true) {
+    foreach ($syncList->result->geoportal_organization as $orga) {
+	$e = new mb_exception($orga->id);
+	$e = new mb_exception(gettype($orga->id));
+	$e = new mb_exception($syncDepartment);
+	$e = new mb_exception(gettype($syncDepartment));
+        //try to sync single orga - the class has already set the syncOrgaId if wished!
+	if ($syncDepartment == $orga->id) {
+            //overwrite result with result from sync process
+            //$syncList = json_decode($syncCkanClass->syncSingleOrga(json_encode($orga)));
+	    $syncList = json_decode($syncCkanClass->syncSingleDataSource(json_encode($orga), "mapbender", true));
+	}
+    }
+//create new syncListJson
+$syncListJson = json_encode($syncList);
+echo $syncListJson;
+	}

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