[Mapbender-users] HQ and/or large scale printing - possible solution for some problems

Thomas Baschetti Thomas.Baschetti at gmx.de
Wed Aug 1 06:47:25 EDT 2007

Hi all,

possible solution for those with printing problems, works
at least for me (Apache, Windows):

for HQ-Printing of large files i configured not only (in php.ini)
memory_limit = 8M
max_execution_time = 30  ; sek
max_input_time = 60      ; sek
but also set 
; Default timeout for socket based streams (seconds)
default_socket_timeout = 60
to a higher value, e.g. 240

Perhaps a solution for some of you, too.

(technical) explanation:
The values memory_limit, max_execution_time, max_input_time are
only changing limits for scripts (how much memory can a script
consume, how much time can a script run).
I had set this to quite high values, but nevertheless had problems
with Maps not printing correctly, not showing a layer.
Requesting this layer directly in browser took some time but worked
perfectly, in mapbender => nothing, only a
weldMaps2PNG: unable to load image: http...

The reason seems to be the function
file_get_contents, used by connector->getHTTP which is
used by weldMaps2PNG->loadpng

and this file_get_contents is opening a stream which times out too early.
Setting this to a higher value solved the problem.

Can somebody confirm this? Then i'll hack it into the wiki.

A point i still don't understand:
default_socket_timeout was initially set to 60, but the timeout
happened after 120 seconds. So, searching for '120' in php.ini, 
httpd.conf and elsewhere didn't return results...


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