[Mapbender-users] MB zeigt keine Karten von Geoserver an

Tilo Wütherich tilo.wuetherich at la-bw.de
Mon Feb 26 05:53:28 EST 2007

Dear Mapbender-Users,

I have this software-setup: PostGIS 8.2 (Win2K), Geoserver
1.5.0-RC1, Mapbender 2.4 (both Suse 9.2). I want Geoserver to export maps,
which get their data both from the PostGIS-database and shapefiles in the
geoserver repository. Mapbender should join these layers in a single map.
Geoserver displays every single layer properly in his preview but reports an
"unsupportet map projection: EPSG:31467".

If I load the wms capabilities in mapbender, I get the output stated below.
Despite I did all the steps for the map preparation, link wms to gui, create
tree gde etc. I get no map on the gui, just the scrolling-edges in the upper
left corner. The "show wms-infos"-page contains no data. I can't find out
the error in geoserver's or mapbender's configuration. Who knows help?

Thanks in advance!

Tilo Wuetherich


version: 1.1.1
title: Jupiter GeoServer WMS
abstract: This is a description of your Web Map Server.
maprequest: http://jupiter:8080/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&
capabilitiesrequest: http://jupiter:8080/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&
featureinforequest: http://jupiter:8080/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&
gui_wms_mapformat: image/png
gui_wms_featureinfoformat: text/html
gui_wms_exceptionformat: application/vnd.ogc.se_xml
gui_wms_epsg: EPSG:4326
wms_srs: EPSG:69036405
gui_wms_visible: 1
map -> application/pdf
map -> image/png
map -> image/jpeg
map -> application/vnd.google-earth.kmz
map -> image/svg+xml
map -> image/geotiff
map -> image/tiff
map -> image/gif
map -> application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml
featureinfo -> text/plain
featureinfo -> text/html
featureinfo -> application/vnd.ogc.gml
exception -> application/vnd.ogc.se_xml

id: 0 parent: name: Jupiter GeoServer WMS title: Jupiter GeoServer WMS
queryable: 0 minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.448800382414901 47.5302332404651 10.529081355572082
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat

id: 1 parent: 0 name: meinshape:gmd25 title: gmd25_Type queryable: 1
minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.4488923394441064 47.530244920955745
10.529012968728045 49.79307546716433
EPSG:31467 3388368.76 5266823.17 3610188.94 5517399.53
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
gemeinde25 A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:gmd25 image/png

id: 2 parent: 0 name: meinshape:land25 title: Jupiter Shapes: land25
queryable: 1 minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.4488923394441064 47.530244920955745
10.529012968728045 49.79307546716433
EPSG:31467 3388368.76 5266823.17 3610188.94 5517399.53
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
land25 Land25
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:land25 image/png
land25 Land25
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:land25 image/png

id: 3 parent: 0 name: meinpostgis:teilorte title: Teilorte BaWü queryable:
1 minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.461544534562737 47.54786612341508
10.469722991016729 49.78464607162338
EPSG:31467 3389261.0 5268766.0 3605936.0 5516459.0
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
teilortpunkt A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinpostgis:teilorte image/png

id: 4 parent: 0 name: meinshape:gmk200 title: gmk200_Type queryable: 1
minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.448800382414901 47.5302332404651 10.529081355572082
EPSG:31467 3388362.0 5266822.0 3610194.0 5517393.0
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
gmk200 A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:gmk200 image/png

id: 5 parent: 0 name: meinshape:krei25 title: krei25_Type queryable: 1
minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.4488923394441064 47.530244920955745
10.529012968728045 49.79307546716433
EPSG:31467 3388368.76 5266823.17 3610188.94 5517399.53
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
kreis25 A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:krei25 image/png
kreis25 A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinshape:krei25 image/png

id: 6 parent: 0 name: meinpostgis:gemeinden title: Gemeinden BaWü
queryable: 1 minScale: 0 maxScale: 0
metadataurl: EPSG:4326 7.480252071115384 47.55347625536471
10.463420363510894 49.77398736587067
EPSG:31467 3390585.0 5269365.0 3605505.0 5515274.0
layerstyle:name title legendurl legendurlformat
gemeindepunkt A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinpostgis:gemeinden image/png
MeinPunkt A boring default style
e/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20&LAYER=meinpostgis:gemeinden image/png

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