[Mapbender-users] Mapbender creates maps with epsg 4326 only

Tilo Wutherich tilo.wuetherich at la-bw.de
Fri May 30 05:30:24 EDT 2008

Hi Robert,

> I think you mean :
> -downloading the capabilities document from the GeoServer
> -modify it according the EPSG code
> -save this doc somewhere to htdocs
> - and then load it to Mapbender.

yes, exactly.

> I tried this by "WMS-Update Capabilities", but Mapbender never uploaded
> it!

I had a lot of problems with this too. Obviously MB doesn't upload cap-docs
if they contain Umlaute or some other "peculiar" content. What I also change
are my local url's. I always use IP instead of servernames, also in the MB

> I use: MB 2.4.3 (maybe .4 or .5) so there is this select field (->select
> the admin2de->WMS GUI Einstellungen->Select GUI,Service->
> then there is an active link to the capabilities doc, the select box for
> EPSG:->15 times EPSG:4326???????????

I have never seen something like that. But probably this code-snippet may
help you, look for the apropriate position in your cap-doc:

      <!--All supported EPSG projections:-->
      <!-- I have just two projections -->

      <!-- I copy & paste the following values from the geoserver-gui: -->

      <LatLonBoundingBox minx="7.44" miny="47.53" maxx="10.53"
      <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:31467" minx="3388368.75" miny="5266823.0"
maxx="3610189.0" maxy="5517400.0"/>

      <!-- Start of layer definitions -->
      <Layer queryable="1">

> Service is offered by Geoserver 1.5.4.

I use MB 2.4.2 and GS 1.5.4

I hope this helps!


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