[Mapbender-users] GUI elements are not arranged in iframe

Sebastian Krohn-Grimberghe sebastian.krohn-grimberghe at ipsyscon.de
Thu Oct 8 04:16:37 EDT 2009


for everyone interested in the solution...

Sebastian wrote:
> The elements causing the problems are overview, highlight_POI and 
> zoomCoords. When I deactivate these elements, all other elements are 
> arranged correctly and do work in the iframe (except for printPDF 
> which makes use of overview, and the tools/buttons of the measure element).

The problem seems to be caused by unnecessary uses of the javascript "parent" element. E.g. if you make the following changes in javascript/ovnf.php, the overview works fine, both when the gui is loaded inside an iframe or loaded directly in the browser:

parent.eventInitMap.register(function init_overview(){ ...
must be changed to: 
eventInitMap.register(function init_overview(){ ...

By the use of the "parent" element the script tries to perform the function outside the iframe and of course this fails.

By removing unnecessary "parent" elements I could also get all other tools to work with my GUIs inside an iframe (and they also still work when I load the gui directly). More examples:

javascript/mod_highlightPOI.php -> function mod_highlightPOI_draw():
var $div = parent.$("<div id='" + mapObject.elementName ... 
change to:
var $div = $("<div id='" + mapObject.elementName ...

javascript/mod_measure.php -> function mod_closePolygon(), function mod_rubber(),function mod_getArea():
By removing every "parent." within onmouseup, onmouseover und onmouseout in these function, the measure tools displayed inside the map are working.

Best regards,

Sebastian Krohn-Grimberghe


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E-Mail: sebastian.krohn-grimberghe at ipsyscon.de

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