[Mapbender-users] V-Align of Input-Fields in WFS-Search

"Jäger, Frank (KRZ)" F.Jaeger at KRZ.DE
Thu Aug 4 09:13:45 EDT 2011

in MB 2.7.1 I'm trying to configure a WFS for search AND for digitize.
Every line is a pair of label and Input-Field  (or Select).

I would like to give all input-fields the same left-position so they are vertically aligned.

>From the Template-GUI (wfs "Mapbender-Users", WFS-Conf-ID = 1) I copied: 

.c { position:absolute; width:100px; left:75px; }

"position:absolute" works fine in "search" but the same WFS-Config is not usable for "digitize".
Paired label and input has different "top" and sometimes overlap.

So have I to configure the feature twice? - As Conf for search and as conf for digitize?

Which style is able to fit both? 
"width" or "min-width" for Label-Style ".d" dont't work.

Frank Jäger

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