[Mapbender-users] FW: Customize Mapbender3

zh.kerimkulov at gharysh.kz zh.kerimkulov at gharysh.kz
Tue Mar 1 23:20:54 PST 2016

From: Керимкулов Жандос Сеитович
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:57 PM
To: 'mapbender_users at lists.osgeo.org'
Subject: Customize Mapbender3

Hi there

I want to thank you for this awesome project. It's real helpful platform for small GIS projects!!

I install mapbender3 using tutorials and add my sources via Geoserver and everything works great.

Now my question. I am not software engineer and I am looking for customize start page. Is there any documents I can read for this procedures??

Under customize I mean: change Title, change Icons, change "menu" language? Where I need to look?

Thank you
Zhandos Kerimkulov

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