[Mapbender-users] relation "mb_core_application" does not exist while trying to set up digitizer

Marcin Niemyjski mniemyjski at cloudferro.com
Wed Aug 2 05:17:26 PDT 2023


as you suggested I corrected the parameters file, so now it looks the way below:
I've also corrected the config.yml:
https://pastecode.io/s/8jytc37y so it can use the second database - PostgreSQL.

It worked! (Thanks Astrid!)

However Digitizer seems to work but only in developer mode. I'm able to create and edit points, lines and polygons 🙂
(Mapbender in developer mode returns no errors)
In localhost or by using Domen to connect I receive error 500. In localhost I was able to retrieve some more log from console:

Any suggestions?

From: Mapbender_users <mapbender_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) <astrid.emde at wheregroup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 4:56 PM
To: Mapbender User List <mapbender_users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [Mapbender-users] relation "mb_core_application" does not exist while trying to set up digitizer

Hello Marcin,

you created an empty PostgreSQL database for Mapbender.

This database is empty at the beginning and you have to create the table
structure for Mapbender see


You have to run the commands to setup the structure.

If you have an application in your former installation with sqlite you
could export it and import it again.

Afterwards you should refer to a second database connection for your
geodata (mapbender and the geodata are not in one database).

Check the workshop bundle for some example.


You also find a database backup that you could use with the examples

See you Astrid

Am 2023-08-01 16:46, schrieb Marcin Niemyjski:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to set up the digitizer according to the instructions
> provided in
> https://doc.mapbender.org/en/functions/editing/digitizer/digitizer_configuration.html#setting-up-of-digitizer
> [1].
> I have already set up the sidepane element definition based on the
> instructions (I changed the connection to "default"). Then, in
> parameters.yaml, I overwrote the default database connection
> parameters with those of my PostgreSQL database.
>  config.yaml -> remains the same
>  parameters.yaml ->https://pastecode.io/s/2n9mt2ro
> Mapbender successfully connects to the database, but I encountered the
> following error in developer mode:
>  '''
>  An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title
> AS title_2, t0.slug AS slug_3, t0.description AS description_4,
> t0.template AS template_5, t0.map_engine_code AS map_engine_code_6,
> t0.persistent_view AS persistent_view_7, t0.published AS published_8,
> t0.screenshot AS screenshot_9, t0.extra_assets AS extra_assets_10,
> t0.updated AS updated_11, t0.custom_css AS custom_css_12 FROM
> mb_core_application t0 ORDER BY t0.title ASC':
> SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation
> "mb_core_application" does not exist
> LINE 1: ...S updated_11, t0.custom_css AS custom_css_12 FROM
> mb_core_ap...
> ^
>  '''
> Do you have any suggestions on how to overcome this issue? I've
> checked that over user struggled with same issue:
> https://marc.info/?l=mapbender-users&m=151602993622690&w=2 [2]
> Best regards,
> Marcin
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> https://doc.mapbender.org/en/functions/editing/digitizer/digitizer_configuration.html#setting-up-of-digitizer
> [2] https://marc.info/?l=mapbender-users&m=151602993622690&w=2
> _______________________________________________
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> Mapbender_users at lists.osgeo.org
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Astrid Emde

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