<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Hello Mailing-List!</div>
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<div>I have a question concerning the digitizer element: is it possible to split the feature types (point/line/polygon digitizing) in multiple groups?</div>
<div>I need to draw several groups of polygons with different formulars: e.g. one polygon-group for "land-use" objects that can be classified in several categories, another polygon-group containing "project" objects that are as well classified in several categories, and so on.</div>
<div>In the YAML-definition in the textarea schemes I've tried to copy, paste and adapt the "polygon-code" for the different groups needed, but unfortunately this is not working (it only appears one group for polygon-digitizing).</div>
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<div>Is there a possibility to do this?</div>
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<div>Thanks a lot in advance!</div>