<pre>Hello list!<br></pre><pre>Yesterday I install Ubuntu 18.4 and try a Git install. When I run ./bootstrap I get the following error:<br></pre><pre><br></pre><pre>- Installing <span class="colour" style="color: #4E9A06;">doctrine/orm</span> (<span class="colour" style="color: #C4A000;">v2.5.14</span>): Loading from cache
Skipped installation of bin bin/doctrine for package doctrine/orm: name conflicts with an existing file
Skipped installation of bin bin/doctrine.php for package doctrine/orm: name conflicts with an existing file
<br></pre><pre>Before I try the Git install I make only the required install for Mapbender.<br></pre><pre>I run the built in server and try. <br></pre><pre>I can't add Digitizer element to my application.<br></pre><pre><br></pre><pre>I don't know if this is related to the skipped installation, or not. <br></pre><pre>I will appreciate any help to solve/understand what happen.<br></pre><pre><br></pre><pre>Thanks.<br></pre><pre><br></pre><pre>Zsolt<br></pre><div><br></div>