[mapguide-commits] r5579 - trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Tue Mar 1 10:08:14 EST 2011

Author: jng
Date: 2011-03-01 07:08:14 -0800 (Tue, 01 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 5579

#1614: Add "Interacting with layers" chapter from original devguide

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst	2011-03-01 14:37:20 UTC (rev 5578)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst	2011-03-01 15:08:14 UTC (rev 5579)
@@ -7,38 +7,396 @@
 Overview of Layers
+.. tip::
+    The Interacting With Layers sample, in the Developer's Guide samples, demonstrates concepts from this chapter.
+Layers represent vector data, raster data, and drawing data in a map. Each type
+of layer has unique characteristics.
+.. note::
+    The word layer has different meanings in different contexts. A layer can refer
+    to the layer definition in the resource repository, and it can also refer to the map
+    layer. For the purposes of the Web Tier, a layer refers to a map layer, and a layer
+    definition refers to the layer definition in the resource repository.
 Basic Layer Properties
+.. todo::
+    Replace page number references with section links
+A map contains one or more layers (``MgLayer`` objects) that are rendered to create
+a composite image. Each layer has properties that determine how it displays in
+the map and map legend. Some of the properties are:
+ * Layer name: A unique identifier
+ * Legend label: The label for the layer as it appears in the map legend.
+ * Visibility: whether the layer should be displayed in the map. Note that actual visibility is dependent on more than just the visibility setting for a layer. See Layer Visibility on page 31 for further details.
+ * Selectable: Whether features in the layer are selectable. This only applies to layers containing feature data.
+The ``MgMap::GetLayers()`` method returns an ``MgLayerCollection`` object that
+contains all the layers in the map. The ``MgLayerCollection::GetItem()`` method
+returns an individual ``MgLayer`` object, by either index number in the collection
+or layer name.
+Layers in the collection are sorted by drawing order, with the top layers at the
+beginning of the collection. For example, using PHP syntax, if ``$layers`` is a
+collection containing the layers in a map, then ``$layers->GetItem(0)`` returns
+the top-most layer.
 Layer Groups
+Layers can be optionally grouped into layer groups. Layers in the same group
+are displayed together in the legend.
+The visibility for all layers in a group can be set at the group level. If the group
+visibility is turned off then none of the layers in the group will be visible,
+regardless of their individual visibility settings. If the group visibility is turned
+on, then individual layers within the group can be made visible or not visible
+Layer groups can be nested so a group can contain other groups. This provides
+a finer level of control for handling layer visibility or legend groups.
+The ``MgMap::GetLayerGroups()`` method returns an ``MgLayerGroupCollection``
+object that contains all the layer groups in the map.
+Each layer group in a map must have a unique name, even if it is nested within
+another group.
 Base Layer Groups
+The AJAX viewer can use *base layer groups* to optimize image rendering times.
+Layers in a base layer group are rendered together to generate a single raster
+image that can be sent to the viewer. The image is divided into tiles so only
+the required tiles need to be rendered and sent, instead of the entire image.
+Tiles are cached on the server; if a tile already exists in the cache it does not
+need to be rendered before being sent.
+Each base layer group has a series of pre-defined scales that are used for
+rendering. When a request is made to view a portion of the map at a given
+scale, the AJAX viewer renders the tiles at the pre-defined scale that is closest
+to the requested map view scale.
+Layers within a base layer group are rendered together. Visibility settings for
+individual layers are ignored and the visibility setting for the group is used
+Layers above the base layers will generally be vector layers with transparent
+backgrounds. This makes the images small and relatively quick to load in the
+You may have more than one base layer group. Lower layers will be hidden
+by higher layers unless the higher layers have transparent areas or have their
+visibility turned off.
+.. note::
+    A layer can only belong to one group at a time. It cannot be part of both a base layer group and a regular group.
 Layer Style
+.. todo::
+    Replace page number references with section links
+The data source information and style information for a layer control how
+the layer looks when it displayed on a map. This is stored in the layer definition
+in the repository. To change any of the data source or style information,
+modify the layer definition.
+Layer definitions can be modified using . They can also be created and modified
+dynamically using the Web Extensions API. See Modifying Maps and Layers
+on page 57 for details.
 Layer Visibility
+Whether a layer is visible in a given map depends on three criteria:
+ * The visibility setting for the layer
+ * The visibility settings for any groups that contain the layer
+ * The map view scale and the layer definition for that view scale
+In order for a layer to be visible, its layer visibility must be on, the visibility
+for any group containing the layer must be on, and the layer must have a style
+setting defined for the current map view scale.
 Example: Actual Visibility
+For example, assume that there is a layer named Roads that is part of the layer
+group Transportation. The layer has view style defined for the scale ranges
+``0 to 10000`` and ``10000 to 24000``.
+The following table shows some possible settings of the various visibility and
+view scale settings, and their effect on the actual layer visibility.
+| Layer Visibility | Group Visibility | View Scale | Actual Visbility |
+| On               | On               | 10000      | On               |
+| On               | On               | 25000      | Off              |
+| On               | Off              | 10000      | Off              |
+| Off              | On               | 10000      | Off              |
 Enumerating Map Layers
+Map layers are contained within an ``MgMap`` object. To list the layers in a map,
+use the ``MgMap::GetLayers()`` method. This returns an ``MgLayerCollection``
+To retrieve a single layer, use the ``MgLayerCollection::GetItem`` method with
+either an integer index or a layer name. The layer name is the name as defined
+in the map, not the name of the layer definition in the repository.
+For example:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+    $layer = $layers->GetItem('Roads');
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+    //This code fragment assumes the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace has been imported
+    MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem("Roads");
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+    //This code fragment assumes the org.osgeo.mapguide package has been imported
+    MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem("Roads");
+The following example lists the layers in a map, along with an indicator of
+the layer visibility setting.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+    $layers = $map->GetLayers(); // Get layer collection
+    echo "<p>Layers:<br />";
+    $count = $layers->GetCount();
+    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+    {
+        $layer = $layers->GetItem($i);
+        echo $layer->GetName() . ' (' .
+        ($layer->GetVisible() ? 'on' : 'off') . ')<br />';
+    }
+    echo '</p>';
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+    //This code fragment assumes the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace has been imported
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    Response.Write("<p>Layers:<br />");
+    int count = layers.GetCount();
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+        MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem(i);
+        Response.Write(layer.GetName() + " (" + (layer.GetVisible() ? "on" : "off") + ")<br/>");
+    }
+    Repsonse.Write("</p>");
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+    //This code fragment assumes the org.osgeo.mapguide package has been imported
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    response.getWriter().write("<p>Layers:<br />");
+    int count = layers.GetCount();
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+        MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem(i);
+        response.getWriter().write(layer.GetName() + " (" + (layer.GetVisible() ? "on" : "off") + ")<br/>");
+    }
+    response.getWriter().write("</p>");
 Manipulating Layers
+.. todo::
+    Replace page number references with section links
+Modifying basic layer properties and changing layer visibility settings can be
+done directly using API calls. More complex manipulation requires modifying
+layer resources in the repository. For details, see Modifying Maps and Layers
+on page 57.
 Changing Basic Properties
+To query or change any of the basic layer properties like name, label, or group,
+use the ``MgLayer::GetProperty()`` and ``MgLayer::SetProperty()`` methods,
+where Property is one of the layer properties. You must save and refresh the
+map for the changes to take effect.
+.. todo::
+    Update code samples to not use MgMap() ctor. That is deprecated.
+The following example toggles the label of the Roads layer between Roads and
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+    MgInitializeWebTier ($webconfigFilePath);
+    $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($mgSessionId);
+    $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
+    $siteConnection->Open($userInfo);
+    $resourceService =
+    $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
+    $map = new MgMap();
+    $map->Open($resourceService, $mgMapName);
+    $layers = $map->GetLayers();
+    $roadLayer = $layers->GetItem('Roads');
+    $roadLabel = $roadLayer->GetLegendLabel();
+    if ($roadLabel == 'Roads')
+        $newLabel = 'Streets';
+    else
+        $newLabel = 'Roads';
+    $roadLayer->SetLegendLabel($newLabel);
+    // You must save the updated map or the
+    // changes will not be applied
+    // Also be sure to refresh the map on page load.
+    $map->Save($resourceService);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+    //This code fragment assumes the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace has been imported
+    MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(webConfigFilePath);
+    MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mgSessionId);
+    MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
+    siteConnection.Open(userInfo);
+    MgResourceService resourceService = (MgResourceService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
+    MgMap map = new MgMap();
+    map.Open(resourceService, mgMapName);
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    MgLayer roadLayer = layers.GetItem("Roads");
+    String roadLabel = roadLayer.GetLegendLabel();
+    String newLabel = "Roads";
+    if (roadLabel == "Roads")
+        newLabel = "Streets";
+    roadLayer.SetLegendLabel(newLabel);
+    // You must save the updated map or the
+    // changes will not be applied
+    // Also be sure to refresh the map on page load.
+    map.Save(resourceService);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+    //This code fragment assumes the org.osgeo.mapguide has been imported
+    MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(webConfigFilePath);
+    MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mgSessionId);
+    MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
+    siteConnection.Open(userInfo);
+    MgResourceService resourceService = (MgResourceService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
+    MgMap map = new MgMap();
+    map.Open(resourceService, mgMapName);
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    MgLayer roadLayer = layers.GetItem("Roads");
+    String roadLabel = roadLayer.GetLegendLabel();
+    String newLabel = "Roads";
+    if (roadLabel == "Roads")
+        newLabel = "Streets";
+    roadLayer.SetLegendLabel(newLabel);
+    // You must save the updated map or the
+    // changes will not be applied
+    // Also be sure to refresh the map on page load.
+    map.Save(resourceService);
 Changing Visibility
\ No newline at end of file
+.. todo::
+    Replace page number references with section links
+To query the actual layer visibility, use the ``MgLayer::IsVisible()`` method.
+There is no method to set actual visibility because it depends on other visibility
+To query the visibility setting for a layer, use the ``MgLayer::GetVisible()``
+method. To change the visibility setting for a layer, use the
+``MgLayer::SetVisible()`` method.
+To query the visibility setting for a layer group, use the ``MgLayerGroup::GetVisible()``
+method. To change the visibility setting for a layer group, use the
+``MgLayerGroup::SetVisible()`` method.
+To change the layer visibility for a given view scale, modify the layer resource
+and save it back to the repository. See Modifying Maps and Layers on page
+57 for details.
+The following example turns on the visibility for the Roads layer.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+    $layers = $map->GetLayers();
+    $roadsLayer = $layers->GetItem('Roads');
+    $roadsLayer->SetVisible(True);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+    //This code fragment assumes the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace has been imported
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    MgLayer roadsLayer = layers.GetItem("Roads");
+    roadsLayer.SetVisible(true);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+    //This code fragment assumes the org.osgeo.mapguide package has been imported
+    MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers();
+    MgLayer roadsLayer = layers.GetItem("Roads");
+    roadsLayer.SetVisible(true);
+.. note::
+    Changing the visibility (or any other layer changes) will have no effect until the map is saved and refreshed.
\ No newline at end of file

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