[mapguide-commits] r7985 - in trunk/Tools/Vagrant: . centos centos/x86 scripts sources ubuntu/x86

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sun Mar 2 07:54:46 PST 2014

Author: jng
Date: 2014-03-02 07:54:45 -0800 (Sun, 02 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 7985

Vagrant build updates
 - Add CentOS provisioning scripts
 - Move shell scripts in ubuntu up one level to be re-used for CentOS provisioning
 - Make updated source tarballs as part of provisioning
 - Add scons rpm which is required for CentOS

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/build.bat
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/build.bat	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/build.bat	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ at echo off
+echo [build]: Prepare scripts for provisioning
+pushd scripts
+copy /Y *.* %ROOT%\centos\x86
+copy /Y *.* %ROOT%\ubuntu\x86
+pushd ubuntu\x86
+echo [build]: MapGuide Ubuntu build
+if exist build rd /S /Q build
+vagrant up
+if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto error
+vagrant destroy -f
+pushd centos\x86
+echo [build]: MapGuide CentOS build
+if exist build rd /S /Q build
+vagrant up
+if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto error
+vagrant destroy -f
+goto quit
+echo [ERROR]: There was an error building the component %COMPONENT%
+exit /B 1
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/centos
Added: bugtraq:number
   + true

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/centos/x86
Added: svn:ignore
   + .vagrant

Added: bugtraq:number
   + true

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/centos/x86/Vagrantfile
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/centos/x86/Vagrantfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/centos/x86/Vagrantfile	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# -*- mode: ruby -*-
+# vi: set ft=ruby :
+# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
+Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
+  # All Vagrant configuration is done here. The most common configuration
+  # options are documented and commented below. For a complete reference,
+  # please see the online documentation at vagrantup.com.
+  # Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of.
+  config.vm.box = "vagrant-centos64-x86"
+  # The url from where the 'config.vm.box' box will be fetched if it
+  # doesn't already exist on the user's system.
+  # config.vm.box_url = "http://domain.com/path/to/above.box"
+  # Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
+  # within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
+  # accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
+  # config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080
+  # Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
+  # using a specific IP.
+  # config.vm.network :private_network, ip: ""
+  # Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
+  # Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
+  # your network.
+  # config.vm.network :public_network
+  # If true, then any SSH connections made will enable agent forwarding.
+  # Default value: false
+  # config.ssh.forward_agent = true
+  # Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
+  # the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
+  # the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
+  # argument is a set of non-required options.
+  config.vm.synced_folder "../../sources", "/mapguide_sources"
+  # Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
+  # backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
+  # Example for VirtualBox:
+  #
+  # config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
+  #   # Don't boot with headless mode
+  #   vb.gui = true
+  #
+  #   # Use VBoxManage to customize the VM. For example to change memory:
+  #   vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
+  # end
+  #
+  # View the documentation for the provider you're using for more
+  # information on available options.
+  # Enable provisioning with Puppet stand alone.  Puppet manifests
+  # are contained in a directory path relative to this Vagrantfile.
+  # You will need to create the manifests directory and a manifest in
+  # the file centos6.4-x86-mapguide.pp in the manifests_path directory.
+  #
+  # An example Puppet manifest to provision the message of the day:
+  #
+  # # group { "puppet":
+  # #   ensure => "present",
+  # # }
+  # #
+  # # File { owner => 0, group => 0, mode => 0644 }
+  # #
+  # # file { '/etc/motd':
+  # #   content => "Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine!
+  # #               Managed by Puppet.\n"
+  # # }
+  #
+  # config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
+  #   puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
+  #   puppet.manifest_file  = "site.pp"
+  # end
+  # Enable provisioning with chef solo, specifying a cookbooks path, roles
+  # path, and data_bags path (all relative to this Vagrantfile), and adding
+  # some recipes and/or roles.
+  #
+  # config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
+  #   chef.cookbooks_path = "../my-recipes/cookbooks"
+  #   chef.roles_path = "../my-recipes/roles"
+  #   chef.data_bags_path = "../my-recipes/data_bags"
+  #   chef.add_recipe "mysql"
+  #   chef.add_role "web"
+  #
+  #   # You may also specify custom JSON attributes:
+  #   chef.json = { :mysql_password => "foo" }
+  # end
+  # Enable provisioning with chef server, specifying the chef server URL,
+  # and the path to the validation key (relative to this Vagrantfile).
+  #
+  # The Opscode Platform uses HTTPS. Substitute your organization for
+  # ORGNAME in the URL and validation key.
+  #
+  # If you have your own Chef Server, use the appropriate URL, which may be
+  # HTTP instead of HTTPS depending on your configuration. Also change the
+  # validation key to validation.pem.
+  #
+  # config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
+  #   chef.chef_server_url = "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/ORGNAME"
+  #   chef.validation_key_path = "ORGNAME-validator.pem"
+  # end
+  #
+  # If you're using the Opscode platform, your validator client is
+  # ORGNAME-validator, replacing ORGNAME with your organization name.
+  #
+  # If you have your own Chef Server, the default validation client name is
+  # chef-validator, unless you changed the configuration.
+  #
+  #   chef.validation_client_name = "ORGNAME-validator"
+  $script = <<SCRIPT
+	error=$?
+	if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "[error]: ${BUILD_COMPONENT} - Error build failed ($error)"
+		exit $error
+	fi
+if hash scons 2>/dev/null; then
+echo [provision]: We have scons
+echo [provision]: We do not have scons. Installing it
+sudo rpm -Uvh /mapguide_sources/scons-2.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
+cd ~
+echo [provision]: Home directory is `pwd`
+echo [provision]: Checking directories
+if [ -d $FDO_SRC ]; 
+    HAVE_FDO=1
+if [ -d $FDO_LIB_SRC ];
+if [ -d $MG_SRC ];
+echo [provision]: Copying shell scripts
+mkdir -p $SCRIPT_ROOT
+cp -f /vagrant/*.sh $SCRIPT_ROOT
+cp -f /vagrant/*.pl $SCRIPT_ROOT
+echo [provision]: Flip Ubuntu switch
+sed -i 's/UBUNTU=1/UBUNTU=0/g' build.sh
+sed -i 's/UBUNTU=1/UBUNTU=0/g' build_fdo.sh
+if [ $HAVE_FDO_LIBS -eq 0 ];
+    echo [provision]: Extracting FDO thirdparty libs
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty.tar.gz -C ~
+if [ $HAVE_FDO -eq 0 ];
+    echo [provision]: Extracting FDO trunk working copy
+    mkdir -p ~/fdo
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo-checkout.tar.gz -C ~/fdo
+if [ $HAVE_MAPGUIDE -eq 0 ];
+    echo [provision]: Extracting MapGuide trunk working copy
+    mkdir -p $MG_SRC_ROOT
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/mapguide-checkout.tar.gz -C $MG_SRC_ROOT
+echo [provision]: svn update FDO
+svn update $FDO_SRC
+echo [provision]: svn update MapGuide
+BUILD_COMPONENT="svn update MapGuide"
+svn update $MG_SRC
+cd ~/scripts
+sudo -E ./build_fdo.sh
+sudo -E ./build.sh
+MG_REV=`svn info $MG_SRC | perl revnum.pl`
+sudo mkdir -p /vagrant/build
+sudo cp bin/*.tar.gz /vagrant/build
+sudo cp fdosdk*.tar.gz /vagrant/build
+if [ ! -d /mapguide_sources/updated ]; then
+    sudo mkdir -p /mapguide_sources/updated
+    cd ~/mapguide/trunk
+    echo [provision]: Updating mapguide source tarball
+    tar -zcf mapguide-checkout.tar.gz MgDev
+    sudo mv mapguide-checkout.tar.gz /mapguide_sources/updated
+    cd ~/fdo
+    echo [provision]: Updating fdo source tarball
+    tar -zcf fdo-checkout.tar.gz trunk
+    sudo mv fdo-checkout.tar.gz /mapguide_sources/updated
+    echo [provision]: Updated tarballs already exist. Doing nothing
+echo [provision]: Build complete
+  config.vm.provision "shell",
+    privileged: false,
+    inline: $script

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts
Added: bugtraq:number
   + true

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Global vars for this script. Modify as necessary
+# Use LOCALSVN=1 if you want to build from an existing copy instead of building
+# from an export (saves bandwidth and faster)
+echo "******************************************************************"
+echo " MapGuide will be installed to: ${INSTALLROOT}"
+echo " SVN Source is: ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH}"
+echo " Make Options: ${MY_MAKE_OPTS}"
+echo " Is Ubuntu?: ${UBUNTU}"
+echo " Preserving the build dir?: ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT}"
+echo " JAVA_HOME: ${JAVA_HOME}"
+echo "******************************************************************"
+# Need JAVA_HOME for JavaApi
+if [ ! -d ${JAVA_HOME} ];
+echo "ERROR: Environment variable JAVA_HOME not set. Please set this enviroment variable first"
+    error=$?
+    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "$BUILD_COMPONENT: Error build failed ($error)................."
+        exit $error
+    fi
+if [ ! ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 ]
+    echo "Removing existing build dir at ${MGSOURCE}"
+    rm -rf ${MGSOURCE}
+    echo "Preserving existing build dir"
+rm -rf ${INSTALLROOT}
+REVISION=`svn info ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} | perl revnum.pl`
+echo ${REVISION} > revnum.txt
+if [ ! ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 -o ! -d ${MGSOURCE} ];
+    if [ ! -d ${MGSOURCE} ];
+    then
+    	echo "Build root ${MGSOURCE} does not exist. Doing svn export"
+    fi
+    echo "Exporting svn revision ${REVISION}"
+    if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
+    then
+        echo "Making local SVN copy of ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} to ${MGSOURCE}"
+        echo "Cleaning out .svn directories"
+	pushd ${MGSOURCE}
+        find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
+	popd
+    else
+        echo "Performing fresh SVN export of ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} (r${REVISION}) to ${MGSOURCE}"
+        svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} ${MGSOURCE}
+    fi
+start_time=`date +%s`
+echo "Building Revision ${BUILDNUM}.${REVISION}" 
+echo "#ifndef PRODUCTVERSION_H_" > ${VERFILE}
+echo "#define PRODUCTVERSION_H_" >> ${VERFILE}
+echo 'const STRING ProductVersion = L"'${BUILDNUM}'.'${REVISION}'";' >> ${VERFILE}
+echo 'const STRING ApiVersion     = L"'${APIVERSION}'";' >> ${VERFILE}
+echo '#endif' >> ${VERFILE}
+echo "Building LinuxApt"
+pushd ${MGSOURCE}/Oem/LinuxApt
+./build_apt.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT} --with-tomcat
+# Need an ubuntu-flavoured build_oem.sh if we're doing ubuntu
+if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 1 ]
+    cp ${BUILDROOT}/build_oem_ubuntu.sh .
+    chmod +x build_oem_ubuntu.sh
+    echo "Building Oem (Ubuntu)"
+    BUILD_COMPONENT="Oem (Ubuntu)"
+    ./build_oem_ubuntu.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT}
+    check_build
+    echo "Building Oem (Regular)"
+    BUILD_COMPONENT="Oem (Regular)"
+    ./build_oem.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT}
+    check_build
+echo "Building Fusion"
+pushd ${MGSOURCE}/Oem/fusion
+ant prepare
+ant compress
+echo "Building MapGuide"
+libtoolize --force
+automake --add-missing --copy
+if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+    ./configure --enable-optimized --enable-64bit --prefix=${INSTALLROOT}
+    ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix=${INSTALLROOT}
+BUILD_COMPONENT="MapGuide Install"
+make install
+end_time=`date +%s`
+echo "Preparing binaries for packaging"
+# Prepare binaries for packaging by removing unnecessary
+# .la and .a files and stripping unneeded symbols from the binaries
+LIBDIRS="lib server/lib webserverextensions/lib" 
+echo "Stripping symbols from binaries"
+for libdir in ${LIBDIRS}
+    # Remove any .la and .a files in lib directories
+    rm -f ${libdir}/*.la
+    rm -f ${libdir}/*.a
+    # Remove unneeded symbols from files in the lib directories
+    for file in `find ${libdir}/lib*.so* -type f -print`
+    do
+        strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
+        chmod a-x ${file}
+    done
+# Make tarball if not ubuntu
+if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 0 ];
+    echo "Creating MapGuide Open Source binary tarball"
+    # Tarball the whole works and put it in a bin directory
+    pushd ${BUILDROOT}
+    if [ ! -d bin ]; then
+        mkdir -p bin
+    fi
+    tar -zcf bin/mapguideopensource-${BUILDNUM}.${REVISION}.tar.gz ${INSTALLROOT} ${LOCKFILEDIR}
+echo "Build complete!"
+echo Main build execution: `expr $end_time - $start_time` s

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_fdo.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_fdo.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_fdo.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# build_fdo.sh
+# Builds FDO and creates a tarball from the binary output
+# Modify setenvironment.sh to point to the correct Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL paths
+# before building
+# FDO version. Make sure this matches your FDO build source
+# FDO install directory
+	error=$?
+	if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "[error]: ${FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT} - Error build failed ($error)"
+		exit $error
+	fi
+	libname=$1-${FDO_VER_FULL}.so
+	libpath=${FDO_INST}/lib/${libname}
+	if [ ! -e ${libpath} ]; then
+		echo "[error]: Error building ${libname}"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "[info]: Saving current FDO dir file list"
+	pushd $FDO_INST
+	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
+	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
+	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst > ${FDO_FILELIST}/orig.lst
+	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/origdir.lst
+	popd
+	echo "[info]: Updating FDO core file list for deb packaging"
+	pushd $FDO_INST
+	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
+	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
+	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst > ${FDO_FILELIST}/fdocore.lst
+	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/fdocoredir.lst
+	popd
+	echo "[info]: Updating $PROVIDER file list for deb packaging"
+	pushd $FDO_INST
+	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
+	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
+	#mkdir -p $BUILDLIST
+	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	cat ${FDO_FILELIST}/orig.lst >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst | uniq -u > ${FDO_FILELIST}/${PROVIDER}.lst
+	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	cat ${FDO_FILELIST}/origdir.lst >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
+	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst | uniq -u > ${FDO_FILELIST}/${PROVIDER}dir.lst
+	popd
+	echo "[info]: Updating setenvironment.sh"
+	# Note: Change your paths here if they're different
+	sed -i 's/export FDOMYSQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/mysql\/rhlinux/export FDOMYSQL=\/home\/vagrant\/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty\/mysql\/x86/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+	sed -i 's/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/pgsql/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=\/home\/vagrant\/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty\/pgsql/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+	echo "export FDOORACLE=/home/vagrant/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty/oracle/x86/instantclient_11_2/sdk" >> ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+# Must have root
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+	echo "[error]: You must run this script with superuser privileges"
+	exit 1
+echo "***********************************************************"
+echo " FDO Source: ${FDO_SRC}"
+echo " FDO Build Area: ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+echo " FDO Install dir: ${FDO_INST}"
+echo " CMake build: ${CMAKE}"
+echo " Is Ubuntu?: ${UBUNTU}"
+echo " Export from local SVN checkout: ${LOCALSVN}"
+echo " Re-use previous build area: ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT}"
+echo "***********************************************************"
+start_time=`date +%s`
+REVISION=`svn info ${FDO_SRC} | perl revnum.pl`
+if [ -d ${FDO_INST} ];
+	echo "[info]: Deleting directory ${FDO_INST} before build"
+	rm -rf ${FDO_INST}
+	echo "[info]: ${FDO_INST} doesn't exist. Continuing build"
+if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
+	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
+	exit 1
+	echo "[info]: Using automake build"
+	if [ -d ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} ];
+	then
+		if [ ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 ];
+		then
+			echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} exists. Going straight to build"
+		else
+			echo "[info]: Removing old FDO build area at ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+			rm -rf ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
+			then
+				svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+				modify_sdk_paths
+			else
+				echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+				svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+				modify_sdk_paths
+			fi
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} does not exist. Doing svn export"
+		echo "[info]: Exporting svn revision ${REVISION}"
+		if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
+		then
+			svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			modify_sdk_paths
+		else
+			echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+			svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			modify_sdk_paths
+		fi
+	fi
+echo "[info]: Building FDO (${FDO_VER_MAJOR}.${FDO_VER_MINOR}.${FDO_VER_REV}) rev (${REVISION})"
+source ./setenvironment.sh
+if [ ! -d ${FDO_INST} ];
+	echo "[error]: FDO install directory ${FDO_INST} doesn't exist. setenvironment.sh should've created this directory. Ensure the FDO version number in this script is correct"
+	exit 1;
+if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
+	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
+	exit 1;
+	#NOTE: We never build ArcSDE provider because we haven't paid the ESRI tax for their ArcSDE SDK
+	for comp in fdocore fdo utilities
+	do
+		FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="$comp (automake)"
+		./build_linux.sh --w $comp --p ${FDO_INST}
+		update_fdocore_file_list
+		check_build
+	done
+	for comp in shp sqlite gdal ogr wfs wms rdbms kingoracle sdf
+	do
+		save_current_file_list
+		FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="$comp (automake)"
+		./build_linux.sh --w $comp --p ${FDO_INST}
+		update_provider_file_list $comp
+		check_build
+	done
+check_fdo_lib libFDO
+check_fdo_lib libExpressionEngine
+check_fdo_lib libSDFProvider
+check_fdo_lib libSHPProvider
+check_fdo_lib libSHPOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libWFSProvider
+check_fdo_lib libWMSProvider
+check_fdo_lib libWMSOverrides
+# ArcSDE provider currently disabled due to missing libraries
+#./buildfdoprovider.sh arcsde
+#check_fdo_lib libArcSDEProvider
+check_fdo_lib libFdoMySQL
+check_fdo_lib libFdoPostgreSQL
+check_fdo_lib libFdoODBC
+check_fdo_lib libSchemaMgr_OV
+check_fdo_lib libGRFPProvider
+check_fdo_lib libGRFPOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libOGRProvider
+check_fdo_lib libKingOracleProvider
+check_fdo_lib libKingOracleOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libSQLiteProvider
+end_time=`date +%s`
+FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Remove .la files from ${FDO_INST}"
+# Remove .la files from lib directory
+rm -f ${FDO_INST}/lib/*.la
+FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Strip so symbols and remove execute flag"
+# Remove unneeded symbols from files in the lib directory
+# and make them non-executable
+for file in `find ${FDO_INST}/lib/lib*.so* -type f -print`
+	strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
+	chmod a-x ${file}
+# Create a binary tar ball for FDO
+tar -zcf fdosdk-centos6-${FDO_VER_FULL}_${REVISION}.tar.gz ${FDO_INST}
+if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 1 ];
+cd ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/install
+dos2unix *
+./dpkgall.sh ${FDO_BUILD_CPU} ${REVISION}
+echo "[info]: FDO build complete!"
+echo Main build execution time: `expr $end_time - $start_time` s

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_oem_ubuntu.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_oem_ubuntu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/build_oem_ubuntu.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# MapGuide Open Source build script (tweaked for Ubuntu)
+# Initialization
+echo "MapGuide Open Source build script for OEM components"
+MY_MAKE_OPTS="-j 2"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do    # Until you run out of parameters...
+    case "$1" in
+        -prefix|--prefix)
+            INSTALLDIR="$2"
+            shift
+            ;;
+        -clean|--clean)
+            CLEAN_FLAG=1
+            shift
+            ;;
+        -help|--help)
+            echo "Usage: $0 (options)"
+            echo "Options:"
+            echo "  --prefix [installation directory]"
+            echo "  --clean [clean all objects and binaries in Oem]"
+            echo "  --help [Display usage]"
+            exit
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift   # Check next set of parameters.
+echo "OEM Build Initialization ............................"
+echo "Oem Libraries will be installed at: ${INSTALLDIR}"
+# Generic Functions
+    error=$?
+    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "$LIB_NAME: Error build failed ($error)................."
+        exit $error
+    fi
+    error=$?
+    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "$LIB_NAME: Error clean failed ($error)................."
+        exit $error
+    fi
+# Build ACE 5.7
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="ACE 5.7"
+    pushd ACE/ACE_wrappers
+    ACE_PATH="${PWD}"
+    pushd ace
+    env ACE_ROOT="${ACE_PATH}" make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    popd
+    pushd ACE/ACE_wrappers
+    ACE_PATH="${PWD}"
+    pushd ace
+    env ACE_ROOT="${ACE_PATH}" make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+    popd
+# Build DWFCORE 1.0
+# Notes: none
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwfcore
+    sh ./build_setup.sh
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfcore
+    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfcore
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build DWFTOOLKIT 7.1
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="DWFTK 7.1"
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwftoolkit
+    sh ./build_setup.sh
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwf
+    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwf
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build DWFEMAP 1.0
+# Notes: none
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwfemap
+    sh ./build_setup.sh
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfemap
+    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfemap
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build GEOS 2.2.0
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="GEOS 2.2.0"
+    pushd geos-2.2.0
+    # Force regen to take into account our modified configure.in
+    aclocal -I macros
+    libtoolize --copy --force
+    autoconf
+    automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        sh ./configure --with-pic --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    else
+        sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    fi
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    # The check build is disabled as the build will fail with automake version < 2.59
+    # check_build
+    popd
+    pushd geos-2.2.0
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build PHP 5.3.1
+# Notes: Configure PHP source tree for building PHP extension
+    LIB_NAME="PHP 5.5.3"
+    # Nothing to do here. build_apt.sh builds PHP
+    pushd LinuxApt/php-5.5.3
+    popd
+    pushd LinuxApt/php-5.5.3
+    make distclean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build SWIGEx 1.0
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="SWIGEx 1.0"
+    pushd SWIGEx
+    mkdir -p Linux/obj/release
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd SWIGEx
+    # Note: the qmake system is required to regenerate the Makefile.
+    #       This is disabled.
+    # make clean
+    # check_clean
+    popd
+# Build BDBXML
+# Notes: none
+    # Need to force regen of the correct xerces config header before building dbxml proper
+    pushd dbxml/xerces-c-src
+    sh ./configure
+    popd
+    # Also need to check and set executable flag for s_paths
+    pushd dbxml/dbxml/dist
+    chmod +x s_paths
+    popd
+    pushd dbxml
+    sh ./buildall.sh
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd dbxml
+    sh ./buildall.sh --clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build CPPUNIT 1.9.14
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="CPPUNIT 1.9.14"
+    pushd CppUnit-1.9.14
+    # the configure script as-is is incompatible with ubuntu, so regen it
+    aclocal -I config
+    libtoolize --copy --force
+    autoconf
+    automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing
+    # -ldl is to prevent undefined reference to dlsym/dlopen/dlclose
+    sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}" LDFLAGS="-ldl"
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd CppUnit-1.9.14
+    sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build IMake 1.0
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="IMake 1.0"
+    pushd ../BuildTools/WebTools/IMake
+    mkdir -p Linux/obj/debug
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd ../BuildTools/WebTools/IMake
+    # Note: does not support clean as qmake is needed to regenerate the Makefile.
+    # make clean
+    # check_clean
+    popd
+# Build ZLIB 1.2.3
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="ZLIB 1.2.3"
+    pushd gd/zlib
+    sh ./configure
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd gd/zlib
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build LIBPNG 1.2.8
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="LIBPNG 1.2.8"
+    pushd gd/lpng
+    cp scripts/makefile.std makefile
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        #Inject -fPIC to CFLAGS for 64-bit
+        sed 's/^CFLAGS=/CFLAGS= -fPIC /g' makefile > makefile64
+        make -fmakefile64 $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    else
+        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    fi
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd gd/lpng
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build JPEG 6b
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="JPEG 6b"
+    pushd gd/jpeg
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
+        #--with-pic does nothing (probably ancient configure script), so do some sed trickery
+        #to inject this flag. Know a better way? Enlighten us :)
+        sed 's/^CFLAGS=/CFLAGS= -fPIC/g' Makefile > Makefile64
+        make -fMakefile64 $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    else
+        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
+        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    fi
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd gd/jpeg
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build FREETYPE 2.1.10
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="FREETYPE 2.1.10"
+    pushd gd/freetype
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic
+    else
+    	sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
+    fi
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd gd/freetype
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build GD 2.0.33
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="GD 2.0.33"
+    pushd gd/gd
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --without-fontconfig --with-pic
+    else
+    	sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --without-fontconfig
+    fi
+    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd gd/gd
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build AGG 2.4
+# Notes: none
+    LIB_NAME="AGG 2.4"
+    pushd agg-2.4
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+    else
+        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    fi
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd agg-2.4
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Build JSON
+# Notes: none
+    pushd jsoncpp
+    #Use the scons installed by apt-get
+    scons platform=linux-gcc
+    popd
+    pushd jsoncpp
+    rm -rf lib buildscons dist
+    popd
+# Build CSMAP
+# Notes: none
+    pushd CsMap
+    mkdir -p .libs
+    pushd Source
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
+        #Need to build CS-Map with -fPIC because linking libraries will be built with -fPIC
+	sed 's/^C_FLG =/C_FLG = -fPIC/g' Library.mak | sed 's/CPP_FLG =/CPP_FLG = -fPIC/g' > Library64.mak
+	make -fLibrary64.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    else
+    	make -fLibrary.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    fi
+    cp CsMap.a ../.libs/libCsmap.a
+    popd
+    pushd Dictionaries
+    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_x64" ]; then
+        #Need to build CS-Map with -fPIC because linking libraries will be built with -fPIC
+        sed 's/^C_FLG =/C_FLG = -fPIC/g' Library.mak | sed 's/CPP_FLG =/CPP_FLG = -fPIC/g' > Compiler64.mak
+	make -fCompiler64.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    else
+        make -fCompiler.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
+    fi
+    ./CS_Comp -b . .
+    popd
+    check_build
+    popd
+    pushd CsMap
+    make clean
+    check_clean
+    popd
+# Script loop
+pushd Oem
+for lib in ace dwfcore dwftk dwfemap geos php swigex bdbxml cppunit imake zlib libpng jpeg freetype gd agg json csmap;
+    echo "$lib: Initialization..........................."
+    init_"$lib"
+    if test "$CLEAN_FLAG" = "1"; then
+        echo "$lib: Clean ....................................."
+        clean_"$lib"
+        echo "$lib: Clean Successful .........................."
+    else
+        echo "$lib: Configure/Build ..........................."
+        build_"$lib"
+        echo "$lib: Build Successful .........................."
+    fi

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgbuild.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgbuild.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgbuild.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Blow away old build directory
+rm -rf ${ROOT}
+# Create and populate documentation directory for fdo-core
+mkdir -p ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}
+cp debian/copyright ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}
+cp debian/changelog ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}/changelog.Debian
+gzip -9 ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}/changelog.Debian
+# Create directories for binary package build and copy
+# install image into build directory
+for dirname in ${DIRLIST}
+  mkdir -p ${CPROOT}/${dirname}
+  cp -ar /${MGINST}/${dirname} ${CPROOT}
+# Remove all files in the REMOVELIST
+for pat in ${REMOVELIST}
+  for file in `find ${CPROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
+  do
+    echo "Removing ${file}"
+    rm -f ${file}
+  done
+# Symbol strip all files in the STRIPLIST
+for pat in ${STRIPLIST}
+  for file in `find ${CPROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
+  do
+    echo "Stripping ${file}"
+    strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
+    chmod a-x ${file}
+  done
+# Call dpkg-shlibdeps to build out library dependencies
+# This will create the substvars file
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to find private libs
+mkdir -p ${ROOT}/DEBIAN
+pushd ${BUILDROOT}
+# Shared library symlinks point back to install directory
+# Add install directory to path to compensate
+# Also add FDO libs to path
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/fdo-3.5.0/lib:${CPROOT}/lib:/${MGINST}/lib
+dpkg-shlibdeps -p${PACKAGEDIR} --ignore-missing-info ${CPROOT}/lib/*.so
+dpkg-gensymbols -p"${PACKAGENAME}" -P"debian/${PACKAGEDIR}"
+# Now generate a filled in control file for the binary package
+# using information from control, changelog, and substvars
+dpkg-gencontrol -p"${PACKAGENAME}" -P"debian/${PACKAGEDIR}"
+# Build binary package from ROOT
+# And move resulting debian package and lintian results to build directory
+dpkg-deb --build ${ROOT}
+lintian -i debian/${PACKAGEDIR}.deb > tmp/${PACKAGEDIR}.lintian
+mv debian/${PACKAGEDIR}.deb bin/${PACKAGENAME}_${MGBUILD}-${BUILDNUM}_${ARCH}.deb

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgmapguide.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgmapguide.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/dpkgmapguide.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Build directory structure underneath directory of this script
+# debian/ - common build directory for all packages
+#   control - generated all packages control file with subst params
+#   changelog - generated changelog file
+#   substvars - subst params created by dpkg-shlibdeps
+#   mapguidecommon/ - packaging directory for common MapGuide components
+#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for common components
+#     DEBIAN/
+#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+#   mapguideserver/ - packaging directory for MapGuide Server
+#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Server
+#     DEBIAN/
+#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+#   mapguidewebextensions/ - packaging directory for Web Extensions
+#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Web Extensions
+#     DEBIAN/
+#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+#   mapguidehttpd/ - packaging directory for Apache Bundle
+#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Apache bundle
+#     DEBIAN/
+#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+# Make sure setvars.sh is called first before running this script
+# Create output directory structure and ignore errors
+if [ ! -d tmp ]; then
+  mkdir tmp >& /dev/null
+  mkdir bin >& /dev/null
+  mkdir debian >& /dev/null
+# clean out existing build tree
+  rm -rf tmp/*
+  rm -rf bin/*
+  rm -rf debian/*
+# Read and validate command line parameters
+if test -z ${ARCH}; then 
+  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
+  exit -1
+if test -z ${BUILDNUM}; then 
+  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
+  exit -1
+case $ARCH in 
+  echo Setting architecture to i386.
+  ;;
+  echo Setting architecture to amd64.
+  ;;
+  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
+  echo Invalid architecture.  Please specify i386 or amd64.
+  exit -1
+  ;;
+# Create control file
+cat > debian/control <<END-OF-CONTROL
+Source: mapguideopensource-src
+Maintainer: MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Homepage: http://mapguide.osgeo.org
+Package: mapguideopensource-common
+Architecture: ${ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidecommon:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} common components
+Package: mapguideopensource-server
+Architecture: ${ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguideserver:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Server
+Package: mapguideopensource-webextensions
+Architecture: ${ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidewebextensions:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Web Extensions
+Package: mapguideopensource-httpd
+Architecture: ${ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidehttpd:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Apache Web Server
+# Create changelog file
+# TODO: pull revision history from Subversion
+CURRTIME=`date -R`
+cat > debian/changelog <<END-OF-CHANGELOG
+mapguideopensource-src (${MGBUILD}-${BUILDNUM}) experimental; urgency=low
+  * ${BUILDNUM}
+ -- MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>  ${CURRTIME}
+# Pull copyright file from Subversion vault 
+wget -N http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/trunk/MgDev/License.txt -O tmp/copyright
+iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 tmp/copyright > debian/copyright
+DIRLIST="lib share"
+REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+STRIPLIST="\.so\$ libdwf"
+source ./dpkgbuild.sh
+DIRLIST="bin lib Logs Packages Repositories RepositoryAdmin Resources Schema Temp Trash Wfs Wms"
+REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+source ./dpkgbuild.sh
+DIRLIST="bin lib www"
+REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+source ./dpkgbuild.sh
+DIRLIST="apache2 php tomcat"
+REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+source ./dpkgbuild.sh

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/revnum.pl
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/revnum.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/scripts/revnum.pl	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+while (defined($line = <STDIN>))
+   ($key,$value) = split(/: /,$line);
+   if ($key eq "Last Changed Rev")
+   {
+      print $value;
+   }
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/sources
Added: svn:ignore
   + updated

Added: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/sources/scons-2.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/sources/scons-2.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Property changes on: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86
Modified: svn:ignore
   - .vagrant

   + .vagrant

Modified: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/Vagrantfile
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/Vagrantfile	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/Vagrantfile	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -140,36 +140,41 @@
 if [ -d $FDO_SRC ]; 
+    HAVE_FDO=1
 if [ -d $FDO_LIB_SRC ];
 if [ -d $MG_SRC ];
 echo [provision]: Copying shell scripts
 mkdir -p $SCRIPT_ROOT
 cp -f /vagrant/*.sh $SCRIPT_ROOT
 cp -f /vagrant/*.pl $SCRIPT_ROOT
+echo [provision]: Flip Ubuntu switch
+sed -i 's/UBUNTU=0/UBUNTU=1/g' build.sh
+sed -i 's/UBUNTU=0/UBUNTU=1/g' build_fdo.sh
 if [ $HAVE_FDO_LIBS -eq 0 ];
-echo [provision]: Extracting FDO thirdparty libs
-tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty.tar.gz -C ~
+    echo [provision]: Extracting FDO thirdparty libs
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty.tar.gz -C ~
 if [ $HAVE_FDO -eq 0 ];
-echo [provision]: Extracting FDO trunk working copy
-mkdir -p ~/fdo
-tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo-checkout.tar.gz -C ~/fdo
+    echo [provision]: Extracting FDO trunk working copy
+    mkdir -p ~/fdo
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/fdo-checkout.tar.gz -C ~/fdo
 if [ $HAVE_MAPGUIDE -eq 0 ];
-echo [provision]: Extracting MapGuide trunk working copy
-mkdir -p $MG_SRC_ROOT
-tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/mapguide-checkout.tar.gz -C $MG_SRC_ROOT
+    echo [provision]: Extracting MapGuide trunk working copy
+    mkdir -p $MG_SRC_ROOT
+    tar -zxf /mapguide_sources/mapguide-checkout.tar.gz -C $MG_SRC_ROOT
 echo [provision]: svn update FDO
@@ -192,8 +197,22 @@
 sudo mkdir -p /vagrant/build
+sudo cp fdo_build_area/install/bin/*.deb /vagrant/build
 sudo cp bin/*.deb /vagrant/build
-echo Build complete
+if [ ! -d /mapguide_sources/updated ]; then
+    sudo mkdir -p /mapguide_sources/updated
+    cd ~/mapguide/trunk
+    echo [provision]: Updating mapguide source tarball
+    tar -zcf mapguide-checkout.tar.gz MgDev
+    sudo mv mapguide-checkout.tar.gz /mapguide_sources/updated
+    cd ~/fdo
+    echo [provision]: Updating fdo source tarball
+    tar -zcf fdo-checkout.tar.gz trunk
+    sudo mv fdo-checkout.tar.gz /mapguide_sources/updated
+    echo [provision]: Updated tarballs already exist. Doing nothing
+echo [provision]: Build complete
   config.vm.provision "shell",

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build.sh	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# Global vars for this script. Modify as necessary
-# Use LOCALSVN=1 if you want to build from an existing copy instead of building
-# from an export (saves bandwidth and faster)
-echo "******************************************************************"
-echo " MapGuide will be installed to: ${INSTALLROOT}"
-echo " SVN Source is: ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH}"
-echo " Make Options: ${MY_MAKE_OPTS}"
-echo " Is Ubuntu?: ${UBUNTU}"
-echo " Preserving the build dir?: ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT}"
-echo " JAVA_HOME: ${JAVA_HOME}"
-echo "******************************************************************"
-# Need JAVA_HOME for JavaApi
-if [ ! -d ${JAVA_HOME} ];
-echo "ERROR: Environment variable JAVA_HOME not set. Please set this enviroment variable first"
-    error=$?
-    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "$BUILD_COMPONENT: Error build failed ($error)................."
-        exit $error
-    fi
-if [ ! ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 ]
-    echo "Removing existing build dir at ${MGSOURCE}"
-    rm -rf ${MGSOURCE}
-    echo "Preserving existing build dir"
-rm -rf ${INSTALLROOT}
-REVISION=`svn info ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} | perl revnum.pl`
-echo ${REVISION} > revnum.txt
-if [ ! ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 -o ! -d ${MGSOURCE} ];
-    if [ ! -d ${MGSOURCE} ];
-    then
-    	echo "Build root ${MGSOURCE} does not exist. Doing svn export"
-    fi
-    echo "Exporting svn revision ${REVISION}"
-    if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
-    then
-        echo "Making local SVN copy of ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} to ${MGSOURCE}"
-        echo "Cleaning out .svn directories"
-	pushd ${MGSOURCE}
-        find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
-	popd
-    else
-        echo "Performing fresh SVN export of ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} (r${REVISION}) to ${MGSOURCE}"
-        svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${SVNROOT}${SVNRELPATH} ${MGSOURCE}
-    fi
-start_time=`date +%s`
-echo "Building Revision ${BUILDNUM}.${REVISION}" 
-echo "#ifndef PRODUCTVERSION_H_" > ${VERFILE}
-echo "#define PRODUCTVERSION_H_" >> ${VERFILE}
-echo 'const STRING ProductVersion = L"'${BUILDNUM}'.'${REVISION}'";' >> ${VERFILE}
-echo 'const STRING ApiVersion     = L"'${APIVERSION}'";' >> ${VERFILE}
-echo '#endif' >> ${VERFILE}
-echo "Building LinuxApt"
-pushd ${MGSOURCE}/Oem/LinuxApt
-./build_apt.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT} --with-tomcat
-# Need an ubuntu-flavoured build_oem.sh if we're doing ubuntu
-if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 1 ]
-    cp ${BUILDROOT}/build_oem_ubuntu.sh .
-    chmod +x build_oem_ubuntu.sh
-    echo "Building Oem (Ubuntu)"
-    BUILD_COMPONENT="Oem (Ubuntu)"
-    ./build_oem_ubuntu.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT}
-    check_build
-    echo "Building Oem (Regular)"
-    BUILD_COMPONENT="Oem (Regular)"
-    ./build_oem.sh --prefix ${INSTALLROOT}
-    check_build
-echo "Building Fusion"
-pushd ${MGSOURCE}/Oem/fusion
-ant prepare
-ant compress
-echo "Building MapGuide"
-libtoolize --force
-automake --add-missing --copy
-if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-    ./configure --enable-optimized --enable-64bit --prefix=${INSTALLROOT}
-    ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix=${INSTALLROOT}
-BUILD_COMPONENT="MapGuide Install"
-make install
-end_time=`date +%s`
-echo "Preparing binaries for packaging"
-# Prepare binaries for packaging by removing unnecessary
-# .la and .a files and stripping unneeded symbols from the binaries
-LIBDIRS="lib server/lib webserverextensions/lib" 
-echo "Stripping symbols from binaries"
-for libdir in ${LIBDIRS}
-    # Remove any .la and .a files in lib directories
-    rm -f ${libdir}/*.la
-    rm -f ${libdir}/*.a
-    # Remove unneeded symbols from files in the lib directories
-    for file in `find ${libdir}/lib*.so* -type f -print`
-    do
-        strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
-        chmod a-x ${file}
-    done
-# Make tarball if not ubuntu
-if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 1 ];
-    echo "Creating MapGuide Open Source binary tarball"
-    # Tarball the whole works and put it in a bin directory
-    pushd ${BUILDROOT}
-    if [ ! -d bin ]; then
-        mkdir -p bin
-    fi
-    tar -zcf bin/mapguideopensource-${BUILDNUM}.${REVISION}.tar.gz ${INSTALLROOT} ${LOCKFILEDIR}
-echo "Build complete!"
-echo Main build execution: `expr $end_time - $start_time` s

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_fdo.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_fdo.sh	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_fdo.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-# build_fdo.sh
-# Builds FDO and creates a tarball from the binary output
-# Modify setenvironment.sh to point to the correct Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL paths
-# before building
-# FDO version. Make sure this matches your FDO build source
-# FDO install directory
-	error=$?
-	if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
-		echo "[error]: ${FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT} - Error build failed ($error)"
-		exit $error
-	fi
-	libname=$1-${FDO_VER_FULL}.so
-	libpath=${FDO_INST}/lib/${libname}
-	if [ ! -e ${libpath} ]; then
-		echo "[error]: Error building ${libname}"
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	echo "[info]: Saving current FDO dir file list"
-	pushd $FDO_INST
-	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
-	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
-	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst > ${FDO_FILELIST}/orig.lst
-	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/origdir.lst
-	popd
-	echo "[info]: Updating FDO core file list for deb packaging"
-	pushd $FDO_INST
-	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
-	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
-	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst > ${FDO_FILELIST}/fdocore.lst
-	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/fdocoredir.lst
-	popd
-	echo "[info]: Updating $PROVIDER file list for deb packaging"
-	pushd $FDO_INST
-	# For lazy folks who build from svn working copies instead of svn exports, we need to weed out any .svn dirs before compiling the file-list
-	find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
-	#mkdir -p $BUILDLIST
-	find . -type f -print > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	find . -type l -print >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	cat ${FDO_FILELIST}/orig.lst >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst | uniq -u > ${FDO_FILELIST}/${PROVIDER}.lst
-	find . -type d -print | sort > ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	cat ${FDO_FILELIST}/origdir.lst >> ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst
-	sort ${FDO_FILELIST}/temp.lst | uniq -u > ${FDO_FILELIST}/${PROVIDER}dir.lst
-	popd
-	echo "[info]: Updating setenvironment.sh"
-	# Note: Change your paths here if they're different
-	sed -i 's/export FDOMYSQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/mysql\/rhlinux/export FDOMYSQL=\/home\/vagrant\/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty\/mysql\/x86/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
-	sed -i 's/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/pgsql/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=\/home\/vagrant\/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty\/pgsql/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
-	echo "export FDOORACLE=/home/vagrant/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty/oracle/x86/instantclient_11_2/sdk" >> ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
-# Must have root
-if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
-	echo "[error]: You must run this script with superuser privileges"
-	exit 1
-echo "***********************************************************"
-echo " FDO Source: ${FDO_SRC}"
-echo " FDO Build Area: ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
-echo " FDO Install dir: ${FDO_INST}"
-echo " CMake build: ${CMAKE}"
-echo " Is Ubuntu?: ${UBUNTU}"
-echo " Export from local SVN checkout: ${LOCALSVN}"
-echo " Re-use previous build area: ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT}"
-echo "***********************************************************"
-start_time=`date +%s`
-REVISION=`svn info ${FDO_SRC} | perl revnum.pl`
-if [ -d ${FDO_INST} ];
-	echo "[info]: Deleting directory ${FDO_INST} before build"
-	rm -rf ${FDO_INST}
-	echo "[info]: ${FDO_INST} doesn't exist. Continuing build"
-if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
-	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
-	exit 1
-	echo "[info]: Using automake build"
-	if [ -d ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} ];
-	then
-		if [ ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 ];
-		then
-			echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} exists. Going straight to build"
-		else
-			echo "[info]: Removing old FDO build area at ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
-			rm -rf ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
-			if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
-			then
-				svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
-				modify_sdk_paths
-			else
-				echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
-				svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
-				modify_sdk_paths
-			fi
-		fi
-	else
-		echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} does not exist. Doing svn export"
-		echo "[info]: Exporting svn revision ${REVISION}"
-		if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
-		then
-			svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
-			modify_sdk_paths
-		else
-			echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
-			svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
-			modify_sdk_paths
-		fi
-	fi
-echo "[info]: Building FDO (${FDO_VER_MAJOR}.${FDO_VER_MINOR}.${FDO_VER_REV}) rev (${REVISION})"
-source ./setenvironment.sh
-if [ ! -d ${FDO_INST} ];
-	echo "[error]: FDO install directory ${FDO_INST} doesn't exist. setenvironment.sh should've created this directory. Ensure the FDO version number in this script is correct"
-	exit 1;
-if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
-	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
-	exit 1;
-	#NOTE: We never build ArcSDE provider because we haven't paid the ESRI tax for their ArcSDE SDK
-	for comp in fdocore fdo utilities
-	do
-		FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="$comp (automake)"
-		./build_linux.sh --w $comp --p ${FDO_INST}
-		update_fdocore_file_list
-		check_build
-	done
-	for comp in shp sqlite gdal ogr wfs wms rdbms kingoracle sdf
-	do
-		save_current_file_list
-		FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="$comp (automake)"
-		./build_linux.sh --w $comp --p ${FDO_INST}
-		update_provider_file_list $comp
-		check_build
-	done
-check_fdo_lib libFDO
-check_fdo_lib libExpressionEngine
-check_fdo_lib libSDFProvider
-check_fdo_lib libSHPProvider
-check_fdo_lib libSHPOverrides
-check_fdo_lib libWFSProvider
-check_fdo_lib libWMSProvider
-check_fdo_lib libWMSOverrides
-# ArcSDE provider currently disabled due to missing libraries
-#./buildfdoprovider.sh arcsde
-#check_fdo_lib libArcSDEProvider
-check_fdo_lib libFdoMySQL
-check_fdo_lib libFdoPostgreSQL
-check_fdo_lib libFdoODBC
-check_fdo_lib libSchemaMgr_OV
-check_fdo_lib libGRFPProvider
-check_fdo_lib libGRFPOverrides
-check_fdo_lib libOGRProvider
-check_fdo_lib libKingOracleProvider
-check_fdo_lib libKingOracleOverrides
-check_fdo_lib libSQLiteProvider
-end_time=`date +%s`
-FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Remove .la files from ${FDO_INST}"
-# Remove .la files from lib directory
-rm -f ${FDO_INST}/lib/*.la
-FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Strip so symbols and remove execute flag"
-# Remove unneeded symbols from files in the lib directory
-# and make them non-executable
-for file in `find ${FDO_INST}/lib/lib*.so* -type f -print`
-	strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
-	chmod a-x ${file}
-# Create a binary tar ball for FDO
-tar -zcf fdosdk-centos6-${FDO_VER_FULL}_${REVISION}.tar.gz ${FDO_INST}
-if [ ${UBUNTU} -eq 1 ];
-cd ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/install
-dos2unix *
-./dpkgall.sh ${FDO_BUILD_CPU} ${REVISION}
-echo "[info]: FDO build complete!"
-echo Main build execution time: `expr $end_time - $start_time` s

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_oem_ubuntu.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_oem_ubuntu.sh	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/build_oem_ubuntu.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# MapGuide Open Source build script (tweaked for Ubuntu)
-# Initialization
-echo "MapGuide Open Source build script for OEM components"
-MY_MAKE_OPTS="-j 2"
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do    # Until you run out of parameters...
-    case "$1" in
-        -prefix|--prefix)
-            INSTALLDIR="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -clean|--clean)
-            CLEAN_FLAG=1
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -help|--help)
-            echo "Usage: $0 (options)"
-            echo "Options:"
-            echo "  --prefix [installation directory]"
-            echo "  --clean [clean all objects and binaries in Oem]"
-            echo "  --help [Display usage]"
-            exit
-            ;;
-    esac
-    shift   # Check next set of parameters.
-echo "OEM Build Initialization ............................"
-echo "Oem Libraries will be installed at: ${INSTALLDIR}"
-# Generic Functions
-    error=$?
-    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "$LIB_NAME: Error build failed ($error)................."
-        exit $error
-    fi
-    error=$?
-    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "$LIB_NAME: Error clean failed ($error)................."
-        exit $error
-    fi
-# Build ACE 5.7
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="ACE 5.7"
-    pushd ACE/ACE_wrappers
-    ACE_PATH="${PWD}"
-    pushd ace
-    env ACE_ROOT="${ACE_PATH}" make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    popd
-    pushd ACE/ACE_wrappers
-    ACE_PATH="${PWD}"
-    pushd ace
-    env ACE_ROOT="${ACE_PATH}" make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-    popd
-# Build DWFCORE 1.0
-# Notes: none
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwfcore
-    sh ./build_setup.sh
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfcore
-    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfcore
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build DWFTOOLKIT 7.1
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="DWFTK 7.1"
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwftoolkit
-    sh ./build_setup.sh
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwf
-    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwf
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build DWFEMAP 1.0
-# Notes: none
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu/dwfemap
-    sh ./build_setup.sh
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfemap
-    sh ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd DWFTK7.1/develop/global/src/dwfemap
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build GEOS 2.2.0
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="GEOS 2.2.0"
-    pushd geos-2.2.0
-    # Force regen to take into account our modified configure.in
-    aclocal -I macros
-    libtoolize --copy --force
-    autoconf
-    automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        sh ./configure --with-pic --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    else
-        sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    fi
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    # The check build is disabled as the build will fail with automake version < 2.59
-    # check_build
-    popd
-    pushd geos-2.2.0
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build PHP 5.3.1
-# Notes: Configure PHP source tree for building PHP extension
-    LIB_NAME="PHP 5.5.3"
-    # Nothing to do here. build_apt.sh builds PHP
-    pushd LinuxApt/php-5.5.3
-    popd
-    pushd LinuxApt/php-5.5.3
-    make distclean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build SWIGEx 1.0
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="SWIGEx 1.0"
-    pushd SWIGEx
-    mkdir -p Linux/obj/release
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd SWIGEx
-    # Note: the qmake system is required to regenerate the Makefile.
-    #       This is disabled.
-    # make clean
-    # check_clean
-    popd
-# Build BDBXML
-# Notes: none
-    # Need to force regen of the correct xerces config header before building dbxml proper
-    pushd dbxml/xerces-c-src
-    sh ./configure
-    popd
-    # Also need to check and set executable flag for s_paths
-    pushd dbxml/dbxml/dist
-    chmod +x s_paths
-    popd
-    pushd dbxml
-    sh ./buildall.sh
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd dbxml
-    sh ./buildall.sh --clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build CPPUNIT 1.9.14
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="CPPUNIT 1.9.14"
-    pushd CppUnit-1.9.14
-    # the configure script as-is is incompatible with ubuntu, so regen it
-    aclocal -I config
-    libtoolize --copy --force
-    autoconf
-    automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing
-    # -ldl is to prevent undefined reference to dlsym/dlopen/dlclose
-    sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}" LDFLAGS="-ldl"
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd CppUnit-1.9.14
-    sh ./configure --prefix="${INSTALLDIR}"
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build IMake 1.0
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="IMake 1.0"
-    pushd ../BuildTools/WebTools/IMake
-    mkdir -p Linux/obj/debug
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd ../BuildTools/WebTools/IMake
-    # Note: does not support clean as qmake is needed to regenerate the Makefile.
-    # make clean
-    # check_clean
-    popd
-# Build ZLIB 1.2.3
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="ZLIB 1.2.3"
-    pushd gd/zlib
-    sh ./configure
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd gd/zlib
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build LIBPNG 1.2.8
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="LIBPNG 1.2.8"
-    pushd gd/lpng
-    cp scripts/makefile.std makefile
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        #Inject -fPIC to CFLAGS for 64-bit
-        sed 's/^CFLAGS=/CFLAGS= -fPIC /g' makefile > makefile64
-        make -fmakefile64 $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    else
-        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    fi
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd gd/lpng
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build JPEG 6b
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="JPEG 6b"
-    pushd gd/jpeg
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
-        #--with-pic does nothing (probably ancient configure script), so do some sed trickery
-        #to inject this flag. Know a better way? Enlighten us :)
-        sed 's/^CFLAGS=/CFLAGS= -fPIC/g' Makefile > Makefile64
-        make -fMakefile64 $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    else
-        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
-        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    fi
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd gd/jpeg
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build FREETYPE 2.1.10
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="FREETYPE 2.1.10"
-    pushd gd/freetype
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic
-    else
-    	sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
-    fi
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd gd/freetype
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build GD 2.0.33
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="GD 2.0.33"
-    pushd gd/gd
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --without-fontconfig --with-pic
-    else
-    	sh ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --without-fontconfig
-    fi
-    make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd gd/gd
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build AGG 2.4
-# Notes: none
-    LIB_NAME="AGG 2.4"
-    pushd agg-2.4
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-    else
-        make $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    fi
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd agg-2.4
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Build JSON
-# Notes: none
-    pushd jsoncpp
-    #Use the scons installed by apt-get
-    scons platform=linux-gcc
-    popd
-    pushd jsoncpp
-    rm -rf lib buildscons dist
-    popd
-# Build CSMAP
-# Notes: none
-    pushd CsMap
-    mkdir -p .libs
-    pushd Source
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then
-        #Need to build CS-Map with -fPIC because linking libraries will be built with -fPIC
-	sed 's/^C_FLG =/C_FLG = -fPIC/g' Library.mak | sed 's/CPP_FLG =/CPP_FLG = -fPIC/g' > Library64.mak
-	make -fLibrary64.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    else
-    	make -fLibrary.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    fi
-    cp CsMap.a ../.libs/libCsmap.a
-    popd
-    pushd Dictionaries
-    if [ $(uname -m) = "x86_x64" ]; then
-        #Need to build CS-Map with -fPIC because linking libraries will be built with -fPIC
-        sed 's/^C_FLG =/C_FLG = -fPIC/g' Library.mak | sed 's/CPP_FLG =/CPP_FLG = -fPIC/g' > Compiler64.mak
-	make -fCompiler64.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    else
-        make -fCompiler.mak $MY_MAKE_OPTS
-    fi
-    ./CS_Comp -b . .
-    popd
-    check_build
-    popd
-    pushd CsMap
-    make clean
-    check_clean
-    popd
-# Script loop
-pushd Oem
-for lib in ace dwfcore dwftk dwfemap geos php swigex bdbxml cppunit imake zlib libpng jpeg freetype gd agg json csmap;
-    echo "$lib: Initialization..........................."
-    init_"$lib"
-    if test "$CLEAN_FLAG" = "1"; then
-        echo "$lib: Clean ....................................."
-        clean_"$lib"
-        echo "$lib: Clean Successful .........................."
-    else
-        echo "$lib: Configure/Build ..........................."
-        build_"$lib"
-        echo "$lib: Build Successful .........................."
-    fi

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgbuild.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgbuild.sh	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgbuild.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Blow away old build directory
-rm -rf ${ROOT}
-# Create and populate documentation directory for fdo-core
-mkdir -p ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}
-cp debian/copyright ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}
-cp debian/changelog ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}/changelog.Debian
-gzip -9 ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGENAME}/changelog.Debian
-# Create directories for binary package build and copy
-# install image into build directory
-for dirname in ${DIRLIST}
-  mkdir -p ${CPROOT}/${dirname}
-  cp -ar /${MGINST}/${dirname} ${CPROOT}
-# Remove all files in the REMOVELIST
-for pat in ${REMOVELIST}
-  for file in `find ${CPROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
-  do
-    echo "Removing ${file}"
-    rm -f ${file}
-  done
-# Symbol strip all files in the STRIPLIST
-for pat in ${STRIPLIST}
-  for file in `find ${CPROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
-  do
-    echo "Stripping ${file}"
-    strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
-    chmod a-x ${file}
-  done
-# Call dpkg-shlibdeps to build out library dependencies
-# This will create the substvars file
-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to find private libs
-mkdir -p ${ROOT}/DEBIAN
-pushd ${BUILDROOT}
-# Shared library symlinks point back to install directory
-# Add install directory to path to compensate
-# Also add FDO libs to path
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/fdo-3.5.0/lib:${CPROOT}/lib:/${MGINST}/lib
-dpkg-shlibdeps -p${PACKAGEDIR} --ignore-missing-info ${CPROOT}/lib/*.so
-dpkg-gensymbols -p"${PACKAGENAME}" -P"debian/${PACKAGEDIR}"
-# Now generate a filled in control file for the binary package
-# using information from control, changelog, and substvars
-dpkg-gencontrol -p"${PACKAGENAME}" -P"debian/${PACKAGEDIR}"
-# Build binary package from ROOT
-# And move resulting debian package and lintian results to build directory
-dpkg-deb --build ${ROOT}
-lintian -i debian/${PACKAGEDIR}.deb > tmp/${PACKAGEDIR}.lintian
-mv debian/${PACKAGEDIR}.deb bin/${PACKAGENAME}_${MGBUILD}-${BUILDNUM}_${ARCH}.deb

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgmapguide.sh
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgmapguide.sh	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/dpkgmapguide.sh	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Build directory structure underneath directory of this script
-# debian/ - common build directory for all packages
-#   control - generated all packages control file with subst params
-#   changelog - generated changelog file
-#   substvars - subst params created by dpkg-shlibdeps
-#   mapguidecommon/ - packaging directory for common MapGuide components
-#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for common components
-#     DEBIAN/
-#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
-#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
-#   mapguideserver/ - packaging directory for MapGuide Server
-#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Server
-#     DEBIAN/
-#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
-#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
-#   mapguidewebextensions/ - packaging directory for Web Extensions
-#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Web Extensions
-#     DEBIAN/
-#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
-#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
-#   mapguidehttpd/ - packaging directory for Apache Bundle
-#     usr/local/mapguideopensource-2.4.0/ - copied tree for Apache bundle
-#     DEBIAN/
-#       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
-#       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
-# Make sure setvars.sh is called first before running this script
-# Create output directory structure and ignore errors
-if [ ! -d tmp ]; then
-  mkdir tmp >& /dev/null
-  mkdir bin >& /dev/null
-  mkdir debian >& /dev/null
-# clean out existing build tree
-  rm -rf tmp/*
-  rm -rf bin/*
-  rm -rf debian/*
-# Read and validate command line parameters
-if test -z ${ARCH}; then 
-  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
-  exit -1
-if test -z ${BUILDNUM}; then 
-  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
-  exit -1
-case $ARCH in 
-  echo Setting architecture to i386.
-  ;;
-  echo Setting architecture to amd64.
-  ;;
-  echo Usage: dpkgmapguide.sh [i386/amd64] svnChangeNum
-  echo Invalid architecture.  Please specify i386 or amd64.
-  exit -1
-  ;;
-# Create control file
-cat > debian/control <<END-OF-CONTROL
-Source: mapguideopensource-src
-Maintainer: MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Homepage: http://mapguide.osgeo.org
-Package: mapguideopensource-common
-Architecture: ${ARCH}
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Depends: \${mapguidecommon:Depends}
-Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} common components
-Package: mapguideopensource-server
-Architecture: ${ARCH}
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Depends: \${mapguideserver:Depends}
-Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Server
-Package: mapguideopensource-webextensions
-Architecture: ${ARCH}
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Depends: \${mapguidewebextensions:Depends}
-Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Web Extensions
-Package: mapguideopensource-httpd
-Architecture: ${ARCH}
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Depends: \${mapguidehttpd:Depends}
-Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MGBUILD} Apache Web Server
-# Create changelog file
-# TODO: pull revision history from Subversion
-CURRTIME=`date -R`
-cat > debian/changelog <<END-OF-CHANGELOG
-mapguideopensource-src (${MGBUILD}-${BUILDNUM}) experimental; urgency=low
-  * ${BUILDNUM}
- -- MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>  ${CURRTIME}
-# Pull copyright file from Subversion vault 
-wget -N http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/trunk/MgDev/License.txt -O tmp/copyright
-iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 tmp/copyright > debian/copyright
-DIRLIST="lib share"
-REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
-STRIPLIST="\.so\$ libdwf"
-source ./dpkgbuild.sh
-DIRLIST="bin lib Logs Packages Repositories RepositoryAdmin Resources Schema Temp Trash Wfs Wms"
-REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
-source ./dpkgbuild.sh
-DIRLIST="bin lib www"
-REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
-source ./dpkgbuild.sh
-DIRLIST="apache2 php tomcat"
-REMOVELIST="\.a\$ \.la\$"
-source ./dpkgbuild.sh

Deleted: trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/revnum.pl
--- trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/revnum.pl	2014-02-26 08:22:16 UTC (rev 7984)
+++ trunk/Tools/Vagrant/ubuntu/x86/revnum.pl	2014-03-02 15:54:45 UTC (rev 7985)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-while (defined($line = <STDIN>))
-   ($key,$value) = split(/: /,$line);
-   if ($key eq "Last Changed Rev")
-   {
-      print $value;
-   }
\ No newline at end of file

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