[mapguide-commits] r8804 - in sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml: . examples examples/cxx examples/cxx/basic examples/cxx/gettingStarted examples/cxx/misc examples/cxx/xerces examples/java examples/java/basic examples/java/event examples/java/gettingStarted examples/java/misc examples/perl examples/perl/gettingStarted examples/php examples/python examples/python/basic examples/python/misc examples/xmlData examples/xmlData/nsData examples/xmlData/simpleData

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 29 09:00:46 PDT 2015

Author: jng
Date: 2015-10-29 09:00:46 -0700 (Thu, 29 Oct 2015)
New Revision: 8804

Restore the dbxml samples dir. The dbxml build process insists on building samples.

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/README
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/README	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+		Berkeley DB XML Examples README
+This directory contains example code for the
+language bindings supported by BDB XML, including
+C++, Java, Python, Perl and PHP.
+This is a brief overview of the example structure:
+	These are examples associated with the C++ and
+	Java Getting Started Guide documentation provided
+	with BDB XML.
+	Simple PHP examples
+	Simple examples of BDB XML usage:
+	helloWorld -- as basic as it gets
+	helloWorldTxn -- basic, with transactions
+	query -- simple query and results handling
+	queryTxn -- simple query and results handling using transactions
+	... your example goes here ...
+	Examples of the XQuery Debug API, including (in Java) a very simple
+		 query profiler using the debug API
+	Examples of the XQuery external function API (XmlExternalFunction)
+	Examples of compression (Java and C++ only)
+	examples.py -- a set of examples, small tests
+Future: add "advanced" directory and examples:
+	o indexes
+	o use of checkpoints
+	o deadlock handling
+	o app server example
+	o scripting integration with other products

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorld.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorld.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorld.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * helloWorld
+ *
+ * The simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does something.
+ *
+ *  Usage: helloWorld
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  Basic initialization
+ *  Container creation
+ *  Document insertion
+ *  Document retrieval by name
+ *
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+using namespace DbXml;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	// An empty string means an in-memory container, which
+	// will not be persisted
+	std::string containerName = "";
+	std::string content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>";
+	std::string docName = "doc";
+	try {
+		// All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+		XmlManager mgr;
+		{
+		XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+		// All Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+		XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		cont.putDocument(docName, content, uc);
+		// Now, get the document
+		XmlDocument doc = cont.getDocument(docName);
+		std::string docContent;
+		std::string name = doc.getName();
+		docContent = doc.getContent(docContent);
+		// print it
+		std::cout << "Document name: " << name << "\nContent: " <<
+			docContent << std::endl;
+		// In C++, resources are released as objects go out
+		// of scope.
+		}
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		std::cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << std::endl;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorldTxn.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorldTxn.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/helloWorldTxn.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* helloWorldTxn
+* The simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+* that does something, but using transactions.
+* Transactions require an initialized Berkeley DB environment.
+* There is a single, optional argument, which allows the
+* environment directory to be specified:
+*  Usage: helloWorldTxn [-h environmentDirectory]
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  Berkeley DB transactional environment creation
+*  Transactional container creation
+*  Transactional document insertion
+*  Transactional document retrieval by name
+* After running this program, you will notice a number of files
+* in the environment directory:
+*   __db.* files are the BDB environment, including cache
+*   log.* files are BDB log files for transactions
+* The actual BDB XML container is not present, since it's only
+* created in-memory, and will disappear at the end of the program.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+static void usage(const char *progname)
+	std::cerr << "Usage:" << progname << " [-h environmentDirectory]"
+		<< std::endl;
+	exit(1);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	// An empty string means an in-memory container, which
+	// will not be persisted
+	std::string containerName = "";
+	std::string content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>";
+	std::string docName = "doc";
+	std::string environmentDir = ".";
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (25 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 25*1024*1024;
+	// argument parsing should really use getopt(), but
+	// avoid it for platform-independence
+	if (argc == 3) {
+		if (std::string(argv[1]) != std::string("-h"))
+			usage(argv[0]);
+		environmentDir = argv[2];
+	} else if (argc != 1)
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, environmentDir.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	try {
+		// All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance.
+		// Create it from the DB_ENV
+		XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+		/* Create a container that is transactional.  The container
+		* type is NodeStorage, which is the default container type,
+		* and the index is on nodes, which is the default for a
+		* NodeStorage container.  XmlContainerConfig can be used
+		* to set the container type and index type.
+		*/
+		XmlContainerConfig config;
+		config.setTransactional(true);
+		XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(
+			containerName,
+			config);
+		// All Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+		XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		// Perform the putDocument in a transaction, created
+		// from the XmlManager
+		XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+		cont.putDocument(txn, docName, content, uc);
+		// commit the Transaction
+		txn.commit();
+		// Now, get the document, in a new transaction.
+		// It is OK to reuse the XmlTransaction object -- it
+		// is just a handle.
+		txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+		XmlDocument doc = cont.getDocument(txn, docName);
+		std::string docContent;
+		std::string name = doc.getName();
+		docContent = doc.getContent(docContent);
+		// commit the transaction.  Note that this is done
+		// after getting the document content.  This is necessary
+		// as getting the content will touch the database.
+		// Also, given that this is a read-only operation, abort()
+		// would be just as appropriate.
+		txn.commit();
+		std::cout << "Document name: " << name << "\nContent: " <<
+			docContent << std::endl;
+		// In C++, resources are released as objects go out
+		// of scope.
+	}
+	catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		std::cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << std::endl;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/query.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/query.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/query.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * query
+ *
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does a query and handles results.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  Basic initialization
+ *  Container creation
+ *  Document insertion
+ *  Query creation and execution
+ *  Use of a variable in a query and context
+ *  Results handling
+ *
+ *  Usage: query
+ *
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+using namespace DbXml;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	// This program uses a named container, which will apear
+	// on disk
+	std::string containerName = "people.dbxml";
+	std::string content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>";
+	std::string docName = "people";
+	// Note that the query uses a variable, which must be set
+	// in the query context
+	std::string queryString =
+		"collection('people.dbxml')/people/person[name=$name]";
+	try {
+		// All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+		XmlManager mgr;
+		// Because the container will exist on disk, remove it
+		// first if it exists
+		if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName))
+			mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+		// Now it is safe to create the container
+		XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+		// All Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+		XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		cont.putDocument(docName, content, uc);
+		// Querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+		XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		// Add a variable to the query context, used by the query
+		qc.setVariableValue("name", "mary");
+		// Note: these two calls could be replaced by a shortcut
+		// mgr.query(queryString, qc), but under the covers,
+		// this is what is happening.
+		XmlQueryExpression expr = mgr.prepare(queryString, qc);
+		XmlResults res = expr.execute(qc);
+		// Note use of XmlQueryExpression::getQuery() and
+		// XmlResults::size()
+		std::cout << "The query, '" << expr.getQuery() << "' returned " <<
+			(unsigned int) res.size() << " result(s)" << std::endl;
+		// Process results -- just print them
+		XmlValue value;
+		std::cout << "Result: " << std::endl;
+		while (res.next(value)) {
+			std::cout << "\t" << value.asString() << std::endl;
+		}
+		// In C++, resources are released as objects go out
+		// of scope.
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		std::cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << std::endl;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/queryTxn.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/queryTxn.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/basic/queryTxn.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* queryTxn
+* A very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+* that does a query and handles results, using
+* transactions.
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  Transactional initialization
+*  Transactional container creation
+*  Transactional document insertion
+*  Transactional query creation and execution
+*  Use of a variable in a query and context
+*  Transactional results handling
+*  Usage: queryTxn [-h environmentDirectory]
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+// A standard Berkeley DB error handler to get extra information
+// on database errors
+static void errcall(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errPfx, const char *errMsg)
+	std::cerr << "Error from Berkeley DB: " << errMsg << std::endl;
+static void usage(const char *progname)
+	std::cerr << "Usage:" << progname << " [-h environmentDirectory]"
+		<< std::endl;
+	exit(1);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	// This program uses a named container, which will apear
+	// on disk
+	std::string containerName = "people.dbxml";
+	std::string content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>";
+	std::string docName = "people";
+	// Note that the query uses a variable, which must be set
+	// in the query context
+	std::string queryString =
+		"collection('people.dbxml')/people/person[name=$name]";
+	std::string environmentDir = ".";
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (25 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 25*1024*1024;
+	// argument parsing should really use getopt(), but
+	// avoid it for platform-independence
+	if (argc == 3) {
+		if (std::string(argv[1]) != std::string("-h"))
+			usage(argv[0]);
+		environmentDir = argv[2];
+	} else if (argc != 1)
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dbEnv->set_errcall(dbEnv, errcall); // set error callback
+		dbEnv->set_lk_detect(dbEnv, DB_LOCK_DEFAULT); // handle deadlocks
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, environmentDir.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	try {
+		// All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance.
+		// Create it from the DbEnv
+		XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+		// Because the container will exist on disk, remove it
+		// first if it exists
+		if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName))
+			mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+		/* Create a container that is transactional.  The container
+		* type is NodeContainer, which is the default container type,
+		* and the index is on nodes, which is the default for a
+		* NodeContainer container.  XmlContainerConfig can be used
+		* to set the container type and index type.
+		*/
+		XmlContainerConfig config;
+		config.setTransactional(true);
+		XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(
+			containerName,
+			config);
+		// All Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+		XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		// The following putDocument call will auto-transact
+		// and will abort/cleanup if the operation deadlocks or
+		// otherwise fails
+		cont.putDocument(docName, content, uc);
+		// Querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+		XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		// Add a variable to the query context, used by the query
+		qc.setVariableValue("name", "mary");
+		// Use try/catch and while to handle deadlock/retry
+		int retry = 0;
+		while (retry < 5) { // hard-code 5 retries
+			// Create a new transaction for the query
+			XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+			try {
+				// o Note the passing of txn to both methods
+				// o Often the XmlQueryExpression object will be created and
+				// saved for reuse in order to amortize the cost of parsing a query
+				XmlQueryExpression expr = mgr.prepare(txn, queryString, qc);
+				XmlResults res = expr.execute(txn, qc);
+				// Note use of XmlQueryExpression::getQuery() and
+				// XmlResults::size()
+				std::cout << "The query, '" << expr.getQuery() << "' returned " <<
+					(unsigned int)res.size() << " result(s)" << std::endl;
+				// Process results -- just print them
+				XmlValue value;
+				std::cout << "Result: " << std::endl;
+				while (res.next(value)) {
+					std::cout << "\t" << value.asString() << std::endl;
+				}
+				// done with the transaction
+				txn.commit();
+				break;
+			} catch (XmlException &x) {
+				txn.abort(); // unconditional
+				if ((x.getExceptionCode() == XmlException::DATABASE_ERROR) &&
+					(x.getDbErrno() == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK)) {
+						++retry;
+						continue; // try again
+				}
+				throw; // re-throw -- not deadlock
+			}
+		}
+		// In C++, resources are released as objects go out
+		// of scope.
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		std::cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << std::endl;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/Readme.txt
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+                DBXML Getting Started Examples
+                            Readme
+This directory contains examples and sample data designed to illustrate
+BDB XML's basic capabilities. Generally, to run the examples you must first
+load the sample data using loadExamplesData[.sh|.cmd] (depending on your
+platform).  This script uses the exampleLoadContainer example program to
+load all the sample data contained in the dbxml/examples/xmlData directory
+into the containers expected by the rest of the examples.
+The examples are compiled by the default build of BDB XML.  On
+Unix, they are built into the directory:
+   dbxml/build_unix
+On Windows, they are in:
+   bin -- release build
+   bin/debug -- debug build
+On Windows, the example names are prefixed with "dbxml_example_,"
+for example, dbxml_example_simpleQuery.
+Before running the loadExamplesData script, or any of the commands,
+you must make sure that your environment is correct.  On Windows, this
+means setting PATH to include the location of the BDB XML library
+and the third-party libraries.  For example:
+      PATH=%PATH%;<path_to_distribution>/bin/debug
+On Unix, you might use (in sh):
+      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_install>/lib
+      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+The examples can be run from other locations, but it
+is best to run them from the directory in which this
+Readme file resides (dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted).
+1.  Change directory to dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted
+    cd dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted
+2.  Create a directory for the new container environment
+    mkdir dbEnv  (use any name you want)
+3.  Run the script
+    loadExamplesData.cmd dbEnv .
+    The "dbEnv" argument is the directory you created.  The
+    "." argument is the current directory.  It is used to find
+    the example XML files, which are in ../../xmlData.
+1.  Change directory to dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted
+    cd dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted
+2.  Create a directory for the new container environment
+    mkdir dbEnv  (use any name you want)
+3.  Run the script
+    ./loadExamplesData.sh dbEnv ../../../build_unix
+    The "dbEnv" argument is the directory you created.  The
+    "../../../build_unix" argument is the path to the example
+    executable files.  This command must be run from the
+    gettingStarted directory, since it looks in "../../xmlData"
+    to find the example XML files.
+At this point, the sample data is loaded into a database
+environment stored in the directory you specified above.
+This data is used by most of the other gettingStarted examples.
+Once loaded, most of the examples can be run by simply identifying
+the directory where you placed your database environment.
+For example:
+On Unix:
+    (from dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted)
+    ../../../build_unix/simpleQuery -h dbEnvironment
+On Windows:
+    (assumes example executables are in your PATH)
+    dbxml_example_simpleQuery -h dbEnvironment
+On Windows, the example names are prefixed with "dbxml_example_,"
+for example, dbxml_example_simpleQuery.  Windows examples are built
+into the <path_to_distribution>/bin{/debug} directory
+by default, where Release or Debug is the configuration that has
+been built.
+- simpleContainer.cpp
+  Creates a container, closes it, and then quits. No database environment is
+  used. You should edit this file and identify a real path to where you want
+  your container placed before running this example.
+- simpleContainerInEnv.cpp
+  Creates a database environment, opens it, and then creates and opens three
+  containers in that environment. Finally, the containers and environments are
+  closed. You should edit this file and provide a path to an existing
+  directory where you want the database environment placed before running this
+  example.
+- simpleAdd.cpp
+  Creates a database environment and container, and then adds two very simple
+  XML documents to the container. You identify the location where you want the
+  database environment placed using the -h option. This example requires no
+  other command line options.
+- exampleLoadContainer.cpp
+  Creates/opens the specified database environment, creates/opens the
+  specified container in that environment, and then loads every XML document
+  identified on the command line call into the identified container. As each
+  document is loaded, a document name is set. Metadata is also set on each
+  document that represents the day and time that the document was loaded into
+  the container.
+  All of the following examples assume that exampleLoadContainer has been run
+  via loadExamplesData[.sh|.bat].
+    exampleLoadContainer -h <dbenv> -c <containername> file1.xml file2.xml ...
+- simpleQuery.cpp
+  Executes several XPath queries and prints query results to the console.
+  Use the -h option to identify the database environment location that you
+  used when you ran loadExamplesData.
+       simpleQuery -h <dbenv>
+  Note that all of the following examples use the same command line option.
+- queryWithContext.cpp
+  Identical to simpleQuery, except that contexts are used to define
+  namespaces and variables.
+- queryForDocumentValue.cpp
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that specific document data is
+  retrieved from each document found in the query's result set.
+- queryWithDocumentNames.cpp
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the query is performed using the
+  document name that was set when exampleLoadContainer placed the document
+  into the container.
+- queryForMetaData.cpp
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the timestamp that was stored as
+  metadata is retrieved and displayed. This timestamp was set on the document
+  when exampleLoadContainer placed the document into the container.
+- updateDocument.cpp
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is updated in a trivial way and then stored back into
+  the container.
+- deleteDocument.cpp
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that every document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is deleted from the container.
+- addIndex.cpp
+  Adds indexes to a specific document node.
+- replaceIndex.cpp
+  Replaces the indexes on a specific document node with new indexes. Iterates
+  through the indexes maintained for the container and shows what is being
+  used. For best results, run addIndex before running this example.
+- deleteIndex.cpp
+  Deletes indexes from a specific document. Iterates through the indexes
+  maintained for the container and shows what is being used. For best results,
+  run addIndex before running this example.
+- buildDB.cpp
+  Illustrates how a DBXML container can be used with a Berkeley DB database. A
+  Berkeley DB database is created in the same environment as the container and
+  data corresponding to documents in the container is loaded into the
+  database. The DBXML query and database put are all wrapped in a common
+  transaction.
+- retrieveDB.cpp
+  Illustrates how a DBXML container can be used with a Berkeley DB database.
+  Documents are retrieved from the container and then data corresponding to
+  each document is retrieved from the Berkeley DB database. Again, all queries
+  are wrapped in a common transaction. For best results, run buildDB before
+  running this example.

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/addIndex.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/addIndex.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/addIndex.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* addIndex
+* This program adds an index to a DBXML container and then runs queries that use
+* the index. You should pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd]
+* before running this example. You are only required to pass this command the
+* path of the database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the
+* examples data.
+*  Usage: addIndex [-h environmentDirectory]
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to create an index
+*  Berkeley DB transactional environment creation
+*  Transactional container creation
+*  How to find the existing indexes in the container
+*  How to add a string equality index for a node in the container
+*  How to add an edge presence index for a node in the container
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <db.h>
+#include "dbxml/DbXml.hpp"
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr << "This program adds an index to a DBXML container and then runs queries that use\n"
+		<< "the index. You should pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd]\n"
+		<< "before running this example. You are only required to pass this command the\n"
+		<< "path of the database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the\n"
+		<< "examples data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void addIndex( XmlContainer &container, const std::string &URI,
+			  const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &indexType,
+			  XmlTransaction &txn, XmlUpdateContext &uc)
+	std::cout << "Adding index type: " << indexType << " to node: " << nodeName << std::endl;
+	try {
+		//Retrieve the XmlIndexSpecification from the container
+		XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification(txn);
+		//Lets see what indexes exist on this container
+		std::string uri, name, index;
+		int count = 0;
+		std::cout << "Before index add." << std::endl;
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '"
+				<< index << "'." << std::endl;
+			count ++;
+		}
+		std::cout << count << " indexes found." << std::endl;
+		//Add the index to the specification.
+		//If it already exists, then this does nothing.
+		idxSpec.addIndex( URI, nodeName, indexType );
+		//Set the specification back to the container
+		container.setIndexSpecification( txn, idxSpec, uc );
+		//Look at the indexes again to make sure our replacement took.
+		count = 0;
+		idxSpec.reset();
+		std::cout << "After index add." << std::endl;
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '" <<
+				index << "'." << std::endl;
+			count ++;
+		}
+		std::cout << count << " indexes found." << std::endl;
+	}
+	//catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Add index failed: \n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	std::cout << "Index added successfully." << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) {
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = db.createUpdateContext();
+	//Add an string equality index for the "product" element node.
+	addIndex( container, "", "product", "node-element-equality-string", txn, uc );
+	//Add an edge presence index for the product node
+	addIndex( container, "", "product", "edge-element-presence", txn, uc );
+	//commit the index adds
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/buildDB.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/buildDB.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/buildDB.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* buildDB
+* This program retrieves node information from a specific set of XML 
+* documents stored in a Berkeley DB XML container, and then saves relevant sample
+* data to a Berkeley DB database. Both the Berkeley DB XML container and the Berkeley
+* DB database are stored in the same database environment. The value of
+* the text node found on the XML document is used as the Berkeley DB key for the
+* sample data stored in the database.
+* Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.
+* Before running this program, run loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-populate
+* the Berkeley DB XML container with the appropriate data.
+* When you run this program, identify the directory where you told loadExamplesData
+* to place the sample data.
+* Usage: buildDB -h <dbenv directory>
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to store non-XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB transactional database
+*  How to retrieve data from a Berkeley DB XML container
+*  How to format that data for insertion into a Berkeley DB database
+*  How to insert data into a Berkeley DB database
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <db.h>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//some exception handling omitted for clarity
+void usage()
+	std::cerr << "This program retrieves node information from a specific set of XML \n"
+		"documents stored in a DBXML container, and then saves relevant sample\n"
+		"data to a Berkeley DB database. Both the DBXML container and the Berkeley\n"
+		"DB database are stored in the same database environment. The value of\n"
+		"the text node found on the XML document is used as the Berkeley DB key for the\n"
+		"sample data stored in the database.\n\n"
+		<< "Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.\n\n"
+		<< "Before running this program, run loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-populate\n"
+		<< "the DBXML container with the appropriate data.\n\n"
+		<< "When you run this program, identify the directory where you told loadExamplesData\n"
+		<< "to place the sample data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+// A standard Berkeley DB error handler to get extra information
+// on database errors
+static void errcall(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errPfx, const char *errMsg)
+	std::cerr << "Error from Berkeley DB: " << errMsg << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theDB = "testBerkeleyDB";
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( ! path2DbEnv.length() )
+	{
+		usage();
+	}
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dbEnv->set_errcall(dbEnv, errcall); // set error callback
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Open a database in the db environment
+	DB *openedDatabase;
+	DB_TXN *dbTxn;
+	dberr = db_create(&openedDatabase, dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->txn_begin(dbEnv, 0, &dbTxn, 0);
+		openedDatabase->set_errcall(openedDatabase, errcall);
+		dberr = openedDatabase->open(openedDatabase, dbTxn, theDB.c_str(), 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0);
+		dbTxn->commit(dbTxn, 0);
+	} 
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create database handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (openedDatabase) openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+		return -1;
+	} 
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Create an XmlTransaction based on the db transaction
+	if (dbEnv->txn_begin(dbEnv, 0, &dbTxn, 0) != 0) {
+		std::cerr << "Error creating a DB transaction"<< std::endl;
+		openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction(dbTxn);
+	try {
+		XmlQueryContext resultsContext = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		//Find all the vendor documents.
+		std::string query = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')/vendor";
+		XmlResults results = mgr.query(txn, query, resultsContext);
+		//Loop through the result set, setting data in the db for each document
+		XmlValue value;
+		while( results.next(value) ) {
+			//Query on the document for the salesrep's name
+			XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare("fn:string(/vendor/salesrep/name)", resultsContext);
+			XmlResults docResult = doc_expr.execute(value, resultsContext);
+			//The result set from the document query should be of size 1. If not, the
+			//document schema has changed and the query must be modified..
+			assert( docResult.size() == 1 );
+			//Pull the value out of the document query result set.
+			XmlValue docValue;
+			docResult.next(docValue);
+			std::string theSalesRepKey = docValue.asString();
+			std::cout << "theSalesRepKey : " << theSalesRepKey << std::endl;
+			//This is the data that we're putting into the database. A real world example would probably
+			//include a BLOB, such as a jpeg image of the salereps, a public key, or some other bit of
+			//information that doesn't fit into the XML document schema. In our case, we'll just put in
+			//a descriptive string so we can see what is going on when we retrieve this data.
+			std::string theSalesRepData = "This is the data stored in the database for " + docValue.asString() + ".";
+			DBT theKey, theData;
+			memset(&theKey, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+			memset(&theData, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+			theKey.data = (void *)theSalesRepKey.c_str();
+			theKey.size = (u_int32_t)theSalesRepKey.length() + 1;
+			theData.data = (void *)theSalesRepData.c_str();
+			theData.size = (u_int32_t)theSalesRepData.length() + 1;
+			dberr = openedDatabase->put(openedDatabase, dbTxn, &theKey, &theData, DB_NOOVERWRITE);
+			if (dberr) {
+				std::cout << "Unable to put data into the database due to the following error: " <<
+					db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+				dbTxn->abort(dbTxn);
+				openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		} //end results loop
+		//commit the transaction and close the database
+		dbTxn->commit(dbTxn, 0);
+		openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+	}
+	//Catch standard exceptions and XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Error writing to database: "<< std::endl;
+		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+		std::cerr << "Aborting transaction and exiting."<< std::endl;
+		dbTxn->abort(dbTxn);
+		openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* deleteDocument
+* This program deletes a Berkeley DB XML document from a container. You should pre-load the
+* container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example. You are
+* only required to pass this program the path location of the database
+* environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* Usage: deleteDocument -h <dbenv directory>
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to delete XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information when quering a container
+*  How to get the XmlDocument from query results
+*  How to delete an XmlDocument from a container
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr  << "This program deletes a DBXML document from a container. You should pre-load the\n"
+		<< "container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example. You are\n"
+		<< "only required to pass this this program the path location of the database\n"
+		<< "environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+//Forward declare
+std::string getValue( XmlManager &mgr, const XmlDocument &document, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context );
+void confirmDelete ( XmlManager &mgr, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context);
+void doDeleteDocument( XmlManager &mgr, XmlContainer &container, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context, XmlTransaction& txn, XmlUpdateContext &uc)
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Deletes a document from a DBXML container.               ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Deleting documents for expression: '" << query
+			<< "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, query, context ) );
+		std::cout << "Found " << (unsigned int)results.size()
+			<< " documents matching the expression '"
+			<< query << ". " << std::endl;
+		XmlValue value;
+		std::cout << "\n";
+		while( results.next( value ) ) {
+			/// Retrieve the value as a document
+			XmlDocument theDocument = value.asDocument();
+			/// Obtain information of interest from the document. Note that the
+			//  wildcard in the query expression allows us to not worry about what
+			//  namespace this document uses.
+			std::string item = getValue( mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/product)", context);
+			std::cout << "Deleting document: " << item << std::endl;
+			container.deleteDocument( txn, theDocument, uc );
+			std::cout << "Deleted document: " << item << std::endl;
+		}
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Document deletion failed. \n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//delete the document that describes Mabolo (a fruit)
+	const std::string query = "/fruits:item[product = 'Mabolo']";
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')" + query;
+	doDeleteDocument( mgr, container, fullQuery, context, txn, uc);
+	//Commit the delete
+	txn.commit();
+	//The document should now no longer exist in the container. Just for fun,
+	//  confirm the delete.
+	confirmDelete ( mgr, fullQuery, context);
+	return 0;
+std::string getValue( XmlManager &mgr, const XmlDocument &document,
+					 const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////    Return specific information from a document. /////////////////////
+	///////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! /////////////////////
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Exception handling omitted....
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare(query, context);
+	XmlResults result = doc_expr.execute(XmlValue(document), context);
+	//We require a result set size of 1.
+	assert( result.size() == 1 );
+	//Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+	//we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+	//required by our application.
+	XmlValue value;
+	result.next(value);
+	return value.asString();
+void confirmDelete ( XmlManager &mgr, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context)
+	// Exception handling omitted....
+	std::cout << "Confirming the delete." << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "The query: '" << query << "' should get result set size 0." << std::endl;
+	XmlResults resultsConfirm( mgr.query(query, context) );
+	if ( ! resultsConfirm.size() ) {
+		std::cout << "No documents found matching query query: '"
+			<< query << "'." << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Deletion confirmed." << std::endl;
+	} else {
+		std::cout << "Found documents matching '" << query << "'! "
+			<< (unsigned int)resultsConfirm.size() << " documents found." << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Document deletion failed." << std::endl;
+	}
+	std::cout << "\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* deleteIndex
+* This program deletes an index from a document node in a Berkeley DB XML container.  You
+* should pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running
+* this example. You are only required to pass this command the path location of
+* the database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples
+* data.
+* For best results run addIndex before running this program.
+* Usage: deleteIndex -h <dbenv directory>
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to delete an index
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to view the existing indexes in a container
+*  How to delete an index from a container
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "dbxml/DbXml.hpp"
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr   << "This program deletes an index from a document node in a DBXML container.  You\n"
+		<< "should pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running\n"
+		<< "this example. You are only required to pass this command the path location of\n"
+		<< "the database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples\n"
+		<< "data:\n\n"
+		<<  "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n"
+		<<    "Also, for best results run addIndex before running this program.\n" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void deleteIndex( XmlContainer &container, const std::string &URI,
+				 const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &indexType,
+				 XmlTransaction &txn, XmlUpdateContext &uc )
+	std::cout << "Deleting index type: '" << indexType << ""
+		<< " from node: '" << nodeName << "'." << std::endl;
+	try
+	{
+		//Retrieve the XmlIndexSpecification from the container
+		XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification( txn );
+		std::cout << "Before the delete, the following indexes are maintained for the container:" << std::endl;
+		std::string uri, name, index;
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '" << index << "'." << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;
+		//Delete the indexes from the specification.
+		idxSpec.deleteIndex( URI, nodeName, indexType );
+		//Set the specification back to the container
+		container.setIndexSpecification( txn, idxSpec, uc );
+		//Show the remaining indexes in the container, if any.
+		std::cout << "After the delete, the following indexes exist for the container:" << std::endl;
+		idxSpec.reset();
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '" << index << "'." << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException.
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Index delete failed: \n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	std::cout << "Index deleted successfully.\n" << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = db.createUpdateContext();
+	//add an string equality index for the "product" element node.
+	deleteIndex( container, "", "product", "node-element-equality-string", txn, uc );
+	//Do these deletes in two different transactions
+	// for no particular reason.
+	txn.commit();
+	txn = db.createTransaction();
+	//add an edge presence index for the product node
+	deleteIndex( container, "", "product", "edge-element-presence-none", txn, uc );
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* exampleLoadContainer
+* This program loads XML data into an identified container and environment.
+* Provide the directory where you want to place your database environment, the
+* name of the container to use, and the xml files you want inserted into the
+* container.
+* Usage: exampleLoadContainer -h <dbenv directory> -c <container> -f <filelist> -p <filepath> file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml ....
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to insert XML data
+*  How to create a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to set the name and content of an XmlDocument
+*  How to set meta data for the XmlDocument
+*  How to insert an xml document into a container
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//some exception handling omitted for clarity
+void usage()
+	std::cerr << "This program loads XML data into an identified container and environment.\n"
+		<< "Provide the directory where you want to place your database environment, the\n"
+		<< "name of the container to use, and the xml files you want inserted into the\n"
+		<< "container.\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory> -c <container> -f <filelist> -p <filepath> file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml .... " << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	//Used for metadata example
+	const std::string mdURI = "http://dbxmlExamples/timestamp";
+	const std::string mdName = "timeStamp";
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer;
+	std::string filePath;
+	std::vector<std::string> files2add;
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				theContainer = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			case 'p':
+				filePath = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			case 'f':
+				{
+					std::ifstream inFile(argv[++i],std::ios::in);
+					if ( !inFile )
+					{
+						std::cerr << "Could not open file " << argv[++i] << ". Giving up." << std::endl;
+						exit( -1 );
+					}
+					while ( !inFile.eof() )
+					{
+						std::string stringBuf;
+						std::getline( inFile, stringBuf );
+						if(!stringBuf.empty())
+						{
+							files2add.push_back( filePath + stringBuf );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		} else {
+			files2add.push_back( argv[i] );
+		}
+	}
+	//You must provide a container name, a path to a database environment,
+	//and at least one file to add to the container.
+	if ( ! path2DbEnv.length() || ! theContainer.length() || files2add.empty() )
+	{
+		usage();
+	}
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		// Boost some default resource sizes (locks only work
+		//   at environment creation time)
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dbEnv->set_lk_max_lockers(dbEnv, 10000);
+		dbEnv->set_lk_max_locks(dbEnv, 20000);
+		dbEnv->set_lk_max_objects(dbEnv, 20000);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	config.setAllowCreate(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	// Get an update context.
+	XmlUpdateContext updateContext = db.createUpdateContext();
+	//Iterate through the list of files to add, read each into a string and
+	//  put that string into the now opened container.
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	try {
+		std::vector<std::string>::iterator theFile;
+		for ( theFile = files2add.begin(); theFile != files2add.end(); ++theFile )
+		{
+			/* Load the xml document into a string */
+			std::string xmlString;
+			/* Open as binary to preserve whitespace */
+			std::ifstream inFile( (*theFile).c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
+			if ( !inFile )
+			{
+				std::cerr << "Could not open file '" << *theFile << "'. Giving up." << std::endl;
+				throw std::exception();
+			}
+			while ( !inFile.eof() )
+			{
+				std::string stringBuf;
+				std::getline( inFile, stringBuf );
+				// use \xA for the eol given that these are XML files.
+				stringBuf += '\xA';
+				xmlString += stringBuf;
+			}
+			inFile.close();
+			/* declare an xml document */
+			XmlDocument xmlDoc = db.createDocument();
+			/* Set the xml document's content to be the xmlString we just obtained. */
+			xmlDoc.setContent( xmlString );
+			// Get the document name. this strips off any path information.
+			std::string tmpName = *theFile;
+			std::string theName;
+			std::string::size_type pos = tmpName.rfind("/");
+			if (pos == std::string::npos ) //maybe on windows?
+			{
+				pos = tmpName.rfind("\\");
+			}
+			if ( pos == std::string::npos ) //giving up
+			{
+				theName = tmpName;
+			} else {
+				theName.assign( tmpName, pos+1, tmpName.length() );
+			}
+			//Set the document name
+			xmlDoc.setName( theName );
+			//Set sample metadata who's value is the current date and time.
+			//the variables used here are defined in gettingStarted.hpp
+			//Get the local time
+			time_t now = time( 0 );
+			char timeString[100];
+			strftime(timeString, 100, "%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S", localtime( &now ) );
+			//Set the localtime onto the timeStamp metadata attribute
+			xmlDoc.setMetaData( mdURI, mdName, (std::string)timeString );
+			/* place that document into the container */
+			container.putDocument(txn, xmlDoc, updateContext);
+			std::cout << "\tAdded " << *theFile << " to container " << theContainer << "." << std::endl;
+		} //end files2add iterator
+		txn.commit();
+	}
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Error adding XML data to container " << theContainer << std::endl;
+		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.cmd
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.cmd	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.cmd	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ at echo off
+goto parseoption
+:: usage loadExamplesData <path to dbenv> <path to example binaries>
+echo You must compile exampleLoadContainer before running this script,
+echo and you must add its directory to the PATH environment variable.
+echo The PATH must also include paths to the Berkeley DB, Xerces and
+echo Pathan DLLs.
+echo When you run this script, You must identify the directory where you 
+echo want to place your database environment, and you must identify the 
+echo directory where these examples programs exist (use '.' if they are in
+echo the current working directory).
+echo The directory where you want to place your database
+echo environment must also exist.
+echo Use:
+echo       loadExamplesData path_to_dbenv path_to_examples_binaries
+goto :EOF
+set dbEnvDir=.\%1
+set dataDir=%2\..\..\xmlData
+if not exist %dbEnvDir% goto usage
+if not exist %dataDir% goto usage
+set loadCommand=dbxml_example_exampleLoadContainer
+:: Windows bat files can't expand wildcards and there's a terrible short limit on the size of
+:: a command line anyway, so we just loop through every file in the examples directory, loading
+:: them one at a time.
+echo "Loading container simpleExampleData.dbxml"
+dir /b /a-d %dataDir%\simpleData\*.xml > loadExamplesData.tmp
+%loadCommand% -h %dbEnvDir% -c simpleExampleData.dbxml -p %dataDir%\simpleData\ -f loadExamplesData.tmp
+echo "Loading container namespaceExampleData.dbxml"
+dir /b /a-d %dataDir%\nsData\*.xml > loadExamplesData.tmp
+%loadCommand% -h %dbEnvDir% -c namespaceExampleData.dbxml -p %dataDir%\nsData\ -f loadExamplesData.tmp

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.sh
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.sh	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+# usage: loadExamplesData.sh <path to dbenv> <path to examples>
+if [ ! -d "$path2dbEnv" ]
+	echo "Error: You must provide a path to the directory where you want to place"
+	echo "the database environment, and this directory must currently exist." 
+	echo "Use:"
+	echo "loadExamplesData.sh <path to dbenv> <path to example executables>"
+	exit
+if [ ! -d "$path2examples" ]
+	echo "Error: You must provide the path to the directory where your C++"
+	echo "  gettingStarted example executables are placed." 
+	echo "Use:  loadExamplesData.sh <path to dbenv> <path to examples>"
+	echo "path2data: $path2examples"
+	exit
+echo $loadCommand
+if [ ! -f $loadCommand ]
+	echo "Error: $loadCommand does not exist. You must compile this application before"
+	echo "  running this script."
+	exit
+simpleData=`ls ../../xmlData/simpleData/*.xml`
+namespaceData=`ls ../../xmlData/nsData/*.xml`
+echo "Loading container simpleExampleData"
+$loadCommand -h $path2dbEnv -c simpleExampleData.dbxml $simpleData
+echo "Loading container namespaceExampleData"
+$loadCommand -h $path2dbEnv -c namespaceExampleData.dbxml $namespaceData

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* queryForDocumentValue
+* This program performs various XQuery queries against a Berkeley DB XML container and then
+* retrieves information of interest from the retrieved document(s).  You should
+* pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this
+* example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+* database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* Usage: queryForDocumentValue -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to query the XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information in a query
+*  How to view the number of query results returned
+*  How to iterate through query results
+*  How to print out query results
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr   <<  "This program performs various XPath queries against a DBXML container and then\n"
+		<<  "retrieves information of interest from the retrieved document(s).  You should\n"
+		<<  "pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this\n"
+		<<  "example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the\n"
+		<<  "database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<<  "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+std::string getValue( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlDocument &document,
+					 const std::string &XPath, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////    Return specific information from a document. /////////////////////
+	///////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! /////////////////////
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Exception handling omitted....
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare(txn, XPath, context);
+	XmlResults result = doc_expr.execute( txn, XmlValue(document), context);
+	//We require a result set size of 1.
+	assert( result.size() == 1 );
+	//Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+	//we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+	//required by our application.
+	XmlValue value;
+	result.next(value);
+	return value.asString();
+void getDetails( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlContainer &container, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Performs an query (in context) against the         ///////
+	//////  provided container.                                      ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	// Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Exercising query '" << fullQuery << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query( txn, fullQuery, context ) );
+		XmlValue value;
+		std::cout << "\n\tProduct : Price : Inventory Level\n";
+		while( results.next(value) ) {
+			/// Retrieve the value as a document
+			XmlDocument theDocument = value.asDocument();
+			/// Obtain information of interest from the document. Note that the
+			//  wildcard in the query expression allows us to not worry about what
+			//  namespace this document uses.
+			std::string item = getValue( txn, mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/product)", context);
+			std::string price = getValue( txn, mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/inventory/price)", context);
+			std::string inventory = getValue( txn, mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/inventory/inventory)", context);
+			std::cout << "\t" << item << " : " << price << " : " << inventory << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << "\n";
+		std::cout << (unsigned int) results.size()
+			<< " objects returned for expression '"
+			<< fullQuery << "'\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//create a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//get details on Zulu Nuts
+	getDetails( txn, mgr, container, "/fruits:item[fn:string(product) = 'Zulu Nut']", context);
+	//get details on all fruits that start with 'A'
+	getDetails( txn, mgr, container, "/vegetables:item[starts-with(fn:string(product),'A')]", context);
+	//commit transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* queryForMetaData
+* This program retrieves Berkeley DB XML documents and then retrieves the day and time the
+* document was stored in the container. The date/time information was set as
+* metadata information when the document was loaded. See the
+* exampleLoadContainer.cpp example for how this metadata is set.
+* Before running this example, use loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-load the
+* appropriate container with documents and metadata. 
+* You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database
+* environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* Usage: queryForMetaData -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to view meta data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information in a query
+*  How to query the container
+*  How to get an XmlDocument from the query results
+*  How to access the metadata from the XmlDocument
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr   << "This program retrieves DBXML documents and then retrieves the day and time the\n"
+		<< "document was stored in the container. The date/time information was set as\n"
+		<< "metadata information when the document was loaded. See the\n"
+		<< "exampleLoadContainer.cpp example for how this metadata is set.\n\n"
+		<< "Before running this example, use loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-load the\n"
+		<< "appropriate container with documents and metadata. \n\n"
+		<< "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n"
+		<< "environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void showTimeStamp( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr,
+				   const XmlContainer &container,
+				   const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the ///////
+	//////  provided container. The timestamp metadata attribute     ///////
+	//////  value is then displayed.                                 ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	//Used for metadata query
+	const std::string mdURI = "http://dbxmlExamples/timestamp";
+	const std::string mdPrefix = "time";
+	const std::string mdName = "timeStamp";
+	// Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Exercising query '" << fullQuery << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query( txn, fullQuery, context ) );
+		XmlValue value;
+		while( results.next(value) )
+		{
+			XmlDocument theDocument = value.asDocument();
+			//Get this document's name
+			const std::string docName( theDocument.getName() );
+			//Get the timestamp on the document (stored as metadata)
+			// and print it to the console.
+			XmlValue metaValue;
+			theDocument.getMetaData( mdURI, mdName, metaValue );
+			std::cout << "Document '" << docName << "' stored on " << metaValue.asString() << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << (unsigned int)results.size()
+			<< " objects returned for expression '" << fullQuery
+			<< "'\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//create a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//Find all the vegetables
+	showTimeStamp( txn, mgr, container, "/vegetables:item", context);
+	//commit transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* queryWithContext
+* This program illustrates how to query for documents that require namespace
+* usage in the query, and how to use variables in the query.  You should pre-load the 
+* container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example.  You are only required
+* to pass this command the path location of the database environment that you
+* specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* Usage: queryWithContext -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to use namespace information and variables in a query
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information in a query
+*  How to set a variable value in a query
+*  How to query the container
+*  How iterate through query results
+*  How to view query results
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr  <<   "This program illustrates how to query for documents that require namespace\n"
+		<<   "usage in the query.  You should pre-load the container using\n"
+		<<   "loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example.  You are only required\n"
+		<<   "to pass this command the path location of the database environment that you\n"
+		<<   "specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<<   "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void doContextQuery( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr,
+					const std::string &cname, const std::string &query,
+					XmlQueryContext &context )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the ///////
+	//////  provided container.                                      ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	// Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + cname + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Exercising query '" << fullQuery << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, context ) );
+		XmlValue value;
+		while( results.next(value) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << value.asString() << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << (unsigned int) results.size()
+			<< " objects returned for expression '"
+			<< fullQuery << "'\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Create a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//Create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//Set a variable
+	context.setVariableValue( (std::string)"aDessert", (std::string)"Blueberry Boy Bait");
+	//Perform the queries
+	//Find all the Vendor documents in the database. Vendor documents do
+	// not use namespaces, so this query returns documents.
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(), "/vendor", context );
+	//Find the product document for "Lemon Grass". This query returns no documents
+	// because a namespace prefix is not identified for the 'item' node.
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/item/product[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]", context);
+	//Find the product document for "Lemon Grass" using the namespace prefix 'fruits'. This
+	// query successfully returns a document.
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/fruits:item/product[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]", context);
+	//Find all the vegetables
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(), "/vegetables:item", context);
+	//Find the  dessert called Blueberry Boy Bait
+	// Note the use of a variable
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/desserts:item/product[.=$aDessert]", context);
+	//commit transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* queryWithDocumentNames
+* This program retrieves Berkeley DB XML documents using their document names. You should
+* pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this
+* example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+* database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples
+* data.
+* Usage: queryWithDocumentNames -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to retrieve an xml document by its metadata name
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information in a query
+*  How to get the document by quering for the document metadata name
+*  How to get the document from the container using the document name
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr <<  "This program retrieves DBXML documents using their document names. You should\n"
+		<<  "pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this\n"
+		<<  "example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the\n"
+		<<  "database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples\n"
+		<<  "data:\n\n"
+		<<  "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void doContextQuery( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const std::string cname,
+					const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the ///////
+	//////  provided container.                                      ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	// Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + cname + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Exercising query '" << fullQuery << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		std::cout << "\n";
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, context ) );
+		XmlValue value;
+		while(results.next(value)) {
+			// Get the document's name and print it to the console
+			XmlDocument theDocument = value.asDocument();
+			std::cout << "Document name: " << theDocument.getName() << std::endl;
+			std::cout << value.asString() << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << (unsigned int)results.size()
+			<< " objects returned for expression '" << fullQuery
+			<< "'\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+//Get a document from the container using the document name
+void doGetDocument( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlContainer &container, const std::string docname)
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Getting document '" << docname << "' from the container." << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		std::cout << "\n";
+		//Get the document from the container using the document name
+		XmlDocument theDocument = container.getDocument(txn, docname);
+		std::string content;
+		std::cout << "Document name: " << theDocument.getName() << std::endl;
+		std::cout << theDocument.getContent(content) << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Get document from container failed.\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//create a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//Query for documents by their document names.
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='ZuluNut.xml']", context );
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TrifleOrange.xml']", context );
+	doContextQuery( txn, mgr, container.getName(),
+		"/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TriCountyProduce.xml']", context );
+	//Get the document from the container using the document name
+	doGetDocument(txn, container, "ZuluNut.xml");
+	doGetDocument(txn, container, "TrifleOrange.xml");
+	doGetDocument(txn, container, "TriCountyProduce.xml");
+	//commit the transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* replaceIndex
+* This program replaces the index for a document node.  You should pre-load the
+* container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd]  before running this example. You
+* are only required to pass this command the path on of the database environment
+* that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* For best results run addIndex before running this program.
+* Usage: replaceIndex -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to replace an index
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to view the existing indexes in a container
+*  How to repleace an index
+*  How to update multiple indexes for a node at once
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr <<    "This program replaces the index for a document node.  You should pre-load the\n"
+		<<    "container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd]  before running this example. You\n"
+		<<    "are only required to pass this command the path on of the database environment\n"
+		<<    "that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<<     "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n\n"
+		<<    "Also, for best results run addIndex before running this program.\n" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void replaceIndex( XmlContainer &container, const std::string &URI,
+				  const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &indexType,
+				  XmlTransaction &txn, XmlUpdateContext &uc)
+	std::cout << "Replacing index on node: " << nodeName << std::endl;
+	try
+	{
+		//Retrieve the XmlIndexSpecification from the container
+		XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification( txn );
+		//Lets see what indexes exist on this container
+		std::string uri, name, index;
+		int count = 0;
+		std::cout << "Before index add." << std::endl;
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '" << index << "'." << std::endl;
+			count ++;
+		}
+		std::cout << count << " indexes found." << std::endl;
+		//Replace the indexes for the specified node
+		idxSpec.replaceIndex( URI, nodeName, indexType );
+		//Set the specification back to the container
+		container.setIndexSpecification( txn, idxSpec, uc );
+		//Look at the indexes again to make sure our replacement took.
+		count = 0;
+		idxSpec.reset();
+		std::cout << "After index add." << std::endl;
+		while( idxSpec.next(uri, name, index) )
+		{
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+			std::cout << "\tFor node '" << name << "', found index: '" << index << "'." << std::endl;
+			count ++;
+		}
+		std::cout << count << " indexes found." << std::endl;
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Index replace failed: \n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	std::cout << "Index replaced successfully." << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = db.createUpdateContext();
+	// replace the index on the "product" node with two indexes that are space delimited
+	replaceIndex( container, "", "product",
+		"node-attribute-substring-string node-element-equality-string",
+		txn, uc );
+	//commit transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* retrieveDB
+* This program retrieves data from a Berkeley DB data based on information
+* retrieved from an XML document. The document is first retrieved from an 
+* XML container. Both the database and the container are stored in the same
+* database environment, and all the necessary queries are performed under the
+* protection of a transaction.
+* Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.
+* Before running this program, run loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-populate
+* the DBXML container with the appropriate data. Then, run buildDB to populate
+* the database with the appropriate data.
+* When you run this program, identify the directory where you told loadExamplesData
+* to place the sample data.
+* Usage: retrieveDB -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to retrieve non-XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB transactional database
+*  How to retrieve data from a Berkeley DB XML container
+*  Hot to use that data as a key to get data from a Berkeley DB database
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//some exception handling omitted for clarity
+void usage()
+	std::cerr << "This program retrieves data from a Berkeley DB data based on information\n"
+		<< "retrieved from an XML document. The document is first retrieved from an \n"
+		<< "XML container. Both the database and the container are stored in the same\n"
+		<< "database environment, and all the necessary queries are performed under the\n"
+		<< "protection of a transaction.\n\n"
+		<< "Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.\n\n"
+		<< "Before running this program, run loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-populate\n"
+		<< "the DBXML container with the appropriate data. Then, run buildDB to populate\n"
+		<< "the database with the appropriate data.\n\n"
+		<< "When you run this program, identify the directory where you told loadExamplesData\n"
+		<< "to place the sample data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+// A standard Berkeley DB error handler to get extra information
+// on database errors
+static void errcall(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errPfx, const char *errMsg)
+	std::cerr << "Error from Berkeley DB: " << errMsg << std::endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theDB = "testBerkeleyDB";
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( ! path2DbEnv.length() )
+	{
+		usage();
+	}
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Open a database in the db environment
+	DB *openedDatabase;
+	DB_TXN *dbTxn;
+	dberr = db_create(&openedDatabase, dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->txn_begin(dbEnv, 0, &dbTxn, 0);
+		openedDatabase->set_errcall(openedDatabase, errcall);
+		dberr = openedDatabase->open(openedDatabase, dbTxn, theDB.c_str(), 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0);
+		dbTxn->commit(dbTxn, 0);
+	} 
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create database handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (openedDatabase) openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+		return -1;
+	} 
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Create an XmlTransaction based on the db transaction
+	if (dbEnv->txn_begin(dbEnv, 0, &dbTxn, 0) != 0) {
+		std::cerr << "Error creating a DB transaction"<< std::endl;
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction(dbTxn);
+	try {
+		XmlQueryContext resultsContext = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		//Find all the vendor documents.
+		std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')/vendor";
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, resultsContext) );
+		//Loop through the result set, retrieving the data we are interested in for each document.
+		XmlValue value;
+		while( results.next(value) ) {
+			//Query the retrieved document for the salesrep's name
+			XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare("fn:string(salesrep/name)", resultsContext);
+			XmlResults docResult = doc_expr.execute(value, resultsContext);
+			//The result set from the document query should be of size 1. If not, the
+			//document schema has changed and the query must be modified..
+			assert( docResult.size() == 1 );
+			//Pull the value out of the document query result set.
+			XmlValue docValue;
+			docResult.next(docValue);
+			std::string theSalesRepKey = docValue.asString();
+			//Reconstruct the key used to store the information relevant to this document
+			DBT theKey;
+			memset(&theKey, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+			theKey.data = (void *)theSalesRepKey.c_str();
+			theKey.size = (u_int32_t)theSalesRepKey.length() + 1;
+			//This next structure is used to hold the data that is
+			// retrieved from the db.
+			DBT theData;
+			memset(&theData, 0, sizeof(DBT));
+			//Get the data and report the results
+			dberr = openedDatabase->get(openedDatabase, dbTxn, &theKey, &theData, 0);
+			if (dberr) {
+				std::cout << "Unable to get data from the database due to the following error: " <<
+					db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+				dbTxn->abort(dbTxn);
+				openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+				return -1;
+			}
+			std::cout << "For key: '" << (char *)theKey.data << "', retrieved:" << std::endl;
+			std::cout << "\t" << (char *)theData.data << std::endl;
+		}
+		//commit the transaction and close the database
+		dbTxn->commit(dbTxn, 0);
+		openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Error writing to database: "<< std::endl;
+		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+		std::cerr << "Aborting transaction and exiting."<< std::endl;
+		dbTxn->abort(dbTxn);
+		openedDatabase->close(openedDatabase, 0);
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* simpleAdd
+* This program adds a few simple XML documents to container 'simpleExampleData.dbxml'
+* You are only required to pass this program the path to where you want the
+* database environment to be located.
+* Usage: simpleAdd -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to insert XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How add XML data to an XmlDocument
+*  How to add the XmlDocument to a container
+*  How use automatically generated names when inserting documents into a container
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//some exception handling omitted for clarity
+void usage()
+	std::cerr << "This program adds a few simple XML documents to container 'simpleExampleData.dbxml'\n"
+		<< "You are only required to pass this program the path to where you want the\n"
+		<< "database environment to be located: \n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	// Get an XmlUpdateContext. Useful from a performance perspective.
+	XmlUpdateContext updateContext = db.createUpdateContext();
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	std::string document1 = "<aDoc><title>doc1</title><color>green</color></aDoc>";
+	std::string document2 = "<aDoc><title>doc2</title><color>yellow</color></aDoc>";
+	//Add the documents
+	XmlDocument myXMLDoc = db.createDocument();
+	/* Set the XmlDocument to the relevant string and then put it into the container.
+	* Using the flag DBXML_GEN_NAME means that a generated name will be assigned
+	* to the document if it does not have one.  An exception will be thrown if
+	* a document is inserted without a name or the DBXML_GEN_NAME flag. 
+	*/
+	myXMLDoc.setContent( document1 );
+	container.putDocument(txn, myXMLDoc, updateContext, DBXML_GEN_NAME);
+	//do it again for the second document
+	myXMLDoc.setContent( document2 );
+	container.putDocument(txn, myXMLDoc, updateContext, DBXML_GEN_NAME);
+	//Normally we would use a try/catch block to trap any exceptions.
+	// In the catch, we should call txn->abort() to avoid leaving the
+	// database in an indeterminate state in the event of an error.
+	// However, this simple example avoids error handling so as to
+	// highlite basic concepts, so that step if omitted here as well.
+	//Commit the writes. This causes the container write operations
+	//  to be saved to the container.
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainer.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainer.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainer.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* simpleContainer
+* This program shows how to create a Berkeley DB XML container for storing XML data.
+* Usage: simpleContainer
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to create a container for storing XML data
+*  How to create an XmlManager
+*  How to create a temporary container
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//exception handling omitted for clarity
+//Very simple program that creates a container
+int main(void)
+	//Every DB XML program requires a manager
+	XmlManager manager;
+	//Create the non-transactional container. A container without a name exists only in
+	//memory and is not persistant
+	XmlContainer myContainer = manager.createContainer("");
+	//do DB XML work here
+	//The manager and container will close themselves when they go out of scope

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* simpleContainerInEnv
+* This program shows how to create several Berkeley DB XML containers in a
+* Berkeley DB environment.
+* Edit the variable "evinronmentPath" to point to the directory in which you want the 
+* containers to be created.
+* Usage: simpleContainerInEnv
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to create a transactional Berkeley DB environment
+*  How to create multiple transactional containers in the environment
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+//some exception handling omitted for clarity
+int main(void)
+	//The path the directory where you want to place the environment
+	// must exist!!
+	const char *environmentPath = "/path/to/environment/directory";
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, environmentPath, envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the containers to be transactional, and to be created
+	//if they do not already exist
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	config.setAllowCreate(true);
+	//multiple containers can be opened in the same database environment
+	XmlContainer container1 = db.openContainer("myContainer1", config);
+	XmlContainer container2 = db.openContainer("myContainer2", config);
+	XmlContainer container3 = db.openContainer("myContainer3", config);
+	// do work here //
+	//The manager and containers will close themselves when they go out of scope
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* simpleQuery
+* This program performs various XQuery queries against a Berkeley DB XML container. You should
+* pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example. You
+* are only required to pass this command the path location of the database environment
+* that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data.
+* Usage: simpleQuery -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to query XML data
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to query a container
+*  How to iterate through query results
+*  How to view query results
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr <<   "This program performs various XPath queries against a DBXML container. You should\n"
+		<< "pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example. You\n"
+		<< "are only required to pass this command the path location of the database environment\n"
+		<< "that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:\n\n"
+		<< "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+void doQuery( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &db, const XmlContainer &container, const std::string &query )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Performs a simple query (no context) against the   ///////
+	//////  provided container.                                      ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	// Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Exercising query '" << fullQuery << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlQueryContext context = db.createQueryContext();
+		XmlResults results( db.query( txn, fullQuery, context) );
+		XmlValue value;
+		while( results.next(value) ) {
+			// Obtain the value as a string and print it to stdout
+			std::cout << value.asString() << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << (unsigned int) results.size()
+			<< " objects returned for expression '"
+			<< fullQuery << "'\n" << std::endl;
+	}
+	catch(XmlException &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Query " << fullQuery << " failed\n";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager db(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = db.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Create a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = db.createTransaction();
+	//perform the queries
+	//find all the Vendor documents in the database
+	doQuery( txn, db, container, "/vendor" );
+	//find all the vendors that are wholesale shops
+	doQuery( txn, db, container, "/vendor[@type=\"wholesale\"]");
+	//find the product document for "Lemon Grass"
+	doQuery( txn, db, container, "/product/item[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]");
+	//find all the products where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+	doQuery( txn, db, container, "/product/inventory[price<=0.11]");
+	//find all the vegetables where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+	doQuery( txn, db, container, "/product[inventory/price<=0.11 and category=\"vegetables\"]");
+	//commit the transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/updateDocument.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/updateDocument.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/gettingStarted/updateDocument.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+* Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+* updateDocument
+* This program updates a document found in a Berkeley DB XML container. You should
+* pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this
+* example. You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+* database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples
+* data.
+* Usage: updateDocument -h <dbenv directory> 
+* This program demonstrates:
+*  How to retrieve an xml document by its metadata name
+*  How to open a Berkeley DB XML transactional container
+*  How to use namespace information in a query
+*  How to query the XML data
+*  How to get the XmlDocument from the query results
+*  How to change the content of an XmlDocument
+*  How to update the document content in the container
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <db.h>
+using namespace DbXml;
+void usage()
+	std::cerr  <<  "This program updates a document found in a DBXML container. You should\n"
+		<<  "pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this\n"
+		<<  "example. You are only required to pass this command the path location of the\n"
+		<<  "database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples\n"
+		<<  "data:\n\n"
+		<<   "\t-h <dbenv directory>" << std::endl;
+	exit( -1 );
+//forward declaration
+std::string getValue( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlDocument &document,
+					 const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context );
+void getNewDocument( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, XmlDocument &theDocument,
+					XmlQueryContext &context, std::string &docString);
+void doUpdateDocument( XmlContainer &container, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context,
+					  XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr )
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////  Updates a document stored in a DBXML container.          ///////
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+	std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')" + query;
+	try {
+		std::cout << "Updating document for expression: '" << query << "' " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+		getc(stdin);
+		XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, context ) );
+		std::cout << "Found " << (unsigned int) results.size()
+			<< " documents matching the expression '" << fullQuery << ". "
+			<< std::endl;
+		std::cout << "\n";
+		//create an update context. This is optional but since we could be performing more than
+		// one update, this could offer us a potential performance benefit.
+		XmlUpdateContext updateContext = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		XmlDocument theDocument = mgr.createDocument();
+		while( results.next(theDocument) ) {
+			std::string docString;
+			//Retrieve the document's value as a string.
+			theDocument.getContent(docString);
+			std::cout << "Updating document: \n" << docString << std::endl;
+			std::cout << "Return to continue: ";
+			getc(stdin);
+			//Update the document. We do it as a string.
+			//This next function just modifies the document string
+			//in a small way.
+			getNewDocument( txn, mgr, theDocument, context, docString);
+			std::cout << "Updating document..." <<  std::endl;
+			//Set the document's content to be the new document string
+			theDocument.setContent( docString );
+			//Now replace the document in the container
+			container.updateDocument(txn, theDocument, updateContext);
+			std::cout << "Document updated." <<  std::endl;
+		}
+	}
+	//Catches XmlException
+	catch(std::exception &e) {
+		std::cerr << "Document deletion failed. ";
+		std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+		txn.abort();
+		exit( -1 );
+	}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	std::string path2DbEnv;
+	std::string theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+		{
+			switch(argv[i][1])
+			{
+			case 'h':
+				path2DbEnv = argv[++i];
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (! path2DbEnv.length() )
+		usage();
+	// Berkeley DB environment flags
+	u_int32_t envFlags = DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|
+	// Berkeley DB cache size (64 MB).  The default is quite small
+	u_int32_t envCacheSize = 64*1024*1024;
+	// Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	int dberr;
+	DB_ENV *dbEnv = 0;
+	dberr = db_env_create(&dbEnv, 0);
+	if (dberr == 0) {
+		dbEnv->set_cachesize(dbEnv, 0, envCacheSize, 1);
+		dberr = dbEnv->open(dbEnv, path2DbEnv.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
+	}
+	if (dberr) {
+		std::cout << "Unable to create environment handle due to the following error: " <<
+			db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
+		if (dbEnv) dbEnv->close(dbEnv, 0);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	//Have the XmlManager adopt the db environment
+	XmlManager mgr(dbEnv, DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV);
+	//Configure the container to use transactions
+	XmlContainerConfig config;
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlContainer container = mgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	//Get a transaction
+	XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	//create a context and declare the namespaces
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+	context.setNamespace( "vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+	context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+	//update the document that describes Zapote Blanco (a fruit)
+	doUpdateDocument( container, "/fruits:item[fn:string(product) = 'Zapote Blanco']",
+		context, txn, mgr );
+	//commit transaction
+	txn.commit();
+	return 0;
+std::string getValue( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlDocument &document, const std::string &query, XmlQueryContext &context )
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////    Return specific information from a document. /////////////////////
+	///////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! /////////////////////
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Exception handling omitted....
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare(txn, query, context);
+	//Query from a context item
+	XmlResults result = doc_expr.execute(txn, XmlValue(document), context);
+	//We require a result set size of 1.
+	assert( result.size() == 1 );
+	//Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+	//we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+	//required by our application.
+	XmlValue value;
+	result.next(value);
+	return value.asString();
+//Simple little function to replace part of a string with a new value.
+//All this does is add an 'A' to the end of the document's inventory
+//value. So each time you run this program, the inventory value should
+//get longer by one 'A'.
+void getNewDocument( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, XmlDocument &theDocument, XmlQueryContext &context, std::string &docString)
+	//get the substring that we want to replace
+	std::string inventory = getValue( txn, mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/inventory/inventory)", context );
+	size_t inventoryLength = inventory.length();
+	//find the substring in the original document string
+	std::string::size_type pos = docString.find(inventory);
+	if (pos == std::string::npos)
+	{
+		std::cerr << "Error: inventory string: '" << inventory << "' not found in document string:" << std::endl;
+		std::cerr << docString << std::endl;
+	}
+	size_t insertPos = pos + inventoryLength;
+	docString.insert(insertPos,"A");

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/compression.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/compression.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/compression.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * Compression API
+ *
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+ * compression API usage.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  Registration of a custom compression class in XmlManager
+ *  Compression configuration for XmlContainer
+ *  Turn off default compression
+ *  Using default compression
+ *  Custom compression class implementation
+ *
+ *  MyCompression is an subclass of XmlCompression. It is a very simple
+ *  implementation and not intended to be particularly efficient. As an example,
+ *  it uses buffer inverse permutation to simulate the compression process.
+ *
+ *  Compression only works with whole document containers. User compression must
+ *  always be registered with the manager in order to open/create the container.
+ *
+ */
+#include "dbxml/DbXml.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace DbXml;
+using namespace std;
+ * MyCompression implements the XmlCompression interface: required
+ * member functions are compress() and decompress(). The two member functions
+ * are required to return tree for success and false for error.
+ * This class must be thread-safe in multi-thread environment.
+ *
+ */
+class MyCompression : public XmlCompression
+	bool compress(XmlTransaction &txn,
+			        const XmlData &source,
+			        XmlData &dest);
+	bool decompress(XmlTransaction &txn,
+				   const XmlData &source,
+				   XmlData &dest);
+bool MyCompression::compress(XmlTransaction &txn,
+			     const XmlData &source,
+			     XmlData &dest)
+	try {
+	// Get the data to compress
+	char *pSrc = (char *)source.get_data();
+	size_t size = source.get_size();
+	// Use inverse permutation to simulate the compression process
+	dest.reserve(size);
+	char *buf = (char *)dest.get_data();
+	for(size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
+		buf[i] = pSrc[size-1-i];
+	dest.set_size(size);
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << endl;
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+bool MyCompression::decompress(XmlTransaction &txn,
+			       const XmlData &source,
+			       XmlData &dest)
+	try {
+	// Get the data to decompress
+	char *pSrc = (char *)source.get_data();
+	size_t size = source.get_size();
+	// Use inverse permutation to simulate the decompression process
+	dest.reserve(size);
+	char *buf = (char *)dest.get_data();
+	for(size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
+		buf[i] = pSrc[size-1-i];
+	dest.set_size(size);
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << endl;
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+void putDocWithoutDefaultCompression(XmlManager& mgr,
+				     const string& containerName,
+				     XmlDocument& xdoc,
+				     XmlUpdateContext& uc)
+	// Set the container type as WholedocContainer and turn off
+	// the default compression
+	XmlContainerConfig contConf;
+	contConf.setAllowCreate(true);
+	contConf.setContainerType(XmlContainer::WholedocContainer);
+	contConf.setCompressionName(XmlContainerConfig::NO_COMPRESSION);
+	// Create container
+	XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, contConf);
+	// Put Document
+	cont.putDocument(xdoc, uc);
+void putDocWithDefaultCompression(XmlManager& mgr,
+				  const string& containerName,
+				  XmlDocument& xdoc,
+				  XmlUpdateContext& uc)
+	// Set the container type as WholedocContainer and
+	// use the default compression
+	XmlContainerConfig contConf;
+	contConf.setAllowCreate(true);
+	contConf.setContainerType(XmlContainer::WholedocContainer);
+	// The following line is unnecessary because default compression
+	// would take effect if user do not turn off it explicitly.
+	contConf.setCompressionName(XmlContainerConfig::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
+	// Create container
+	XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, contConf);
+	// Put Document
+	cont.putDocument(xdoc, uc);
+void putDocWithMyCompression(XmlManager& mgr,
+			     const string& containerName,
+			     XmlDocument& xdoc,
+			     XmlUpdateContext& uc,
+			     XmlCompression& myCompression)
+	// Define an unique name to use for registering the compression
+	string compressionName = "myCompression";
+	// Register custom class
+	mgr.registerCompression(compressionName.c_str(), myCompression);
+	// Set the container type as WholedocContainer
+	// and use the custom compression
+	XmlContainerConfig contConf;
+	contConf.setAllowCreate(true);
+	contConf.setContainerType(XmlContainer::WholedocContainer);
+	contConf.setCompressionName(compressionName.c_str());
+	// Create container
+	XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, contConf);
+	// Put Document
+	cont.putDocument(xdoc, uc);
+string getContent(XmlManager& mgr,
+		  const string& containerName,
+		  const string& docName)
+	XmlContainer cont = mgr.openContainer(containerName);
+	string content;
+	cont.getDocument(docName).getContent(content);
+	return content;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	string containerName1 = "compressionContainer1.dbxml";
+	string containerName2 = "compressionContainer2.dbxml";
+	string containerName3 = "compressionContainer3.dbxml";
+	string docName = "doc1.xml";
+	string content = "<root><a></a></root>";
+	try{
+	// Create manager and update context. It's good to reuse update context.
+	XmlManager mgr;
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+	// Remove the existing container if any
+	if( mgr.existsContainer(containerName1) )
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName1);
+	if( mgr.existsContainer(containerName2) )
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName2);
+	if( mgr.existsContainer(containerName3) )
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName3);
+	// Create document and put it into the container without compression.
+	XmlDocument xdoc1 = mgr.createDocument();
+	xdoc1.setName(docName);
+	xdoc1.setContent(content);
+	putDocWithoutDefaultCompression(mgr, containerName1, xdoc1, uc);
+	// Verify Content
+	cout << "Content of the document: "
+	     << getContent(mgr, containerName1, xdoc1.getName())
+	     << endl;
+	// Create document and put it into the container with default compression.
+	XmlDocument xdoc2 = mgr.createDocument();
+	xdoc2.setName(docName);
+	xdoc2.setContent(content);
+	putDocWithDefaultCompression(mgr, containerName2, xdoc2, uc);
+	// Verify Content
+	cout << "Content of the document: "
+	     << getContent(mgr, containerName2, xdoc2.getName())
+	     << endl;
+	// Create an instance of custom compression
+	MyCompression myCompression;
+	// Create document and put it into the container with custom compression.
+	XmlDocument xdoc3 = mgr.createDocument();
+	xdoc3.setName(docName);
+	xdoc3.setContent(content);
+	putDocWithMyCompression(mgr, containerName3, xdoc3, uc, myCompression);
+	// Verify Content
+	cout << "Content of the document: "
+	     << getContent(mgr, containerName3, xdoc3.getName())
+	     << endl;
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << endl;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/debug.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/debug.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/debug.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * Debug API
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+ * debug API usage.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates how to set a custom debug listener
+ * class on the XmlQueryContext, and how to derive a class form
+ * XmlDebugListener. The derived class, MyDebugListener, simply
+ * prints out the execution information when a query is executed.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace DbXml;
+using namespace std;
+class MyDebugListener : public XmlDebugListener
+	MyDebugListener(const string query)
+		: depth_(-1),
+		  query_(query)
+	{}
+	void start(const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+	void end(const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+	void enter(const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+	void exit(const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+	void error(const XmlException error, const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+	int depth_;
+	string query_;
+	void report(string stage, const XmlStackFrame *stack);
+void MyDebugListener::report(string stage, const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	// Function return indentation spaces
+	string depthStr("");
+	for(int i=0; i<depth_; i++)
+		depthStr += string("    ");
+	// Get the query expression by line and column
+	// Cut the string starting from column number to the the end of the line
+	int line = stack->getQueryLine();
+	int column = stack->getQueryColumn();
+	string::size_type start=0, end=0;
+	for (int i=0; i<line ; i++) {
+		start = end;
+		end = query_.find_first_of('\n', start+1);
+		if (end == start+1 || end == string::npos)
+			end = query_.length();
+	}
+	end--;
+	if (start != 0)
+		start++;
+	string exprStr = query_.substr(start+column-1, (end+1)-(start+column-1));
+	// Output debug report
+	cout << depthStr
+	     << stage << ":\""
+	     << exprStr << "\" at "
+	     << stack->getQueryFile() << ":"
+	     << line << ":"
+	     << column << endl;
+void MyDebugListener::start(const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	depth_++;
+	report("{START}", stack);
+void MyDebugListener::end(const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	report("{END}", stack);
+	depth_--;
+void MyDebugListener::enter(const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	depth_++;
+	report("[ENTER]", stack);
+void MyDebugListener::exit(const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	report("[EXIT]", stack);
+	depth_--;
+void MyDebugListener::error(const XmlException error, const XmlStackFrame *stack)
+	cout << "An error occurred in expression at line:" << stack->getQueryLine()
+	     << " column:" << stack->getQueryColumn() <<  endl;
+	throw error;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	string containerName = "debugContainer.dbxml";
+	string query = string() +
+		       "for $a in collection('debugContainer.dbxml')/root/a\n" +
+		       "where $a>'2'\n" +
+		       "return $a";
+	string docContent = "<root><a>1</a><a>2</a><a>3</a><a>4</a></root>";
+	try {
+		// Create an XmlManager
+		XmlManager mgr;
+		// Because the containers will exist on disk, remove them
+		// first if they exist
+		if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0)
+			mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+		//create container
+		XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+		XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+		XmlIndexSpecification is = cont.getIndexSpecification();
+		is.setAutoIndexing(false);
+		cont.setIndexSpecification(is, uc);
+		XmlDocument doc = mgr.createDocument();
+		doc.setContent(docContent);
+		doc.setName("test.xml");
+		cont.putDocument(doc, uc);
+		// Set the custom debug listener on XmlQueryContext
+		MyDebugListener dl(query);
+		XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		qc.setDebugListener(&dl);
+		cout << query << endl << endl
+		     << "Execution process:" << endl << endl;
+		XmlQueryExpression expr = mgr.prepare(query, qc);
+		XmlResults re = expr.execute(qc);
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << endl;
+	}
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/externalFunction.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/externalFunction.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/misc/externalFunction.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * external function
+ *
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates 
+ * external function API usage.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  XmlResolver used to resolve multiple external functions 
+ *  XmlExternalFunction implementations
+ *  External function results handling
+ *	
+ *  MyFunResolver implements the XmlResolver interface, it is used to 
+ *  resolve 2 distinct external function classes -- MyExternalFunctionPow
+ *  and MyexternalFunctionSqrt. In this example MyFunResolver will always
+ *  return new instance of each external function class, that means the 
+ *  external function class must call "delete this" in their close functions.
+ *  Another, legitimate (and arguably better) choice would be to not return 
+ *  new instances each time. This choice is up to the implementor of the 
+ *  resolver and external function classes.   
+ *  
+ *  MyExternalFunctionPow implements the XmlExternalFunction interface, and
+ *  implement the functionality of pow() function.
+ *
+ *  MyExternalFunctionSqrt implements the XmlExternalFunction interface, and
+ *  implement the functionality of sqrt() function.
+ *
+ */    
+#include <iostream>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+using namespace DbXml;
+using namespace std;
+class MyExternalFunctionPow : public XmlExternalFunction
+	XmlResults execute(XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlArguments &args) const;
+	void close();
+class MyExternalFunctionSqrt : public XmlExternalFunction
+	XmlResults execute(XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlArguments &args) const;
+	void close();
+class MyFunResolver : public XmlResolver
+	MyFunResolver();
+	XmlExternalFunction *resolveExternalFunction(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr,
+		const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, size_t numberOfArgs) const; 
+	string getUri(){ return uri_; }
+	const string uri_;
+/* External function pow() implementation */
+XmlResults MyExternalFunctionPow::execute(XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlArguments &args) const
+	XmlResults argResult1 = args.getArgument(0);
+	XmlResults argResult2 = args.getArgument(1);
+	XmlValue arg1;
+	XmlValue arg2;
+	// Retrieve argument as XmlValue 
+	argResult1.next(arg1);
+	argResult2.next(arg2);
+	// Call pow() from C++ 
+	double result = pow(arg1.asNumber(),arg2.asNumber());
+	// Create an XmlResults for return
+	XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
+	XmlValue va(result);
+	results.add(va);
+	return results;
+ * MyFunResolver returns a new instance of this object for each Resolution, so
+ * that instance must be deleted here 
+ */
+void MyExternalFunctionPow::close()
+	delete this;
+/* External function sqrt() implementation */
+XmlResults MyExternalFunctionSqrt::execute(XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, const XmlArguments &args) const
+	XmlResults argResult1 = args.getArgument(0);
+	XmlValue arg1;
+	argResult1.next(arg1);
+	// Call sqrt() from C++ 
+	double result = sqrt(arg1.asNumber());
+	XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
+	XmlValue va(result);
+	results.add(va);
+	return results;
+ * MyFunResolver returns a new instance of this object for each Resolution, so
+ * that instance must be deleted here 
+ */
+void MyExternalFunctionSqrt::close()
+	delete this;
+	:uri_("my://my.fun.resolver")
+ * Returns a new instance of either MyExternalFunctionPow or 
+ * MyExternalFuncitonSqrt if the URI, function name, and number of
+ * arguments match. 
+ */
+XmlExternalFunction* MyFunResolver::resolveExternalFunction(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr,
+		const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, size_t numberOfArgs) const 
+	XmlExternalFunction *fun = 0;
+	if (uri == uri_ && name == "pow" && numberOfArgs == 2 )
+		fun = new MyExternalFunctionPow();
+	else if (uri == uri_ && name == "sqrt" && numberOfArgs == 1)
+		fun = new MyExternalFunctionSqrt();
+	return fun;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	// Query that calls the external function pow() 
+	// The function must be declared in the query's preamble
+	string query1 = 
+		"declare function my:pow($a as xs:double, $b as xs:double) as xs:double external;\nmy:pow(2,3)";
+	// Query that calls the external function sqrt() 
+	string query2 = 
+		"declare function my:sqrt($a as xs:double) as xs:double external;\nmy:sqrt(16)";
+	try {
+		// Create an XmlManager
+		XmlManager mgr;
+		// Create an function resolver
+		MyFunResolver resolver;
+		// Register the function resolver to XmlManager
+		mgr.registerResolver(resolver); 
+		XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+		// Set the prefix URI
+		context.setNamespace("my", resolver.getUri());
+		// The first query returns the result of pow(2,3)
+		XmlResults results = mgr.query(query1, context);
+		XmlValue va;
+		while (results.next(va)) {
+			cout << "The result of pow(2,3) is : " << va.asNumber() << endl;
+		}
+		// The second query returns the result of sqrt(16)
+		results = mgr.query(query2, context);
+		while (results.next(va)) {
+			cout << "The result of sqrt(16) is : " << va.asNumber() << endl;
+		}
+	} catch (XmlException &xe) {
+		cout << "XmlException: " << xe.what() << endl;
+	} 
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.cpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+ * Implementation of sample code that uses Berkeley DB XML XmlEventReader
+ * and XmlEventWriter interfaces to translate documents to and
+ * from Xerces-C DOM documents.  It is provided as-is without
+ * extensive testing.
+ * See comments in accompanying header file for a high-level
+ * description of the implementation.
+ */
+#include "xercesDomTranslator.hpp"
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMImplementation.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLException.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/MemBufFormatTarget.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace DbXml;
+#define localAssert(expr, msg) if (!(expr)) throw(msg)
+// toXMLCh and fromXMLCh are utility classes to transcode
+// to/from Xerces-C DOM (these could easily be replaced
+// by better/more efficient code).  They are necessary because
+// Xerces-C uses XMLCh (usually UTF-16) and BDB XML uses UTF-8
+// in its event interfaces.
+class toXMLCh
+	toXMLCh(const unsigned char *str) {
+		if (str)
+			str_ = XMLString::transcode((const char *)str);
+		else
+			str_ = 0;
+	}
+	toXMLCh(const char *str) {
+		if (str)
+			str_ = XMLString::transcode(str);
+		else
+			str_ = 0;
+	}
+	~toXMLCh() { XMLString::release(&str_); }
+	const XMLCh *str() const { return str_; }
+	XMLCh *str_;
+class fromXMLCh
+	fromXMLCh(const XMLCh *str) {
+		if (str && *str)
+			str_ = XMLString::transcode(str);
+		else
+			str_ = 0;
+	}
+	~fromXMLCh() { XMLString::release(&str_); }
+	const unsigned char *str() const {
+		return (const unsigned char *)str_;
+	}
+	operator const unsigned char *() {
+		return str();
+	}
+	char *str_;
+// Public API implementation
+getContentAsDOM(const XmlValue &value)
+	XmlEventReader &reader = value.asEventReader();
+	DOMEventWriter domWriter;
+	XmlEventReaderToWriter r2w(reader, domWriter,
+				   false, false);
+	r2w.start();
+	reader.close();
+	return domWriter.getDocument();
+void putDocumentAsDOM(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *domDoc,
+		      const std::string &name,
+		      XmlManager &manager,
+		      XmlContainer &container,
+		      XmlTransaction &txn, u_int32_t flags)
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = manager.createUpdateContext();
+	XmlDocument doc = manager.createDocument();
+	doc.setName(name);
+	XmlEventWriter &writer = container.putDocumentAsEventWriter(
+		txn, doc, uc, flags);
+	DOMToEventWriter dom2writer(writer, domDoc);
+	dom2writer.start();
+	// note DOMToEventWriter destructor closes writer
+void putDocumentAsDOM(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *domDoc,
+		      const std::string &name,
+		      XmlManager &manager,
+		      XmlContainer &container,
+		      u_int32_t flags)
+	XmlUpdateContext uc = manager.createUpdateContext();
+	XmlDocument doc = manager.createDocument();
+	doc.setName(name);
+	XmlEventWriter &writer = container.putDocumentAsEventWriter(
+		doc, uc, flags);
+	DOMToEventWriter dom2writer(writer, domDoc);
+	dom2writer.start();
+	// note DOMToEventWriter destructor closes writer
+// Internals of implementation from here down
+// EventReaderToDOM Implementation.  This class knows how to
+// construct Xerces-C DOM objects from BDB XML events
+	: doc_(0), currentParent_(0), currentNode_(0)
+	DOMImplementation *domImpl = DOMImplementation::getImplementation();
+	doc_ = domImpl->createDocument();
+	currentParent_ = doc_;
+	currentNode_ = doc_;
+void DOMEventWriter::close()
+	delete this;
+void DOMEventWriter::writeAttribute(const unsigned char *localName,
+				    const unsigned char *prefix,
+				    const unsigned char *uri,
+				    const unsigned char *value,
+				    bool isSpecified)
+	localAssert((doc_ && currentParent_), "state");
+	DOMAttr *attr = doc_->createAttributeNS(
+		toXMLCh(uri).str(), toXMLCh(localName).str());
+	if (prefix)
+		attr->setPrefix(toXMLCh(prefix).str());
+	attr->setValue(toXMLCh(value).str());
+	currentNode_ = attr;
+	currentParent_->getAttributes()->setNamedItemNS(attr);
+// text, comments, CDATA, ignorable whitespace
+// length does not include trailing null
+void DOMEventWriter::writeText(
+	DbXml::XmlEventReader::XmlEventType type,
+	const unsigned char *text,
+	size_t length)
+	// TBD -- maybe use length...
+	toXMLCh x(text);
+	if(currentNode_ && currentNode_->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE
+		&& type == XmlEventReader::Characters) {
+		((DOMText *)currentNode_)->appendData(x.str()); // coalesce
+	} else {
+		DOMNode *node = 0;
+		switch (type) {
+		case XmlEventReader::Characters:
+		case XmlEventReader::Whitespace:
+			node = doc_->createTextNode(x.str());
+			break;
+		case XmlEventReader::CDATA:
+			node = doc_->createCDATASection(x.str());
+			break;
+		case XmlEventReader::Comment:
+			node = doc_->createComment(x.str());
+			break;
+		default:
+			localAssert(false, "unknown text type");
+		};
+		localAssert(currentParent_, "state");
+		currentParent_->appendChild(node);
+		currentNode_ = node;
+	}
+// processing Instruction
+void DOMEventWriter::writeProcessingInstruction(
+	const unsigned char *target,
+	const unsigned char *data)
+	toXMLCh t(target);
+	toXMLCh d(data);
+	DOMProcessingInstruction *pi = doc_->createProcessingInstruction(
+		t.str(), d.str());
+	localAssert(currentParent_, "state");
+	currentParent_->appendChild(pi);
+	currentNode_ = pi;
+// elements
+void DOMEventWriter::writeStartElement(
+	const unsigned char *localName,
+	const unsigned char *prefix,
+	const unsigned char *uri,
+	int numAttributes,
+	bool isEmpty)
+	toXMLCh lname(localName);
+	toXMLCh u(uri);
+	DOMElement *elem = doc_->createElementNS(u.str(), lname.str());
+	if(prefix != 0)
+		elem->setPrefix(toXMLCh(prefix).str());
+	if (currentParent_)
+		currentParent_->appendChild(elem);
+	currentParent_ = elem;
+	currentNode_ = elem;
+	// empty elements don't get end element events
+	if (isEmpty)
+		writeEndElement(localName, prefix, uri);
+void DOMEventWriter::writeEndElement(
+	const unsigned char *localName,
+	const unsigned char *prefix,
+	const unsigned char *uri)
+	currentNode_ = currentParent_;
+	currentParent_ = currentNode_->getParentNode();
+// DTD
+void DOMEventWriter::writeDTD(
+	const unsigned char *dtd, size_t length)
+	localAssert(false, "cannot write DTD");
+// XML decl and start document
+void DOMEventWriter::writeStartDocument(
+	const unsigned char *version,
+	const unsigned char *encoding,
+	const unsigned char *standalone)
+	// no-op -- allocate document node in ctor
+	localAssert(doc_, "state");
+void DOMEventWriter::writeEndDocument()
+	currentNode_ = currentParent_;
+	currentParent_ = currentParent_->getParentNode();
+// note the start of entity expansion
+void DOMEventWriter::writeStartEntity(
+	const unsigned char *name,
+	bool expandedInfoFollows)
+// note the end of entity expansion
+void DOMEventWriter::writeEndEntity(
+	const unsigned char *name)
+// DOMToEventWriter Implementation.  This class knows how
+// to walk a Xerces-C DOM tree writing BDB XML events.
+// It is a recursive algorithm.  For very deep, structured XML,
+// one may want to rewrite this to remove recursion.
+	DbXml::XmlEventWriter &writer,
+	: writer_(writer), doc_(domDoc)
+	writer_.close();
+void DOMToEventWriter::start()
+	toEvents(doc_);
+// recursive algorithm for generating events
+void DOMToEventWriter::toEvents(const DOMNode *node)
+	switch(node->getNodeType()) {
+	case DOMNode::DOCUMENT_NODE: {
+		writer_.writeStartDocument(
+			NULL,
+			(const unsigned char *)"UTF-8",
+			NULL);
+		DOMNode *child = node->getFirstChild();
+		while(child != 0) {
+			toEvents(child);
+			child = child->getNextSibling();
+		}
+		writer_.writeEndDocument();
+		break;
+	}
+	case DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE: {
+		fromXMLCh lname(node->getLocalName());
+		fromXMLCh pfx(node->getPrefix());
+		fromXMLCh uri(node->getNamespaceURI());
+		DOMNode *child = node->getFirstChild();
+		bool isEmpty = (child ? false : true);
+		DOMNamedNodeMap *attrs = node->getAttributes();
+		writer_.writeStartElement(
+			lname.str(), pfx.str(), uri.str(),
+			attrs->getLength(), isEmpty);
+		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attrs->getLength(); ++i) {
+			toEvents(attrs->item(i));
+		}
+		while(child != 0) {
+			toEvents(child);
+			child = child->getNextSibling();
+		}
+		if (!isEmpty)
+			writer_.writeEndElement(
+				lname.str(), pfx.str(), uri.str());
+		break;
+	}
+	case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE:
+		writer_.writeText(XmlEventReader::Characters,
+				  fromXMLCh(node->getNodeValue()).str(),
+				  0);
+		break;
+		writer_.writeText(XmlEventReader::CDATA,
+				  fromXMLCh(node->getNodeValue()).str(),
+				  0);
+		break;
+		writer_.writeText(XmlEventReader::Comment,
+				  fromXMLCh(node->getNodeValue()).str(),
+				  0);
+		break;
+		writer_.writeProcessingInstruction(
+			fromXMLCh(node->getNodeName()).str(),
+			fromXMLCh(node->getNodeValue()).str());
+		break;
+		writer_.writeAttribute(
+			fromXMLCh(node->getLocalName()).str(),
+			fromXMLCh(node->getPrefix()).str(),
+			fromXMLCh(node->getNamespaceURI()).str(),
+			fromXMLCh(node->getNodeValue()).str(),
+			true);
+		break;
+	default:
+		localAssert(false, "state");
+		break;
+	}
+// here down is test code to drive the samples
+#if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30000
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMLSSerializer.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMWriter.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/StdOutFormatTarget.hpp>
+static void serialize(DOMDocument *doc)
+	DOMImplementation *domImpl = DOMImplementation::getImplementation();
+	XMLFormatTarget *fmt = new StdOutFormatTarget();
+#if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30000
+	DOMLSSerializer *dwriter = domImpl->createLSSerializer();
+	DOMLSOutput *output = domImpl->createLSOutput();
+	output->setByteStream(fmt);
+	dwriter->write(doc, output);
+	delete output;
+	delete dwriter;
+	DOMWriter *dwriter = domImpl->createDOMWriter();
+	dwriter->writeNode(fmt, *doc);
+	delete dwriter;
+	delete fmt;
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	XmlManager mgr;
+	XmlDocument doc = mgr.createDocument();
+	doc.setName("doc");
+	doc.setContent("<root><a/><b attr='1' a1='2'>b text<!--comment--></b></root>");
+	XmlValue value(doc);
+	// Turn the document into DOM
+	DOMDocument *ddoc = getContentAsDOM(value);
+	// serialize the resulting DOM tree
+	serialize(ddoc);
+	// put the DOM in a container
+	XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer("");
+	putDocumentAsDOM(ddoc,
+			 "doc", mgr, cont, 0);
+	// done with DOMDocument *
+	ddoc->release();
+	// get document and look at content
+	XmlDocument newdoc = cont.getDocument("doc");
+	std::string content;
+	content = newdoc.getContent(content);
+	cout << "\n***************\n";
+	cout << content << endl;
+	return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.hpp
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.hpp	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dbxml/DbXml.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
+ * This is sample code that uses Berkeley DB XML XmlEventReader
+ * and XmlEventWriter interfaces to translate documents to and
+ * from Xerces-C DOM documents.  It is provided as-is without
+ * extensive testing.
+ *
+ * It will do 2 things:
+ * 1.  Create DOMDocument from XmlValue (XML document or fragment)
+ *   o This is implemented as an XmlEventWriter class that "writes"
+ *     events to Xerces-C DOM.  The events come from the fragment
+ *     via XmlEventReader.  The XmlEventReaderToWriter class plugs
+ *     the two together.
+ * 2.  Create Berkeley DB XML document from Xerces-C DOMDocument.
+ *   o This is implemented by a class that knows how to walk
+ *   a Xerces-C DOM, pushing events to an XmlEventWriter obtained
+ *   using XmlContainer::putDocumentAsEventWriter().
+ *
+ * The approaches used here can be used to hook BDB XML to any
+ * XML parser or DOM model, in most supported language bindings.
+ */
+// The public API to get/put content using Xerces-C DOM
+	const DbXml::XmlValue &value);
+void putDocumentAsDOM(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *domDoc,
+		      const std::string &name,
+		      DbXml::XmlManager &manager,
+		      DbXml::XmlContainer &container,
+		      DbXml::XmlTransaction &txn, u_int32_t flags);
+void putDocumentAsDOM(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *domDoc,
+		      const std::string &name,
+		      DbXml::XmlManager &manager,
+		      DbXml::XmlContainer &container,
+		      u_int32_t flags);
+// Implementation classes from here down
+// This class implements XmlEventWriter in order to push (write)
+// BDB XML events (obtained via XmlEventReader) to a Xerces-C
+// DOMDocument.
+class DOMEventWriter : public DbXml::XmlEventWriter
+	DOMEventWriter();
+		return doc_;
+	}
+	virtual void close();
+	// attributes (including namespaces)
+	virtual void writeAttribute(const unsigned char *localName,
+				    const unsigned char *prefix,
+				    const unsigned char *uri,
+				    const unsigned char *value,
+				    bool isSpecified);
+	// text, comments, CDATA, ignorable whitespace
+	// length does not include trailing null
+	virtual void writeText(DbXml::XmlEventReader::XmlEventType type,
+			       const unsigned char *text,
+			       size_t length);
+	// processing Instruction
+	virtual void writeProcessingInstruction(const unsigned char *target,
+						const unsigned char *data);
+	// elements
+	virtual void writeStartElement(const unsigned char *localName,
+				       const unsigned char *prefix,
+				       const unsigned char *uri,
+				       int numAttributes,
+				       bool isEmpty);
+	virtual void writeEndElement(const unsigned char *localName,
+				     const unsigned char *prefix,
+				     const unsigned char *uri);
+	// DTD
+	virtual void writeDTD(const unsigned char *dtd, size_t length);
+	// XML decl and start document
+	virtual void writeStartDocument(const unsigned char *version,
+					const unsigned char *encoding,
+					const unsigned char *standalone);
+	virtual void writeEndDocument();
+	// note the start of entity expansion
+	virtual void writeStartEntity(const unsigned char *name,
+				      bool expandedInfoFollows);
+	// note the end of entity expansion
+	virtual void writeEndEntity(const unsigned char *name);
+// This class walks a Xerces-C DOMDocument, pushing
+// events to XmlEventWriter in order to construct a document
+class DOMToEventWriter
+	DOMToEventWriter(DbXml::XmlEventWriter &writer,
+	~DOMToEventWriter();
+	void start();
+	void toEvents(
+	DbXml::XmlEventWriter &writer_;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/index.html
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/index.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/index.html	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<title>Berkeley DB XML Examples</title>
+<body bgcolor=white>
+<h2><b>Berkeley DB XML Examples</b></h2>
+<a name="cxx"/>
+<h3>C++ Examples</h3>
+<li>Basic Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate the simplest uses of Berkeley DB XML possible.
+<li><a href="cxx/basic/helloWorld.cpp">helloWorld</a></li>
+<li><a href="cxx/basic/helloWorldTxn.cpp">helloWorldTxn</a></li>
+<li><a href="cxx/basic/query.cpp">query</a></li>
+<li><a href="cxx/basic/queryTxn.cpp">queryTxn</a></li>
+<li>Miscellaneous Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate various APIs and interesting Berkeley DB XML use cases.
+<li><a href="cxx/misc/externalFunction.cpp">externalFunction</a> Use of the XmlExternalFunction interface to extend XQuery in C++ code</li>
+<li><a href="cxx/misc/compression.cpp">compression</a> Use of the XmlCompression interface in C++ code</li>
+<li><a href="cxx/misc/debug.cpp">debug</a> Use of the XmlDebugListener interface in C++ code</li>
+<li>Getting Started Examples</li>
+These examples are from the Getting Started with Berkeley DB XML guide.
+<li>Xerces-C Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate integration with Xerces-C.
+<li><a href="cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.hpp">Xerces-C DOM Translator header</a></li>
+<li><a href="cxx/xerces/xercesDomTranslator.cpp">Xerces-C DOM Translator code</a></li>
+<a name="java"/>
+<h3>Java Examples</h3>
+<li>Basic Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate the simplest uses of Berkeley DB XML possible.
+<li><a href="java/basic/HelloWorld.java">HelloWorld</a></li>
+<li><a href="java/basic/HelloWorldTxn.java">HelloWorldTxn</a></li>
+<li><a href="java/basic/Query.java">Query</a></li>
+<li><a href="java/basic/QueryTxn.java">QueryTxn</a></li>
+<li>Getting Started Examples</li>
+These examples are from the Getting Started with Berkeley DB XML guide.
+<li>Event Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate use of the XmlEventReader and XmlEventWriter classes.
+<li><a href="java/event/EventReaderToWriter.java">EventReaderToWriter</a></li>
+<li><a href="java/event/UseEventReaderToWriter.java">UseEventReaderToWriter</a></li>
+<li>Miscellaneous Examples</li>
+These examples demonstrate various APIs and interesting Berkeley DB XML use cases.
+<li><a href="java/misc/externalFunction.java">externalFunction</a> Use of the XmlExternalFunction interface to extend XQuery in Java code</li>
+<li><a href="java/misc/Compression.java">Compression</a> Use of the XmlCompression interface in Java code</a></li>
+<li><a href="java/misc/Debug.java">Debug</a> Use of the XmlDebugListener interface in Java code</li>
+<li><a href="java/misc/Profiler.java">Profiler</a> Use of XmlDebugListener interface to create a simple query profiler</li>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorld.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorld.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorld.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package basic;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
+ * HelloWorld is the simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does something.
+ * This program demonstrates initialization, container creation,
+ * document insertion and document retrieval by name.
+ * <p>
+ * To run the example:
+ * <pre>
+ * java basic.HelloWorld
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class HelloWorld
+    // This function is used to ensure that databases are
+    // properly closed, even on exceptions
+    private static void cleanup(XmlManager mgr, XmlContainer cont) {
+	try {
+	    if (cont != null)
+		cont.delete();
+	    if (mgr != null)
+		mgr.delete();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions in cleanup
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	// An empty string means an in-memory container, which
+	// will not be persisted
+	String containerName = "";
+	String content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>";
+	String docName = "doc";
+	XmlManager mgr = null;
+	XmlContainer cont = null;
+	try {
+	    // All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+	    mgr = new XmlManager();
+	    cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+	    cont.putDocument(docName, content);
+	    // Now, get the document
+	    XmlDocument doc = cont.getDocument(docName);
+	    String name = doc.getName();
+	    String docContent = doc.getContentAsString();
+	    // print it
+	    System.out.println("Document name: " + name + "\nContent: " +
+			       docContent);
+	} catch (XmlException xe) {
+	    System.err.println("XmlException during HelloWorld: " + 
+			       xe.getMessage());
+	    throw xe;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(mgr, cont);
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorldTxn.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorldTxn.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/HelloWorldTxn.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package basic;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManagerConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainerConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlTransaction;
+import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
+import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
+ * HelloWorld is the simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does something.
+ * This program demonstrates transactional initialization and container creation,
+ * transactional document insertion and retrieval by name.
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * The length of this program is due to the use of configuration
+ * objects, and the need for explicit deletion/cleanup of Java
+ * objects in order to release resources.
+ * <p>
+ * After running this program, you will notice a number of files
+ * in the environment directory:
+ * <pre>
+ *   __db.* files are the BDB environment, including cache
+ *   log.* files are BDB log files for transactions
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
+ * The actual BDB XML container is not present, since it's only
+ * created in-memory, and will disappear at the end of the program.
+ * To run the example:
+ * <pre>
+ * java basic.HelloWorldTxn [-h environmentDirectory]
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class HelloWorldTxn
+    static void usage()
+    {
+	System.err.println("Usage: java basic.HelloWorldTxn [-h environmentDirectory]");
+	System.exit(-1);
+    }
+    // This function is used to ensure that databases are
+    // properly closed, even on exceptions
+    private static void cleanup(Environment env,
+				XmlManager mgr, 
+				XmlContainer cont) {
+	try {
+	    if (cont != null)
+		cont.delete();
+	    if (mgr != null)
+		mgr.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.close();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions in cleanup
+	}
+    }
+    private static Environment createEnvironment(String home)
+	throws Throwable {
+	EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig();
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	config.setAllowCreate(true);
+	config.setRunRecovery(true);
+	config.setInitializeCache(true);
+	config.setCacheSize(25 * 1024 * 1024); // 25MB cache
+	config.setInitializeLocking(true);
+	config.setInitializeLogging(true);
+	config.setErrorStream(System.err);
+	File f = new File(home);
+	return new Environment(f, config);
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	// An empty string means an in-memory container, which
+	// will not be persisted
+	String containerName = "";
+	String content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>";
+	String docName = "doc";
+	String environmentDir = ".";
+	if (args.length == 2) {
+	    environmentDir = args[1];
+	} else if (args.length != 0)
+	    usage();
+	XmlManager mgr = null;
+	XmlContainer cont = null;
+	Environment env = null;
+	try {
+	    // Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	    env = createEnvironment(environmentDir);
+	    // All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance.
+	    // Create it from the DB Environment, but do not adopt the
+	    // Environment
+	    XmlManagerConfig mconfig = new XmlManagerConfig();
+	    mconfig.setAllowExternalAccess(true);
+	    mgr = new XmlManager(env, mconfig);
+	    // Create a container that is transactional.  Specify
+	    // that it is also a Node Storage container, with nodes
+	    // indexed
+	    XmlContainerConfig cconfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    cconfig.setContainerType(XmlContainer.NodeContainer);
+	    cconfig.setIndexNodes(XmlContainerConfig.On);
+	    cconfig.setTransactional(true);
+	    cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, cconfig);
+	    // Perform the putDocument in a transaction, created
+	    // from the XmlManager
+	    XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	    cont.putDocument(txn, docName, content);
+	    // commit the Transaction
+	    txn.commit();
+	    // Now, get the document
+	    txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	    XmlDocument doc = cont.getDocument(txn, docName);
+	    String name = doc.getName();
+	    String docContent = doc.getContentAsString();
+	    // commit the transaction.  Note that this is done
+	    // after getting the document content.  This is necessary
+	    // as getting the content will touch the database.
+	    // Also, given that this is a read-only operation, abort()
+	    // would be just as appropriate.
+	    txn.commit();
+	    // print it
+	    System.out.println("Document name: " + name + "\nContent: " +
+			       docContent);
+	} 
+	catch (XmlException xe) {
+	    System.err.println("XmlException during HelloWorldTxn: " + 
+			       xe.getMessage());
+	    throw xe;
+	}
+	catch (DatabaseException de) {
+	    System.err.println("DatabaseException during HelloWorldTxn: " + 
+			       de.getMessage());
+	    throw de;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, mgr, cont);
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/Query.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/Query.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/Query.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package basic;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryExpression;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlResults;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext;
+ * Query is a very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that performs a query and handles results.
+ * It demonstrates initialization, container creation,
+ * document insertion, query creation and execution,
+ * use of a variable in a query and context, and
+ * results handling
+ * <p>
+ * To run the example:
+ * <pre>
+ * java basic.Query
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class Query {
+    // This function is used to ensure that databases are
+    // properly closed, even on exceptions
+    private static void cleanup(XmlManager mgr, XmlContainer cont) {
+	try {
+	    if (cont != null)
+		cont.delete();
+	    if (mgr != null)
+		mgr.delete();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions in cleanup
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	// This program uses a named container, which will apear
+	// on disk
+	String containerName = "people.dbxml";
+	String content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>";
+	String docName = "people";
+	// Note that the query uses a variable, which must be set
+	// in the query context
+	String queryString =
+	    "collection('people.dbxml')/people/person[name=$name]";
+	// declare these here for cleanup
+	XmlManager mgr = null;
+	XmlContainer cont = null;
+	try {
+	    // All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+	    mgr = new XmlManager();
+	    // Because the container will exist on disk, remove it
+	    // first if it exists
+	    if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0)
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+	    // Now it is safe to create the container
+	    cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+	    cont.putDocument(docName, content);
+	    // Querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+	    XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	    // Add a variable to the query context, used by the query
+	    qc.setVariableValue("name", new XmlValue("mary"));
+	    // Note: these two calls could be replaced by a shortcut
+	    // mgr.query(queryString, qc), but under the covers,
+	    // this is what is happening.
+	    XmlQueryExpression expr = mgr.prepare(queryString, qc);
+	    XmlResults res = expr.execute(qc);
+	    // Note use of XmlQueryExpression::getQuery() and
+	    // XmlResults::size()
+	    System.out.println("The query, '" + expr.getQuery() +
+			       "'\n\t returned " + res.size() + " result(s)");
+	    // Process results -- just print them
+	    XmlValue value = new XmlValue();
+	    System.out.print("Result: ");
+	    while ((value = res.next()) != null) {
+		System.out.println("\t" + value.asString());
+	    }
+	    // Explicitly delete other objects to release resources
+	    res.delete();
+	    expr.delete();
+	} catch (XmlException xe) {
+	    System.err.println("XmlException during helloWorld: " + 
+			       xe.getMessage());
+	    throw xe;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(mgr, cont);
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/QueryTxn.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/QueryTxn.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/basic/QueryTxn.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package basic;
+import java.io.File;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManagerConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainerConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryExpression;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlResults;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlTransaction;
+import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
+import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
+import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
+ * Query is a very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that performs a query and handles results.
+ * It demonstrates transactional initialization and container creation,
+ * transactional document insertion, transactional query creation 
+ * and execution, use of a variable in a query and context, and
+ * transactional results handling
+ * <p>
+ * To run the example:
+ * <pre>
+ * java basic.QueryTxn [-h environmentDirectory]
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class queryTxn
+    static void usage()
+    {
+	System.err.println("Usage: java dbxml.basic.queryTxn [-h environmentDirectory]");
+	System.exit(-1);
+    }
+    // This function is used to ensure that databases are
+    // properly closed, even on exceptions
+    private static void cleanup(Environment env,
+				XmlManager mgr, 
+				XmlContainer cont) {
+	try {
+	    if (cont != null)
+		cont.delete();
+	    if (mgr != null)
+		mgr.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.close();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions in cleanup
+	}
+    }
+    private static Environment createEnvironment(String home)
+	throws Throwable {
+	EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig();
+	config.setTransactional(true);
+	config.setAllowCreate(true);
+	config.setRunRecovery(true);
+	config.setInitializeCache(true);
+	config.setCacheSize(25 * 1024 * 1024); // 25MB cache
+	config.setInitializeLocking(true);
+	config.setInitializeLogging(true);
+	config.setErrorStream(System.err);
+	File f = new File(home);
+	return new Environment(f, config);
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	// This program uses a named container, which will apear
+	// on disk
+	String containerName = "people.dbxml";
+	String content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>";
+	String docName = "people";
+	// Note that the query uses a variable, which must be set
+	// in the query context
+	String queryString =
+	    "collection('people.dbxml')/people/person[name=$name]";
+	String environmentDir = ".";
+	if (args.length == 2) {
+	    environmentDir = args[1];
+	} else if (args.length != 0)
+	    usage();
+	XmlManager mgr = null;
+	XmlContainer cont = null;
+	Environment env = null;
+	try {
+	    // Create and open a Berkeley DB Transactional Environment.
+	    env = createEnvironment(environmentDir);
+	    // All BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance.
+	    // Create it from the DB Environment, but do not adopt the
+	    // Environment
+	    XmlManagerConfig mconfig = new XmlManagerConfig();
+	    mconfig.setAllowExternalAccess(true);
+	    mgr = new XmlManager(env, mconfig);
+	    // Because the container will exist on disk, remove it
+	    // first if it exists
+	    if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0)
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+	    // Create a container that is transactional.  Specify
+	    // that it is also a Node Storage container, with nodes
+	    // indexed
+	    XmlContainerConfig cconfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    cconfig.setContainerType(XmlContainer.NodeContainer);
+	    cconfig.setIndexNodes(XmlContainerConfig.On);
+	    cconfig.setTransactional(true);
+	    cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, cconfig);
+	    // Perform the putDocument in a transaction, created
+	    // from the XmlManager
+	    XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	    cont.putDocument(txn, docName, content);
+	    // commit the Transaction
+	    txn.commit();
+	    // Querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+	    XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	    // Add a variable to the query context, used by the query
+	    qc.setVariableValue("name", new XmlValue("mary"));
+	    // Create a new transaction for the query
+	    txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	    // Note the passing of txn to both methods
+	    XmlQueryExpression expr = mgr.prepare(txn, queryString, qc);
+	    XmlResults res = expr.execute(txn, qc);
+	    // Note use of XmlQueryExpression::getQuery() and
+	    // XmlResults::size()
+	    System.out.println("The query, '" + expr.getQuery() +
+			       "'\n\t returned " + res.size() + " result(s)");
+	    // Process results -- just print them
+	    XmlValue value = new XmlValue();
+	    System.out.print("Result: ");
+	    while ((value = res.next()) != null) {
+		System.out.println("\t" + value.asString());
+	    }
+	    // done with the transaction
+	    txn.commit();
+	    // explicitly delete objects to release resources
+	    res.delete();
+	    expr.delete();
+	} 
+	catch (XmlException xe) {
+	    System.err.println("XmlException during helloWorldTxn: " + 
+			       xe.getMessage());
+	    throw xe;
+	}
+	catch (DatabaseException de) {
+	    System.err.println("DatabaseException during helloWorldTxn: " + 
+			       de.getMessage());
+	    throw de;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, mgr, cont);
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/EventReaderToWriter.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/EventReaderToWriter.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/EventReaderToWriter.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package event;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlEventReader;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlEventWriter;
+ * EventReaderToWriter is a Java class that implements, purely in Java, 
+ * the same function that is performed by the XmlEventReaderToWriter 
+ * class inside BDB XML.
+ * <p>
+ * This is useful as a template for code that writes events to other
+ * systems or, for example, creates a DOM tree from an XmlEventReader
+ * helloWorld is the simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does something.
+ * <p>
+ * To use the class:
+ * <pre>
+ * // acquire XmlEventReader and XmlEventWriter objects, reader, writer
+ * EventReaderToWriter r2w = new EventReaderToWriter(reader, writer);
+ * r2w.start();
+ * // close XmlEventReader and XmlEventWriter objects
+ * reader.close();
+ * writer.close();
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class EventReaderToWriter
+    private XmlEventReader reader;
+    private XmlEventWriter writer;
+    /**
+       Construct an EventReaderToWriter instance from the parameters.
+       This class does not close the parameters; that is the responsibility
+       of the caller.
+       @param reader The XmlEventReader from which events are read.
+       @param writer The XmlEventWriter} to which events are written.
+    */
+    public EventReaderToWriter(XmlEventReader reader,
+			       XmlEventWriter writer)
+    {
+	this.reader = reader;
+	this.writer = writer;
+    }
+    /**
+       Perform the operation.  This method will read events from the reader, writing
+       them to the writer, until there are no further events available.
+    */
+    public void start() throws XmlException {
+	while (reader.hasNext())
+	    doEvent(writer);
+    }
+    /* internal method to get the next event */
+    boolean nextEvent(XmlEventWriter writer)
+	throws XmlException {
+	if (reader.hasNext()) {
+	    doEvent(writer);
+	    return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+    }
+    /* the guts of the class, handling events */
+    void doEvent(XmlEventWriter writer) throws XmlException {
+	int etype = reader.next();
+	switch (etype) {
+	case XmlEventReader.StartElement:
+	{
+	    int nattrs = reader.getAttributeCount();
+	    writer.writeStartElement(reader.getLocalName(),
+				     reader.getPrefix(),
+				     reader.getNamespaceURI(),
+				     nattrs,
+				     reader.isEmptyElement());
+	    for (int i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) {
+		writer.writeAttribute(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i),
+				      reader.getAttributePrefix(i),
+				      reader.getAttributeNamespaceURI(i),
+				      reader.getAttributeValue(i),
+				      reader.isAttributeSpecified(i));
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.EndElement:
+	{
+	    writer.writeEndElement(reader.getLocalName(),
+				   reader.getPrefix(),
+				   reader.getNamespaceURI());
+	break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.CDATA:
+	case XmlEventReader.Characters:
+	case XmlEventReader.Comment:
+	case XmlEventReader.Whitespace:
+	{
+		String chars = reader.getValue();
+		writer.writeText(etype, chars);
+		break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.StartDocument:
+	{
+	    String sa = null;
+	    if (reader.standaloneSet()) {
+		if (reader.isStandalone())
+		    sa = "yes";
+		else
+		    sa = "no";
+	    }
+	    writer.writeStartDocument(reader.getVersion(),
+				      reader.getEncoding(),
+				      sa);
+	    break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.EndDocument:
+	{
+		writer.writeEndDocument();
+		break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.DTD:
+	{
+	    writer.writeDTD(reader.getValue());
+	    break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.ProcessingInstruction:
+	{
+		String target = reader.getLocalName();
+		String data = reader.getValue();
+		writer.writeProcessingInstruction(target, data);
+		break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.StartEntityReference:
+	{
+		String chars = reader.getValue();
+		writer.writeStartEntity(chars, reader.getExpandEntities());
+		break;
+	}
+	case XmlEventReader.EndEntityReference:
+	{
+		String chars = reader.getValue();
+		writer.writeEndEntity(chars);
+		break;
+	}
+	default:
+		throw new XmlException(XmlException.EVENT_ERROR,
+				       "EventReaderToWriter.doEvent() unknown event type");
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/UseEventReaderToWriter.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/UseEventReaderToWriter.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/event/UseEventReaderToWriter.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+package event;
+import event.EventReaderToWriter;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlEventReader;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlEventWriter;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
+ * UseEventReaderToWriter is simple example of using the EventReaderToWriter
+ * example code.  It creates an in-memory container, adds a document, and
+ * copies that document to a new name using EventReaderToWriter.
+ * <p>
+ * To run this program:
+ * <pre>
+ * java event.UseEventReaderToWriter
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class UseEventReaderToWriter
+    public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
+	String containerName = "";
+	String docName1 = "doc1";
+	String docName2 = "doc2";
+	String content = "<root><a a='val'>a text</a><b/><c><d nm='joe'/></c></root>";
+	try {
+	    // create container and put a document in
+	    XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager();
+	    XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+	    cont.putDocument(docName1, content);
+	    // now copy the document
+	    XmlDocument doc = cont.getDocument(docName1);
+	    XmlDocument newDoc = mgr.createDocument();
+	    newDoc.setName(docName2);
+	    // get an XmlEventWriter to create the new content
+	    XmlEventWriter writer = cont.putDocumentAsEventWriter(newDoc);
+	    // get XmlEventReader to read existing document
+	    XmlEventReader reader = doc.getContentAsEventReader();
+	    // copy
+	    EventReaderToWriter r2w = new EventReaderToWriter(reader, writer);
+	    r2w.start();
+	    // clean up (EventReaderToWriter does not close its arguments)
+	    writer.close();
+	    reader.close();
+	    // verify the copy
+	    XmlDocument copyDoc = cont.getDocument(docName2);
+	    String newContent = copyDoc.getContentAsString();
+	    System.out.println("Original:\n\t" + content);
+	    System.out.println("New:\n\t" + newContent);
+	    // clean up
+	    cont.delete();
+	    mgr.delete();
+	} catch (XmlException e) {
+	    System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString());
+	}
+	catch (Throwable t) {}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/Readme.txt
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+                DBXML Getting Started Examples
+                            Readme
+This directory contains examples and sample data designed to illustrate
+DBXML's basic capabilities. To run the examples you must first compile
+the examples and then load the sample data using exampleLoadContainer.java
+to load all the sample data contained in the xmlData directory.
+The examples are compiled, by default, by the build system, if Java
+is enabled, and put in the jar file, dbxmlexamples.jar.  On Unix systems,
+this will be in the dbxml/build_unix directory.  One Windows, it will be in
+the jar directory.
+To run examples you need to:
+1. Add libraries or dlls to appropriate search path
+2. Add db.jar, dbxml.jar and dbxmlexamples.jar to CLASSPATH
+1.  Set PATH to include required DLLS, which are, by default,
+in dbxml/bin/{debug}.  For example:
+      set PATH=%PATH%;<path_to_distribution>/bin/debug
+2.  Set CLASSPATH to include db.jar, dbxml.jar and dbxmlexamples.jar
+    (the following should be all one line, without spaces)
+    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;<path_to_distribution>/jar/db.jar;
+         <path_to_distribution>/jar/dbxml.jar;
+         <path_to_distribution>/jar/dbxmlexamples.jar
+1.  Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent) to include required
+libraries.  By default, they are in <path_to_distribution>/install/lib.
+For example:
+      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_install>/lib
+      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+2.  Set CLASSPATH to include db.jar, dbxml.jar and dbxmlexamples.jar
+    (the following should be all one line, without spaces)
+      CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:<path_to_install>/lib/db.jar:
+                  <path_to_install>/lib/dbxml.jar:
+                  <path_to_install>/dbxml/build_unix/dbxmlexamples.jar
+      export CLASSPATH
+It is best to run the examples from the example directory,
+For example:
+    cd dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted
+    mkdir dbEnv
+    java dbxml.gettingStarted.exampleLoadContainer -h dbEnv -p ../../xmlData
+The "-p ../../xmlData" specifies a path to the XML example files, which
+are loaded into containers in the "dbEnv" directory.
+Once loaded, most of the examples found here can be run by simply identifying
+the directory where you placed your database environment. For example:
+    java dbxml.gettingStarted.simpleQuery -h dbEnv
+- simpleContainerInEnv.java
+  Creates a database environment, opens it, and then creates and opens three
+  containers in that environment. Finally, the containers and environments are
+  closed. You should edit this file and provide a path to an existing
+  directory where you want the database environment placed before running this
+  example.
+- myDbEnv.java
+  Class that creates/opens a database environment. All of the following
+  examples rely on this class.
+- simpleAdd.java
+  Creates a database environment and container, and then adds two very simple
+  XML documents to the container. You identify the location where you want the
+  database environment placed using the -h option. This example requires no
+  other command line options.
+- mdConst.java
+  Simple utility class use to encapsulate some constants used by some
+  of the following examples.
+- exampleLoadContainer.java
+  Creates/opens the specified database environment, creates/opens the
+  specified container in that environment, and then loads every XML document
+  identified on the command line call into the identified container. As each
+  document is loaded, a document name is set. Metadata is also set on each
+  document that represents the day and time that the document was loaded into
+  the container.
+  All of the following examples assume that exampleLoadContainer has been run.
+- simpleQuery.java
+  Executes several XPath queries and prints query results to the console.
+  Use the -h option to identify the database environment location that you
+  used when you ran loadExamplesData.
+       simpleQuery -h <dbenv>
+  Note that all of the following examples use the same command line option.
+- queryWithContext.java
+  Identical to simpleQuery, except that contexts are used to define
+  namespaces and variables.
+- queryForDocumentValue.java
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that specific document data is
+  retrieved from each document found in the query's result set.
+- queryWithDocumentNames.java
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the query is performed using the
+  document name that was set when exampleLoadContainer placed the document
+  into the container.
+- queryForMetaData.java
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the timestamp that was stored as
+  metadata is retrieved and displayed. This timestamp was set on the document
+  when exampleLoadContainer placed the document into the container.
+- updateDocument.java
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is updated in a trivial way and then stored back into
+  the container.
+- deleteDocument.java
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that every document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is deleted from the container.
+- addIndex.java
+  Adds indexes to a specific document node.
+- replaceIndex.java
+  Replaces the indexes on a specific document node with new indexes. Iterates
+  through the indexes maintained for the container and shows what is being
+  used. For best results, run addIndex before running this example.
+- deleteIndex.java
+  Deletes indexes from a specific document. Iterates through the indexes
+  maintained for the container and shows what is being used. For best results,
+  run addIndex before running this example.
+- myDb.java
+  Class that creates/opens a Berkeley db. The following two examples rely
+  on this class.
+- buildDB.java
+  Illustrates how a DBXML container can be used with a Berkeley DB database. A
+  Berkeley DB database is created in the same environment as the container and
+  data corresponding to documents in the container is loaded into the
+  database. The DBXML query and database put are all wrapped in a common
+  transaction.
+- retrieveDB.java
+  Illustrates how a DBXML container can be used with a Berkeley DB database.
+  Documents are retrieved from the container and then data corresponding to
+  each document is retrieved from the Berkeley DB database. Again, all queries
+  are wrapped in a common transaction. For best results, run buildDB before
+  running this example.
+- externalFunction.java
+  A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates external function API
+  usage. This program demonstrates:
+  1. XmlResolver used to resolve multiple external functions
+  2. XmlExternalFunction implementations
+  3. External function results handling

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/addIndex.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/addIndex.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/addIndex.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class addIndex
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program adds several indexes to a DBXML container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.addIndex -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    private static void addAnIndex( XmlContainer container, String URI,
+				    String nodeName,
+				    String indexType, XmlTransaction txn,
+				    XmlUpdateContext updateContext )
+	throws Throwable {
+	System.out.println("Adding index type " + indexType + " to node " +
+			   nodeName);
+	//Retrieve the index specification from the container
+	XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification(txn);
+	//See what indexes exist on the container
+	int count = 0;
+	System.out.println("Before index add.");
+	XmlIndexDeclaration idxDecl = null;
+	while((idxDecl = (idxSpec.next())) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name + "', found index: '"
+			       + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+	//Add the index to the specification.
+	//If it already exists, then this does nothing.
+	idxSpec.addIndex(URI, nodeName, indexType);
+	//Set the specification back to the container
+	container.setIndexSpecification(txn, idxSpec, updateContext);
+	//Look at the indexes again to make sure our replacement took.
+	count = 0;
+	idxSpec.reset();
+	System.out.println("After index add.");
+	while((idxDecl = ( idxSpec.next() ) ) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name + "', found index: '"
+			       + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	idxSpec.delete();
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	try {
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // need update context for modifications
+	    XmlUpdateContext uc = theMgr.createUpdateContext();
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+	    //Add an string equality index for the "product" element node.
+	    addAnIndex( openedContainer, "", "product",
+			"node-element-equality-string", txn, uc );
+            //Add an edge presence index for the product node
+	    addAnIndex( openedContainer, "", "product", "edge-element-presence",
+			txn, uc );
+	    //Commit the index adds
+	    txn.commit();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    //Both DB XML and Berkeley DB throw exceptions that are inherited from
+	    // Exception. Therefore, catching Exception catches everything.
+	    System.err.println("Error adding index to container " + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage() );
+	    //In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+	    // The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+	    // we started this operation.
+	    if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/buildDB.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/buildDB.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/buildDB.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+class buildDB
+	private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+	private static String theDB = "testBerkeleyDB";
+	private static void usage() {
+		String usageMessage = "This program retrieves node information from a specific set of XML \n";
+	usageMessage += "documents stored in a DB XML container, and then saves relevant sample\n";
+	usageMessage += "data to a Berkeley DB database. Both the DB XML container and the Berkeley\n";
+	usageMessage += "DB database are stored in the same database environment. The value of\n";
+	usageMessage += "the node found on the XML document is used as the Berkeley DB key for the\n";
+	usageMessage += "sample data stored in the database.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "Before running this program, run exampleLoadContainer to pre-populate\n";
+	usageMessage += "the DB XML container with the appropriate data.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "When you run this program, identify the directory where you told exampleLoadContainer\n";
+	usageMessage += "to place the sample data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.buildDB -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+	}
+	//Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+	// containers and environments must be closed.
+	private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+		try {
+			if (openedContainer != null)
+				openedContainer.delete();
+			if (env != null)
+				env.cleanup();
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			// ignore exceptions on close
+		}
+	}
+	public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+			if ( args[i].startsWith("-") ) {
+				switch( args[i].charAt(1) ) {
+				case 'h':
+					path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+					break;
+				default:
+					usage();
+				}
+			}
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+			usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	myDb openedDatabase = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	try {
+		// Open an environment
+		env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+		XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+		//Open a database in that environment (creates Transaction)
+		openedDatabase = new myDb(theDB, env.getEnvironment());
+		// open a transactional container
+		XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+		config.setTransactional(true);
+		openedContainer = theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+		// Create a transaction, using DB.
+		Transaction dbTxn =
+		env.getEnvironment().beginTransaction(null, null);
+		txn = theMgr.createTransaction(dbTxn);
+		XmlQueryContext resultsContext = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+		String theQuery=
+		"distinct-values(collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')/vendor/salesrep/name)";
+		//Perform the query against the XmlManager environment
+		XmlResults results = theMgr.query(txn, theQuery,
+						  resultsContext);
+		//Pull the value out of the document query result set.
+		XmlValue value = results.next();
+		while (value != null) {
+			String theSalesRepKey = value.asString();
+			System.out.println("Putting data for key: " + theSalesRepKey);
+			//This is the data that we're putting into the database. A real
+			// world example would probably include a BLOB, such as a jpeg
+			// image of the salereps, a public key, or some other bit of
+			// information that doesn't fit into the XML document schema.
+			// In our case, we'll just put in a descriptive string so we
+			// can see what is going on when we retrieve this data.
+			String theSalesRepData =
+				"This is the data stored in the database for " +
+				theSalesRepKey + ".";
+			DatabaseEntry theKey =
+				new DatabaseEntry(theSalesRepKey.getBytes());
+			DatabaseEntry theData =
+				new DatabaseEntry(theSalesRepData.getBytes());
+			//Finally, write the actual data to the Berkeley DB.
+			openedDatabase.getDatabase().
+			putNoOverwrite(txn.getTransaction(), theKey, theData);
+			value = results.next();
+		}
+		results.delete();
+		//This causes the write to be made permanent.
+		txn.commit();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+		System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer);
+		System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+		//In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+		// The database is left in the same state as it was in
+		// we started this operation.
+		if ( txn != null ) {
+		    txn.abort();
+		}
+		throw e;
+	} finally {
+		if (openedDatabase != null) {
+		    openedDatabase.cleanup();
+		}
+		cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	   }
+	} //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class deleteDocument
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program deletes an XML document from a DBXML container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the\n";
+	usageMessage += "database environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.deleteDocument -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Method that deletes all documents from a DB XML container that match a given
+    // XPath query.
+    private static void doDeleteDocument( XmlManager mgr, XmlContainer container,
+                                          String query, XmlQueryContext context,
+                                          XmlTransaction txn )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	System.out.println("Deleting documents for expression: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform our query. We'll delete any document contained in this result set.
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, context, null);
+	System.out.println("Found " + results.size() +
+			   " documents matching the expression '" + query + "'.");
+	XmlValue value;
+	value = results.next();
+	while (value != null){
+	    /// Retrieve the value as a document
+	    XmlDocument document = value.asDocument();
+	    //Obtain a unique feature off the document for reporting purposes
+	    String item = getValue(mgr, document, "fn:string(/*/product)", context);
+	    System.out.println("Deleting document: " + item + ".");
+	    //Peform the delete
+	    container.deleteDocument( txn, document);
+	    System.out.println("Deleted document: " + item + ".");
+	    value = results.next();
+	}
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility method that we use to obtain a specific value off of a XML document
+    private static String getValue( XmlManager mgr, XmlDocument theDocument,
+				    String query, XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        ////////    Return specific information from a document. //////////////////
+        ////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! //////////////////
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //Perform the query
+        XmlQueryExpression queryExpr = mgr.prepare(query, context);
+	XmlValue docVal = new XmlValue(theDocument);
+        XmlResults result = queryExpr.execute(docVal, context, null);
+        //We require a result set size of 1. If the result set size is
+	// something else, then either the XML schema isn't what we
+	// expected or we got the XPath query expression wrong.
+        if (result.size() != 1) {
+	    System.err.println("Error! XPath query '" + query +
+			       "' returned a result size size != 1");
+	    throw new Exception("getValue found result set not equal to 1.");
+        }
+        //Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+        // we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+        // required by our application.
+        XmlValue value = result.next();
+	String retVal = value.asString();
+	result.delete();
+	queryExpr.delete();
+        return retVal;
+    }
+    //Utility method that we use to make sure the documents that we thought
+    // were deleted from the container are in fact deleted.
+    private static void confirmDelete( XmlManager mgr, String query,
+				       XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	System.out.println("Confirming the delete.");
+	System.out.println("The query: '" + fullQuery +
+			   "' should return result set size 0.");
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	if ( results.size() == 0) {
+            System.out.println("Result set size is 0. Deletion confirmed.");
+	} else {
+            System.out.println("Result set size is " + results.size() +
+			       ". Deletion failed.");
+	}
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+	    if (args[i].startsWith("-")){
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)){
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	try {
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+            //Create a context and declare the namespaces
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace( "vegetables",
+				  "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //Delete the document that describes Mabolo (a fruit)
+            String query = "/fruits:item[product = 'Mabolo']";
+            //If doDeleteDocument throws an exception we want to abort the
+	    // transaction. Otherwise, we want to commit the transaction
+	    // and continue with other activities.
+            try {
+                doDeleteDocument(theMgr, openedContainer, query, context, txn);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+		// The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+		// we started this operation.
+		if (txn != null) {
+		    txn.abort();
+		}
+		throw e;
+	    }
+            //Commit the writes. This causes the container write operations
+            //  to be saved to the container.
+            txn.commit();
+            //The document should now no longer exist in the container. Just for
+	    // fun, confirm the delete.
+            confirmDelete (theMgr, query, context);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    System.err.println("Error performing document delete against " + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+	    if (txn != null) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/deleteIndex.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class deleteIndex
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program deletes several indexes from a DBXML container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "For best results, run addIndex before running this program.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.deleteIndex -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Deletes an index from the specified container
+    private static void deleteAnIndex( XmlManager xmlDB, XmlContainer container,
+				       String URI, String nodeName,
+				       String indexType, XmlTransaction txn )
+	throws Throwable {
+	System.out.println("Deleting index type " + indexType + " from node "
+			   + nodeName);
+	//Retrieve the index specification from the container
+	XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification(txn);
+	//See what indexes exist on the container
+	int count = 0;
+	System.out.println("Before the delete, the following indexes are maintained for the container:");
+	//Use an XmlIndexDeclaration to loop over the indexes and
+	// report what's there.
+	XmlIndexDeclaration idxDecl = null;
+	while((idxDecl = (idxSpec.next())) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name + "', found index: '"
+			       + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+	//Delete the indexes from the specification.
+	idxSpec.deleteIndex(URI, nodeName, indexType);
+	//Set the specification back to the container
+	container.setIndexSpecification(txn, idxSpec, xmlDB.createUpdateContext());
+	//Look at the indexes again to make sure our deletion took.
+	count = 0;
+	idxSpec.reset();
+	System.out.println("After the delete, the following indexes are maintained for the container:");
+	while((idxDecl = (idxSpec.next())) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name + "', found index: '"
+			       + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	idxSpec.delete();
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+       File path2DbEnv = null;
+       for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+	   if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+               switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+	       case 'h':
+		   path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		   break;
+	       default:
+		   usage();
+               }
+	   }
+       }
+       if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+	   usage();
+       }
+       myDbEnv env = null;
+       XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+       XmlTransaction txn = null;
+       try {
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+	    //Delete an string equality index for the "product" element node.
+	    deleteAnIndex(theMgr, openedContainer, "", "product",
+			"node-element-equality-string", txn);
+	    //Perform the deletes in two different transactions for
+	    // no particular reason
+	    //Commit the index delete
+	    txn.commit();
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+	    //Delete an edge presence index for the product node
+	    deleteAnIndex(theMgr, openedContainer, "", "product",
+			"edge-element-presence-none", txn);
+	    //Commit the index delete
+	    txn.commit();
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           System.err.println("Error deleting indexes from container "
+			      + theContainer );
+           System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage() );
+           //In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+           // The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+           // we started this operation.
+           if ( txn != null ) {
+	       txn.abort();
+           }
+           throw e;
+       }
+       finally {
+	   cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+       }
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class exampleLoadContainer
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program loads the examples XML data into the examples container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "Provide the directory where you want to place your database environment, \n";
+	usageMessage += "and the path to the xmlData directory (this exists in your DB XML examples\n";
+	usageMessage += "directory).\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory> -p <filepath>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.exampleLoadContainer -h examplesEnvironment -p /home/user1/dbxml-1.1.0/examples/xmlData\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	File filePath = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)  {
+	    if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+                switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+                    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+                    break;
+		case 'p':
+                    filePath = new File(args[++i]);
+                    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+                }
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || filePath == null) {
+	    usage();
+	}
+	if (! filePath.isDirectory()) {
+	    usage();
+	}
+	// This vector will hold a File object for each XML file that we will load
+	// into the examples container
+	List<File> files2add = new LinkedList<File>();
+	// Within .../examples/xmlData there should be two subdirectories, nsData
+	// and simpleData.  These contain the XML files that we want to load.
+	// So check to make sure they exist.
+	File nsData = new File(filePath.getPath() + File.separator + "nsData");
+	confirmDirectory(nsData);
+	File simpleData = new File(filePath.getPath() + File.separator + "simpleData");
+	confirmDirectory(simpleData);
+	//Load the first set of examples xml files into our vector
+	getXmlFiles(nsData, files2add);
+	//Add these files to the namespace container.
+	loadXmlFiles(path2DbEnv, "namespaceExampleData.dbxml", files2add);
+	files2add.clear();
+	//Repeat for the XML example data that does not use namespaces
+	getXmlFiles(simpleData, files2add);
+	loadXmlFiles(path2DbEnv, "simpleExampleData.dbxml", files2add);
+    } // End method main()
+    //Convienance method used to make sure -p points to a directory that exists
+    private static void confirmDirectory(File directory) {
+	if ( ! directory.isDirectory() ) {
+	    System.out.println( "\nError. Directory " + directory.getPath() +
+				" does not exist.");
+	    System.out.println( "       -p must point to the xmlData directory.");
+	    usage();
+	}
+    }
+    //Find all the xml files in a specified directory and store them in a vector
+    private static void getXmlFiles(File filePath, List<File> files2add) {
+	boolean filesFound = false;
+	String [] dirContents = filePath.list();
+	if (dirContents != null) {
+	    for (int i = 0; i < dirContents.length; i++) {
+		File entry = new File(filePath + File.separator + dirContents[i]);
+		if (entry.isFile() && entry.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) {
+		    files2add.add(entry);
+		    filesFound = true;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (! filesFound) {
+	    System.out.println("\nError: No XML files found at " +
+			       filePath.getPath());
+	    usage();
+	}
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not
+    // XmlContainer and XmlManager objects must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(XmlManager theMgr, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (theMgr != null)
+		theMgr.delete();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    // create an environment.  Will throw if home doesn't exist
+    private static Environment createEnv(File home)
+	throws DatabaseException, FileNotFoundException {
+        EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig();
+        config.setCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024);
+        config.setAllowCreate(true);
+        config.setInitializeCache(true);
+        config.setTransactional(true);
+        config.setInitializeLocking(true);
+	config.setInitializeLogging(true);
+        return new Environment(home, config);
+    }
+    //Take a vector of Files and load each element into a DB XML container
+    private static void loadXmlFiles(File path2DbEnv, String theContainer,
+				     List files2add)
+	throws Throwable {
+	//Open a container in the db environment
+	XmlManager theMgr = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	Environment env = null;
+	try {
+	    env = createEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    theMgr = new XmlManager(env, new XmlManagerConfig());
+	    // create a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer = theMgr.createContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Get another transaction, via DB.  This just
+	    // demonstrates that a Transaction created from DB can be
+	    // passed to XmlManager.createTransaction.
+	    Transaction dbtxn = env.beginTransaction(null,null);
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction(dbtxn);
+	    Iterator filesIterator = files2add.iterator();
+	    while(filesIterator.hasNext()) {
+		File file = (File) filesIterator.next();
+		String theFile = file.toString();
+		//Load the contents of the XML file into a String
+		String theLine = null;
+		String xmlString = new String();
+		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(theFile);
+		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
+		while((theLine=br.readLine()) != null) {
+		    xmlString += theLine;
+		    xmlString += "\n";
+		}
+		br.close();
+		//Declare an xml document
+		XmlDocument xmlDoc = theMgr.createDocument();
+		//Set the xml document's content to the xmlString we just obtained.
+		xmlDoc.setContent(xmlString);
+		//Set the document name
+		xmlDoc.setName(file.getName());
+		Date theDate = new Date();
+		xmlDoc.setMetaData(mdConst.uri, mdConst.name,
+				   new XmlValue(theDate.toString()));
+		//Place that document into the container */
+		openedContainer.putDocument(txn, xmlDoc);
+		System.out.println("Added " + theFile + " to container" +
+				   theContainer);
+	    }
+	    txn.commit();
+	    //XmlException extends DatabaseException, which in turn extends Exception.
+	    //  Catching Exception catches them all.
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    System.err.println("Error loading files into container " + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+	    //In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+	    // The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+	    // we started this operation.
+	    if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(theMgr, openedContainer);
+	}
+    }
+} // End class exampleLoadData

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/mdConst.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/mdConst.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/mdConst.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+//Simple class used to encapsulate some constants used throughout
+// these examples.
+public class mdConst
+   public static String uri = new String("http://dbxmlExamples/timestamp");
+   public static String prefix = new String("time");
+   public static String name = new String("timeStamp");

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDb.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDb.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDb.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+//Class used to open and close a Berkeley Database using a transaction.
+public class myDb
+    public myDb( String dbName, Environment dbEnv )
+	throws Throwable {
+	System.err.println("dbName " + dbName);
+	DatabaseConfig config = new DatabaseConfig();
+	config.setAllowCreate(true);
+	config.setType(DatabaseType.BTREE);
+	dbName_ = dbName;
+	dbEnv_ = dbEnv;
+	Transaction txn = dbEnv.beginTransaction(null,null);
+	db_ = dbEnv.openDatabase(txn, dbName, null, config);
+	txn.commit();
+	//Boolean used to know whether to close the database
+	// when the cleanup() method is called.
+	dbIsOpen_ = true;
+    }
+    public Database getDatabase() { return db_; }
+    public Environment getEnvironment() { return dbEnv_; }
+    public String getDatabaseName() {return dbName_;}
+    //Close the database
+    public void cleanup()
+	throws Throwable {
+	if (dbIsOpen_) {
+            db_.close();
+            dbIsOpen_ = false;
+       }
+    }
+    private Environment dbEnv_ = null;
+    private String dbName_ = null;
+    private boolean dbIsOpen_ = false;
+    private Database db_ = null;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDbEnv.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDbEnv.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/myDbEnv.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+//Class used to open and close a Berkeley DB environment
+public class myDbEnv
+    private Environment dbEnv_ = null;
+    private XmlManager mgr_ = null;
+    private File path2DbEnv_ = null;
+    public myDbEnv(File path2DbEnv) 
+	throws Throwable {
+	if (! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+	    throw new Exception(path2DbEnv.getPath() + 
+				" does not exist or is not a directory.");
+	}
+        EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig();
+        config.setCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024); // 50MB
+        config.setAllowCreate(true);
+        config.setInitializeCache(true);
+        config.setTransactional(true);
+        config.setInitializeLocking(true);
+	config.setInitializeLogging(true);
+	config.setErrorStream(System.err);
+        dbEnv_ = new Environment(path2DbEnv, config);
+	path2DbEnv_ = path2DbEnv;
+	mgr_ = new XmlManager(dbEnv_, null);
+    }
+    //Returns the path to the database environment
+    public File getDbEnvPath() { return path2DbEnv_; }
+    //Returns the database environment encapsulated by this class.
+    public Environment getEnvironment() { return dbEnv_; }
+    //Returns the XmlManager encapsulated by this class.
+    public XmlManager getManager() { return mgr_; }
+    //Used to close the environment
+    public void cleanup() throws DatabaseException
+    {
+       if (mgr_ != null) {
+	   mgr_.delete();
+	   mgr_ = null;
+       }
+       if (dbEnv_ != null) {
+	   dbEnv_.close();
+	   dbEnv_ = null;
+       }
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class queryForDocumentValue
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program retrieves DBXML documents and then retrieves information of\n";
+	usageMessage += "interest from the retrieved document(s). You should run exampleLoadContainer\n";
+	usageMessage += "before running this example. You are only required to pass this command the path\n";
+	usageMessage += "location of the database environment that you specified when you loaded the\n";
+	usageMessage += "examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.queryForDocumentValue -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    private static String getValue( XmlManager mgr, XmlDocument document,
+                                    String query, XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        ////////    Return specific information from a document. //////////////////
+        ////////          Assumes a result set of size 1         //////////////////
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //Perform the query
+	// The document provides the context for the query, so neither
+	// collection() nor doc() needs to be part of the query.
+        XmlQueryExpression queryExpr = mgr.prepare(query, context);
+	XmlValue docVal = new XmlValue(document);
+        XmlResults result = queryExpr.execute(docVal, context, null);
+        //We require a result set size of 1.
+        if (result.size() != 1) {
+	    System.err.println("Error!  query '" + query +
+			       "' returned a result size size != 1");
+	    throw new Exception( "getValue found result set not equal to 1.");
+        }
+        //Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+        // we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+        // required by our application.
+        XmlValue value = result.next();
+	String retVal = value.asString();
+	result.delete();
+	queryExpr.delete();
+        return retVal;
+    }
+    private static void getDetails(XmlManager mgr,
+				   String query, XmlQueryContext context)
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	//Perform a single query against the referenced container using
+	// the referenced context.
+	System.out.println("Exercising query: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	System.out.println("\n\tProduct : Price : Inventory Level\n");
+	XmlValue value = results.next();
+	while (value != null) {
+            /// Retrieve the value as a document
+            XmlDocument theDocument = value.asDocument();
+            //Obtain information of interest from the document. Note that the
+            //  wildcard in the query expression allows us to not worry about what
+            //  namespace this document uses.
+            String item = getValue(mgr, theDocument, "fn:string(/*/product)",
+				   context);
+            String price = getValue(mgr, theDocument,
+				    "fn:string(/*/inventory/price)", context);
+            String inventory = getValue(mgr, theDocument,
+					"fn:string(/*/inventory/inventory)", context);
+            System.out.println("\t" + item + " : " + price + " : " + inventory);
+            value = results.next();
+	}
+	System.out.println(results.size() + " results returned for query '" +
+			   fullQuery + "'.");
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	//This example does not use transactions
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    //Create an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a container in that environment
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer);
+            //Create a context and declare the namespaces
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace("vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //Get details on Zulu Nuts
+            getDetails(theMgr,
+		       "/fruits:item[fn:string(product) = 'Zulu Nut']", context);
+            //Get details on all fruits that start with 'A'
+            getDetails(theMgr,
+		       "/vegetables:item[starts-with(fn:string(product),'A')]",
+		       context);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+            System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer);
+            System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+            throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class queryForMetaData
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program retrieves DBXML documents and then retrieves the date and time\n";
+	usageMessage += "that the document was stored in the container. You should run exampleLoadContainer\n";
+	usageMessage += "before running this example. You are only required to pass this command the path\n";
+	usageMessage += "location of the database environment that you specified when you loaded the examples\n";
+	usageMessage += "data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.queryForMetaData -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Shows a timestamp for each record that matches the given XPath query.
+    // The timestamp is stored as metadata on each document. This metadata was
+    // added to the document when the example data was loaded into the container
+    // using exampleLoadContainer.java. The timestamp represents the time
+    // when the document was loaded into the container.
+    private static void showTimeStamp( XmlManager mgr, String query,
+				       XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	//Perform a single query against the referenced container using
+	// the referenced context. The timestamp metadata attribute is then
+	// displayed.
+	System.out.println("Exercising query: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	XmlValue value = results.next();
+	while (value != null) {
+	    //We return the metadata as an XmlValue
+	    XmlValue metaValue = new XmlValue();
+	    XmlDocument document = value.asDocument();
+	    //retrieve the metadata using the uri and name stored in the
+	    // mdConst utility class. This uri and name are the same values
+	    // used when the metadata was stored on the document.
+	    document.getMetaData(mdConst.uri, mdConst.name, metaValue );
+	    System.out.println("Document " + document.getName() + " stored on "
+			       + metaValue.asString());
+	    value = results.next();
+	}
+	System.out.println(results.size() + " results returned for query '"
+			   + fullQuery + "'.");
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    //Open an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a container in that environment
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer);
+            //Create a context and declare the namespaces
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace("vegetables",
+				 "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //Show all the vegetables
+            showTimeStamp(theMgr, "/vegetables:item", context);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+            System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer );
+            System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage() );
+            throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    }
+} //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class queryWithContext
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program illustrates how to query for documents that require namespace\n";
+	usageMessage += "usage in the query. You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.queryWithContext -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Performs a query against a document using an XmlQueryContext.
+    private static void doContextQuery( XmlManager mgr, String query,
+					XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	//Perform a single query against the referenced container using
+	// the referenced context.
+	System.out.println("Exercising query: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	//Iterate over the results with an XmlValue
+	XmlValue value = results.next();
+	while (value != null) {
+            System.out.println(value.asString());
+            value = results.next();
+	}
+	System.out.println(results.size() + " results returned for query '"
+			   + fullQuery + "'.");
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    //Create an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a container in that environment
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer);
+            //Create a context and use it to declare the namespaces
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace("vegetables",
+				 "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //Set a variable
+            context.setVariableValue("aDessert",
+				     new XmlValue("Blueberry Boy Bait"));
+            //Perform the queries
+            //Find all the Vendor documents in the database. Vendor documents do
+            // not use namespaces, so this query returns documents.
+            doContextQuery(theMgr, "/vendor", context);
+            //Find the product document for "Lemon Grass".
+	    // This query returns no documents
+            // because a namespace prefix is not identified for the 'item' node.
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/item/product[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]", context);
+            //Find the product document for "Lemon Grass" using the namespace
+	    // prefix 'fruits'. This query successfully returns a document.
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/fruits:item/product[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]", context);
+            //Find all the vegetables
+            doContextQuery(theMgr, "/vegetables:item", context);
+            //Find the  dessert called Blueberry Boy Bait.
+            // Note the use of a variable.
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/desserts:item/product[.=$aDessert]", context);
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer );
+           System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage() );
+           throw e;
+       }
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class queryWithDocumentNames
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program retrieves DB XML documents using their document names.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.queryWithDocumentNames -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Performs an XPath query against a container using the given context.
+    private static void doContextQuery( XmlManager mgr, String query,
+					XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	//Perform a single query against the referenced container using
+	// the referenced context.
+	System.out.println("Exercising query: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	//We're going to iterate over the results using both an XmlValue and
+	// an XmlDocument
+	XmlValue value = results.next();
+	while (value != null) {
+            XmlDocument document = value.asDocument();
+            System.out.println("Document name: " + document.getName());
+            System.out.println(value.asString());
+            value = results.next();
+	}
+	System.out.println(results.size() + " results returned for query '" +
+			   fullQuery + "'.");
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    //Create an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a container in that environment
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer);
+            //Create a context and declare the namespaces
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace("vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //Query for documents using their document names.
+            // The name is stored on the root node of the document using the
+	    // name attribute in the dbxml namespace. Notice that you do
+	    // NOT have to declare the dbxml namespace on the
+            // XmlQueryContext used for this query. Also, each document name
+	    // was set by exampleLoadContainer when the document was loaded into
+	    // the XmlContainer.
+            doContextQuery(theMgr, "/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='ZuluNut.xml']",
+			   context);
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TrifleOrange.xml']",
+			   context);
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TriCountyProduce.xml']",
+			   context);
+            doContextQuery(theMgr,
+			   "/fruits:item/product[text()=\"Zulu Nut\"]",
+			   context);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+            System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer);
+            System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+            throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    }
+} //end main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/replaceIndex.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class replaceIndex
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program replaces a DB XML container's index specification with a new\n";
+	usageMessage += "specification. You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "For best results, run addIndex before running this program.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.replaceIndex -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Method used to replace an index with a new index type
+    private static void replaceAnIndex( XmlManager mgr, XmlContainer container,
+					String URI, String nodeName,
+					String indexType, XmlTransaction txn )
+	throws Throwable {
+	System.out.println("Replacing index specification " + indexType +
+			   " for node " + nodeName);
+	//Retrieve the index specification from the container
+	XmlIndexSpecification idxSpec = container.getIndexSpecification(txn);
+	//See what indexes exist on the container
+	int count = 0;
+	System.out.println("Before index replacement.");
+	XmlIndexDeclaration idxDecl = null;
+	while((idxDecl = (idxSpec.next())) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name +
+			       "', found index: '" + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+	//Replace the container's index specification with a new specification
+	idxSpec.replaceIndex(URI, nodeName, indexType);
+	//Set the specification back to the container
+	container.setIndexSpecification(txn, idxSpec, mgr.createUpdateContext());
+	//Look at the indexes again to make sure our replacement took.
+	count = 0;
+	idxSpec.reset();
+	System.out.println("After index replacement.");
+	while((idxDecl = (idxSpec.next())) != null) {
+	    System.out.println("\tFor node '" + idxDecl.name + "', found index: '"
+			       + idxDecl.index + "'.");
+	    count ++;
+	}
+	System.out.println(count + " indexes found.");
+	idxSpec.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	try {
+	    // Open an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+            //Replace the index on the "product" node.
+            replaceAnIndex(theMgr, openedContainer, "", "product",
+			   "node-attribute-substring-string node-element-equality-string",
+			   txn);
+            //Commit the index replacement
+            txn.commit();
+       } catch (Exception e) {
+           System.err.println("Error replacing index for container " +
+			      theContainer);
+           System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+           //In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+           // The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+           // we started this operation.
+           if ( txn != null ) {
+              txn.abort();
+           }
+           throw e;
+       }
+       finally {
+	   cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+       }
+    } //end main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+class retrieveDB
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String theDB = "testBerkeleyDB";
+    private static void usage() {
+        String usageMessage = "This program retrieves data from a Berkeley DB database based on information \n";
+	usageMessage += "retrieved from a document in a DB XML container. Both the DB XML container and the\n";
+	usageMessage += "Berkeley DB database are stored in the same database environment. The \n";
+	usageMessage += "value of the node found on the XML document is used as the Berkeley DB key for the\n";
+	usageMessage += "sample data stored in the database.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "Before running this program, run exampleLoadContainer to pre-populate\n";
+	usageMessage += "the DB XML container with the appropriate data. Then, use the 'buildDB' sample\n";
+	usageMessage += "program to build the Berkeley DB database that this program requires.\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "When you run this program, identify the directory where you told exampleLoadContainer\n";
+	usageMessage += "to place the sample data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.retrieveDB -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	myDb openedDatabase = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	Transaction dbTxn = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	try {
+	    // Open an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a database in that environment
+	    openedDatabase = new myDb(theDB, env.getEnvironment());
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction via DB
+	    dbTxn = env.getEnvironment().beginTransaction(null, null);
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction(dbTxn);
+	    //Obtain an XmlQueryContext with the result type set to
+	    // values (not documents).
+	    XmlQueryContext resultsContext = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+	    String theQuery=
+		"distinct-values(collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')/vendor/salesrep/name)";
+	    //Get all the vendor documents out of the container
+	    XmlResults results = theMgr.query(txn, theQuery,
+					      resultsContext);
+	    XmlValue value = results.next();
+	    while (value != null) {
+		    //Pull the value out of the document query result set.
+		    String theSalesRepKey = value.asString();
+		    DatabaseEntry theKey =
+			new DatabaseEntry(theSalesRepKey.getBytes());
+		    DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry();
+		    OperationStatus status = openedDatabase.getDatabase().get(txn.getTransaction(),
+									      theKey, theData, null);
+		    System.out.println("For key: " + theSalesRepKey +
+				       ", retrieved:");
+		    if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND) {
+			System.out.println("Key not found: run buildDB first");
+		    } else
+			System.out.println( new String(theData.getData(), 0,
+						       theData.getSize()));
+		    System.out.println("here");
+		    value = results.next();
+	    }
+	    results.delete();
+	    txn.commit();
+	} catch (XmlException e) {
+	    System.err.println("Xml error performing query against " + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + e.toString());
+	    if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw e;
+	}
+	catch (DatabaseException de) {
+	    System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + de.toString());
+	    if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw de;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    if (openedDatabase != null)
+		openedDatabase.cleanup();
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class simpleAdd
+    private static String theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program adds a few simple XML documents to a specified container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.simpleAdd -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    // Open an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+            //Create String contents for documents.
+            String document1 = "<aDoc><title>doc1</title><color>green</color></aDoc>";
+            String document2 = "<aDoc><title>doc2</title><color>yellow</color></aDoc>";
+            //Put the document, asking DB XML to generate a name
+	    XmlDocumentConfig docConfig = new XmlDocumentConfig();
+	    docConfig.setGenerateName(true);
+            String nm = openedContainer.putDocument(txn, "", document1,
+						    docConfig);
+	    System.out.println("Put document: " + nm);
+            //Do it again for the second document
+            nm = openedContainer.putDocument(txn, "", document2,
+					     docConfig);
+	    System.out.println("Put document: " + nm);
+            //Commit the writes. This causes the container write operations
+            //  to be saved to the container.
+            txn.commit();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+            System.err.println("Error performing document add against " + theContainer);
+            System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage() );
+            if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+            }
+            throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleContainerInEnv.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+import com.sleepycat.db.*;
+//Very simple program that opens (creates) a database environment and
+// then opens several containers in that environment.
+class simpleContainerInEnv
+    public static void main(String args[]) 
+	throws Throwable {
+	//The path the directory where you want to place the environment
+	// must exist!!
+	String environmentPath = "/path/to/environment/directory";
+	//Environment configuration is minimal:
+	// create + 50MB cache
+	// no transactions, logging, or locking
+        EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig();
+        config.setCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024);
+        config.setAllowCreate(true);
+        config.setInitializeCache(true);
+        Environment env = new Environment(new File(environmentPath), config);
+	//Create XmlManager using that environment, no DBXML flags
+	XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager(env, null);
+	//multiple containers can be opened in the same database environment
+	XmlContainer container1 = mgr.createContainer("myContainer1");
+	XmlContainer container2 = mgr.createContainer("myContainer2");
+	XmlContainer container3 = mgr.createContainer("myContainer3");
+	// do work here //
+	// clean up
+	container1.delete();
+	container2.delete();
+	container3.delete();
+	mgr.delete();
+	env.close();
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class simpleQuery
+    private static String theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection="collection('simpleExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program performs various queries against a DBXML container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the database\n";
+	usageMessage += "environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.simpleQuery -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    private static void doQuery( XmlManager mgr, String query ) throws Throwable
+    {
+	//Perform a single query against the referenced container.
+	// No context is used for this query.
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	System.out.println("Exercising query: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//Perform the query
+	XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(fullQuery, context, null);
+	//Iterate over the results of the query using an XmlValue object
+	XmlValue value;
+	while ((value = results.next()) != null){
+            System.out.println(value.asString());
+	}
+	System.out.println(results.size() + " results returned for query '" +
+			   fullQuery + "'.");
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+            if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File(args[++i]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	try {
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    //Open a non-transactional container
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer);
+            //Find all the Vendor documents in the database
+            doQuery(theMgr, "/vendor");
+            //Find all the vendors that are wholesale shops
+            doQuery(theMgr, "/vendor[@type=\"wholesale\"]");
+            //Find the product document for "Lemon Grass"
+            doQuery(theMgr, "/product/item[.=\"Lemon Grass\"]");
+            //Find all the products where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+            doQuery(theMgr, "/product/inventory[number(price)<=0.11]");
+            //Find all the vegetables where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+            doQuery(theMgr,
+		    "/product[number(inventory/price)<=0.11 and category=\"vegetables\"]");
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+            System.err.println("Error performing query against " + theContainer);
+            System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+            throw e;
+       }
+       finally {
+	   cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+       }
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/updateDocument.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/updateDocument.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/gettingStarted/updateDocument.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+// Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+package dbxml.gettingStarted;
+import java.io.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class updateDocument
+    private static String theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+    private static String collection = "collection('namespaceExampleData.dbxml')";
+    private static void usage() {
+	String usageMessage = "\nThis program updates a document stored in a DB XML container.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You should run exampleLoadContainer before running this example.\n";
+	usageMessage += "You are only required to pass this command the path location of the\n";
+	usageMessage += "database environment that you specified when you loaded the examples data:\n\n";
+	usageMessage += "\t-h <dbenv directory>\n";
+	usageMessage += "For example:\n";
+	usageMessage += "\tjava com.sleepycat.dbxml.examples.gettingStarted.updateDocument -h examplesEnvironment\n";
+	System.out.println(usageMessage);
+	System.exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Modifies an XML document that is stored in a DB XML container
+    private static void doUpdateDocument(XmlManager mgr, XmlContainer container,
+					 String query, XmlQueryContext context,
+					 XmlTransaction txn )
+	throws Throwable {
+	String fullQuery = collection + query;
+	System.out.println("Updating documents for expression: '" + fullQuery + "'.");
+	System.out.println("Return to continue: ");
+	System.in.read();
+	//query for all the documents that we want to update
+	XmlResults results = mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, context, null);
+	System.out.println("Found " + results.size() + " matching the expression '"
+			   + fullQuery + "'.");
+	XmlValue value = results.next();
+	while (value != null) {
+	    XmlDocument document = value.asDocument();
+	    //Retrieve the entire document as a single String object
+	    String docString = document.getContentAsString();
+	    System.out.println("Updating document: ");
+	    System.out.println(docString);
+	    //This next method just modifies the document string
+	    //in a small way.
+	    String newDocString = getNewDocument(mgr, document, context,
+						 docString);
+	    System.out.println("Updating document...");
+	    //Set the document's content to be the new document string
+	    document.setContent(newDocString);
+	    //Now replace the document in the container
+	    container.updateDocument(txn, document);
+	    System.out.println("Document updated.");
+	    value = results.next();
+	}
+	results.delete();
+    }
+    private static String getNewDocument( XmlManager dbXML, XmlDocument document,
+					  XmlQueryContext context,
+					  String docString )
+	throws Throwable {
+	//Get the substring that we want to replace
+	String inventory = getValue(dbXML, document,
+				    "fn:string(/*/inventory/inventory)", context);
+	String retVal = new String();
+	//Find the substring in the original document string
+	int pos = docString.indexOf(inventory);
+	if (pos == -1) {
+	    System.err.println("Error: inventory string: '" + inventory +
+			       "' not found in document string:");
+	    System.err.println(docString);
+	} else {
+	    //Convert the String representation of the inventory level to an
+	    // integer, increment by 1, and then convert back to a String for
+	    // replacement on the document.
+	    int newInventory = Integer.parseInt(inventory) + 1;
+	    String newVal = Integer.toString(newInventory);
+	    int inventoryLength = inventory.length();
+	    int endPos = pos + inventoryLength;
+	    StringBuffer strbuff = new StringBuffer(document.getContentAsString());
+	    //Perform the replace
+	    strbuff.replace(pos, endPos, newVal);
+	    System.out.println("Inventory was " + inventory + ", it is now " +
+			       newVal + ".");
+	    retVal = strbuff.toString();
+	}
+	return retVal;
+    }
+    private static String getValue(XmlManager mgr, XmlDocument theDocument,
+                                   String query, XmlQueryContext context )
+	throws Throwable {
+        //Perform the query
+	// The document provides the context for the query
+        XmlQueryExpression queryExpr = mgr.prepare(query, context);
+	XmlValue docVal = new XmlValue(theDocument);
+        XmlResults result = queryExpr.execute(docVal, context, null);
+        //We require a result set size of 1.
+        if (result.size() != 1) {
+	    System.err.println("Error! query '" + query +
+			       "' returned a result size size != 1");
+	    throw new Exception( "getValue found result set not equal to 1.");
+        }
+        //Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+        //we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+        //required by our application.
+        XmlValue value = result.next();
+	String retVal = value.asString();
+	result.delete();
+	queryExpr.delete();
+        return retVal;
+    }
+    //Utility function to clean up objects, exceptions or not,
+    // containers and environments must be closed.
+    private static void cleanup(myDbEnv env, XmlContainer openedContainer) {
+	try {
+	    if (openedContainer != null)
+		openedContainer.delete();
+	    if (env != null)
+		env.cleanup();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // ignore exceptions on close
+	}
+    }
+    public static void main(String args[])
+	throws Throwable {
+	File path2DbEnv = null;
+	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
+	    if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+		switch(args[i].charAt(1)) {
+		case 'h':
+		    path2DbEnv = new File( args[++i] );
+		    break;
+		default:
+                    usage();
+		}
+            }
+	}
+	if (path2DbEnv == null || ! path2DbEnv.isDirectory()) {
+            usage();
+	}
+	myDbEnv env = null;
+	XmlContainer openedContainer = null;
+	XmlTransaction txn = null;
+	try {
+	    // Open an environment
+	    env = new myDbEnv(path2DbEnv);
+	    XmlManager theMgr = env.getManager();
+	    // open a transactional container
+	    XmlContainerConfig config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    config.setTransactional(true);
+	    openedContainer =
+		theMgr.openContainer(theContainer, config);
+	    // Start a transaction
+	    txn = theMgr.createTransaction();
+            XmlQueryContext context = theMgr.createQueryContext();
+            context.setNamespace( "fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+            context.setNamespace( "vegetables",
+				  "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+            context.setNamespace( "desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+            //update the document that describes Zapote Blanco (a fruit)
+            String query = "/fruits:item[fn:string(product) = 'Zapote Blanco']";
+            doUpdateDocument(theMgr, openedContainer, query, context, txn);
+            //Commit the writes. This causes the container write operations
+            //  to be saved to the container.
+            txn.commit();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    System.err.println("Error performing document update against "
+			       + theContainer);
+	    System.err.println("   Message: " + e.getMessage());
+	    //In the event of an error, we abort the operation
+	    // The database is left in the same state as it was in before
+	    // we started this operation.
+	    if ( txn != null ) {
+		txn.abort();
+	    }
+	    throw e;
+	}
+	finally {
+	    cleanup(env, openedContainer);
+	}
+    } //End main

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Compression.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Compression.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Compression.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * Compression API
+ *
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+ * compression API usage.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  Registration of a custom compression class in XmlManager
+ *  Compression configuration for XmlContainer
+ *  Turn off default compression
+ *  Custom compression class implementation
+ *
+ *  MyCompression is an subclass of XmlCompression, it demonstrates
+ *  compression using JDK's ZLIB compression support. It is a very 
+ *  simple implementation and not intended to be particularly efficient.
+ *  
+ *  Compression only works with whole document containers.
+ *  User compression must always be registered with the manager in
+ *  order to open/create the container.
+ *  
+ */
+package misc;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+ * MyCompression implements the XmlCompression interface: required
+ * methods are compress() and decompress(). The two methods are required 
+ * to return true for success and false for error. This class 
+ * must be thread-safe in multi-thread environment. 
+ * 
+ */
+class MyCompression extends XmlCompression {
+    public boolean compress(XmlTransaction txn, XmlData source, XmlData dest) {
+	try {
+	    // Get the data to compress
+	    byte[] src = source.get_data();
+	    // Use JDK's ZLIB compress 
+	    java.util.zip.Deflater compressor = 
+		new java.util.zip.Deflater();
+	    compressor.setInput(src);
+	    compressor.finish();
+	    java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream bos = 
+		new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(src.length);
+	    // Compress the data
+	    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+	    while (!compressor.finished()) {
+		int count = compressor.deflate(buf);
+		bos.write(buf, 0, count);
+	    }
+	    bos.close();
+	    byte[] data = bos.toByteArray();
+	    // Set the compressed data
+	    dest.set(data);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // If any exception, return false
+	    return false;
+	}
+	// Successful return true
+	return true;
+    }
+    public boolean decompress(XmlTransaction txn, XmlData source, XmlData dest) {
+        try {
+	    // Get the data to decompress
+	    byte[] src = source.get_data();
+	    // Use JDK's ZLIB decompress
+	    java.util.zip.Inflater decompressor = 
+		new java.util.zip.Inflater();
+	    decompressor.setInput(src);
+	    java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream bos = 
+		new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(src.length);
+	    // Decompress the data
+	    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+	    while (!decompressor.finished()) {
+		int count = decompressor.inflate(buf);
+		bos.write(buf, 0, count);
+	    }
+	    bos.close();
+	    byte[] data = bos.toByteArray();
+	    // Set the decompressed data
+	    dest.set(data);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // If any exception, return false
+	    return false;
+	}
+	// Successful return true
+	return true;
+    }
+public class Compression {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
+	String containerName1 = "compressionContainer1.dbxml";
+	String containerName2 = "compressionContainer2.dbxml";
+	String docName = "doc1.xml";
+	String content = "<root><a></a></root>";
+	String compressionName = "myCompression";
+	try {
+	    XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager();
+	    // Start with fresh containers
+	    if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName1) != 0)
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName1);
+	    if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName2) != 0)
+		mgr.removeContainer(containerName2);
+	    // Turn off the default compression			 
+            XmlContainerConfig containerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    // Set the container type WholedocContainer 
+	    // and turn off default compression
+	    containerConfig.setContainerType(XmlContainer.WholedocContainer);
+	    containerConfig.setCompression(XmlContainerConfig.NO_COMPRESSSION);
+	    // Create container
+	    XmlContainer cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName1, 
+						    containerConfig);
+	    XmlDocument doc = mgr.createDocument();
+	    doc.setName(docName);
+	    doc.setContent(content);
+	    cont.putDocument(doc);
+	    cont.delete();
+	    // Open the container 
+	    cont = mgr.openContainer(containerName1);
+	    // Verify the content
+	    System.out.println("Content of the document: " 
+			       + cont.getDocument(docName).getContentAsString());
+	    cont.delete();
+	    // Following code demonstrates: 
+	    //   compression with user's compression class
+	    // Register user's compression object into XmlManager
+	    MyCompression compressor = new MyCompression();
+	    mgr.registerCompression(compressionName, compressor);
+	    containerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
+	    containerConfig.setContainerType(XmlContainer.WholedocContainer);
+	    // Set XmlContainerConfig custom compression
+	    containerConfig.setCompression(compressionName);
+	    cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName2, containerConfig);
+	    // Put a document in
+	    doc = mgr.createDocument();
+	    doc.setName(docName);
+	    doc.setContent(content);
+	    cont.putDocument(doc);
+	    cont.delete();
+	    // Open the container  
+	    cont = mgr.openContainer(containerName2);
+	    // Get the content
+	    System.out.println("Content of the document: "
+			       + cont.getDocument(docName).getContentAsString());
+	    // Clean up
+	    compressor.delete();
+	    cont.delete();
+	    mgr.delete();
+	} catch (XmlException e) {
+	    System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
+	}
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Debug.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Debug.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Debug.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * Debug API
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+ * debug API usage.
+ * 
+ * This program demonstrates how to set a custom debug listener 
+ * class on the XmlQueryContext, and how to derive a class form 
+ * XmlDebugListener. The derived class, MyDebugListener, simply 
+ * prints out the execution information when a query is executed.
+ *   
+ */
+package misc;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class MyDebugListener extends XmlDebugListener {
+	private int depth_ = -1;
+	private String outputFormat = "%s%s:\"%s\" at %s:%s:%s\n";
+	private String query_;
+	public MyDebugListener(String query){
+		query_ = query;
+	}
+	public void start(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		depth_++;
+		System.out.printf(outputFormat, getIndentation(depth_), "{START}", getExprStr(stack), stack.getQueryFile(), stack.getQueryLine(),stack.getQueryColumn());
+	}
+	public void end(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		System.out.printf(outputFormat, getIndentation(depth_), "{END}", getExprStr(stack), stack.getQueryFile(), stack.getQueryLine(),stack.getQueryColumn());
+		depth_--;
+	}
+	public void enter(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		depth_++;
+		System.out.printf(outputFormat, getIndentation(depth_), "[ENTER]", getExprStr(stack), stack.getQueryFile(), stack.getQueryLine(),stack.getQueryColumn());
+	}
+	public void exit(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		System.out.printf(outputFormat, getIndentation(depth_), "[EXIT]", getExprStr(stack), stack.getQueryFile(), stack.getQueryLine(),stack.getQueryColumn());
+		depth_--;
+	}
+	public void error(XmlException error, XmlStackFrame stack)
+			throws XmlException {
+		System.out.printf("An error occurred in expression. line:%s column:%s\n", stack.getQueryLine(),stack.getQueryColumn());
+        throw error;
+	}
+	// Function return indentation spaces 	
+	private String getIndentation(int depth) {
+		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
+		for(int i=0; i<depth; i++)
+			sb.append("    ");
+		return sb.toString();
+	}
+	// Get the query expression by line and column
+	// Cut the string starting form column number to the 
+	// end of the line 
+	private String getExprStr(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException{
+		int line = stack.getQueryLine();
+		int column = stack.getQueryColumn();
+        int start=0, end=0;
+        for (int i=0; i < line ; i++){
+                start = end;          
+                end = query_.indexOf("\n", start+1);
+                if (end == start+1 || end == -1)              
+                        end = query_.length();   
+        }                                        
+        end--;
+        if (start != 0)
+                start++;
+        return query_.substring( start+column-1, end+1 );
+	}
+public class Debug {
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
+		String containerName = "debugContainer.dbxml";
+		String docName = "test.xml";
+		String docString = "<root><a>1</a><a>2</a><a>3</a><a>4</a></root>";
+		String query = "for $a in collection('debugContainer.dbxml')/root/a\n"
+		 	 			+ "where $a>'2'\n" 
+		 	 			+ "return $a";
+		XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager();
+		XmlContainer cont = null;
+		XmlResults re = null;
+		XmlQueryExpression expr = null;
+		try {
+			// Because the container will exist on disk, remove it
+            // first if exist
+			if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0)
+				mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+			//create container
+			cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName);
+			XmlIndexSpecification is = cont.getIndexSpecification();
+			is.setAutoIndexing(false);
+			cont.setIndexSpecification(is);
+			XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+			cont.putDocument(docName, docString, uc);
+			// Set the custom debug listener on XmlQueryContext
+			MyDebugListener dl = new MyDebugListener(query);
+			XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+			qc.setEvaluationType(XmlQueryContext.Eager);
+			qc.setDebugListener(dl);
+			expr = mgr.prepare(query, qc);
+			System.out.println("Query: ");
+			System.out.println(query);
+			System.out.println("\nExecution process:\n");
+			re = expr.execute(qc);
+		} catch (XmlException e) {
+			System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
+		} finally {
+			// Clean up
+			expr.delete();
+			re.delete();			
+			cont.delete();
+			mgr.delete();
+        }
+	}

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/ExternalFunction.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/ExternalFunction.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/ExternalFunction.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ * External function
+ *
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+ * external function API usage.
+ *
+ * This program demonstrates:
+ *  XmlResolver used to resolve multiple external functions
+ *  XmlExternalFunction implementations
+ *  External function results handling
+ *
+ * MyFunResolver implements the XmlResolver interface, it is used to
+ * resolve 2 distinct external function classes -- MyExternalFunctionPow
+ * and MyExternalFunctionSqrt.  Instances of XmlExternalFunction must
+ * always be "deleted" in order to release native memory they consume.
+ *
+ * MyExternalFunctionPow implements the XmlExternalFunction interface, and
+ * implement the functionality of pow() function.
+ *
+ * MyExternalFunctionSqrt implements the XmlExternalFunction interface, and
+ * implement the functionality of sqrt() function.
+ *
+ * In this example MyFunResolver will always
+ * return new instance of MyExternalFunctionSqrt but will reuse a single
+ * instance of MyExternalFunctionPow.  This means that the implementation
+ * of MyExternalFunctionSqrt  must call "delete()" in its close function
+ * in order to release native memory.  In the case of MyExternalFunctionPow,
+ * MyFunResolver manages the instance which means it is responsible for
+ * deleting the object and MyExternalFunctionPow.close() is a no-op.
+ *
+ * The choice of memory management scheme to use is up to the implementor of the
+ * resolver and external function classes.
+ *
+ */
+package misc;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.lang.Math.*;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+/* External function pow() implementation */
+class MyExternalFunctionPow extends XmlExternalFunction {
+    public XmlResults execute(XmlTransaction txn,
+                              XmlManager mgr,
+                              XmlArguments args)
+        throws XmlException {
+        // Retrieve argument as XmlValue
+        XmlResults argResult1 = args.getArgument(0);
+        XmlResults argResult2 = args.getArgument(1);
+        XmlValue arg1 = argResult1.next();
+        XmlValue arg2 = argResult2.next();
+        // Call pow()
+        double result = Math.pow(arg1.asNumber(), arg2.asNumber());
+        // Create an XmlResults for return
+        XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
+        XmlValue va = new XmlValue(result);
+        results.add(va);
+        return results;
+    }
+    // The base class's close routine will call delete() by default.
+    // In order to reuse the object it's necessary to override that with
+    // a no-op version of close().
+    public void close() {
+    }
+/* External function sqrt() implementation */
+class MyExternalFunctionSqrt extends XmlExternalFunction {
+    public XmlResults execute(XmlTransaction txn,
+                              XmlManager mgr,
+                              XmlArguments args)
+        throws XmlException {
+        XmlResults argResult1 = args.getArgument(0);
+        XmlValue arg1 = argResult1.next();
+        // Call sqrt()
+        double result = Math.sqrt(arg1.asNumber());
+        XmlResults results = mgr.createResults();
+        XmlValue va = new XmlValue(result);
+        results.add(va);
+        return results;
+    }
+    // MyFunResolver returns a new instance of this class on each invocation
+    // so delete it here. The base class close() routine does this but
+    // the overidded close() has to call delete() explicitly.
+    public void close() {
+        delete();
+    }
+ * MyFunResolver returns a new instance of this object for each Resolution, so
+ * that instance must be deleted here
+ */
+class MyFunResolver extends XmlResolver
+    private String uri_ = "my://my.fun.resolver";
+    XmlExternalFunction funPow = null;
+    /*
+     * Returns a new instance of either MyExternalFunctionPow or
+     * MyExternalFuncitonSqrt if the URI, function name, and number of
+     * arguments match.
+     */
+    public XmlExternalFunction resolveExternalFunction(XmlTransaction txn,
+                                                       XmlManager mgr,
+                                                       String uri,
+                                                       String name,
+                                                       int numberOfArgs)
+        throws XmlException {
+        XmlExternalFunction fun = null;
+        if (uri.equals(uri_) && name.equals("pow") && (numberOfArgs == 2)) {
+            // MyExternalFunctionPow is reusable.
+            if(funPow == null)
+                funPow = new MyExternalFunctionPow();
+            return funPow;
+        } else if (uri.equals(uri_) && name.equals("sqrt") && (numberOfArgs == 1)) {
+            // MyExternalFunctionSqrt is unreusable.
+            fun = new MyExternalFunctionSqrt();
+        }
+        return fun;
+    }
+    public String getUri(){
+        return uri_;
+    }
+    public void close(){
+        if(funPow != null)
+            funPow.delete();
+    }
+public class ExternalFunction {
+    public static void main(String[] args)
+        throws Exception{
+        try {
+        // Create an XmlManager
+        XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager();
+        // Create an function resolver
+        MyFunResolver resolver = new MyFunResolver();
+        // Register the function resolver to XmlManager
+        mgr.registerResolver(resolver);
+        XmlQueryContext context = mgr.createQueryContext();
+        // Set the prefix URI
+        context.setNamespace("my", resolver.getUri());
+        for(int i=1; i<=100; i++) {
+            // Query that calls the external function pow()
+            // The function must be declared in the query's preamble
+            String query1 = "declare function " +
+                "my:pow($a as xs:double, $b as xs:double) as xs:double external;\n" +
+                "my:pow(" + i + "," + 3 + ")";
+            // Query call external sqrt() function
+            String query2 = "declare function " +
+                "my:sqrt($a as xs:double) as xs:double external;\n" +
+                "my:sqrt(" + i + ")";
+            XmlResults results = mgr.query(query1, context);
+            // The first query returns the result of pow(i,3)
+            while (results.hasNext()) {
+                XmlValue va = results.next();
+                String out = i + "^3 = " + va.asNumber();
+                System.out.println(out);
+            }
+            // The second query returns the result of sqrt(i)
+            results = mgr.query(query2, context);
+            while (results.hasNext()) {
+                XmlValue va = results.next();
+                String out = "Sqrt(" + i + ") = " + va.asNumber();
+                System.out.println(out);
+            }
+        }
+        // If the resolver reuse XmlExternalFunction objects, it is responsible for
+        // eventually calling delete()
+        resolver.close();
+        } catch (XmlException xe) {
+            String out = "XmlException: " + xe.getMessage() + "\n";
+            System.out.println(out);
+        }
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Profiler.java
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Profiler.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/java/misc/Profiler.java	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *******
+ *
+ * Simple profiler example
+ * A very simple Berkeley DB XML query profiler based on debug API.
+ * 
+ * This program demonstrates how to set a custom debug listener on 
+ * XmlQueryContext, and how to derive a class from XmlDebugListener.
+ * The derived class, MySimpleProfiler, records execution time and 
+ * frequency for expressions in the query executed.
+ *
+ * ExpressionProfile is used to represent an expression's profiling
+ * information. If the expression is executed many times, ExpressionProfile
+ * holds the sum execution time.
+ *  
+ */
+package misc;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import com.sleepycat.dbxml.*;
+class MySimpleProfiler extends XmlDebugListener {
+	private Map<ExpressionProfile, ExpressionProfile> exprs_;
+	private String query_;
+	public MySimpleProfiler(String query) {
+		query_ = query;
+		exprs_ = new TreeMap<ExpressionProfile, ExpressionProfile>();
+	}
+	public void enter(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		ExpressionProfile ep = new ExpressionProfile(this, stack);
+		if (exprs_.containsKey(ep)) {
+			ep = exprs_.get(ep);
+			ep.recordEnter();
+		} else {
+			ep = new ExpressionProfile(this, stack);
+			ep.recordEnter();
+			exprs_.put(ep, ep);
+		}
+	}
+	public void exit(XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		ExpressionProfile ep = new ExpressionProfile(this, stack);
+		if (exprs_.containsKey(ep)) {
+			ep = exprs_.get(ep);
+			ep.recordExit();
+		} else {
+			throw new XmlException(XmlException.INVALID_VALUE,
+					"Can not find enter clause!");
+		}
+	}
+	public void getProfileInfo() {
+		Iterator<Map.Entry<ExpressionProfile, ExpressionProfile>>  it  = exprs_.entrySet().iterator();
+		while(it.hasNext()){
+			Map.Entry<ExpressionProfile, ExpressionProfile> entry = it.next();
+			entry.getValue().printProfileInfo();
+		}
+	}
+	// Get the query expression by line and column
+	public String getExprStr(int line, int column){
+        int start=0, end=0;
+        for (int i=0; i < line ; i++){
+                start = end;          
+                end = query_.indexOf("\n", start+1);
+                if (end == start+1 || end == -1)              
+                        end = query_.length();   
+        }                                        
+        end--;
+        if (start != 0)
+                start++;
+        return query_.substring( start+column-1, end+1 );
+	}
+// To collect profile information for every expression
+class ExpressionProfile implements java.lang.Comparable<ExpressionProfile>{
+	static String format = "Expression: %-60s at line:%2s column:%2s execution time:%f s, executed %s times\n";
+	// Use line and column to identify an expression
+	private int line;
+	private int column;
+	private int executeTimes;
+	private long startTime;
+	private long totalTime;
+	private String expr;
+	private int depth;
+	public ExpressionProfile(MySimpleProfiler profiler, XmlStackFrame stack) throws XmlException {
+		executeTimes = 0;
+		line = stack.getQueryLine();
+		column = stack.getQueryColumn();
+		expr = profiler.getExprStr(line, column);
+		depth=0;
+	}
+	public void printProfileInfo() {
+		double ttime = (double)totalTime;
+		// nanoseconds to seconds
+		ttime = ttime / 100000000;
+		System.out.printf(format, expr, line, column, ttime, executeTimes);
+	}
+	public void recordEnter() {
+		executeTimes++;
+		if (depth == 0)
+			startTime = System.nanoTime();
+		depth++;
+	}
+	public void recordExit() {
+		depth--;
+		if( depth == 0 )
+			totalTime = totalTime + System.nanoTime() - startTime;
+	}
+	public int compareTo(ExpressionProfile o) {
+		int cmp = this.line - o.line;
+		if (cmp != 0) return cmp; 
+		return this.column-o.column;
+	}
+public class Profiler {
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
+		String containerName = "profilerContainer.dbxml";
+		String docName = "test.xml";
+		String docString = "<root><a>1</a><a>2</a><a>3</a></root>";
+		String query = "for $a in collection('profilerContainer.dbxml')/root/a\n"
+				 	 + "where $a>'2'\n" 
+				 	 + "return $a";
+		XmlManager mgr = new XmlManager();
+		XmlContainer cont = null;
+		XmlResults re = null;
+		XmlQueryExpression expr = null;
+		try {
+			if (mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0)
+				mgr.removeContainer(containerName);
+			XmlContainerConfig contConf = new XmlContainerConfig();
+			cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName, contConf);
+			XmlUpdateContext uc = mgr.createUpdateContext();
+			cont.putDocument(docName, docString, uc);
+			MySimpleProfiler dl = new MySimpleProfiler(query);
+			XmlQueryContext qc = mgr.createQueryContext();
+			qc.setDebugListener(dl);
+			expr = mgr.prepare(query, qc);
+			re = expr.execute(qc);
+			re.next();
+			System.out.printf("Simple profiling of query:\n%s \n\n", query);
+			dl.getProfileInfo();
+		} catch (XmlException e) {
+			System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
+		} finally {
+			// Clean up
+			expr.delete();
+			re.delete();
+			cont.delete();
+			mgr.delete();		
+		}
+	}

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/Readme.txt
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/Readme.txt	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+                DBXML Getting Started Examples (Perl)
+                            Readme
+This directory contains examples and sample data designed to illustrate
+BDB XML's basic capabilities. Generally, to run the examples you must first
+load the sample data using loadExamplesData.pl.
+This script uses the exampleLoadContainer.pl example program to
+load all the sample data contained in the dbxml/examples/xmlData directory
+into the containers expected by the rest of the examples.
+Before running the loadExamplesData script, or any of the commands,
+you must make sure that your environment is correct.  On Windows, this
+means setting PATH to include the location of the BDB XML library
+and the third-party libraries.  For example:
+      PATH=%PATH%;<path_to_distribution>/bin
+On Unix, you might use (in sh):
+      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_install>/lib
+      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+The examples can be run from other locations, but it
+is best to run them from the directory in which this
+Readme file resides (dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted).
+1.  Change directory to dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted
+    cd dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted
+2.  Create a directory for the new container environment
+    mkdir dbEnv  (use any name you want)
+3.  Run the script
+    perl loadExamplesData.pl dbEnv ..\..\xmlData
+    The "dbEnv" argument is the directory you created.  The
+    second argument is the path to the example XML files, 
+    which are in ../../xmlData.
+1.  Change directory to dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted
+    cd dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted
+2.  Create a directory for the new container environment
+    mkdir dbEnv  (use any name you want)
+3.  Run the script
+    perl loadExamplesData.pl dbEnv ../../xmlData
+At this point, the sample data is loaded into a database
+environment stored in the directory you specified above.
+This data is used by most of the other gettingStarted examples.
+Once loaded, most of the examples can be run by simply identifying
+the directory where you placed your database environment.
+For example:
+    (from dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted)
+    perl simpleQuery.pl -h dbEnv
+- simpleAdd.pl
+  Creates a database environment and container, and then adds two very simple
+  XML documents to the container. You identify the location where you want the
+  database environment placed using the -h option. This example requires no
+  other command line options.
+- exampleLoadContainer.pl
+  Creates/opens the specified database environment, creates/opens the
+  specified container in that environment, and then loads every XML document
+  identified on the command line call into the identified container. As each
+  document is loaded, a document name is set. Metadata is also set on each
+  document that represents the day and time that the document was loaded into
+  the container.
+  All of the following examples assume that exampleLoadContainer has been run
+  via loadExamplesData.pl
+    perl exampleLoadContainer.pl -h <dbenv> -c <containername> file1.xml file2.xml ...
+- simpleQuery.pl
+  Executes several XPath queries and prints query results to the console.
+  Use the -h option to identify the database environment location that you
+  used when you ran loadExamplesData.
+       perl simpleQuery.pl -h <dbenv>
+  Note that all of the following examples use the same command line option.
+- queryWithContext.pl
+  Identical to simpleQuery, except that contexts are used to define
+  namespaces and variables.
+- queryForDocumentValue.pl
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that specific document data is
+  retrieved from each document found in the query's result set.
+- queryWithDocumentNames.pl
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the query is performed using the
+  document name that was set when exampleLoadContainer placed the document
+  into the container.
+- queryForMetaData.pl
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the timestamp that was stored as
+  metadata is retrieved and displayed. This timestamp was set on the document
+  when exampleLoadContainer placed the document into the container.
+- updateDocument.pl
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that the document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is updated in a trivial way and then stored back into
+  the container.
+- deleteDocument.pl
+  Identical to queryWithContext, except that every document retrieved as the
+  result of the query is deleted from the container.
+- retrieveDB.pl
+  Illustrates how a DBXML container can be used with a Berkeley DB database.
+  Documents are retrieved from the container and then data corresponding to
+  each document is retrieved from the Berkeley DB database. Again, all queries
+  are wrapped in a common transaction. For best results, run buildDB before
+  running this example.

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/deleteDocument.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn  <<EOM;
+This program deletes a DBXML document from a container. You should pre-load the
+container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example. You are
+only required to pass this this program the path location of the database
+environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub getValue($$$$)
+    my $mgr         = shift ;
+    my $document    = shift ;
+    my $XPath       = shift ;
+    my $context     = shift ;
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #//////////    Return specific information from a document. ////////////
+    #//////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! ////////////
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #  Exception handling omitted....
+    # Perform the query
+    my $doc_expr = $mgr->prepare($XPath, $context);
+    my $result = $doc_expr->execute(new XmlValue($document), $context);
+    # We require a result set size of 1.
+    die "Result set != 1" unless $result->size() == 1 ;
+    # Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+    # we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+    # required by our application.
+    my $value;
+    $result->next($value);
+    return $value;
+sub doDeleteDocument($$$$$$)
+    my $mgr         = shift;
+    my $container   = shift;
+    my $query       = shift;
+    my $context     = shift;
+    my $txn         = shift;
+    my $uc          = shift;
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # ////  Deletes a document from a DBXML container.               ///////
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    eval {
+	print "Deleting documents for expression: '$query'\n";
+	print "Return to continue: ";
+	<> ; 
+        print "\n";
+	my $results = $mgr->query($txn, $query, $context);
+	print "Found " . $results->size() 
+	    . " documents matching the expression '$query'\n" ;
+	my $value = new XmlValue;
+	print "\n";
+	while( $results->next( $value ) ) {
+            # Retrieve the value as a document
+	    my $theDocument = $value->asDocument();
+            # Obtain information of interest from the document. Note that the 
+            # wildcard in the query expression allows us to not worry about what
+            # namespace this document uses.
+	    my $item = getValue($mgr, $theDocument, "/*/product/text()", $context);
+	    print "Deleting document: $item\n";
+	    $container->deleteDocument($txn, $theDocument, $uc);
+	    print "Deleted document: $item\n";
+	}
+    };
+    # Catches XmlException
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Document deletion failed.\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Document deletion failed.\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+sub confirmDelete ($$$)
+    my $mgr     = shift;
+    my $query   = shift;
+    my $context = shift;
+    #  Exception handling omitted....
+    print "Confirming the delete.\n";
+    print "The query: '$query' should get result set size 0.\n";
+    my $resultsConfirm = $mgr->query($query, $context);
+    if ( ! $resultsConfirm->size() ) {
+        print "No documents found matching query query: '$query'\n"; 
+        print "Deletion confirmed.\n";
+    } else {
+        print "Found documents matching '$query'! " .
+        $resultsConfirm->size() . " documents found.\n";
+        print "Document deletion failed.\n";
+    }
+    print "\n";
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+eval {
+    # open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+    # myDbEnv and myXmlContainer open with transactions. All subsequent
+    # writes to them must also be performed inside a transaction.
+    # Get a transaction
+    my $txn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    # create a context and declare the namespaces
+    my $context = $theMgr->createQueryContext();
+    $context->setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+    $context->setNamespace("vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+    $context->setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+    # delete the document that describes Mabolo (a fruit)
+    my $query = "/fruits:item[product = 'Mabolo']";
+    my $uc = $theMgr->createUpdateContext();
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('" . $container->getName() . "')$query";	
+    doDeleteDocument($theMgr, $container, $fullQuery, $context, $txn, $uc);
+    # Commit the delete
+    $txn->commit();
+    # The document should now no longer exist in the container. Just for fun,
+    #   confirm the delete.
+    confirmDelete ($theMgr, $fullQuery, $context);
+    return 0;
+if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $e->what() . "\n";
+    exit( -1 );
+elsif ($@)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $@;
+    exit( -1 );
+exit 0 ;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/exampleLoadContainer.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml;
+use IO::File ;
+# some exception handling omitted for clarity
+sub usage()
+    warn <<EOM;
+This program loads XML data into an identified container and environment.
+Provide the directory where you want to place your database environment, the
+name of the container to use, and the xml files you want inserted into the
+    -h <dbenv directory> -c <container> -f <filelist> -p <filepath> file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml .... 
+        exit( -1 );
+    # Used for metadata example
+    my $mdURI = "http://dbxmlExamples/timestamp";
+    my $mdName = "timeStamp";
+    my $path2DbEnv;
+    my $theContainer;
+    my $filePath;
+    my @files2add;
+    while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    {
+        my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+        if ($opt =~ s/^-h//)
+          { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+        elsif ($opt =~ s/^-c//)
+          { $theContainer = $opt || shift }
+        elsif ($opt =~ s/^-p//)
+          { $filePath = $opt || shift }
+        elsif ($opt =~ s/^-f//) {
+            my $file = $opt || shift ;
+            open F, "<$file" || die "Cannot open '$file': $!\n" ;
+            while (<F>)
+            {
+                chomp;
+                push @files2add, $_ ;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+          { usage() }
+    }
+    push @files2add, @ARGV ;
+    # You must provide a container name, a path to a database environment,
+    # and at least one file to add to the container.
+    if ( ! $path2DbEnv || ! $theContainer || ! @files2add )
+    {
+        usage();
+    }
+    # Open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $xcc = new XmlContainerConfig();
+    $xcc->setAllowCreate(1);
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer, $xcc);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+    # myDbEnv and myXmlContainer open with transactions. All subsequent
+    # writes to them must also be performed inside a transaction.
+    # Iterate through the list of files to add, read each into a string and 
+    #   put that string into the now opened container.
+    eval {
+      # Get a transaction
+      my $txn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+      foreach my $theFile (@files2add)
+      {
+          #  Load the xml document into a string 
+          my $xmlString;
+          my $inFile = new IO::File "<$theFile"
+                        or die "Cannot open $theFile: $!\n" ;
+          while (<$inFile>)
+          {
+              $xmlString .= $_ ;
+          }          
+          $inFile->close();
+          #  declare an xml document 
+          my $xmlDoc = $theMgr->createDocument();
+          #  Set the xml document's content to be the xmlString we just obtained. 
+          $xmlDoc->setContent( $xmlString );
+          #  Get the document name. this strips off any path information.
+          my $theName = $theFile;
+          $theName =~ s#.*/## ;
+          # Set the document name
+          $xmlDoc->setName( $theName );
+          # Set sample metadata who's value is the current date and time.
+          # the variables used here are defined in gettingStarted.hpp
+          # Get the local time
+          my $timeString = time ;
+          # Set the localtime onto the timeStamp metadata attribute
+          $xmlDoc->setMetaData( $mdURI, $mdName, $timeString );
+          #  place that document into the container 
+          $container->putDocument($txn, $xmlDoc);
+          print "\tAdded $theFile to container $theContainer.\n" ;
+      } # end files2add iterator
+      $txn->commit();
+    } ;
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Error adding XML data to container $theContainer\n" ;
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Error adding XML data to container $theContainer\n" ;
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    exit 0 ;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/loadExamplesData.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+die <<EOM unless @ARGV == 2 ;
+    loadExamplesData.pl <path to dbenv> <path to xml data>
+my $path2dbEnv      = shift  || '';
+my $path2data   = shift  || '';
+# usage: loadExamplesData.pl <path to dbenv> <path to examples>
+if ( ! -d $path2dbEnv )
+    warn <<EOM;
+Error: You must provide a path to the directory where you want to place
+the database environment, and this directory must currently exist.
+    loadExamplesData.pl <path to dbenv> <path to xml data>
+	exit 1 ;
+if ( ! -d $path2data)
+    warn <<EOM;
+Error: You must provide the path to the directory where the Xml test Data
+is stored.
+Use:  loadExamplesData.sh <path to dbenv> <path to xmlData>
+path2data: $path2data
+	exit 1;
+my $loadCommand="exampleLoadContainer.pl";
+print "$loadCommand\n";
+die "Error: $loadCommand does not exist.\n"
+    if ! -f $loadCommand ;
+my @simpleData    = glob "$path2data/simpleData/*.xml" ;
+my @namespaceData = glob "$path2data/nsData/*.xml" ;
+my $perl = 'perl';
+print "Loading container simpleExampleData\n" ;
+system "$perl $loadCommand -h $path2dbEnv -c simpleExampleData.dbxml @simpleData";
+print "Loading container namespaceExampleData\n";
+system "$perl $loadCommand -h $path2dbEnv -c namespaceExampleData.dbxml @namespaceData";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForDocumentValue.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn <<EOM;
+This program performs various XPath queries against a DBXML container and then
+retrieves information of interest from the retrieved document(s).  You should
+pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this
+example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub getValue($$$$)
+    my $mgr         = shift ;
+    my $document    = shift ;
+    my $XPath       = shift ;
+    my $context     = shift ;
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #//////////    Return specific information from a document. ////////////
+    #//////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! ////////////
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #  Exception handling omitted....
+    # Perform the query
+    my $doc_expr = $mgr->prepare($XPath, $context);
+    my $result = $doc_expr->execute(new XmlValue($document), $context);
+    # We require a result set size of 1.
+    die "Result set != 1" unless $result->size() == 1 ;
+    # Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+    # we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+    # required by our application.
+    my $value;
+    $result->next($value);
+    return $value;
+sub getDetails($$$$)
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+    my $container = shift ;
+    my $query = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #/////  Performs an query (in context) against the               ///////
+    #/////  provided container.                                      ///////
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #//// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    #  Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('" .$container->getName() . "')$query";
+    eval {
+        print "Exercising query '$fullQuery' \n";
+        print "Return to continue: ";
+        <>;
+        my $results = $mgr->query($fullQuery, $context );
+        my $value = new XmlValue();
+        print "\n\tProduct : Price : Inventory Level\n";
+        while( $results->next($value) ) {
+            #  Retrieve the value as a document
+            my $theDocument = $value->asDocument();
+            #  Obtain information of interest from the document. Note that the 
+            #  wildcard in the query expression allows us to not worry about what
+            #  namespace this document uses.
+            my $item = getValue($mgr, $theDocument, "/*/product/text()", $context);
+            my $price = getValue($mgr, $theDocument, "/*/inventory/price/text()", $context);
+            my $inventory = getValue($mgr, $theDocument, "/*/inventory/inventory/text()", $context);
+            print "\t$item : $price : $inventory\n";
+        }
+        print "\n";
+        print $results->size() . " objects returned for expression '$fullQuery'\n" ;
+    };
+    # Catches XmlException
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }    
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/^-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+     if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+ # Open a container in the db environment
+my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+$env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+my $mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+my $containerTxn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+my $container = $mgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+# Create a context and declare the namespaces
+my $context = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$context->setNamespace('fruits'     => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits');
+$context->setNamespace('vegetables' => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables');
+$context->setNamespace('desserts'   => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts');
+# get details on Zulu Nuts
+getDetails($mgr, $container, "/fruits:item/product[text() = 'Zulu Nut']", $context);
+# get details on all fruits that start with 'A'
+getDetails($mgr, $container, "/vegetables:item/product[starts-with(text(),'A')]", $context);

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryForMetaData.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn   <<EOM;
+This program retrieves DBXML documents and then retrieves the day and
+time the document was stored in the container. The date/time information
+was set as metadata information when the document was loaded. See the
+exampleLoadContainer.cpp example for how this metadata is set.
+Before running this example, use loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-load
+the appropriate container with documents and metadata.
+You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the
+examples data:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub showTimeStamp
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+    my $container = shift;
+    my $query = shift; 
+    my $context  = shift;
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # ////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the ///////
+    # ////  provided container. The timestamp metadata attribute     ///////
+    # ////  value is then displayed.                                 ///////
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    # Used for metadata query
+    my $mdURI = "http://dbxmlExamples/timestamp";
+    my $mdPrefix = "time";
+    my $mdName = "timeStamp";
+    #  Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('" . $container->getName() . "')$query";    
+    eval {
+        print "Exercising query '$fullQuery'\n" ;
+        print "Return to continue: ";
+        <>;
+        my $results = $mgr->query($fullQuery, $context );
+        my $value = new XmlValue ;
+        while( $results->next($value) )
+        {
+            my $theDocument = $value->asDocument();
+            # Get this document's name
+            my $docName= $theDocument->getName() ;
+            # Get the timestamp on the document (stored as metadata)
+            #  and print it to the console.
+            my $metaValue = new XmlValue() ;
+            $theDocument->getMetaData( $mdURI, $mdName, $metaValue );
+            print "Document '$docName' stored on $metaValue\n";
+            #print "Document '$docName' stored on " . $metaValue->asString() . "\n";
+            #my $metaValue ;
+            #$theDocument->getMetaData( $mdURI, $mdName, $metaValue );
+            #print "Document '$docName' stored on $metaValue\n";
+        }
+        print $results->size() . " objects returned for expression '$fullQuery'\n";
+    };
+    # Catches XmlException
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }    
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/^-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+     if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+ # Open a container in the db environment
+my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+$env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+my $mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+my $containerTxn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+my $container = $mgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+# Create a context and declare the namespaces
+my $context = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$context->setNamespace('fruits'     => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits');
+$context->setNamespace('vegetables' => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables');
+$context->setNamespace('desserts'   => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts');
+# Find all the vegetables
+showTimeStamp( $mgr, $container, "/vegetables:item", $context);

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithContext.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn  <<EOM;
+This program illustrates how to query for documents that require namespace
+usage in the query.  You should pre-load the container using
+loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this example.  You are only required
+to pass this command the path location of the database environment that you
+specified when you pre-loaded the examples data:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub doContextQuery($$$$)
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+	my $cname = shift ;
+    my $query = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # ////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the ///////
+    # ////  provided container.                                      ///////
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    #  Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('$cname')$query";
+    eval {
+	print "Exercising query '$fullQuery'\n";
+	print "Return to continue: ";
+	<>;
+	my $results = $mgr->query($fullQuery, $context);
+	my $value;
+	while( $results->next($value) )
+	{
+            #  Obtain the value as a string and print it to the console
+	    print "$value\n";
+	}
+	print $results->size() . " objects returned for expression '$fullQuery'\n" ;
+    };
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+eval {
+    # open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+    print "opening $path2DbEnv\n";
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+  # Create a context and declare the namespaces
+  my $context = $theMgr->createQueryContext();
+  $context->setNamespace( "fruits" => "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+  $context->setNamespace( "vegetables" => "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+  $context->setNamespace( "desserts" => "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+  # Set a variable
+  $context->setVariableValue("aDessert", "Blueberry Boy Bait");
+  # Perform the queries
+  # Find all the Vendor documents in the database. Vendor documents do
+  #  not use namespaces, so this query returns documents.
+  doContextQuery( $theMgr, $container->getName(), "/vendor", $context );
+  # Find the product document for "Lemon Grass". This query returns no documents
+  #  because a namespace prefix is not identified for the 'item' node.
+  doContextQuery( $theMgr, $container->getName(),
+		  '/item/product[text()="Lemon Grass"]', $context);
+  # Find the product document for "Lemon Grass" using the namespace prefix 'fruits'. This
+  #  query successfully returns a document.
+  doContextQuery( $theMgr, $container->getName(),
+		  '/fruits:item/product[text()="Lemon Grass"]', $context);
+  # Find all the vegetables
+  doContextQuery( $theMgr, $container->getName(), "/vegetables:item", $context);
+  # Find the  dessert called Blueberry Boy Bait
+  #  Note the use of a variable
+  doContextQuery( $theMgr, $container->getName(),
+		  '/desserts:item/product[text()=$aDessert]', $context);
+if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $e->what() . "\n";
+    exit( -1 );
+elsif ($@)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $@;
+    exit( -1 );
+exit 0 ;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/queryWithDocumentNames.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn  <<EOM;
+This program retrieves DBXML documents using their document names. You should
+pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[pl|sh|cmd] before running this
+example.  You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub doContextQuery($$$$)
+    my $mgr     = shift ;
+    my $cname   = shift ;
+    my $query   = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # ////  Performs a simple query (with context) against the       ///////
+    # ////  provided container.                                      ///////
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    #  Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('$cname')$query";
+    eval {
+        print "Exercising query '$fullQuery'\n" ;
+        print "Return to continue: ";
+        <>;
+        print "\n";
+        my $results = $mgr->query($fullQuery, $context);
+        my $value = new XmlValue ;
+        while($results->next($value)) {
+            #  Get the document's name and print it to the console
+            my $theDocument = $value->asDocument();
+            print "Document name: " . $theDocument->getName() . "\n";
+            print "$value\n" ;
+        }
+        print $results->size() . " objects returned for expression '$fullQuery'\n";
+    };
+    # Catches XmlException
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+eval {
+    # open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+    print "opening $path2DbEnv\n";
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+    # create a context and declare the namespaces
+    my $context = $theMgr->createQueryContext();
+    $context->setNamespace("fruits", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits");
+    $context->setNamespace("vegetables", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables");
+    $context->setNamespace("desserts", "http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts");
+    # Query for documents by their document names.
+    my @queryList = qw(
+            /*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='ZuluNut.xml']
+            /*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TrifleOrange.xml']
+            /*[dbxml:metadata('dbxml:name')='TriCountyProduce.xml']
+        );
+    foreach my $query (@queryList)
+     { doContextQuery($theMgr, $container->getName, $query, $context) }
+if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $e->what() . "\n";
+    exit( -1 );
+elsif ($@)
+    warn "Query failed\n";
+    warn $@;
+    exit( -1 );
+exit 0 ;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/retrieveDB.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn  <<EOM;
+This program retrieves data from a Berkeley DB data based on information
+retrieved from an XML document. The document is first retrieved from an
+XML container. Both the database and the container are stored in the same
+database environment, and all the necessary queries are performed under the
+protection of a transaction.
+Use the 'retrieveDB' sample program to retrieve the stored data.
+Before running this program, run loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] to pre-populate
+the DBXML container with the appropriate data. Then, run buildDB to populate
+the database with the appropriate data.
+When you run this program, identify the directory where you told loadExamplesData
+to place the sample data:
+    -h <dbenv directory> << std::endl;
+    exit( -1 );
+my $theDB = "testBerkeleyDB";
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+eval {
+    # open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024, 1);
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    # Open a database in the environment
+    my $myDb openedDatabase($theDB, $mgr );
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+    try
+    {
+      //Get a transaction
+      XmlTransaction txn = mgr.createTransaction();
+            XmlQueryContext resultsContext = mgr.createQueryContext();
+            //Find all the vendor documents.
+	    std::string fullQuery = "collection('" + container.getName() + "')/vendor";
+            XmlResults results( mgr.query(txn, fullQuery, resultsContext) );
+            resultsContext.setReturnType( XmlQueryContext::DeadValues );
+            //Loop through the result set, retrieving the data we are interested in for each document.
+            XmlValue value;
+            while( results.next(value) )
+            {
+                //Query the retrieved document for the salesrep's name
+                XmlQueryExpression doc_expr = mgr.prepare("salesrep/name/text()", resultsContext);
+                XmlResults docResult = doc_expr.execute(value, resultsContext);
+                //The result set from the document query should be of size 1. If not, the
+                //document schema has changed and the query must be modified..
+                assert( docResult.size() == 1 ); 
+                //Pull the value out of the document query result set.
+                XmlValue docValue;
+                docResult.next(docValue);
+                std::string theSalesRepKey = docValue.asString();
+                //Reconstruct the key used to store the information relevant to this document
+                Dbt theKey( (void *)theSalesRepKey.c_str(), theSalesRepKey.length() + 1 );
+                //This next structure is used to hold the data that is
+                // retrieved from the db.
+                Dbt theData;
+                //Get the data and report the results
+                openedDatabase.getDatabase().get(txn.getDbTxn(), &theKey, &theData, 0 );
+                std::cout << "For key: '" << (char *)theKey.get_data() << "', retrieved:" << std::endl;
+                std::cout << "\t" << (char *)theData.get_data() << std::endl;
+            }
+            txn.commit();
+    }
+    catch(DbException &e)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Error writing to database: "<< std::endl;
+        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+        std::cerr << "Aborting transaction and exiting."<< std::endl;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    //Catches XmlException
+    catch(std::exception &e)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Error writing to database: "<< std::endl;
+        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+        std::cerr << "Aborting transaction and exiting."<< std::endl;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    return 0;

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleAdd.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn  <<EOM;
+This program adds a few simple XML documents to container 'simpleExampleData.dbxml'
+You are only required to pass this program the path to where you want the
+database environment to be located:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+# open a container in the db environment
+my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+$env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+#  Get an XmlUpdateContext. Useful from a performance perspective.
+my $updateContext = $theMgr->createUpdateContext();
+# myDbEnv and myXmlContainer open with transactions. All subsequent
+# writes to them must also be performed inside a transaction.
+# Get a transaction
+my $txn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+my $document1 = "<aDoc><title>doc1</title><color>green</color></aDoc>";
+my $document2 = "<aDoc><title>doc2</title><color>yellow</color></aDoc>";
+# Add the documents
+my $myXMLDoc = $theMgr->createDocument();
+# Set the XmlDocument to the relevant string and then put it 
+#  into the container.
+$myXMLDoc->setContent($document1 );
+$container->putDocument($txn, $myXMLDoc, $updateContext, DbXml::DBXML_GEN_NAME);
+# do it again for the second document
+$myXMLDoc->setContent($document2 );
+$container->putDocument($txn, $myXMLDoc, $updateContext, DbXml::DBXML_GEN_NAME);
+# Normally we would use a try/catch block to trap any exceptions.
+#  In the catch, we should call txn->abort() to avoid leaving the
+#  database in an indeterminate state in the event of an error.
+#  However, this simple example avoids error handling so as to 
+#  highlite basic concepts, so that step if omitted here as well.
+# Commit the writes. This causes the container write operations
+#   to be saved to the container.

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/simpleQuery.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn <<EOM ;
+This program performs various XPath queries against a DBXML container. 
+You should pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before
+running this example. You are only required to pass this command the
+path location of the database environment that you specified when you
+pre-loaded the examples data:
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+    exit( -1 );
+sub doQuery($$$)
+    my $theMgr = shift ;
+    my $container = shift ;
+    my $query = shift ;
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #/////  Performs a simple query (no context) against the   ///////
+    #/////  provided container.                                      ///////
+    #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #//// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    #  Perform the query. Result type is by default Result Document
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('" . $container->getName() . "')$query";    
+    eval {
+        print "Exercising query '$fullQuery '\n" ;
+        print "Return to continue: ";
+        <> ;
+        my $results = $theMgr->query($fullQuery);
+        my $value ;
+        while( $results->next($value) ) {
+            print "$value\n";
+        }
+        print $results->size() . " objects returned for expression '" .
+              "$fullQuery'\n" ;
+	};
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query $fullQuery failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "simpleExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+  if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+eval {
+    # open a container in the db environment
+    my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+    $env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+    print "opening $path2DbEnv\n";
+    $env->open($path2DbEnv,
+    my $theMgr = new XmlManager($env);
+    my $containerTxn = $theMgr->createTransaction();
+    my $container = $theMgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+    $containerTxn->commit();
+    # perform the queries
+    # find all the Vendor documents in the database
+    doQuery( $theMgr, $container, '/vendor' );
+    # find all the vendors that are wholesale shops
+    doQuery( $theMgr, $container, '/vendor[@type="wholesale"]');
+    # find the product document for "Lemon Grass"
+    doQuery( $theMgr, $container, '/product/item[.="Lemon Grass"]');
+    # find all the products where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+    doQuery( $theMgr, $container, '/product/inventory[price<=0.11]');
+    # find all the vegetables where the price is less than or equal to 0.11
+    doQuery( $theMgr, $container, '/product[inventory/price<=0.11 and category="vegetables"]');
+    exit 0;
+} ;
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+        warn "Query failed\n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+        warn "Query failed\n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/updateDocument.pl
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/updateDocument.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/perl/gettingStarted/updateDocument.pl	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sleepycat::DbXml 'simple';
+sub usage()
+    warn <<EOM;
+This program updates a document found in a DBXML container. You should
+pre-load the container using loadExamplesData.[sh|cmd] before running this
+example. You are only required to pass this command the path location of the
+database environment that you specified when you pre-loaded the examples
+    -h <dbenv directory>
+        exit( -1 );
+sub doUpdateDocument ($$$$$)
+    my $container = shift ;
+    my $query = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    my $txn = shift ;
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # ////  Updates a document stored in a DBXML container.          ///////
+    # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /// some defensive code eliminated for clarity //
+    my $fullQuery = "collection('" . $container->getName() . "')$query";    
+    eval {
+	print "Updating document for expression: '$query'\n";
+	print "Return to continue: ";
+	<>;
+	my $results = $mgr->query($txn, $fullQuery, $context ) ;
+	print "Found " . $results->size() 
+	    . " documents matching the expression '$fullQuery'\n\n";
+        # create an update context. This is optional but since we could be performing more than
+        #  one update, this could offer us a potential performance benefit.
+	my $updateContext = $mgr->createUpdateContext();
+	my $theDocument = $mgr->createDocument();
+	while( $results->next($theDocument) ) {
+	    my $docString;
+            # Retrieve the document's value as a string.
+	    $docString = $theDocument->getContent();
+	    print "Updating document: \n$docString\n" ;
+	    print "Return to continue: ";
+	    <>;
+            # Update the document. We do it as a string.
+            # This next function just modifies the document string
+            # in a small way.
+	    $docString = getNewDocument( $mgr, $theDocument, $context, $docString);
+	    print "Updating document...\n";
+            # Set the document's content to be the new document string
+	    $theDocument->setContent( $docString );
+            # Now replace the document in the container
+	    $container->updateDocument($txn, $theDocument, $updateContext);
+	    print "Document updated.\n";
+	}
+    }; 
+    # Catches XmlException
+    if (my $e = catch std::exception)
+    {
+	warn "Document deletion failed. \n";
+        warn $e->what() . "\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    elsif ($@)
+    {
+	warn "Document deletion failed. \n";
+        warn $@;
+        exit( -1 );
+    }    
+sub getValue ($$$$)
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+    my $document = shift ;
+    my $query = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # /////////    Return specific information from a document. ///////////////////// 
+    # /////////   !!!!!! Assumes a result set of size 1 !!!!!!! /////////////////////
+    # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #  Exception handling omitted....
+    # Perform the query
+    my $doc_expr = $mgr->prepare($query, $context);
+    my $result = $doc_expr->execute(new XmlValue($document), $context);
+    # We require a result set size of 1.
+    die "Expected a result set size of 1"
+        unless $result->size == 1 ;
+    # Get the value. If we allowed the result set to be larger than size 1,
+    # we would have to loop through the results, processing each as is
+    # required by our application.
+    my $value;
+    $result->next($value);
+    return $value;
+# Simple little function to replace part of a string with a new value.
+# All this does is add an 'A' to the end of the document's inventory
+# value. So each time you run this program, the inventory value should
+# get longer by one 'A'.
+sub getNewDocument( $$$$)
+    my $mgr = shift ;
+    my $theDocument = shift ;
+    my $context = shift ;
+    my $docString = shift ;
+    # get the substring that we want to replace
+    my $inventory = getValue($mgr, $theDocument, 
+                             '/*/inventory/inventory/text()', $context );
+    if ($docString !~ s/($inventory)/${1}A/)
+    {
+        warn "Error: inventory string: '$inventory' not found in document string:\n";
+        warn "$docString\n";
+    }
+    return $docString;
+my $path2DbEnv;
+my $theContainer = "namespaceExampleData.dbxml";
+while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ )
+    my $opt = shift @ARGV ;
+    if ($opt =~ s/^-h//)
+      { $path2DbEnv = $opt || shift }
+    else
+      { usage() }
+     if ! $path2DbEnv ;
+ # Open a container in the db environment
+my $env = new DbEnv(0);
+$env->set_cachesize(0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
+my $mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+my $containerTxn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+my $container = $mgr->openContainer($containerTxn, $theContainer);
+# Get a transaction
+my $txn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+# Create a context and declare the namespaces
+my $context = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$context->setNamespace('fruits'     => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits');
+$context->setNamespace('vegetables' => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables');
+$context->setNamespace('desserts'   => 'http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts');
+# update the document that describes Zapote Blanco (a fruit)
+doUpdateDocument( $container, "/fruits:item/product[text() = 'Zapote Blanco']", 
+                      $context, $txn, $mgr );

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/01.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/01.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/01.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+if ($mgr->existsContainer("test.dbxml")) {
+   $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");	
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$doc = $con->getDocument($book_name);
+$s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/02.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/02.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/02.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Create an XmlManager/XmlContainer, add a document, query the container
+for the document, iterate over the result set displaying the
+values returned.
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+$container_name = 'test.dbxml';
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+if(file_exists("test.dbxml")) {
+    $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')/book");
+    $val = $results->next();
+    $doc = $val->asDocument();
+    print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/03.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/03.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/03.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Create an XmlContainer, add a document that includes a
+namespace definition, create a query context, define a
+namespace prefix to URI mapping, query the container
+for the document within a context, iterate over the
+result set displaying the values returned.
+book1_ns = <book xmlns:books="http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd"><books:title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</books:title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1_ns';
+$book_content = "<book xmlns:books='http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd'><books:title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</books:title></book>";
+$container_name = 'test.dbxml';
+$mgr = new XmlManager(null);
+if(file_exists("test.dbxml")) {
+    $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$qc = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$qc->setNamespace("books2", "http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd");
+$results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')/*[books2:title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']", $qc);
+    $val = $results->next();
+    $doc = $val->asDocument();
+    print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/04.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/04.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/04.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Create an XmlContainer, define an equality string index
+for booktitle elements, add a document, query the container
+for the document, iterate over the result set displaying
+the values returned.
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = "<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>";
+$container_name = 'test.dbxml';
+$mgr = new XmlManager(null);
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']");
+    $val = $results->next();
+    $doc = $val->asDocument();
+    print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/05.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/05.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/05.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Create an XmlContainer, define an equality string index
+for booktitle elements, add a document, create a query
+context, define a variable binding, query the container
+for the document within a context referencing the variable
+defined, iterate over the result set displaying the values
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = "<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>";
+$container_name = 'test.dbxml';
+$mgr = new XmlManager(null);
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$qc = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$qc->setVariableValue("title", "Knowledge Discovery in Databases.");
+$results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title=\$title]", $qc);
+    $val = $results->next();
+    $doc = $val->asDocument();
+    print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/06.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/06.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/06.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = "<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>";
+$container_name = 'test.dbxml';
+$mgr = new XmlManager(null);
+if(file_exists("test.dbxml")) {
+    $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$qc = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+$qc->setVariableValue("title", "Knowledge Discovery in Databases.");
+$results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title=\$title]", $qc);
+    $val = $results->next();
+    $doc = $val->asDocument();
+    print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/07.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/07.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/07.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Create an XML Container, rename that container, delete the
+container, and repeat.
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+for($i=0; $i < 5; $i++) {
+    $con = $mgr->createContainer("test1.dbxml");
+    unset($con);
+    $mgr->renameContainer("test1.dbxml", "test2.dbxml");
+    $con = $mgr->openContainer("test2.dbxml");
+    unset($con);
+    $mgr->removeContainer("test2.dbxml");
+print "Success\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/08.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/08.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/08.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Create an use a transactional XML Container:
+add a document, get the document, display the content of
+the document.
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+foreach(array_merge(glob("__db*"), glob("log.O"), glob("test*.dbxml")) as $file)
+    @unlink($file);
+$env = new Db4Env();
+$mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$doc = $con->getDocument($book_name);
+$s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/09.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/09.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/09.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Create an XML Container within a Berkeley DB environment,
+then within a Berkeley DB transaction, add a document,
+get the document, display the content of the document.
+Use a Berkeley DB transaction.
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+foreach(array_merge(glob("__db*"), glob("log.O"), glob("test*.dbxml")) as $file)
+    @unlink($file);
+$env = new Db4Env();
+$mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+$config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml", $config);
+$txn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+$doc = $mgr->createDocument();
+$con->putDocument($txn, $doc);
+$doc = $con->getDocument($txn, $book_name);
+$s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/10.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/10.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/10.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Create two XML Containers within a Berkeley DB environment,
+then within a Berkeley DB transaction add a document to
+each container.
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+foreach(array_merge(glob("__db*"), glob("log.O"), glob("test*.dbxml")) as $file)
+    @unlink($file);
+$env = new Db4Env();
+$mgr = new XmlManager($env);
+$config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+$con1 = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con2 = $mgr->createContainer("test2.dbxml");
+$txn = $mgr->createTransaction();
+$con1->putDocument($txn, $book_name, $book_content);
+$con2->putDocument($txn, $book_name, $book_content);
+print "Success\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/11.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/11.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/11.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Display indexes for a container.
+array(3) {
+  ["uri"]=>
+  string(35) "http://www.sleepycat.com/2002/dbxml"
+  ["name"]=>
+  string(4) "name"
+  ["index"]=>
+  string(36) "unique-node-metadata-equality-string"
+array(3) {
+  ["uri"]=>
+  string(0) ""
+  ["name"]=>
+  string(5) "title"
+  ["index"]=>
+  string(57) "node-element-equality-string edge-element-equality-string"
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+if(file_exists("test.dbxml")) {
+  $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string, edge-element-equality-string");
+$foo = $con->getIndexSpecification();
+foreach($foo->getIndexes() as $a) {
+    var_dump($a);

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/12.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/12.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/12.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Currently non-functional.
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+class myResolver extends XmlResolver {
+    function resolveDocument($uri, &$result)
+    {
+        print "In resolveDocument($uri)\n";
+        $result = new XmlValue("<a><b>b</b></a>");
+        return true;
+    }
+    function resolveCollection($uri, &$result)
+    {
+        print "In resolveCollection($uri)\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+$r = new myResolver();
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+$results = $mgr->query("doc('myscheme:xxx')/root");

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/13.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/13.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/13.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Shows how XmlContainerConfig can be used to set the properties of 
+a container.  In this case the property is set so that the container 
+will be created on open if it does not exist.
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+if ($mgr->existsContainer("test.dbxml")) {
+   $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");	
+$config = new XmlContainerConfig();
+if ($config->getAllowCreate()) {
+  $con = $mgr->openContainer("test.dbxml", $config);
+  $con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+  $doc = $con->getDocument($book_name);
+  $s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+  print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";
+  unset($doc);
+  unset($con);
+  $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/14.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/14.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/14.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Displays the behavior of XmlInputStream.  When a is stream is created it can
+only be destroyed by passing it to putDocument.  Also, once it is passed
+to putDocument, if it is accessed again it will cause a segment fault
+book1.xml = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+$file_name = "book1.xml";
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+if ($mgr->existsContainer("test.dbxml")) {
+   $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml");	
+$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+$inputstream = $mgr->createLocalFileInputStream($file_name);
+$con->putDocument($file_name, $inputstream);
+$doc = $con->getDocument($file_name);
+$s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/book1.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/book1.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/book1.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/exceptionExample.php
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/exceptionExample.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/exceptionExample.php	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+# This is a very simple example of using try/catch and XmlException
+# to get information on an exception thrown from Berkeley DB XML.
+# The line that generates the exception is the query, which uses
+# bad XQuery syntax.
+$book_name = 'book1';
+$book_content = '<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>';
+$mgr = new XmlManager();
+try {
+	$con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml");
+	$con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content);
+	$qc = $mgr->createQueryContext();
+	$res = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')/x[", $qc);
+	$doc = $con->getDocument("foo");
+	$s = $doc->getContentAsString();
+	print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n";
+	unset($doc);
+	unset($con);
+} catch (XmlException $xe) {
+	print "XmlException message: ".$xe->what()."\n";
+	print "XmlException code: ".$xe->getExceptionCode()."\n";
+	print "XmlException dbErrno: ".$xe->getDbErrno()."\n";
+	print "Query line: ". $xe->getQueryLine()."\n";
+	print "Query column: ". $xe->getQueryColumn()."\n";
+	unset($con);

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/php.ini
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/php.ini	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/php/php.ini	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This is a sample php.ini file that can be edited and used
+# to run the examples, assuming PHP support for BDB XML and
+# Berkeley DB have been built.  See <dbxml-2.x.y>/dbxml/src/php/README
+# and <dbxml-2.x.y>/dbxml/src/php/INSTALL.WINDOWS.txt for details
+# To Use:
+#   o EDIT: change <path_to_dbxml-2.x.y> to point to the precise
+#   installation, e.g. on Windows
+#     extension_dir="C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB XML 2.4.6/bin"
+#   uncomment the lines for your platform
+#   If using the php command line, it may be necessary to use the
+#   -c <path_to_php.ini> option to point to this directory.
+# Linux/*nix

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorld.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorld.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorld.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * helloWorld is the simplest possible Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that does something.
+ * This program demonstrates initialization, container creation,
+ * document insertion and document retrieval by name.
+ *
+ * To run the example:
+ *     python helloWorld.py
+from dbxml import *
+def helloWorld():
+    containerName = ""
+    content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>"
+    docName = "doc"
+    try:
+        # all BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+        mgr = XmlManager()
+        cont = mgr.createContainer(containerName)
+        # all Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+        uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+        cont.putDocument(docName, content, uc)
+        # now, get the document
+        doc = cont.getDocument(docName)
+        name = doc.getName()
+        docContent = doc.getContentAsString()
+        # print the name and content
+        print "Document name: ",name,"\nContent: ",docContent
+    except XmlException, inst:
+        print inst
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    helloWorld()

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorldTxn.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorldTxn.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/helloWorldTxn.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * HelloWorldTxn is a very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that demonstrates transactional initialization and 
+ * container creation, transactional document insertion and 
+ * retrieval by name.
+ *
+ * The program also factors out initialization tasks that are
+ * typically performed one time at the beginning of an application.
+ * These include opening of a DBEnv, creation of XmlManager and
+ * opening XmlContainer objects.
+ *
+ * After running this program, you will notice a number of files
+ * in the environment directory:
+ *   __db.* files are the BDB environment, including cache
+ *   log.* files are BDB log files for transactions
+ * The actual BDB XML container is not present, since it's only
+ * created in-memory, and will disappear at the end of the program.
+ * To run the example:
+ *   python helloWorldTxn.py [-h environmentDirectory]
+from bsddb3.db import *
+from dbxml import *
+def createEnvironment(home):
+    """Create DBEnv and initialize XmlManager"""
+    try:
+        environment = DBEnv()
+        # initialize DBEnv for transactions
+        environment.open(home, DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_LOCK|
+                         DB_INIT_LOG|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_TXN, 0)
+    except DBError, exc:
+        print exc
+        sys.exit()
+    try:
+        mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+    except XmlException, se:
+        print xe
+        sys.exit()
+    return mgr
+def createContainer(mgr, containerName, flags):
+    """create/open a node container"""
+    try:
+        return mgr.openContainer(containerName,
+                                 flags|DB_CREATE,
+                                 XmlContainer.NodeContainer)
+    except XmlException, ex:
+        print ex
+        sys.exit()
+def helloWorldTxn(mgr, cont):
+    """The guts of the example.  Note that because Python will GC the
+    BDB XML objects upon function exit, explicit deletion is not 
+    required.  Transactions need to be handled specially in the 
+    event of exceptions."""
+    docName = "doc"
+    content = "<hello>Hello World</hello>"
+    try:
+        # all Container modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+        uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+        # create XmlTransaction for the operation
+        txn = mgr.createTransaction()
+        # use the DBXML_GEN_NAME flag to make sure this
+        # succeeds by creating a new, unique name
+        # Use a try/except block to allow the transaction to
+        # be aborted in the proper scope upon error
+        try:
+            docName = cont.putDocument(txn, docName, 
+                                       content, uc) #, DBXML_GEN_NAME)
+            txn.commit()
+        except XmlException, ex:
+            print ex
+            txn.abort()
+        # now, get the document in a new transaction
+        txn = mgr.createTransaction()
+        doc = cont.getDocument(txn, docName)
+        name = doc.getName()
+        docContent = doc.getContentAsString()
+        txn.commit() # done with data
+        # print the name and content
+        print "Document name: ",name,"\nContent: ",docContent
+    except XmlException, inst:
+        print inst
+        if txn:
+            txn.abort()
+def usage():
+    print "helloWorldTxn.py [-h home_directory]"
+# "main"
+import sys
+import getopt
+def main():
+    home = "."
+    # parse command line options
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:")
+    except getopt.error, msg:
+        print msg
+        usage()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o == "-h":
+            home = a
+    # some configuration...
+    containerName = ""
+    # initialize...
+    mgr = createEnvironment(home)
+    # create/open a transactional container
+    cont = createContainer(mgr, containerName, 
+                           DBXML_TRANSACTIONAL)
+    # run the guts of the program...
+    helloWorldTxn(mgr, cont)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/query.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/query.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/query.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Query is a very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that performs a query and handles results.
+ * It demonstrates initialization, container creation,
+ * document insertion, query creation and execution,
+ * use of a variable in a query and context, and
+ * results handling.
+ *
+ * To run the example:
+ *     python query.py
+from dbxml import *
+def initialize(cname):
+    # all BDB XML programs require an XmlManager instance
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    # remove the container if it exists
+    if mgr.existsContainer(cname) != 0:
+        mgr.removeContainer(cname)
+    # create a default container type
+    cont = mgr.createContainer(cname)
+    return cont
+def query(mgr, cont):
+    content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>"
+    docName = "people"
+    queryString = "collection('%s')/people/person[name=$name]"%cont.getName()
+    try:
+        # all modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+        uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+        cont.putDocument(docName, content, uc)
+        # querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+        qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+        # add a variable to the context, as required by the query
+        qc.setVariableValue("name", XmlValue("mary"))
+        # note: these two calls could be replaced by a shortcut
+        # mgr.query(queryString, qc), but under the covers,
+        # this is what is happening.
+        expr = mgr.prepare(queryString, qc)
+        res = expr.execute(qc)
+        # note use of XmlQueryExpression.getQuery() and
+        # XmlResults.size()
+        print "The query '%s'\n\t returned %d result(s)"%(expr.getQuery(),res.size())
+        # process results -- just print them.  XmlResults
+        # are a Python iterator
+	for value in res:
+	    print "Result: %s"%value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+        print inst
+import sys
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        containerName = "people.dbxml"
+        cont = initialize(containerName)
+    except XmlException, xe:
+        print xe
+        sys.exit()
+    query(cont.getManager(), cont)

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/queryTxn.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/queryTxn.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/basic/queryTxn.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Query is a very simple Berkeley DB XML program
+ * that performs a query and handles results transactionally.
+ * It demonstrates transactional initialization container creation,
+ * transactional document insertion, query creation and execution,
+ * use of a variable in a query and context, and
+ * transactional results handling.
+ *
+ * To run the example:
+ *     python queryTxn.py
+from dbxml import *
+from bsddb3.db import *
+def createEnvironment(home):
+    """Create DBEnv and initialize XmlManager"""
+    try:
+        environment = DBEnv()
+        # initialize DBEnv for transactions
+        environment.open(home, DB_RECOVER|DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_LOCK|
+                         DB_INIT_LOG|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_TXN, 0)
+    except DBError, exc:
+        print exc
+        sys.exit()
+    try:
+        mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+    except XmlException, xe:
+        print xe
+        sys.exit()
+    return mgr
+def createContainer(mgr, containerName, flags):
+    """create/open a node container"""
+    if mgr.existsContainer(containerName) != 0:
+        mgr.removeContainer(containerName)
+    try:
+        return mgr.openContainer(containerName,
+                                 flags|DB_CREATE,
+                                 XmlContainer.NodeContainer)
+    except XmlException, ex:
+        print ex
+        sys.exit()
+def queryTxn(mgr, cont):
+    content = "<people><person><name>joe</name></person><person><name>mary</name></person></people>"
+    docName = "people"
+    queryString = "collection('%s')/people/person[name=$name]"%cont.getName()
+    try:
+        # all modification operations need XmlUpdateContext
+        uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+        txn = mgr.createTransaction()
+        try:
+            docName = cont.putDocument(txn, docName, content, uc, DBXML_GEN_NAME)
+            txn.commit()
+        except XmlException, ex:
+            print ex
+            txn.abort()
+        # querying requires an XmlQueryContext
+        qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+        # add a variable to the context, as required by the query
+        qc.setVariableValue("name", XmlValue("mary"))
+        # create a new transaction for the query
+        txn = mgr.createTransaction()
+        try:
+            # note: these two calls could be replaced by a shortcut
+            # mgr.query(txn, queryString, qc), but under the covers,
+            # this is what is happening.  Prepared queries can be shared
+            # and reused
+            expr = mgr.prepare(txn, queryString, qc)
+            res = expr.execute(txn, qc)
+            # note use of XmlQueryExpression.getQuery() and
+            # XmlResults.size()
+            print "The query '%s'\n\t returned %d result(s)"%(expr.getQuery(),res.size())
+            # process results -- just print them.  XmlResults
+            # are a Python iterator
+            for value in res:
+                print "Result: %s"%value.asString()
+            txn.commit()
+        except XmlException, xe:
+            print xe
+            txn.abort()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+        print inst
+def usage():
+    print "queryTxn.py [-h home_directory]"
+# "main"
+import sys
+import getopt
+def main():
+    home = "."
+    # parse command line options
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:")
+    except getopt.error, msg:
+        print msg
+        usage()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o == "-h":
+            home = a
+    # some configuration...
+    containerName = "people.dbxml"
+    # initialize...
+    mgr = createEnvironment(home)
+    # create/open a transactional container
+    cont = createContainer(mgr, containerName, 
+                           DBXML_TRANSACTIONAL)
+    # run the guts of the program...
+    queryTxn(mgr, cont)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/examples.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/examples.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/examples.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# As of Python 2.3, there is a built-in module for Berkeley DB,
+# called bsddb.  The next uncommented line assumes that module is being used.
+# Note the use of XmlException.  There are, as of BDB XML 2.3, a number
+# of exception classes derived from XmlException.  See them defined
+# in README.exceptions in dbxml/src/python.
+from bsddb3.db import *
+from dbxml import *
+book_content = r"<book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>"
+book_content_ns = r"<book xmlns:books='http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd'><books:title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</books:title></book>"
+book_name = r"book1"
+book_name_ns = r"book1_ns"
+def remove_database():
+    """Removes the databases so we can start with a fresh environment for
+    each test."""
+    import os, glob
+    databases = ["test", "test1", "test2"]
+    for database in databases:
+        files = glob.glob(database + "*.dbxml")
+        files += glob.glob("__db*")
+        files += glob.glob("log.*")
+        for file in files:
+            os.remove(file)
+def example01():
+    """Create an XmlManager/XmlContainer, add a document, get the document,
+    display the content of the document.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example01()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	document = container.getDocument(book_name)
+	s = document.getContent()
+	print document.getName(), "=", s
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example02():
+    """Create an XmlManager/XmlContainer, add a document, query the container
+    for the document, iterate over the result set displaying the
+    values returned.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example02()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	results = mgr.query("collection('test.dbxml')/book", qc)
+	results.reset()
+	for value in results:
+	    document = value.asDocument()
+	    print document.getName(), "=", value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example03():
+    """Create an XmlContainer, add a document that includes a
+    namespace definition, create a query context, define a
+    namespace prefix to URI mapping, query the container
+    for the document within a context, iterate over the
+    result set displaying the values returned.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example03()
+    book1_ns = <book xmlns:books="http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd"><books:title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</books:title></book>
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.putDocument(book_name_ns, book_content_ns, uc)
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	qc.setNamespace("books2", "http://foo.bar.com/books.dtd")
+	results = mgr.query("collection('test.dbxml')/*[books2:title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']", qc)
+	results.reset()
+	for value in results:
+	    document = value.asDocument()
+	    print document.getName(), "=", value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example04():
+    """Create an XmlContainer, define an equality string index
+    for booktitle elements, add a document, query the container
+    for the document, iterate over the result set displaying
+    the values returned.
+    Note that this example assumes that the 'test' container
+    does not already exist. If it does exist then the
+    addIndex method will throw an exception to complain
+    that the container isn't empty.
+    Python note: This exception is not passed on to Python, which
+    will abort the interpreter.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example04()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string", uc)
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	results = mgr.query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']", qc)
+	for value in results:
+	    document = value.asDocument()
+	    print document.getName(), "=", value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example05():
+    """
+    Create an XmlContainer, define an equality string index
+    for booktitle elements, add a document, create a query
+    context, define a variable binding, query the container
+    for the document within a context referencing the variable
+    defined, iterate over the result set displaying the values
+    returned.
+    Note that this example assumes that the 'test' container
+    does not already exist. If it does exist then the
+    addIndex method will throw an exception to complain
+    that the container isn't empty.
+    Python note: This exception is not passed on to Python, which
+    will abort the interpreter.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example05()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-string", uc)
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	results = mgr.query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']", qc)
+	qc.setVariableValue("title", XmlValue("Knowledge Discovery in Databases."))
+	results = mgr.query("collection('test.dbxml')//*[title=$title]", qc)
+	for value in results:
+	    document = value.asDocument()
+	    print document.getName(), "=", value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example06():
+    """Create an XML Container, rename that container, delete the
+    container, and repeat.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example06()
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    try:
+	for i in range(2):
+	    container = mgr.createContainer("test1.dbxml")
+	    del container
+	    mgr.renameContainer("test1.dbxml", "test2.dbxml")
+	    container = mgr.openContainer("test2.dbxml")
+	    del container
+	    mgr.removeContainer("test2.dbxml")
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example07():
+    """Create an use a transactional XML Container:
+    add a document, get the document, display the content of
+    the document.  Requires using DBEnv.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example07()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    environment = DBEnv()
+    try:
+	mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml", DBXML_TRANSACTIONAL)
+	xtxn = mgr.createTransaction()
+	container.putDocument(xtxn, book_name, book_content, uc)
+	xtxn.commit()
+	document = container.getDocument(book_name)
+	s = document.getContent()
+	print document.getName(), "=", s
+	del uc
+	del document
+	del container
+	#container.close()
+	mgr.removeContainer("test.dbxml")
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+    environment.close(0)
+def example08():
+    """Create an XML Container within a Berkeley DB environment,
+    add a document, get the document, display the content of
+    the document.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example08()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    environment = DBEnv()
+    try:
+	mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	document = container.getDocument(book_name)
+	s = document.getContent()
+	print document.getName(), "=", s
+	del uc
+	del document
+	del container
+	mgr.removeContainer("test.dbxml")
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+    environment.close(0)
+def example09():
+    """Create an XML Container within a Berkeley DB environment,
+    then within a Berkeley DB transaction, add a document,
+    get the document, display the content of the document.
+    Use a Berkeley DB transaction
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example09()
+    book1 = <book><title>Knowledge Discovery in Databases.</title></book>
+    """
+    environment = DBEnv()
+    try:
+	mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml", DBXML_TRANSACTIONAL)
+	xtxn = mgr.createTransaction();
+	document = mgr.createDocument()
+	document.setContent(book_content)
+	document.setName(book_name)
+	container.putDocument(xtxn, document, uc)
+	document = container.getDocument(xtxn, book_name)
+	s = document.getContent()
+	print document.getName(), "=", s
+	xtxn.commit()
+	del document  # holds ref on container
+	del container # prevents removal
+	del uc
+	mgr.removeContainer("test.dbxml")
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+    environment.close(0)
+def example10():
+    """ Create two XML Containers within a Berkeley DB environment,
+    then within a Berkeley DB transaction add a document to
+    each container.
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example10()
+    """
+    environment = DBEnv()
+    try:
+	mgr = XmlManager(environment, 0)
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	txn = environment.txn_begin()
+	xtxn = mgr.createTransaction(txn)
+	container1 = mgr.createContainer(xtxn, "test.dbxml")
+	container2 = mgr.createContainer(xtxn, "test2.dbxml")
+	container1.putDocument(xtxn, book_name, book_content, uc)
+	container2.putDocument(xtxn, book_name, book_content, uc)
+	txn.commit(0)
+	del uc	
+	del container1
+	del container2
+	del mgr
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+    environment.close(0)
+def example11():
+    """Demonstrate the definition of an index, and the iteration over set set
+    of indexes specified
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example11()
+    Indexes present:
+      http://www.sleepycat.com/2002/dbxml:name unique-node-metadata-equality-string
+      :title node-element-equality-date edge-element-equality-string
+    """
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	""" addIndex uri, name, indexType updateContext"""
+	# the following (commented) addIndex call is equivalent to the
+	# 2 that follow it.
+    #container.addIndex("", "title", "node-element-equality-date, edge-element-equality-string", uc)
+	container.addIndex("", "title", XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT|
+			   XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE|
+			   XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.DATE, uc)
+	container.addIndex("", "title", XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT|
+			   XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE|
+			   XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING, uc)
+	# this is another way to add indexes..
+	#    ispec = container.getIndexSpecification()
+	#    ispec.addIndex("", "title", XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT|
+	#		XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE|XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY,
+	#		XmlValue.DATE);
+	#    container.setIndexSpecification(ispec, uc)
+	n = 0
+	print "Indexes present:"
+	for index in container.getIndexSpecification():
+	    print "  %s:%s %s" % (index.get_uri(), index.get_name(), index.get_index())
+	container.putDocument("foo", "<title>1957-11-03</title>", uc)
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	val = XmlValue(XmlValue.DATE, "1957-11-03")
+	res = container.lookupIndex(qc, "", "title", "node-element-equality-date",
+					val)
+	# Shows how to look at a query plan
+        #print res.size()
+        #qe = mgr.prepare("collection('test.dbxml')/title[.<xs:date('1957-11-03')]", qc)
+        #print qe.getQueryPlan()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def example12():
+    """Use WholedocContainer by setting default container type on XmlManager
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example12()
+    document:  <book><title text='\\"'>content's  got " dquot</title></book>
+    """
+    content = r"<book><title text='\"'>content's  got " dquot</title></book>"
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    mgr.setDefaultContainerType(XmlContainer.WholedocContainer)
+    try:
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml")
+	container.putDocument(book_name, content, uc)
+	doc = container.getDocument(book_name)
+	print "document: ", doc.getContent()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+# Test example of an overloade XmlResolver instance in Python
+# Used in example 13
+class myResolver(XmlResolver):
+    def __init__(self):
+	XmlResolver.__init__(self)
+	print "XmlResolver constructor"
+    def resolveDocument(self, txn, mgr, uri, result):
+	print "In resolveDocument, uri: %s" % (uri)
+	content=r"<?xml version='1.0' ?><root xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://xxx mysch.xsd'><a>yyz</a></root>"
+	doc = mgr.createDocument()
+	doc.setContent(content)
+	newval = XmlValue(doc)
+	result.setValue(result, newval)
+	return 1
+    def resolveCollection(self, txn, mgr, uri, result):
+	print "In resolveCollection, uri: %s" % (uri)
+	return 0
+    def resolveSchema(self, txn, mgr, location, nameSpace):
+	print "In resolveSchema, location: %s" % (location)
+	return 0
+    def resolveEntity(self, txn, mgr, systemId, publicId):
+	print "In resolveEntity, systemId: %s" % (systemId)
+	dtd =r"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><!ELEMENT root (a)><!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA)>"
+	dlen = len(dtd)
+	istr = mgr.createMemBufInputStream(dtd, dlen, "dtd")
+	return istr
+    def __del__(self):
+	XmlResolver.__del__(self)
+def example13():
+    """Example of creating an XmlResolver instance in Python
+    >>> remove_database()
+    >>> example13()
+    XmlResolver constructor
+    In resolveEntity, systemId: mydtd.dtd
+    In resolveDocument, uri: myscheme:/docname
+    value of result:  <a>yyz</a>
+    """
+    resolver = myResolver()
+    try:
+	mgr.registerResolver(resolver)
+	uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+	container = mgr.createContainer("test.dbxml", DBXML_ALLOW_VALIDATION,
+					XmlContainer.NodeContainer)
+	container.putDocument("foo0", r"<?xml version='1.0' ?><!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM 'mydtd.dtd'><root><a>yyz</a></root>", uc);
+	container.putDocument("foo", "<root/>", uc);
+	container.putDocument(book_name, book_content, uc)
+	# query to test the resolver
+	qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+	qc.setBaseURI("myscheme:/")
+	results = mgr.query("doc('docname')/root/a", qc)
+	for value in results:
+	    document = value.asDocument()
+	    print "value of result: ", value.asString()
+    except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError
+def do_example(number):
+    print "Running example %d." % number
+    globals()["example%02d" % number]()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    number = sys.argv[-1]
+    if number == "test":
+        import doctest, examples
+        doctest.testmod(examples)
+        sys.exit()
+    try:
+        number = int(number)
+    except ValueError:
+        print "Usage: ./examples.py <example_number>|test"
+        sys.exit()
+    if number < 1 or number > NUMBER_OF_EXAMPLES:
+        print "Usage: ./examples.py <example_number>|test"
+        print "Example number out of range (1-%d)" % NUMBER_OF_EXAMPLES
+        sys.exit()
+    remove_database()
+    do_example(number)

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/debugger.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/debugger.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/debugger.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+# Debug API
+# A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+# the XQuery debug API.
+# This program demonstrates how to set a custom debug listener 
+# class on the XmlQueryContext, and how to derive a class form 
+# XmlDebugListener. The derived class, myDebugListener, simply 
+# prints out partial execution information when a query is executed.
+from bsddb3.db import *
+from dbxml import *
+class myDebugListener(XmlDebugListener):
+    def __init__(self):
+	XmlDebugListener.__init__(self)
+        self.depth = 0
+        self.outputFormat = "%s: column:line : %s:%s"
+    def start(self, frame):
+        self.depth += 1
+        self.indent()
+        print self.outputFormat %("{start}", frame.getQueryColumn(), frame.getQueryLine())
+    def end(self, frame):
+        self.indent()
+        self.depth -= 1
+        print self.outputFormat %("{end}", frame.getQueryColumn(), frame.getQueryLine())
+    def enter(self, frame):
+        self.depth += 1
+        self.indent()
+        print self.outputFormat %("{enter}", frame.getQueryColumn(), frame.getQueryLine())
+    def exit(self, frame):
+        self.indent()
+        self.depth -= 1
+        print self.outputFormat %("{exit}", frame.getQueryColumn(), frame.getQueryLine())
+    def error(self, exc, frame):
+        print "myDebugListener -- error"
+    def indent(self):
+        i = 0;
+        while i < self.depth:
+            print "%s" % " ",
+            i += 1
+    def __del__(self):
+        print "myDebugListener -- del"
+# utility function
+def populateContainer(mgr, cont):
+    uc = mgr.createUpdateContext()
+    cont.putDocument("doc", "<root><a>1</a><a>2</a><a>3</a><a>4</a></root>", uc)
+# The main program
+# No containers are involved, just a simple query
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    listener = myDebugListener()
+    qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+    qc.setDebugListener(listener)
+    # use in-memory container
+    cont = mgr.createContainer("")
+    cont.addAlias("c")
+    populateContainer(mgr, cont)
+    # new the query
+    query = "for $a in collection('c')/root/a\n where $a>'2'\n return $a";
+    results = mgr.query(query, qc)
+    for value in results:
+        print "value of result: ", value.asString()
+except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/externalFunction.py
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/externalFunction.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/python/misc/externalFunction.py	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2004,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+# External function
+# A very simple Berkeley DB XML program that demonstrates
+# external function API usage.
+# This program demonstrates:
+#  XmlResolver used to resolve multiple external functions
+#  XmlExternalFunction implementations
+#  External function results handling
+# myResolver implements the XmlResolver interface, it is used to
+# resolve the external function class myFunction.
+# myFunction takes no arguments and just returns strings
+# The myResolver class is responsible for the life cycle of myFunction
+# The example is a bit noisy but that helps illustrates the order of
+# events
+from bsddb3.db import *
+from dbxml import *
+class myFunction(XmlExternalFunction):
+    def __init__(self):
+	XmlExternalFunction.__init__(self)
+	print "myFunction constructor"
+    def execute(self, txn, mgr, args):
+        #print "myFunction -- execute"
+        results = mgr.createResults()
+        results.add(XmlValue("foo"))
+        results.add(XmlValue("bar"))
+        return results
+    def close(self):
+        print "myFunction -- close"
+        del self
+    def __del__(self):
+        print "myFunction -- del"
+class myResolver(XmlResolver):
+    def __init__(self):
+	XmlResolver.__init__(self)
+        self.fun = myFunction()
+    def resolveExternalFunction(self, txn, mgr, uri, name, numArgs):
+        # verify the number of arguments, uri and name which uniquely
+        # identify a function in XQuery
+        if numArgs == 0 and uri == "http://my" and name == "foo":
+            return self.fun
+        else:
+            print "myResolver -- could not resolve function"
+    def __del__(self):
+        print "myResolver -- del"
+# The main program
+# No containers are involved, just a simple query
+    mgr = XmlManager()
+    # create and register the resolver
+    resolver = myResolver()
+    mgr.registerResolver(resolver)
+    # need to set the functions namespace/prefix
+    qc = mgr.createQueryContext()
+    qc.setNamespace("my", "http://my")
+    query1 = "declare function my:foo() as xs:string* external; my:foo()"
+    results = mgr.query(query1, qc)
+    for value in results:
+        print "value of result: ", value.asString()
+except XmlException, inst:
+	print "XmlException (", inst.exceptionCode,"): ", inst.what
+	if inst.exceptionCode == DATABASE_ERROR:
+	    print "Database error code:",inst.dbError

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Allspice.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Allspice.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Allspice.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Allspice</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AllsfruiaOMb1f</sku>
+		<price>0.48</price>
+		<inventory>634</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Almonds.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Almonds.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Almonds.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Almonds</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AlmofruiIV75Lm</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>915</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Alogbati.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Alogbati.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Alogbati.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Alogbati</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AlogvegeO5Uc2t</sku>
+		<price>0.49</price>
+		<inventory>111</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ampalaya.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ampalaya.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ampalaya.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Ampalaya</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AmpavegeRJcUWR</sku>
+		<price>0.27</price>
+		<inventory>520</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/AppleFritters.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/AppleFritters.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/AppleFritters.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Apple Fritters</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AppldessjwdHiy</sku>
+		<price>10.53</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apples.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apples.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apples.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Apples</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Applfrui1q6lpq</sku>
+		<price>1.10</price>
+		<inventory>535</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apricot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apricot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Apricot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Apricot</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AprifruipF3Dxy</sku>
+		<price>0.93</price>
+		<inventory>667</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Artichoke.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Artichoke.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Artichoke.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Artichoke</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ArtivegehOROjP</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>306</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Asparagus.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Asparagus.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Asparagus.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Asparagus</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AspavegeF7vz10</sku>
+		<price>0.78</price>
+		<inventory>542</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Avocado.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Avocado.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Avocado.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Avocado</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AvocfruijfHs18</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>393</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BaelFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BaelFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BaelFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Bael Fruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Baelfruidt2IAv</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>686</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananaSplit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananaSplit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananaSplit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Banana Split</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Banadess3nz4Zv</sku>
+		<price>10.43</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bananas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bananas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bananas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Bananas</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Banafruiqud6Kq</sku>
+		<price>0.55</price>
+		<inventory>220</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananasFlambe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananasFlambe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BananasFlambe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Bananas Flambe</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BanadessbeEkp9</sku>
+		<price>11.06</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Basil.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Basil.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Basil.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Basil</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BasivegeGgPKGz</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>604</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bean.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bean.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Bean.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Bean</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BeanvegeVR6kcB</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>458</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Beet.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Beet.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Beet.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Beet</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BeetvegetPgUXE</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>434</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BetelNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BetelNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BetelNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Betel Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BetefruinvFhky</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>237</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Black Walnut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Blacfrui5V2xwJ</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>369</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackeyedPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackeyedPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlackeyedPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Blackeyed Pea</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Blacvege3eFpEO</sku>
+		<price>0.13</price>
+		<inventory>544</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Blueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Blueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Blueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BluefruiOj31yN</sku>
+		<price>0.64</price>
+		<inventory>584</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Blueberry Boy Bait</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BluedesslzHy8h</sku>
+		<price>6.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Boysenberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Boysenberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Boysenberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Boysenberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Boysfrui55o29v</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>377</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Breadnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Breadnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Breadnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Breadnut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Breafrui3dyy35</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>441</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Brownies.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Brownies.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Brownies.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessBpR5RG</sku>
+		<price>10.50</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Almond Macaroon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessPuKCxI</sku>
+		<price>5.53</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdesswsBJO1</sku>
+		<price>12.30</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Butterscotch</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessAGeerO</sku>
+		<price>2.93</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCaramel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCaramel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCaramel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Caramel</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessvsTzh0</sku>
+		<price>3.38</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Cherry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdesskOVKGT</sku>
+		<price>6.16</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Chocolate Chip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessdcI0wC</sku>
+		<price>10.78</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCoconut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCoconut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCoconut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Coconut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessmLVh8v</sku>
+		<price>5.92</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Cream Cheese</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessCFRDXL</sku>
+		<price>7.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Fudge</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessLIsx3U</sku>
+		<price>10.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Fudge Mint</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessGWbu56</sku>
+		<price>12.93</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesMintChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesMintChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/BrowniesMintChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Brownies, Mint Chip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessinO6CC</sku>
+		<price>12.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Burdock.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Burdock.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Burdock.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Burdock</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BurdvegeHGWWHz</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>783</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cabbage.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cabbage.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cabbage.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Cabbage</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cabbvege96f3Rn</sku>
+		<price>0.44</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cactus.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cactus.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cactus.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Cactus</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cactfrui8zsN3N</sku>
+		<price>1.01</price>
+		<inventory>903</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeAngelFood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeAngelFood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeAngelFood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Angel Food</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessuBvJaW</sku>
+		<price>6.70</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeCarrot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeCarrot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeCarrot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Carrot</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedesstRFU2b</sku>
+		<price>6.11</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Chocolate</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessMVOiHG</sku>
+		<price>2.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDevilsFood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDevilsFood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDevilsFood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Devil's Food</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessUA1rca</sku>
+		<price>5.04</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Double-Lemon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cakedessc6ognL</sku>
+		<price>12.33</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFig.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFig.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFig.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Fig</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessPbVdzo</sku>
+		<price>10.20</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFrenchApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFrenchApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeFrenchApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, French Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cakedess9ZvkiX</sku>
+		<price>9.70</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Lemon Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessiaysiE</sku>
+		<price>12.52</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeMaple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeMaple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeMaple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Maple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessFmha3b</sku>
+		<price>2.09</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeTripleFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeTripleFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeTripleFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake Triple Fudge</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessvLz1dH</sku>
+		<price>11.54</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CakeWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cake, Walnut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessaVKoKc</sku>
+		<price>12.33</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>California Wild Grape</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CalifruixCG8zJ</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>988</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CandiedCranberries.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CandiedCranberries.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CandiedCranberries.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Candied Cranberries</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CanddessPdDV9T</sku>
+		<price>8.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cantaloupe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cantaloupe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cantaloupe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Cantaloupe</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CantvegeNk3cQG</sku>
+		<price>0.18</price>
+		<inventory>58</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carraway.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carraway.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carraway.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Carraway</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CarrvegeIh2HPv</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>601</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carrot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carrot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Carrot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Carrot</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CarrvegexSGh7E</sku>
+		<price>0.35</price>
+		<inventory>73</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cashew.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cashew.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cashew.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Cashew</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CashfruiNJ9vAP</sku>
+		<price>0.30</price>
+		<inventory>264</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cauliflower.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cauliflower.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cauliflower.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Cauliflower</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CaulvegePfl6zf</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>51</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celeriac.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celeriac.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celeriac.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Celeriac</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CelevegexfLdDj</sku>
+		<price>0.69</price>
+		<inventory>500</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celery.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celery.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Celery.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Celery</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CelevegeQG00RH</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>471</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chayote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chayote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chayote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chayote</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChayvegeiEinZK</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>120</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Amaretto</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessBVbMZV</sku>
+		<price>4.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessE093On</sku>
+		<price>9.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApricot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApricot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeApricot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Apricot</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedess1Ysidx</sku>
+		<price>12.63</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Arkansas</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedess4TzJwt</sku>
+		<price>7.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Australian</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessDMxvcw</sku>
+		<price>6.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedessy7mpe4</sku>
+		<price>9.96</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Cherry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessvJTT39</sku>
+		<price>9.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Cran-Raspberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedessyfik2i</sku>
+		<price>7.27</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, German Chocolate </product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessnldRuy</sku>
+		<price>8.26</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cheesecake, Turtle</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessRUTSZJ</sku>
+		<price>1.91</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chervil.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chervil.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chervil.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chervil</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChervegebmHab5</sku>
+		<price>0.40</price>
+		<inventory>454</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChicoSapote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChicoSapote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChicoSapote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Chico Sapote</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Chicfrui8bTpc8</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>344</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chicory.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chicory.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Chicory.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chicory</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChicvegeIIPxZy</sku>
+		<price>0.57</price>
+		<inventory>67</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChinesKale.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChinesKale.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChinesKale.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chines Kale</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegekjfGUh</sku>
+		<price>0.40</price>
+		<inventory>307</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseBeans.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseBeans.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseBeans.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chinese Beans</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegefBkbCJ</sku>
+		<price>0.38</price>
+		<inventory>365</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseCabbage.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseCabbage.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseCabbage.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chinese Cabbage</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegejShNp9</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>266</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseJello.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseJello.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseJello.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Chinese Jello</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinfruifeluyN</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>734</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseMustard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseMustard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseMustard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chinese Mustard</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegeqTvDVr</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>617</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseRadish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseRadish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ChineseRadish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Chinese Radish</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Chinvege9lyhLz</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>535</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cilantro.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cilantro.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cilantro.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Cilantro</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CilavegeOqQYZx</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Berry-Pecan</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessUUs5PC</sku>
+		<price>8.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessv7qv7G</sku>
+		<price>10.85</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Cherry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessqFfOrC</sku>
+		<price>5.12</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Huckleberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessHpGwFF</sku>
+		<price>2.81</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerPeach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerPeach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerPeach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Peach</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessfh2qPH</sku>
+		<price>12.56</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerRhubarb.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerRhubarb.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerRhubarb.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Rhubarb</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessCdGK5v</sku>
+		<price>8.51</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessh51gal</sku>
+		<price>5.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerZucchini.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerZucchini.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CobblerZucchini.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cobbler, Zucchini</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessUJVOpy</sku>
+		<price>8.96</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Collard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Collard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Collard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Collard</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CollvegeRSdulE</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>711</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CommonGuava.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CommonGuava.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CommonGuava.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Common Guava</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Commfruiibl5l3</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>850</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cookies, Chocolate Chip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessZLYicD</sku>
+		<price>5.91</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesOatmeal.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesOatmeal.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesOatmeal.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cookies, Oatmeal</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessWDT0ke</sku>
+		<price>8.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Cookies, Peanut Butter</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessG0hkuf</sku>
+		<price>11.83</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Coriander.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Coriander.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Coriander.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Coriander</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CorivegetBIX5u</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>733</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Corn.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Corn.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Corn.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Corn</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CornvegelH9nyu</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>349</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Crabapple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Crabapple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Crabapple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Crabapple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CrabfruicNFnrD</sku>
+		<price>1.14</price>
+		<inventory>756</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cranberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cranberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cranberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Cranberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CranfruiYXFVDH</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>750</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cucumber.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cucumber.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Cucumber.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Cucumber</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cucuvege95s7Ls</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>176</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dahonngsili.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dahonngsili.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dahonngsili.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Dahon ng sili</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Dahovegebj7IyW</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>243</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaikonRadish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaikonRadish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaikonRadish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Daikon Radish</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DaikvegeRUg0ge</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>437</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Daiquiri Souffle</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DaiqdesseOPb6A</sku>
+		<price>1.54</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DamsonPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DamsonPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DamsonPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Damson Plum</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Damsfrui4N0fGo</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>220</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dandelion.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dandelion.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Dandelion.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Dandelion</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DandvegeDRGpAu</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>449</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DatePalm.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DatePalm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DatePalm.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Date Palm</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DatefruiALjLwO</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>662</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DragonsEye.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DragonsEye.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/DragonsEye.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Dragon's Eye</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DragfruiLGbUeL</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>683</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>East Indian Wine Palm</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EastfruiKWfZWm</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>339</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Edamame.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Edamame.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Edamame.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Edamame</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EdamvegeXzF1QX</sku>
+		<price>0.20</price>
+		<inventory>247</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Eggplant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Eggplant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Eggplant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Eggplant</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EggpvegePcgHnf</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>333</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>English Pea</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EnglvegeA6VhzP</sku>
+		<price>0.10</price>
+		<inventory>553</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/EnglishWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>English Walnut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EnglfruiHcYAoJ</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>516</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FalseMangosteen.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FalseMangosteen.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FalseMangosteen.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>False Mangosteen</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FalsfruioH5Lfh</sku>
+		<price>1.08</price>
+		<inventory>749</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Fennel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Fennel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Fennel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Fennel</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FennvegebbcEg2</sku>
+		<price>0.79</price>
+		<inventory>762</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FriedEggTree.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FriedEggTree.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FriedEggTree.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Fried Egg Tree</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FriefruieNwMiy</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>990</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FudgeBar.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FudgeBar.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/FudgeBar.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Fudge Bar</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FudgdessPxaT0k</sku>
+		<price>3.68</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Gabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Gabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Gabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Gabi</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GabivegeLQnqIU</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>737</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Garlic.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Garlic.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Garlic.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Garlic</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GarlvegejD7cik</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>772</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Genipap.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Genipap.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Genipap.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Genipap</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GenifruitLUdbI</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>776</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ginger.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ginger.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ginger.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Ginger</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GingvegemZxAI3</sku>
+		<price>0.22</price>
+		<inventory>127</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Grapefruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Grapefruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Grapefruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Grapefruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GrapfruiYUJLzF</sku>
+		<price>1.15</price>
+		<inventory>920</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hackberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hackberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hackberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Hackberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Hackfruio8KfDS</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>783</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hairymelon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hairymelon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Hairymelon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Hairy melon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HairvegeAkkbn2</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>51</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/HoneyLocust.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/HoneyLocust.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/HoneyLocust.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Honey Locust</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HonefruiuSWTE5</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>878</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Horseradish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Horseradish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Horseradish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Horseradish</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HorsvegeNgoCrS</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>494</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream, Chocolate</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessmBfWzo</sku>
+		<price>2.30</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice desswW5iia</sku>
+		<price>10.90</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream, Rocky Road</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessuqGmg8</sku>
+		<price>11.42</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessHjRUux</sku>
+		<price>7.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamSundae.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamSundae.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamSundae.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream Sundae</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice desssESdvK</sku>
+		<price>4.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamVanilla.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamVanilla.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IceCreamVanilla.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Ice Cream, Vanilla</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessHIGLnv</sku>
+		<price>2.44</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IrishPotato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IrishPotato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/IrishPotato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Irish Potato</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Irisvege6kyF1A</sku>
+		<price>0.16</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapaneseEggplant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapaneseEggplant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapaneseEggplant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Japanese Eggplant</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Japavegequh409</sku>
+		<price>0.13</price>
+		<inventory>720</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapanesePlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapanesePlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JapanesePlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Japanese Plum</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Japafrui3YNO02</sku>
+		<price>1.02</price>
+		<inventory>966</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Jerusalem Artichoke</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Jeruvege4aIr6N</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>458</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jicama.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jicama.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jicama.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Jicama</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>JicavegeBuufWy</sku>
+		<price>0.82</price>
+		<inventory>791</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jojoba.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jojoba.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jojoba.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Jojoba</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>JojofruielNr3Y</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>932</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jostaberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jostaberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Jostaberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Jostaberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Jostfruipazp1Y</sku>
+		<price>0.89</price>
+		<inventory>599</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kabute.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kabute.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kabute.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kabute</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KabuvegegAU65H</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>564</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kale.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kale.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kale.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kale</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KalevegeKH6KN0</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>672</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kamote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kamote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kamote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kamote</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kamovege5kyufA</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>724</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KamotengKahoy.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KamotengKahoy.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KamotengKahoy.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kamoteng Kahoy</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KamovegerRAOID</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>129</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KangarooApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KangarooApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KangarooApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Kangaroo Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kangfruiok45RV</sku>
+		<price>1.16</price>
+		<inventory>732</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kangkong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kangkong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kangkong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kangkong</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KangvegenVQXPN</sku>
+		<price>0.52</price>
+		<inventory>417</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KensRed.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KensRed.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KensRed.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Ken's Red</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ken'fruii8KBW7</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>963</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ketembilla.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ketembilla.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ketembilla.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Ketembilla</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KetefruiP9X1ci</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>989</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KingOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KingOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KingOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>King Orange</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KingfruiOGci7K</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>849</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kiwifruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kiwifruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kiwifruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kiwifruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kiwivegek6wauH</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>468</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kohlrabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kohlrabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kohlrabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Kohlrabi</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kohlvege1BTa94</sku>
+		<price>0.17</price>
+		<inventory>684</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KolaNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KolaNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KolaNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Kola Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KolafruiQWF0tt</sku>
+		<price>1.05</price>
+		<inventory>517</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kuko.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kuko.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kuko.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Kuko</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KukofruiMPIhw8</sku>
+		<price>0.26</price>
+		<inventory>494</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kumquat.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kumquat.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Kumquat.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Kumquat</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KumqfruiMtFpmT</sku>
+		<price>0.86</price>
+		<inventory>691</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KwaiMuk.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KwaiMuk.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/KwaiMuk.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Kwai Muk</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KwaifruisNnfTf</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>883</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labanos.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labanos.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labanos.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Labanos</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Labavege6gWGen</sku>
+		<price>0.23</price>
+		<inventory>578</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Labong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Labong</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LabovegenRDdCB</sku>
+		<price>0.18</price>
+		<inventory>354</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lanzone.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lanzone.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lanzone.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lanzone</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Lanzfruidntms8</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>631</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Leek.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Leek.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Leek.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Leek</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LeekvegeQiXMR1</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>731</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lemon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LemofruimR3sG9</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>545</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LemonGrass.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LemonGrass.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LemonGrass.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lemon Grass</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Lemofruixc1i44</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>228</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lettuce.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lettuce.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lettuce.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Lettuce</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LettvegeNZMCsr</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>222</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lilly-pilly.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lilly-pilly.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lilly-pilly.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lilly-pilly</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LillfruifCKNeP</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>209</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LingNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LingNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/LingNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Ling Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LingfruiPOs3BZ</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>951</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lipote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lipote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lipote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lipote</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LipofruiI31iS6</sku>
+		<price>0.59</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Litchee.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Litchee.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Litchee.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Litchee</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LitcfruisJfOK9</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>818</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Longan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Longan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Longan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Longan</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Longfrui6ixF8v</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>793</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Love-in-a-mist.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Love-in-a-mist.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Love-in-a-mist.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Love-in-a-mist</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LovefruilcsBNu</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>811</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lychee.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lychee.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Lychee.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Lychee</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LychfruieldDU9</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>236</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mabolo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mabolo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mabolo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mabolo</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MabofruibVLleC</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>217</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MacadamiaNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MacadamiaNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MacadamiaNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Macadamia Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MacafruiyHrEoM</sku>
+		<price>0.52</price>
+		<inventory>823</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MadagascarPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MadagascarPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MadagascarPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Madagascar Plum</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MadafruiaqDzeb</sku>
+		<price>1.07</price>
+		<inventory>955</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MagnoliaVine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MagnoliaVine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MagnoliaVine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Magnolia Vine</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MagnfruiJadnKa</sku>
+		<price>0.83</price>
+		<inventory>459</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Malunggay.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Malunggay.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Malunggay.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Malunggay</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MaluvegeRbNIkg</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>496</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mamey.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mamey.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mamey.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mamey</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MamefruikkymzB</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MandarinOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MandarinOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MandarinOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mandarin Orange</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mandfrui733nxo</sku>
+		<price>0.97</price>
+		<inventory>482</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MaranyNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MaranyNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MaranyNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Marany Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MarafruilW5xYx</sku>
+		<price>1.16</price>
+		<inventory>456</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Marula.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Marula.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Marula.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Marula</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MarufruilQ2oyi</sku>
+		<price>0.56</price>
+		<inventory>994</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mayhaw.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mayhaw.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mayhaw.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mayhaw</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mayhfrui7dpAIk</sku>
+		<price>0.96</price>
+		<inventory>956</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeiwaKumquat.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeiwaKumquat.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeiwaKumquat.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Meiwa Kumquat</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Meiwfrui1KTL5T</sku>
+		<price>1.18</price>
+		<inventory>789</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Melons.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Melons.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Melons.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Melons</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MelovegetXmzDX</sku>
+		<price>0.69</price>
+		<inventory>308</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MexicanBarberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MexicanBarberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MexicanBarberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mexican Barberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MexifruiJAFgF0</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeyerLemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeyerLemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MeyerLemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Meyer Lemon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Meyefrui1qB73d</sku>
+		<price>1.14</price>
+		<inventory>870</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Mississippi Honeyberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MissfruiodSHb0</sku>
+		<price>0.72</price>
+		<inventory>728</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MomsKitchen.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MomsKitchen.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MomsKitchen.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>Mom's Kitchen</name>
+	<address>53 Yerman Ct.</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 554 9200</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Maggie Kultgen</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 554 9200 x12</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonkeyPot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonkeyPot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonkeyPot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Monkey Pot</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MonkfruiAAyxHC</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonosPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonosPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MonosPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Monos Plum</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MonofruihInjwH</sku>
+		<price>0.80</price>
+		<inventory>906</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Moosewood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Moosewood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Moosewood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Moosewood</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MoosfruiR8JOnE</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>442</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Blueberry Maple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessKJC1bI</sku>
+		<price>9.94</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Cherry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessecZB9Y</sku>
+		<price>1.80</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Chocolate</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mousdessfvgj3y</sku>
+		<price>6.65</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Chocolate Banana</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessIeIgae</sku>
+		<price>6.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseEggnog.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseEggnog.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseEggnog.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Eggnog</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdesseCIFGP</sku>
+		<price>10.20</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/MousseStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Mousse, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessvBwB2v</sku>
+		<price>4.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Munggo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Munggo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Munggo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Munggo</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mungvegef4UWyu</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>322</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mushroom.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mushroom.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Mushroom.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Mushroom</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MushvegezTqqNL</sku>
+		<price>0.84</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NatalOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NatalOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NatalOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Natal Orange</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NatafruiJjKpQ2</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>389</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Nectarine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Nectarine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Nectarine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Nectarine</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NectfruihEQpbG</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>460</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NeemTree.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NeemTree.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NeemTree.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Neem Tree</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NeemfruiHaPOBU</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>501</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NewZealandSpinach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NewZealandSpinach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/NewZealandSpinach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>New Zealand Spinach</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>New fruiYfPcLB</sku>
+		<price>1.01</price>
+		<inventory>230</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OffTheVine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OffTheVine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OffTheVine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>Off The Vine</name>
+	<address>133 American Ct.</address>
+	<city>Centennial</city>
+	<state>IA</state>
+	<zipcode>52002</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>563 121 3800</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Bob King</name>
+		<phonenumber>563 121 3800 x54</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Okra.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Okra.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Okra.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Okra</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OkravegeqLe5gq</sku>
+		<price>0.22</price>
+		<inventory>629</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Olosapo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Olosapo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Olosapo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Olosapo</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OlosfruiUTnwwQ</sku>
+		<price>0.96</price>
+		<inventory>258</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Onion.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Onion.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Onion.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Onion</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OniovegeHPHrn5</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>705</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oranges.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oranges.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oranges.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Oranges</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OranfruiS1neHs</sku>
+		<price>0.94</price>
+		<inventory>579</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oregano.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oregano.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Oregano.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Oregano</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OregvegeZigmRn</sku>
+		<price>0.55</price>
+		<inventory>653</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OregonGrape.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OregonGrape.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OregonGrape.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Oregon Grape</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OregfruiSMz7Zo</sku>
+		<price>0.84</price>
+		<inventory>991</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OtaheiteApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OtaheiteApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OtaheiteApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Otaheite Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Otahfrui3zBVS8</sku>
+		<price>1.03</price>
+		<inventory>409</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OysterPlant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OysterPlant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/OysterPlant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Oyster Plant</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OystfruiIUMSue</sku>
+		<price>1.12</price>
+		<inventory>310</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PanamaBerry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PanamaBerry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PanamaBerry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Panama Berry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PanafruipdegT1</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>355</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsley.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsley.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsley.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Parsley</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ParsvegeWZ95MH</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>406</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsnip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsnip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Parsnip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Parsnip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Parsvege4bOvCs</sku>
+		<price>0.14</price>
+		<inventory>606</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Pea</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeavegeZ7bm4I</sku>
+		<price>0.50</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeachTomato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeachTomato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeachTomato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Peach Tomato</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeacfruiC6wSE0</sku>
+		<price>0.64</price>
+		<inventory>223</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Peanut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Peanut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Peanut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Peanut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Peanfruik1po1R</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>430</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeanutButterFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeanutButterFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PeanutButterFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Peanut Butter Fruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeanfruiyYMI1S</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>748</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Pear</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PearfruikheWVo</sku>
+		<price>1.17</price>
+		<inventory>370</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Pecan</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PecafruiOnJ5jp</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>996</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pechay.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pechay.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pechay.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Pechay</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pechvegexth0Ol</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>261</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pepper.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pepper.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pepper.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Pepper</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Peppvegek0yeIW</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>453</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessKiIwHc</sku>
+		<price>2.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBananaCream.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBananaCream.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBananaCream.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Banana Cream</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessiAAH6z</sku>
+		<price>8.57</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessGwZ2Vu</sku>
+		<price>7.13</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCaramel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCaramel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCaramel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Caramel</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessyRqIv4</sku>
+		<price>2.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCranberryApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCranberryApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieCranberryApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Cranberry Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessGEaIgP</sku>
+		<price>4.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieKeyLime.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieKeyLime.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieKeyLime.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Key Lime</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,desse4SRsh</sku>
+		<price>8.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieLemonMeringue.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieLemonMeringue.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieLemonMeringue.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Lemon Meringue</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessOAcqgG</sku>
+		<price>6.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Pecan</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dess7BuIvC</sku>
+		<price>6.09</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PiePumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Pumpkin</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessy4cGIG</sku>
+		<price>8.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PieRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Pie, Raspberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessvob7UA</sku>
+		<price>6.75</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PigeonPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PigeonPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PigeonPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Pigeon Pea</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PigevegeWI1cxe</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>118</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Pumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Pumpkin</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PumpvegexZpIgB</sku>
+		<price>0.26</price>
+		<inventory>258</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PurplePassionFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PurplePassionFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/PurplePassionFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Purple Passion Fruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PurpfruiYalfC4</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>406</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Radish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Radish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Radish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Radish</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RadivegexN58YT</sku>
+		<price>0.46</price>
+		<inventory>523</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedMulberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedMulberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedMulberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Red Mulberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Red fruiPK4uaO</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>997</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedPrincess.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedPrincess.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/RedPrincess.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Red Princess</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Red fruiIVQZGr</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>825</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rhubarb.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rhubarb.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rhubarb.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Rhubarb</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RhubvegebbpAMx</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>780</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rosemary.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rosemary.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rosemary.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Rosemary</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RosevegePe5fnu</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>456</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rutabaga.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rutabaga.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Rutabaga.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Rutabaga</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Rutavege1iTmT3</sku>
+		<price>0.78</price>
+		<inventory>670</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Salsify.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Salsify.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Salsify.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Salsify</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SalsvegezTMKFn</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>198</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Savory.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Savory.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Savory.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Savory</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SavovegelyMxqG</sku>
+		<price>0.51</price>
+		<inventory>148</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sesame.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sesame.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sesame.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Sesame</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SesavegePcxaVB</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>526</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Shallots.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Shallots.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Shallots.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Shallots</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ShalvegeR4wXM8</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>422</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdess5v7VnO</sku>
+		<price>10.37</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Cantaloupe</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdess1QNGwS</sku>
+		<price>12.90</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Lemon Milk</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessRkSNCD</sku>
+		<price>10.00</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Orange Crush</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessDj4w6C</sku>
+		<price>13.28</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Raspberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessZujJiX</sku>
+		<price>9.64</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SherbetStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sherbet, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdessfq2VxP</sku>
+		<price>5.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sigarilyas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sigarilyas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sigarilyas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Sigarilyas</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sigavegey1Z0Ao</sku>
+		<price>0.86</price>
+		<inventory>239</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SimplyFresh.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SimplyFresh.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SimplyFresh.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>Simply Fresh</name>
+	<address>15612 Bogart Lane</address>
+	<city>Harrigan</city>
+	<state>WI</state>
+	<zipcode>53704</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>420 333 3912</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Cheryl Swedberg</name>
+		<phonenumber>420 333 3952</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sitaw.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sitaw.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Sitaw.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Sitaw</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SitavegeOirn0Y</sku>
+		<price>0.12</price>
+		<inventory>242</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Snakegourd.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Snakegourd.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Snakegourd.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Snake gourd</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SnakvegeLBw6Pe</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>141</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SorbetBlackberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SorbetBlackberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SorbetBlackberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Sorbet, Blackberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SorbdessmIz61F</sku>
+		<price>6.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Soybean.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Soybean.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Soybean.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Soybean</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Soybvegeo6Y0xM</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>402</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SpaghettiSquash.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SpaghettiSquash.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SpaghettiSquash.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Spaghetti Squash</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SpagvegerWT2PX</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>131</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Spinach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Spinach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Spinach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Spinach</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Spinvegeuf7fjF</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>754</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/StripedScrewPine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/StripedScrewPine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/StripedScrewPine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Striped Screw Pine</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>StrifruiDsDSpe</sku>
+		<price>0.27</price>
+		<inventory>995</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SugarSnapPeas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SugarSnapPeas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SugarSnapPeas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Sugar Snap Peas</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SugavegeLXWV5f</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>271</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SweetPotato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SweetPotato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SweetPotato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Sweet Potato</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SweevegeLsUOb0</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SwissChard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SwissChard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/SwissChard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Swiss Chard</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SwisvegegiXI5Z</sku>
+		<price>0.12</price>
+		<inventory>652</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Talong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Talong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Talong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Talong</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TalovegeztTCbL</sku>
+		<price>0.73</price>
+		<inventory>673</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tapioca.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tapioca.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tapioca.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Tapioca</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tapifrui5iHvqb</sku>
+		<price>0.23</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Taro.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Taro.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Taro.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Taro</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TarovegeBOU2SI</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>790</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tarragon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tarragon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tarragon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Tarragon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TarrvegeP2T08v</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>702</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartAlmond.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartAlmond.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartAlmond.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Almond</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdess68Asbi</sku>
+		<price>8.07</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessElOvUd</sku>
+		<price>9.23</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Blueberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdess66sDhK</sku>
+		<price>2.59</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Chocolate-Pear</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessnCQpZW</sku>
+		<price>12.61</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartLemonFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartLemonFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartLemonFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Lemon Fudge</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessZgb49I</sku>
+		<price>7.64</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Pear</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessGL0MJa</sku>
+		<price>10.12</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Pecan</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessERmTcE</sku>
+		<price>5.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPineapple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPineapple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartPineapple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Pineapple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessoVbd58</sku>
+		<price>2.50</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Raspberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdessq9r0yV</sku>
+		<price>3.15</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TartStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Tart, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdesskV1Fz9</sku>
+		<price>5.65</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tavola.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tavola.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tavola.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Tavola</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TavofruiErdaiz</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>224</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Tea</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TeafruiJXAldJ</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TheBakingPan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TheBakingPan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TheBakingPan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>The Baking Pan</name>
+	<address>1415 53rd Ave.</address>
+	<city>Dutchin</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>56304</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>320 442 2277</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Mike Roan</name>
+		<phonenumber>320 442 6879</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ThePantry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ThePantry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ThePantry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>The Pantry</name>
+	<address>1206 N. Creek Way</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 555 3391</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Sully Beckstrom</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 555 3391</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Thyme.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Thyme.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Thyme.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Thyme</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ThymvegeYgFjLn</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>389</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Toge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Toge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Toge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Toge</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TogevegeQsCXn3</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>75</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tomato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tomato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Tomato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Tomato</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tomavegek4wa4y</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>733</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriCountyProduce.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriCountyProduce.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriCountyProduce.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>TriCounty Produce</name>
+	<address>309 S. Main Street</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 555 5761</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Mort Dufresne</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 555 5765</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleAmerican.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleAmerican.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleAmerican.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, American</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessFqzVa5</sku>
+		<price>9.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleBerry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleBerry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleBerry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Berry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessJyZBmK</sku>
+		<price>3.86</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleEnglish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleEnglish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleEnglish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, English</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Trifdessp5unds</sku>
+		<price>7.18</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Orange</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessG9Dwhn</sku>
+		<price>1.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriflePumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriflePumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TriflePumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Pumpkin</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessEWyC5w</sku>
+		<price>2.06</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Scotch Whiskey</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Trifdessai35Iq</sku>
+		<price>2.38</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScottish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScottish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleScottish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Scottish</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessFrzSgK</sku>
+		<price>12.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleSherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleSherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleSherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Sherry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessLA3jde</sku>
+		<price>7.17</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/TrifleStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<desserts:item xmlns:desserts="http://groceryItem.dbxml/desserts">
+	<product>Trifle, Strawberry</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessqOTRk2</sku>
+		<price>1.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Turnip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Turnip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Turnip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Turnip</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TurnvegeEpbsjo</sku>
+		<price>0.38</price>
+		<inventory>545</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ube.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ube.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ube.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Ube</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UbevegeD3tbJx</sku>
+		<price>0.30</price>
+		<inventory>269</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/UgliFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/UgliFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/UgliFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Ugli Fruit</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UglifruiH1u9dx</sku>
+		<price>0.72</price>
+		<inventory>840</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Upo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Upo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Upo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Upo</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UpovegebMG82b</sku>
+		<price>0.82</price>
+		<inventory>223</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/VegetableBrain.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/VegetableBrain.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/VegetableBrain.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Vegetable Brain</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>VegefruiLQRO8P</sku>
+		<price>1.10</price>
+		<inventory>673</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Wasabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Wasabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Wasabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Wasabi</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WasavegeWSRW4v</sku>
+		<price>0.14</price>
+		<inventory>178</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watercress.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watercress.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watercress.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Watercress</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Wateveget9r3qz</sku>
+		<price>0.58</price>
+		<inventory>704</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watermelon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watermelon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Watermelon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Watermelon</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WatevegexeUwhi</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>327</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WhiteWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WhiteWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WhiteWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>White Walnut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WhitfruimCdlI4</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>628</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WoodApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WoodApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/WoodApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Wood Apple</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WoodfruiufY37V</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>719</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Yam.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Yam.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Yam.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vegetables:item xmlns:vegetables="http://groceryItem.dbxml/vegetables">
+	<product>Yam</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Yamvege3z5vEc</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>726</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowHorn.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowHorn.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowHorn.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Yellow Horn</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>YellfruiVK8SXU</sku>
+		<price>0.79</price>
+		<inventory>859</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowSapote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowSapote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/YellowSapote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Yellow Sapote</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Yellfruij1PKvI</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>355</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ylang-ylang.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ylang-ylang.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/Ylang-ylang.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Ylang-ylang</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ylanfruiz8GCDc</sku>
+		<price>0.45</price>
+		<inventory>648</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZapoteBlanco.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZapoteBlanco.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZapoteBlanco.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Zapote Blanco</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Zapofruiuhly1y</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>559</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZuluNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZuluNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/nsData/ZuluNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<fruits:item xmlns:fruits="http://groceryItem.dbxml/fruits">
+	<product>Zulu Nut</product>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ZulufruiqSBlzV</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>371</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Allspice.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Allspice.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Allspice.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Allspice</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AllsfruiaOMb1f</sku>
+		<price>0.48</price>
+		<inventory>634</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Almonds.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Almonds.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Almonds.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Almonds</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AlmofruiIV75Lm</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>915</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Alogbati.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Alogbati.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Alogbati.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Alogbati</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AlogvegeO5Uc2t</sku>
+		<price>0.49</price>
+		<inventory>111</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ampalaya.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ampalaya.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ampalaya.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Ampalaya</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AmpavegeRJcUWR</sku>
+		<price>0.27</price>
+		<inventory>520</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/AppleFritters.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/AppleFritters.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/AppleFritters.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Apple Fritters</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AppldessjwdHiy</sku>
+		<price>10.53</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apples.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apples.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apples.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Apples</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Applfrui1q6lpq</sku>
+		<price>1.10</price>
+		<inventory>535</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apricot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apricot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Apricot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Apricot</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AprifruipF3Dxy</sku>
+		<price>0.93</price>
+		<inventory>667</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Artichoke.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Artichoke.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Artichoke.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Artichoke</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ArtivegehOROjP</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>306</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Asparagus.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Asparagus.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Asparagus.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Asparagus</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AspavegeF7vz10</sku>
+		<price>0.78</price>
+		<inventory>542</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Avocado.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Avocado.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Avocado.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Avocado</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>AvocfruijfHs18</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>393</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BaelFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BaelFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BaelFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Bael Fruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Baelfruidt2IAv</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>686</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananaSplit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananaSplit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananaSplit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Banana Split</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Banadess3nz4Zv</sku>
+		<price>10.43</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bananas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bananas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bananas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Bananas</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Banafruiqud6Kq</sku>
+		<price>0.55</price>
+		<inventory>220</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananasFlambe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananasFlambe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BananasFlambe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Bananas Flambe</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BanadessbeEkp9</sku>
+		<price>11.06</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Basil.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Basil.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Basil.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Basil</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BasivegeGgPKGz</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>604</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bean.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bean.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Bean.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Bean</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BeanvegeVR6kcB</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>458</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Beet.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Beet.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Beet.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Beet</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BeetvegetPgUXE</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>434</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BetelNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BetelNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BetelNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Betel Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BetefruinvFhky</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>237</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Black Walnut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Blacfrui5V2xwJ</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>369</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackeyedPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackeyedPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlackeyedPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Blackeyed Pea</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Blacvege3eFpEO</sku>
+		<price>0.13</price>
+		<inventory>544</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Blueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Blueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Blueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BluefruiOj31yN</sku>
+		<price>0.64</price>
+		<inventory>584</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BlueberryBoyBait.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Blueberry Boy Bait</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BluedesslzHy8h</sku>
+		<price>6.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Boysenberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Boysenberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Boysenberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Boysenberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Boysfrui55o29v</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>377</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Breadnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Breadnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Breadnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Breadnut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Breafrui3dyy35</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>441</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Brownies.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Brownies.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Brownies.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessBpR5RG</sku>
+		<price>10.50</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesAlmondMacaroon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Almond Macaroon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessPuKCxI</sku>
+		<price>5.53</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdesswsBJO1</sku>
+		<price>12.30</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesButterscotch.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Butterscotch</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessAGeerO</sku>
+		<price>2.93</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCaramel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCaramel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCaramel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Caramel</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessvsTzh0</sku>
+		<price>3.38</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Cherry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdesskOVKGT</sku>
+		<price>6.16</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Chocolate Chip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessdcI0wC</sku>
+		<price>10.78</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCoconut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCoconut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCoconut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Coconut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessmLVh8v</sku>
+		<price>5.92</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesCreamCheese.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Cream Cheese</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessCFRDXL</sku>
+		<price>7.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Fudge</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessLIsx3U</sku>
+		<price>10.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesFudgeMint.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Fudge Mint</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessGWbu56</sku>
+		<price>12.93</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesMintChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesMintChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/BrowniesMintChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Brownies, Mint Chip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BrowdessinO6CC</sku>
+		<price>12.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Burdock.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Burdock.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Burdock.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Burdock</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>BurdvegeHGWWHz</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>783</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cabbage.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cabbage.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cabbage.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Cabbage</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cabbvege96f3Rn</sku>
+		<price>0.44</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cactus.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cactus.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cactus.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Cactus</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cactfrui8zsN3N</sku>
+		<price>1.01</price>
+		<inventory>903</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeAngelFood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeAngelFood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeAngelFood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Angel Food</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessuBvJaW</sku>
+		<price>6.70</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeCarrot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeCarrot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeCarrot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Carrot</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedesstRFU2b</sku>
+		<price>6.11</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Chocolate</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessMVOiHG</sku>
+		<price>2.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDevilsFood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDevilsFood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDevilsFood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Devil's Food</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessUA1rca</sku>
+		<price>5.04</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeDouble-Lemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Double-Lemon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cakedessc6ognL</sku>
+		<price>12.33</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFig.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFig.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFig.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Fig</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessPbVdzo</sku>
+		<price>10.20</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFrenchApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFrenchApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeFrenchApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, French Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cakedess9ZvkiX</sku>
+		<price>9.70</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeLemonBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Lemon Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessiaysiE</sku>
+		<price>12.52</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeMaple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeMaple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeMaple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Maple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessFmha3b</sku>
+		<price>2.09</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeTripleFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeTripleFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeTripleFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake Triple Fudge</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessvLz1dH</sku>
+		<price>11.54</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CakeWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cake, Walnut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CakedessaVKoKc</sku>
+		<price>12.33</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CaliforniaWildGrape.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>California Wild Grape</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CalifruixCG8zJ</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>988</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CandiedCranberries.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CandiedCranberries.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CandiedCranberries.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Candied Cranberries</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CanddessPdDV9T</sku>
+		<price>8.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cantaloupe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cantaloupe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cantaloupe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Cantaloupe</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CantvegeNk3cQG</sku>
+		<price>0.18</price>
+		<inventory>58</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carraway.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carraway.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carraway.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Carraway</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CarrvegeIh2HPv</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>601</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carrot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carrot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Carrot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Carrot</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CarrvegexSGh7E</sku>
+		<price>0.35</price>
+		<inventory>73</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cashew.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cashew.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cashew.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Cashew</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CashfruiNJ9vAP</sku>
+		<price>0.30</price>
+		<inventory>264</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cauliflower.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cauliflower.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cauliflower.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Cauliflower</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CaulvegePfl6zf</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>51</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celeriac.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celeriac.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celeriac.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Celeriac</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CelevegexfLdDj</sku>
+		<price>0.69</price>
+		<inventory>500</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celery.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celery.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Celery.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Celery</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CelevegeQG00RH</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>471</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chayote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chayote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chayote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chayote</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChayvegeiEinZK</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>120</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAmaretto.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Amaretto</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessBVbMZV</sku>
+		<price>4.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessE093On</sku>
+		<price>9.31</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApricot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApricot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeApricot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Apricot</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedess1Ysidx</sku>
+		<price>12.63</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeArkansas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Arkansas</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedess4TzJwt</sku>
+		<price>7.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeAustralian.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Australian</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessDMxvcw</sku>
+		<price>6.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedessy7mpe4</sku>
+		<price>9.96</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Cherry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessvJTT39</sku>
+		<price>9.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeCran-Raspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Cran-Raspberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cheedessyfik2i</sku>
+		<price>7.27</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeGermanChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, German Chocolate </item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessnldRuy</sku>
+		<price>8.26</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CheesecakeTurtle.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cheesecake, Turtle</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CheedessRUTSZJ</sku>
+		<price>1.91</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chervil.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chervil.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chervil.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chervil</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChervegebmHab5</sku>
+		<price>0.40</price>
+		<inventory>454</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChicoSapote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChicoSapote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChicoSapote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Chico Sapote</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Chicfrui8bTpc8</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>344</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chicory.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chicory.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Chicory.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chicory</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChicvegeIIPxZy</sku>
+		<price>0.57</price>
+		<inventory>67</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChinesKale.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChinesKale.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChinesKale.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chines Kale</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegekjfGUh</sku>
+		<price>0.40</price>
+		<inventory>307</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseBeans.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseBeans.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseBeans.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chinese Beans</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegefBkbCJ</sku>
+		<price>0.38</price>
+		<inventory>365</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseCabbage.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseCabbage.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseCabbage.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chinese Cabbage</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegejShNp9</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>266</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseJello.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseJello.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseJello.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Chinese Jello</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinfruifeluyN</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>734</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseMustard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseMustard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseMustard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chinese Mustard</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ChinvegeqTvDVr</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>617</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseRadish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseRadish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ChineseRadish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Chinese Radish</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Chinvege9lyhLz</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>535</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cilantro.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cilantro.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cilantro.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Cilantro</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CilavegeOqQYZx</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBerry-Pecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Berry-Pecan</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessUUs5PC</sku>
+		<price>8.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessv7qv7G</sku>
+		<price>10.85</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Cherry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessqFfOrC</sku>
+		<price>5.12</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerHuckleberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Huckleberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessHpGwFF</sku>
+		<price>2.81</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerPeach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerPeach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerPeach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Peach</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessfh2qPH</sku>
+		<price>12.56</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerRhubarb.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerRhubarb.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerRhubarb.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Rhubarb</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessCdGK5v</sku>
+		<price>8.51</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cobbdessh51gal</sku>
+		<price>5.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerZucchini.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerZucchini.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CobblerZucchini.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cobbler, Zucchini</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CobbdessUJVOpy</sku>
+		<price>8.96</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Collard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Collard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Collard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Collard</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CollvegeRSdulE</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>711</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CommonGuava.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CommonGuava.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CommonGuava.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Common Guava</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Commfruiibl5l3</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>850</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cookies, Chocolate Chip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessZLYicD</sku>
+		<price>5.91</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesOatmeal.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesOatmeal.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesOatmeal.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cookies, Oatmeal</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessWDT0ke</sku>
+		<price>8.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/CookiesPeanutButter.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Cookies, Peanut Butter</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CookdessG0hkuf</sku>
+		<price>11.83</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Coriander.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Coriander.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Coriander.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Coriander</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CorivegetBIX5u</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>733</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Corn.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Corn.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Corn.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Corn</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CornvegelH9nyu</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>349</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Crabapple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Crabapple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Crabapple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Crabapple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CrabfruicNFnrD</sku>
+		<price>1.14</price>
+		<inventory>756</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cranberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cranberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cranberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Cranberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>CranfruiYXFVDH</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>750</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cucumber.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cucumber.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Cucumber.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Cucumber</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Cucuvege95s7Ls</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>176</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dahonngsili.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dahonngsili.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dahonngsili.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Dahon ng sili</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Dahovegebj7IyW</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>243</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaikonRadish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaikonRadish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaikonRadish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Daikon Radish</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DaikvegeRUg0ge</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>437</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DaiquiriSouffle.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Daiquiri Souffle</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DaiqdesseOPb6A</sku>
+		<price>1.54</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DamsonPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DamsonPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DamsonPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Damson Plum</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Damsfrui4N0fGo</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>220</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dandelion.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dandelion.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Dandelion.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Dandelion</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DandvegeDRGpAu</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>449</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DatePalm.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DatePalm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DatePalm.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Date Palm</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DatefruiALjLwO</sku>
+		<price>0.31</price>
+		<inventory>662</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DragonsEye.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DragonsEye.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/DragonsEye.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Dragon's Eye</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>DragfruiLGbUeL</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>683</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EastIndianWinePalm.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>East Indian Wine Palm</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EastfruiKWfZWm</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>339</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Edamame.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Edamame.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Edamame.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Edamame</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EdamvegeXzF1QX</sku>
+		<price>0.20</price>
+		<inventory>247</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Eggplant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Eggplant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Eggplant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Eggplant</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EggpvegePcgHnf</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>333</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>English Pea</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EnglvegeA6VhzP</sku>
+		<price>0.10</price>
+		<inventory>553</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/EnglishWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>English Walnut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>EnglfruiHcYAoJ</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>516</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FalseMangosteen.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FalseMangosteen.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FalseMangosteen.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>False Mangosteen</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FalsfruioH5Lfh</sku>
+		<price>1.08</price>
+		<inventory>749</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Fennel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Fennel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Fennel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Fennel</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FennvegebbcEg2</sku>
+		<price>0.79</price>
+		<inventory>762</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FriedEggTree.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FriedEggTree.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FriedEggTree.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Fried Egg Tree</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FriefruieNwMiy</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>990</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FudgeBar.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FudgeBar.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/FudgeBar.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Fudge Bar</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>FudgdessPxaT0k</sku>
+		<price>3.68</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Gabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Gabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Gabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Gabi</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GabivegeLQnqIU</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>737</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Garlic.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Garlic.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Garlic.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Garlic</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GarlvegejD7cik</sku>
+		<price>0.81</price>
+		<inventory>772</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Genipap.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Genipap.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Genipap.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Genipap</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GenifruitLUdbI</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>776</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ginger.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ginger.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ginger.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Ginger</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GingvegemZxAI3</sku>
+		<price>0.22</price>
+		<inventory>127</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Grapefruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Grapefruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Grapefruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Grapefruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>GrapfruiYUJLzF</sku>
+		<price>1.15</price>
+		<inventory>920</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hackberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hackberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hackberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Hackberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Hackfruio8KfDS</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>783</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hairymelon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hairymelon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Hairymelon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Hairy melon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HairvegeAkkbn2</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>51</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/HoneyLocust.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/HoneyLocust.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/HoneyLocust.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Honey Locust</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HonefruiuSWTE5</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>878</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Horseradish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Horseradish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Horseradish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Horseradish</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>HorsvegeNgoCrS</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>494</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream, Chocolate</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessmBfWzo</sku>
+		<price>2.30</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamMintChocolateChip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice desswW5iia</sku>
+		<price>10.90</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamRockyRoad.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream, Rocky Road</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessuqGmg8</sku>
+		<price>11.42</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessHjRUux</sku>
+		<price>7.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamSundae.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamSundae.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamSundae.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream Sundae</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice desssESdvK</sku>
+		<price>4.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamVanilla.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamVanilla.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IceCreamVanilla.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Ice Cream, Vanilla</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ice dessHIGLnv</sku>
+		<price>2.44</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IrishPotato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IrishPotato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/IrishPotato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Irish Potato</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Irisvege6kyF1A</sku>
+		<price>0.16</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapaneseEggplant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapaneseEggplant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapaneseEggplant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Japanese Eggplant</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Japavegequh409</sku>
+		<price>0.13</price>
+		<inventory>720</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapanesePlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapanesePlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JapanesePlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Japanese Plum</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Japafrui3YNO02</sku>
+		<price>1.02</price>
+		<inventory>966</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/JerusalemArtichoke.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Jerusalem Artichoke</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Jeruvege4aIr6N</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>458</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jicama.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jicama.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jicama.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Jicama</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>JicavegeBuufWy</sku>
+		<price>0.82</price>
+		<inventory>791</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jojoba.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jojoba.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jojoba.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Jojoba</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>JojofruielNr3Y</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>932</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jostaberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jostaberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Jostaberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Jostaberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Jostfruipazp1Y</sku>
+		<price>0.89</price>
+		<inventory>599</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kabute.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kabute.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kabute.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kabute</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KabuvegegAU65H</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>564</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kale.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kale.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kale.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kale</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KalevegeKH6KN0</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>672</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kamote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kamote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kamote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kamote</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kamovege5kyufA</sku>
+		<price>0.60</price>
+		<inventory>724</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KamotengKahoy.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KamotengKahoy.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KamotengKahoy.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kamoteng Kahoy</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KamovegerRAOID</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>129</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KangarooApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KangarooApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KangarooApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Kangaroo Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kangfruiok45RV</sku>
+		<price>1.16</price>
+		<inventory>732</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kangkong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kangkong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kangkong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kangkong</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KangvegenVQXPN</sku>
+		<price>0.52</price>
+		<inventory>417</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KensRed.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KensRed.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KensRed.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Ken's Red</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ken'fruii8KBW7</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>963</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ketembilla.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ketembilla.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ketembilla.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Ketembilla</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KetefruiP9X1ci</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>989</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KingOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KingOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KingOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>King Orange</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KingfruiOGci7K</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>849</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kiwifruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kiwifruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kiwifruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kiwifruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kiwivegek6wauH</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>468</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kohlrabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kohlrabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kohlrabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Kohlrabi</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Kohlvege1BTa94</sku>
+		<price>0.17</price>
+		<inventory>684</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KolaNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KolaNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KolaNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Kola Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KolafruiQWF0tt</sku>
+		<price>1.05</price>
+		<inventory>517</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kuko.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kuko.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kuko.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Kuko</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KukofruiMPIhw8</sku>
+		<price>0.26</price>
+		<inventory>494</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kumquat.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kumquat.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Kumquat.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Kumquat</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KumqfruiMtFpmT</sku>
+		<price>0.86</price>
+		<inventory>691</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KwaiMuk.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KwaiMuk.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/KwaiMuk.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Kwai Muk</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>KwaifruisNnfTf</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>883</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labanos.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labanos.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labanos.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Labanos</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Labavege6gWGen</sku>
+		<price>0.23</price>
+		<inventory>578</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Labong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Labong</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LabovegenRDdCB</sku>
+		<price>0.18</price>
+		<inventory>354</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lanzone.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lanzone.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lanzone.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lanzone</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Lanzfruidntms8</sku>
+		<price>0.54</price>
+		<inventory>631</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Leek.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Leek.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Leek.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Leek</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LeekvegeQiXMR1</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>731</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lemon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LemofruimR3sG9</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>545</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LemonGrass.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LemonGrass.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LemonGrass.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lemon Grass</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Lemofruixc1i44</sku>
+		<price>0.47</price>
+		<inventory>228</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lettuce.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lettuce.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lettuce.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Lettuce</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LettvegeNZMCsr</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>222</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lilly-pilly.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lilly-pilly.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lilly-pilly.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lilly-pilly</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LillfruifCKNeP</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>209</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LingNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LingNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/LingNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Ling Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LingfruiPOs3BZ</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>951</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lipote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lipote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lipote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lipote</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LipofruiI31iS6</sku>
+		<price>0.59</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Litchee.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Litchee.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Litchee.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Litchee</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LitcfruisJfOK9</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>818</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Longan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Longan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Longan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Longan</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Longfrui6ixF8v</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>793</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Love-in-a-mist.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Love-in-a-mist.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Love-in-a-mist.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Love-in-a-mist</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LovefruilcsBNu</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>811</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lychee.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lychee.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Lychee.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Lychee</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>LychfruieldDU9</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>236</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mabolo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mabolo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mabolo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mabolo</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MabofruibVLleC</sku>
+		<price>0.71</price>
+		<inventory>217</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MacadamiaNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MacadamiaNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MacadamiaNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Macadamia Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MacafruiyHrEoM</sku>
+		<price>0.52</price>
+		<inventory>823</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MadagascarPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MadagascarPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MadagascarPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Madagascar Plum</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MadafruiaqDzeb</sku>
+		<price>1.07</price>
+		<inventory>955</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MagnoliaVine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MagnoliaVine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MagnoliaVine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Magnolia Vine</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MagnfruiJadnKa</sku>
+		<price>0.83</price>
+		<inventory>459</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Malunggay.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Malunggay.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Malunggay.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Malunggay</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MaluvegeRbNIkg</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>496</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mamey.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mamey.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mamey.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mamey</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MamefruikkymzB</sku>
+		<price>0.68</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MandarinOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MandarinOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MandarinOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mandarin Orange</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mandfrui733nxo</sku>
+		<price>0.97</price>
+		<inventory>482</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MaranyNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MaranyNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MaranyNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Marany Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MarafruilW5xYx</sku>
+		<price>1.16</price>
+		<inventory>456</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Marula.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Marula.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Marula.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Marula</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MarufruilQ2oyi</sku>
+		<price>0.56</price>
+		<inventory>994</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mayhaw.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mayhaw.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mayhaw.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mayhaw</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mayhfrui7dpAIk</sku>
+		<price>0.96</price>
+		<inventory>956</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeiwaKumquat.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeiwaKumquat.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeiwaKumquat.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Meiwa Kumquat</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Meiwfrui1KTL5T</sku>
+		<price>1.18</price>
+		<inventory>789</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Melons.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Melons.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Melons.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Melons</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MelovegetXmzDX</sku>
+		<price>0.69</price>
+		<inventory>308</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MexicanBarberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MexicanBarberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MexicanBarberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mexican Barberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MexifruiJAFgF0</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeyerLemon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeyerLemon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MeyerLemon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Meyer Lemon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Meyefrui1qB73d</sku>
+		<price>1.14</price>
+		<inventory>870</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MississippiHoneyberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Mississippi Honeyberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MissfruiodSHb0</sku>
+		<price>0.72</price>
+		<inventory>728</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MomsKitchen.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MomsKitchen.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MomsKitchen.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>Mom's Kitchen</name>
+	<address>53 Yerman Ct.</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 554 9200</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Maggie Kultgen</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 554 9200 x12</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonkeyPot.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonkeyPot.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonkeyPot.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Monkey Pot</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MonkfruiAAyxHC</sku>
+		<price>0.43</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonosPlum.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonosPlum.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MonosPlum.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Monos Plum</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MonofruihInjwH</sku>
+		<price>0.80</price>
+		<inventory>906</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Moosewood.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Moosewood.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Moosewood.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Moosewood</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MoosfruiR8JOnE</sku>
+		<price>0.76</price>
+		<inventory>442</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseBlueberryMaple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Blueberry Maple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessKJC1bI</sku>
+		<price>9.94</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseCherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseCherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseCherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Cherry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessecZB9Y</sku>
+		<price>1.80</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolate.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolate.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolate.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Chocolate</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mousdessfvgj3y</sku>
+		<price>6.65</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseChocolateBanana.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Chocolate Banana</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessIeIgae</sku>
+		<price>6.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseEggnog.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseEggnog.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseEggnog.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Eggnog</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdesseCIFGP</sku>
+		<price>10.20</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/MousseStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Mousse, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MousdessvBwB2v</sku>
+		<price>4.41</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Munggo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Munggo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Munggo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Munggo</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Mungvegef4UWyu</sku>
+		<price>0.70</price>
+		<inventory>322</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mushroom.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mushroom.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Mushroom.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Mushroom</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>MushvegezTqqNL</sku>
+		<price>0.84</price>
+		<inventory>530</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NatalOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NatalOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NatalOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Natal Orange</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NatafruiJjKpQ2</sku>
+		<price>0.85</price>
+		<inventory>389</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Nectarine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Nectarine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Nectarine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Nectarine</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NectfruihEQpbG</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>460</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NeemTree.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NeemTree.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NeemTree.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Neem Tree</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>NeemfruiHaPOBU</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>501</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NewZealandSpinach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NewZealandSpinach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/NewZealandSpinach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>New Zealand Spinach</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>New fruiYfPcLB</sku>
+		<price>1.01</price>
+		<inventory>230</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OffTheVine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OffTheVine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OffTheVine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>Off The Vine</name>
+	<address>133 American Ct.</address>
+	<city>Centennial</city>
+	<state>IA</state>
+	<zipcode>52002</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>563 121 3800</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Bob King</name>
+		<phonenumber>563 121 3800 x54</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Okra.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Okra.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Okra.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Okra</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OkravegeqLe5gq</sku>
+		<price>0.22</price>
+		<inventory>629</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Olosapo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Olosapo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Olosapo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Olosapo</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OlosfruiUTnwwQ</sku>
+		<price>0.96</price>
+		<inventory>258</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Onion.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Onion.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Onion.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Onion</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OniovegeHPHrn5</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>705</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oranges.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oranges.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oranges.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Oranges</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OranfruiS1neHs</sku>
+		<price>0.94</price>
+		<inventory>579</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oregano.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oregano.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Oregano.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Oregano</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OregvegeZigmRn</sku>
+		<price>0.55</price>
+		<inventory>653</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OregonGrape.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OregonGrape.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OregonGrape.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Oregon Grape</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OregfruiSMz7Zo</sku>
+		<price>0.84</price>
+		<inventory>991</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OtaheiteApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OtaheiteApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OtaheiteApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Otaheite Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Otahfrui3zBVS8</sku>
+		<price>1.03</price>
+		<inventory>409</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OysterPlant.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OysterPlant.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/OysterPlant.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Oyster Plant</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>OystfruiIUMSue</sku>
+		<price>1.12</price>
+		<inventory>310</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PanamaBerry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PanamaBerry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PanamaBerry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Panama Berry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PanafruipdegT1</sku>
+		<price>0.36</price>
+		<inventory>355</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsley.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsley.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsley.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Parsley</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ParsvegeWZ95MH</sku>
+		<price>0.33</price>
+		<inventory>406</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsnip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsnip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Parsnip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Parsnip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Parsvege4bOvCs</sku>
+		<price>0.14</price>
+		<inventory>606</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Pea</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeavegeZ7bm4I</sku>
+		<price>0.50</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeachTomato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeachTomato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeachTomato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Peach Tomato</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeacfruiC6wSE0</sku>
+		<price>0.64</price>
+		<inventory>223</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Peanut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Peanut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Peanut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Peanut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Peanfruik1po1R</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>430</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeanutButterFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeanutButterFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PeanutButterFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Peanut Butter Fruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PeanfruiyYMI1S</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>748</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Pear</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PearfruikheWVo</sku>
+		<price>1.17</price>
+		<inventory>370</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Pecan</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PecafruiOnJ5jp</sku>
+		<price>0.95</price>
+		<inventory>996</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pechay.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pechay.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pechay.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Pechay</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pechvegexth0Ol</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>261</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pepper.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pepper.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pepper.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Pepper</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Peppvegek0yeIW</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>453</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessKiIwHc</sku>
+		<price>2.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBananaCream.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBananaCream.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBananaCream.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Banana Cream</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessiAAH6z</sku>
+		<price>8.57</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessGwZ2Vu</sku>
+		<price>7.13</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCaramel.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCaramel.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCaramel.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Caramel</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessyRqIv4</sku>
+		<price>2.49</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCranberryApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCranberryApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieCranberryApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Cranberry Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessGEaIgP</sku>
+		<price>4.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieKeyLime.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieKeyLime.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieKeyLime.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Key Lime</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,desse4SRsh</sku>
+		<price>8.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieLemonMeringue.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieLemonMeringue.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieLemonMeringue.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Lemon Meringue</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessOAcqgG</sku>
+		<price>6.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Pecan</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dess7BuIvC</sku>
+		<price>6.09</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PiePumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Pumpkin</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessy4cGIG</sku>
+		<price>8.87</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PieRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Pie, Raspberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Pie,dessvob7UA</sku>
+		<price>6.75</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PigeonPea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PigeonPea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PigeonPea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Pigeon Pea</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PigevegeWI1cxe</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>118</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Pumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Pumpkin</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PumpvegexZpIgB</sku>
+		<price>0.26</price>
+		<inventory>258</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PurplePassionFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PurplePassionFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/PurplePassionFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Purple Passion Fruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>PurpfruiYalfC4</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>406</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Radish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Radish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Radish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Radish</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RadivegexN58YT</sku>
+		<price>0.46</price>
+		<inventory>523</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedMulberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedMulberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedMulberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Red Mulberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Red fruiPK4uaO</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>997</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedPrincess.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedPrincess.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/RedPrincess.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Red Princess</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Red fruiIVQZGr</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>825</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rhubarb.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rhubarb.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rhubarb.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Rhubarb</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RhubvegebbpAMx</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>780</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rosemary.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rosemary.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rosemary.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Rosemary</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>RosevegePe5fnu</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>456</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rutabaga.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rutabaga.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Rutabaga.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Rutabaga</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Rutavege1iTmT3</sku>
+		<price>0.78</price>
+		<inventory>670</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Salsify.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Salsify.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Salsify.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Salsify</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SalsvegezTMKFn</sku>
+		<price>0.29</price>
+		<inventory>198</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Savory.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Savory.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Savory.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Savory</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SavovegelyMxqG</sku>
+		<price>0.51</price>
+		<inventory>148</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sesame.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sesame.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sesame.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Sesame</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SesavegePcxaVB</sku>
+		<price>0.74</price>
+		<inventory>526</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Shallots.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Shallots.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Shallots.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Shallots</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ShalvegeR4wXM8</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>422</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdess5v7VnO</sku>
+		<price>10.37</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetCantaloupe.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Cantaloupe</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdess1QNGwS</sku>
+		<price>12.90</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetLemonMilk.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Lemon Milk</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessRkSNCD</sku>
+		<price>10.00</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetOrangeCrush.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Orange Crush</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessDj4w6C</sku>
+		<price>13.28</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Raspberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SherdessZujJiX</sku>
+		<price>9.64</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SherbetStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sherbet, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sherdessfq2VxP</sku>
+		<price>5.72</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sigarilyas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sigarilyas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sigarilyas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Sigarilyas</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Sigavegey1Z0Ao</sku>
+		<price>0.86</price>
+		<inventory>239</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SimplyFresh.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SimplyFresh.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SimplyFresh.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>Simply Fresh</name>
+	<address>15612 Bogart Lane</address>
+	<city>Harrigan</city>
+	<state>WI</state>
+	<zipcode>53704</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>420 333 3912</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Cheryl Swedberg</name>
+		<phonenumber>420 333 3952</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sitaw.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sitaw.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Sitaw.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Sitaw</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SitavegeOirn0Y</sku>
+		<price>0.12</price>
+		<inventory>242</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Snakegourd.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Snakegourd.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Snakegourd.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Snake gourd</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SnakvegeLBw6Pe</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>141</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SorbetBlackberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SorbetBlackberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SorbetBlackberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Sorbet, Blackberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SorbdessmIz61F</sku>
+		<price>6.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Soybean.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Soybean.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Soybean.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Soybean</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Soybvegeo6Y0xM</sku>
+		<price>0.75</price>
+		<inventory>402</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SpaghettiSquash.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SpaghettiSquash.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SpaghettiSquash.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Spaghetti Squash</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SpagvegerWT2PX</sku>
+		<price>0.77</price>
+		<inventory>131</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Spinach.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Spinach.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Spinach.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Spinach</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Spinvegeuf7fjF</sku>
+		<price>0.42</price>
+		<inventory>754</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/StripedScrewPine.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/StripedScrewPine.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/StripedScrewPine.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Striped Screw Pine</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>StrifruiDsDSpe</sku>
+		<price>0.27</price>
+		<inventory>995</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SugarSnapPeas.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SugarSnapPeas.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SugarSnapPeas.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Sugar Snap Peas</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SugavegeLXWV5f</sku>
+		<price>0.63</price>
+		<inventory>271</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SweetPotato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SweetPotato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SweetPotato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Sweet Potato</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SweevegeLsUOb0</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>751</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SwissChard.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SwissChard.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/SwissChard.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Swiss Chard</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>SwisvegegiXI5Z</sku>
+		<price>0.12</price>
+		<inventory>652</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Talong.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Talong.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Talong.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Talong</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TalovegeztTCbL</sku>
+		<price>0.73</price>
+		<inventory>673</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tapioca.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tapioca.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tapioca.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Tapioca</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tapifrui5iHvqb</sku>
+		<price>0.23</price>
+		<inventory>485</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Taro.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Taro.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Taro.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Taro</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TarovegeBOU2SI</sku>
+		<price>0.41</price>
+		<inventory>790</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tarragon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tarragon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tarragon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Tarragon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TarrvegeP2T08v</sku>
+		<price>0.09</price>
+		<inventory>702</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartAlmond.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartAlmond.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartAlmond.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Almond</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdess68Asbi</sku>
+		<price>8.07</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessElOvUd</sku>
+		<price>9.23</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartBlueberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartBlueberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartBlueberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Blueberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdess66sDhK</sku>
+		<price>2.59</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartChocolate-Pear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Chocolate-Pear</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessnCQpZW</sku>
+		<price>12.61</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartLemonFudge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartLemonFudge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartLemonFudge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Lemon Fudge</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessZgb49I</sku>
+		<price>7.64</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPear.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPear.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPear.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Pear</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessGL0MJa</sku>
+		<price>10.12</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPecan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPecan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPecan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Pecan</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessERmTcE</sku>
+		<price>5.05</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPineapple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPineapple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartPineapple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Pineapple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdessoVbd58</sku>
+		<price>2.50</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartRaspberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartRaspberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartRaspberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Raspberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tartdessq9r0yV</sku>
+		<price>3.15</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TartStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Tart, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TartdesskV1Fz9</sku>
+		<price>5.65</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tavola.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tavola.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tavola.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Tavola</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TavofruiErdaiz</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>224</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tea.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tea.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tea.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Tea</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TeafruiJXAldJ</sku>
+		<price>0.90</price>
+		<inventory>338</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TheBakingPan.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TheBakingPan.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TheBakingPan.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>The Baking Pan</name>
+	<address>1415 53rd Ave.</address>
+	<city>Dutchin</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>56304</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>320 442 2277</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Mike Roan</name>
+		<phonenumber>320 442 6879</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ThePantry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ThePantry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ThePantry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="retail">
+	<name>The Pantry</name>
+	<address>1206 N. Creek Way</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 555 3391</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Sully Beckstrom</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 555 3391</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Thyme.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Thyme.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Thyme.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Thyme</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ThymvegeYgFjLn</sku>
+		<price>0.67</price>
+		<inventory>389</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Toge.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Toge.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Toge.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Toge</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TogevegeQsCXn3</sku>
+		<price>0.21</price>
+		<inventory>75</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tomato.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tomato.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Tomato.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Tomato</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Tomavegek4wa4y</sku>
+		<price>0.66</price>
+		<inventory>733</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriCountyProduce.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriCountyProduce.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriCountyProduce.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<vendor type="wholesale">
+	<name>TriCounty Produce</name>
+	<address>309 S. Main Street</address>
+	<city>Middle Town</city>
+	<state>MN</state>
+	<zipcode>55432</zipcode>
+	<phonenumber>763 555 5761</phonenumber>
+	<salesrep>
+		<name>Mort Dufresne</name>
+		<phonenumber>763 555 5765</phonenumber>
+	</salesrep>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleAmerican.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleAmerican.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleAmerican.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, American</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessFqzVa5</sku>
+		<price>9.77</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleBerry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleBerry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleBerry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Berry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessJyZBmK</sku>
+		<price>3.86</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleEnglish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleEnglish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleEnglish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, English</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Trifdessp5unds</sku>
+		<price>7.18</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleOrange.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleOrange.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleOrange.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Orange</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessG9Dwhn</sku>
+		<price>1.45</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriflePumpkin.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriflePumpkin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TriflePumpkin.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Pumpkin</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessEWyC5w</sku>
+		<price>2.06</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScotchWhiskey.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Scotch Whiskey</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Trifdessai35Iq</sku>
+		<price>2.38</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScottish.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScottish.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleScottish.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Scottish</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessFrzSgK</sku>
+		<price>12.69</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleSherry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleSherry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleSherry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Sherry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessLA3jde</sku>
+		<price>7.17</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Mom's Kitchen</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleStrawberry.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleStrawberry.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/TrifleStrawberry.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>desserts</category>
+	<item>Trifle, Strawberry</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TrifdessqOTRk2</sku>
+		<price>1.62</price>
+		<inventory>0</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Baking Pan</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Turnip.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Turnip.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Turnip.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Turnip</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>TurnvegeEpbsjo</sku>
+		<price>0.38</price>
+		<inventory>545</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ube.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ube.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ube.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Ube</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UbevegeD3tbJx</sku>
+		<price>0.30</price>
+		<inventory>269</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/UgliFruit.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/UgliFruit.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/UgliFruit.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Ugli Fruit</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UglifruiH1u9dx</sku>
+		<price>0.72</price>
+		<inventory>840</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Upo.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Upo.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Upo.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Upo</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>UpovegebMG82b</sku>
+		<price>0.82</price>
+		<inventory>223</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/VegetableBrain.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/VegetableBrain.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/VegetableBrain.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Vegetable Brain</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>VegefruiLQRO8P</sku>
+		<price>1.10</price>
+		<inventory>673</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Wasabi.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Wasabi.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Wasabi.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Wasabi</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WasavegeWSRW4v</sku>
+		<price>0.14</price>
+		<inventory>178</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watercress.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watercress.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watercress.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Watercress</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Wateveget9r3qz</sku>
+		<price>0.58</price>
+		<inventory>704</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watermelon.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watermelon.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Watermelon.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Watermelon</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WatevegexeUwhi</sku>
+		<price>0.39</price>
+		<inventory>327</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WhiteWalnut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WhiteWalnut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WhiteWalnut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>White Walnut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WhitfruimCdlI4</sku>
+		<price>0.88</price>
+		<inventory>628</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WoodApple.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WoodApple.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/WoodApple.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Wood Apple</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>WoodfruiufY37V</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>719</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Yam.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Yam.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Yam.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>vegetables</category>
+	<item>Yam</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Yamvege3z5vEc</sku>
+		<price>0.24</price>
+		<inventory>726</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>The Pantry</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowHorn.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowHorn.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowHorn.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Yellow Horn</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>YellfruiVK8SXU</sku>
+		<price>0.79</price>
+		<inventory>859</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>TriCounty Produce</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowSapote.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowSapote.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/YellowSapote.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Yellow Sapote</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Yellfruij1PKvI</sku>
+		<price>0.34</price>
+		<inventory>355</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ylang-ylang.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ylang-ylang.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/Ylang-ylang.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Ylang-ylang</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Ylanfruiz8GCDc</sku>
+		<price>0.45</price>
+		<inventory>648</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZapoteBlanco.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZapoteBlanco.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZapoteBlanco.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Zapote Blanco</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>Zapofruiuhly1y</sku>
+		<price>0.25</price>
+		<inventory>559</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Off the Vine</vendor>

Added: sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZuluNut.xml
--- sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZuluNut.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jng/diet_vs2015/Oem/dbxml/dbxml/examples/xmlData/simpleData/ZuluNut.xml	2015-10-29 16:00:46 UTC (rev 8804)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+	<category>fruits</category>
+	<item>Zulu Nut</item>
+	<inventory>
+		<sku>ZulufruiqSBlzV</sku>
+		<price>0.53</price>
+		<inventory>371</inventory>
+	</inventory>
+	<vendor>Simply Fresh</vendor>

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