[mapguide-internals] Meeting this week?

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Wed Aug 8 12:10:19 EDT 2007

Jason Birch wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Frank's current changes are in the 3.2.x branch of the FDO repository:
> http://svn.osgeo.org/fdogdal/branches/3.2.x/Providers/GDAL/
> And there is a required change in the GDAL13 tree:
> http://svn.osgeo.org/fdocore/branches/3.2.x/Thirdparty/GDAL1.3/
> However, I think that we really need an FDO 3.2.3 release, with all of
> these changes bundled.  Otherwise, Linux-based installs will run into
> confusion.
> Jason 

hi list,
the linux based systems run into confusion as soon as the tools that come as Thirdparty
are already installed, preferable as never releases.

Is it possible to get a current mapguide source without thirdparty stuff ? i did not find
any hints who to disable it.


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