[mapguide-internals] MGOS 2.0.0 Beta 1postedformapguide-internals

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed Nov 21 03:36:17 EST 2007

Hi Zak,
There's no official way of doing it, but at least two workarounds.  The first was to extract the MSI from the setup file, and then specify an INSTALLDIR parameter when running msiexec.  The second, which I just discovered tonight and seems a bit less hackish, is to specify the msiexec options as a parameter to the setup file (watch word wrap - there are only two commands here):
 MgServerSetup-2.0.0Beta1.exe /V"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\\Program Files\\MapGuideOpenSource2.0.0b1\\Server\""
 MgWebServerExtensionsSetup-2.0.0Beta1.exe /V"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\\Program Files\\MapGuideOpenSource2.0.0b1\\WebServerExtensions\""

I'm not sure if the back-end service ports have changed with MapGuide 2.0.  If they have not, you will need to go into your serverconfig.ini and webconfig.ini files and set some alternates.


From: Zac Spitzer
Subject: Re: [mapguide-internals] MGOS 2.0.0 Beta 1postedformapguide-internals

does the installer allow installing to a different directory yet?

I would like to have both 1.20 and the beta running on my laptop

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