[mapguide-internals] MapGuide Project Logo for LiveDVD

Zac Spitzer zac.spitzer at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 00:59:14 EDT 2010

i tend to agree with jason's points, it also doesn't lend it's self to
being a (fav) icon

On 9 June 2010 14:54, Jason Birch <jason at jasonbirch.com> wrote:
> I dislike the fish
> - It's dead (I think. Looks skeletal anyway)
> - It's an anglerfish that draws its prey in with its shiny light then
> chomps on them; hardly the connotation we want as a project
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglerfish
> - I'd be concerned that we may have some issues with misappropriation
> of first nation / native american art style, but could be totally out
> to lunch on this one.
> I agree that a logo is a big deal, and I don't think we should rush it
> because of an external deadline. Just use the osgeo logo if we can't
> decide on one in time. The initial logo contest fell flat because of
> timing and a lack of established community. Let's start this informal
> and see if there is anyone artistic in the community. If not, we may
> have to hold off on this until we can fund pro work.
> Jason
> On 2010-06-08, Trevor Wekel <trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We need a MapGuide Project Logo for the LiveDVD.  Many open source projects
>> use an animal as their logo (Linux penguin, SUSE lizard, MySQL dolphin,
>> PostgreSQL elephant...).  After asking around a bit, I found out that
>> Autodesk had started some logo work a while ago and had a "Fish" logo in the
>> works for MapGuide.
>> I have attached the "Fish" logo as a PNG image.  Personally, I think the
>> fish rocks.  He looks tough as nails and he even has a guide star so he
>> knows where he is going.
>> I would like to put the "Fish" forward as a proposed project logo.  Since
>> project logos are a big deal and we need one soon, I propose the following:
>> 1. Logo proposals will be accepted until end of day June 15th.
>> 2. Logos should be posted to -internals and added to RFC 93
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/MapGuideRfc93.
>> 3. On June 16th, all proposed logos will be voted upon by the PSC.  PSC
>> members can vote +0 or +1 for any or all logos.  The logo with the highest
>> "+" rating will be accepted.  In case of a tie, Bob gets to decide since he
>> is the Chair.
>> How does this sound?
>> Regards,
>> Trevor
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Zac Spitzer
Solution Architect / Director
Ennoble Consultancy Australia
+61 405 847 168

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