[mapguide-internals] Re: Participation in FOSS4G WMS Shoot-out

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed May 19 09:26:32 EDT 2010

Hi Jason,

(Sorry for the late reply, I am subscribed to the list only in digest 
mode and sometimes may miss some replies. If you CC me then I can reply 
right away.)

FYI SLD is not a requirement, as long as you configure your server to 
use the specified styles (line width, colors, etc).

Also, the tests use WMS version 1.1.1, and only with very basic GetMap 
calls. Which version of WMS does MapGuide support?


Jason Birch wrote:
> I'd love to see this happen, but I don't think we have the resources to
> dedicate to participating or to fixing any issues that were highlighted,
> which would be even more important.
> I have a feeling that this benchmark would expose considerable weaknesses in
> MapGuide, some of which we care about (raster stability), others not so much
> (shapefile performance), and things like our lack of SLD or newer WMS
> version support may mean that we can't even participate even if we wanted
> to.
> Thoughts?
> Jason

Daniel Morissette

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