[mapguide-internals] Upcoming RFC 94 code submissions will temporarily impact coordinate system transformations

Hugues Wisniewski hugues.wisniewski at autodesk.com
Mon Sep 13 20:06:33 EDT 2010

Hi all,

The CsMap code is being reorganized because of the the MapGuide RFC94 implementation and the corresponding CsMap RFC2 work.

We are planning on performing  code submissions on the CsMap side that will impact the coordinate system transformations involving grid file transformations, meaning that such transformations will not work during this time.
The transformations involved are ATS77, RGF93 and Japan. North American and NTV2 transformations should be functional by the time of the first code submission.
Everything would get back to normal by the end of September.

During that time, only coordinate system transformations involving grid files would be affected.
The rest of the code will build and work normally and any transformation NOT involving the use of grid files will behave normally too.

A sandbox had been created to avoid any disruption inside the trunk in the past weeks. For technical reasons, moving that code into the mapguide and csmap trunks in a few consecutive submissions has now to be performed.

I am wondering if anyone has any objection to this disruption.

The plan is to execute this code submission somewhere around the end of this week.
Before the submission, I will be personally executing some tests to validate the situation described above and the fact that only the remaining subset of coordinate system transformations involving grid files is impacted.

Thanks for your input


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