[mapguide-users] Mapguide Support for Mac OS X?

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Sat Jan 27 12:09:25 EST 2007


The Autodesk team has indicated in the past that they attempted an OS  
X build and ran into trouble with 'endian' issues building FDO.   
These 'endian' issues are specific to the PPC chipset.  It should be  
possible to build on an Intel mac, but I haven't heard of anyone  
trying it yet.  It may also be possible to run the windows version of  
MapGuide under CrossOver on an Intel Mac.

I doubt that anyone will ever seriously attempt a PPC build of  
MapGuide now that the Intel chipsets are available.

One thing that may be of interest is that we will be moving the linux  
build to the FGS system (http://www.maptools.org/fgs), a self  
container build/install system that works on most linux systems out  
of the box.  I don't know if it will run on an Intel mac out of the  
box, but I'm keen to try it - and convince my boss I need an upgrade  
to an Intel mac at the same time ;)



On 26-Jan-07, at 8:22 PM, Clever, Max wrote:

> Has anyone successfully installed Mapguide Opensource on a Mac OS X  
> Server?  It seems like the linux distribution could be modified to  
> work, but I have little to no experience in that regard.
> Max Clever, L.S.I.T.
> Staff Surveyor
> Spicer Group, Inc.
> 230 S. Washington Avenue
> Saginaw, MI  48607
> Phone:  (989) 754-4065 ext. 5584
> Cell:       (989) 989-928-8028
> Fax:       (989) 754-4440
> mailto: maxc at spicergroup.com
> www.spicergroup.com
> Spicer Group’s Engineers, Surveyors, and Planners strive for  
> perfection in everything we do.  We take the best that exists &  
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|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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