[mapguide-users] GetFeatureInfo functionality on WMS

Jose Manuel C G gis at mapas-sll.com
Tue Jun 19 06:42:06 EDT 2007

All ok on the 1.2.0 RC2, but I don't understand this function if I have a
'queryable' layer with a WMS Data Provider, because doesn't ask to the wms
server any information. 

This work if you have a layer Publish via Web Mapping Service, but If it's a
wms data, Mapguide doesn't call to the external wms server to get the
getfeatureinfo information, isn't it?.

This is the stage:

Data: http://ovc.catastro.meh.es/Cartografia/WMS/ServidorWMS.aspx

Layer: Publish via Web Mapping Service with 'queryable' check box enabled,
and the next Bounds:

<Bounds SRS="EPSG:4326" west="-7.153303" south="37.285159" east="-7.152832"


When I fill with the next info the
http://localhost/mapguide/mapagent/getfeatureinfowmsform.html form...

Version: 1.1.1
Map and Query Layers: Layers/Catastro
BBox: -7.153303,37.285159,-7.152832,37.285513
Coord System: EPSG:4326
Width and Height: 587

...The .xml I get is:


I get info in this point with others gis programs (uDIG, QSIG,...).

If anybody can try this, I would like to know the experience, and post it If
this is a bug in the tracker.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GetFeatureInfo-functionality-on-WMS-tf3945522s16610.html#a11192168
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