[mapguide-users] RE: guestion about update feature source

Farah farah at egovernments.org
Mon Mar 19 02:34:08 EDT 2007

Hi Maciej,

I did try this sample in java and it did work. The following is the code:

      MgMap map = new MgMap();
      map.Open(resourceService, "Sheboygan");

      MgResourceIdentifier resId = new
      String filter = "ID = " + 2536 ;
      MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new

	MgPropertyCollection properties = new MgPropertyCollection();

	String name = "nowa";
	properties.Add(new MgStringProperty("NAME",name )); 

	MgUpdateFeatures updateCommandRed = new
MgUpdateFeatures("RoadCenterLines", properties, filter);
	//exceute commands
	if (commands.GetCount() >=1 )

	ReleaseReader(featureService.UpdateFeatures(resId, commands, false),
	//Now test if name has changed:
	MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); 
	MgFeatureReader featureReader = featureService.SelectFeatures(resId,
"RoadCenterLines", queryOptions); 
	while (featureReader.ReadNext()) 
	   String newname = featureReader.GetString("NAME");
	   String id = featureReader.GetString("ID");
	   out.write("Name after changing:"  + newname);
	   out.write("ID :"  + id);

However for this sample to work, I had to change the ReadOnly flag of
RoadCenterLines.FeatureSource to FALSE ( according to previous posts).
Hope this helps...


-----Original Message-----
From: Maciej Skorczewski [mailto:maciej.skorczewski at procad.pl] 
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:34 PM
To: Farah
Subject: guestion about update feature source

helo again :)

Farah some time ago i write to you whiy question how to update feature 

i get response from you whit code i java.

i fight whit this truble an still no results...i try update
(example of data to MGOS)

i must update name of streets in this source to make demo in my language.:(

if you have some time can you write this ex. in JAVA or PHP?

i thing that this is small problem.Mayby can you try modyfiy yours code 
to make this...i will be very grateful for any help.

this is my post on mailinglist



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