[mapguide-users] Render services image formats

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Mar 21 13:52:24 EDT 2008

You can have different image formats in the tiles than in the dynamic map.  The tile layer format is configured per server in serverconfig.ini, and requires a service restart to take effect.  You'll also want to flush your cache.  I haven't tested this with imagery yet, but I would imagine that you will see a patchwork-quilt effect unless your images are uniform in colour.
I agree that setting the compression for JPG would be a nice option; right now it appears to be hard-coded to 75% (in the AGG renderer anyway).  If you're seeing the same problems in PNG8 as you are in JPG though, you likely 
just have too many colours in the image to look good with an auto-calculated palette.  This the kind of case where being able to set a fixed palette for PNG8 (or JPG/GIF I guess) would be useful.  There is a trac ticket in for this enhancement.


From: Gary Morin
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Render services image formats

At the moment I think the tiled base layer has to be the same as the overlay.


When I tried PNG8, The results seemed the same as JPG, text and labels are harder to read.


It would be benefitial if we could specfiy the level of compression


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