[mapguide-users] Unmanaged Performance

James Card James.Card at calcad.com
Thu Oct 2 19:22:10 EDT 2008

On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:45:59 -0700, Jason Birch <Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca>  

> I haven't tried just pointing to a directory with unmanaged data, all of
> my feature sources have been set up to point to individual SDF files.
> Perhaps that's why I haven't run into problems?  I have seen some
> performance degradation accessing unmanaged data across network shares,
> but I guess that's to be expected.

Our experience mirrors Jason's here. We typically use FME to create SDFs  
and keep them in an unmanaged directory on the MapGuide server with  
FeatureSource configurations pointing to the complete path of the  
individual files (we don't use the directory alias mechanism). Performance  
across network shares is too sluggish.

James Card
California CAD Solutions, Inc.
209-578-5580 - Voice
209-521-6493 - FAX

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