[mapguide-users] ePlot DWF and .NET

José Israel Campero Domínguez israel.campero at sgmexico.com.mx
Thu Mar 12 16:03:18 EDT 2009

Hello, everyone...

I'm having problems with the following code:

            MgDwfVersion dwfVersion = new MgDwfVersion("6.01", "1.2");
            MgPlotSpecification plotSpec = new MgPlotSpecification(8.5f, 
11, MgPageUnitsType.Inches, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            plotSpec.SetMargins(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            mappingService = 
siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.MappingService) as 

            MgLayout layout = null;
            if ((useLayout != "FALSE" && useLayout == "TRUE"))
                MgResourceIdentifier layoutRes = new 
                layout = new MgLayout(layoutRes, "Project", 

            double scale = map.GetViewScale();
            MgByteReader byteReader = null;
            if (scale <= 0)
                byteReader = mappingService.GeneratePlot(map, plotSpec, 
layout, dwfVersion);
                MgCoordinate mapCenter = 
                byteReader = mappingService.GeneratePlot(map, mapCenter, 
scale, plotSpec, layout, dwfVersion);

            // Now output the resulting DWF.
            utilityfunctions.OutputReaderContent(Response, byteReader);

When I call the function, a new window is displayed, but there's nothing 
in it. Also, if I change the last code for this:

            MgByteSink bytesink = new MgByteSink(byteReader);
            bytesink.ToFile("c:\\project\\test" + 
DateTime.Today.ToString("ddMMyy") + ".dwf");

The following error appears:            

A file IO exception occurred: c:\project\test120309.dwf

Exception occurred in method MgByteSink.ToFile at line 220 in file


I need to create the dwf. I checked the php code and the .net examples 
and the code  I'm using is the same that the one in the examples.
Is there an error I'm not seeing? What can I do to solve this?

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