[mapguide-users] Need help to set up raster

Darren Karasiuk darren.karasiuk at aldatasoftware.com
Wed May 6 12:36:15 EDT 2009


I'm trying to add raster data to MapGuideOS but seem to be missing a step.

I have a .TIFF image (one for now, but will have hundreds more later) and an
XML file containing spatial information.

Using GDAL in MapGuide Studio 2009, I am able to load the TIFF and override
the coordinate system. But how do I specify the location of this image?
When I tried using the other MapGuide Studio 2009 method for connection to
an image directly, it allowed me to enter the bottom left coordinates and
the distance/pixel. I don't see similar options for GDAL.


Can anyone help me?



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