[mapguide-users] WMS Map Problem

Luis Paolini l_paolini at uol.com.br
Mon Feb 1 06:00:14 EST 2010

Hi folks,


        I'm using Mapguide to publish some DWG files that can be accessed
via WMS Requests.

        I have used AutocadMap3D 2009 to publish the DWGs into Mapguide and
after that I've checked that the DWF files created

were perfect.

       After that I used Maestro to enable WMS and configure WMS parameters.

        Finally, when I send a WMS request and get a map back I can see that
some map geometries were moved (offset) from their

original position.

       Do you have any ideas?

       PS: I tried that on Mapguide 2010 and in Mapguide Open Source and the
result is the same.






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