[mapguide-users] Re: Advanced search of layer using MgFeatureQueryOptions() not working

Steve G steve.golden at morganhill.ca.gov
Fri May 6 18:44:52 EDT 2011

If you use Maestro, open the data source connection and the provider is
listed as one of properties at the top of the active tab.  You can also view
the XML doc and look at what is between <Provider></Provider>.

A further question of the original post...if I wanted to sort the results of
the standard search function, how can this be done?  Can I paste the code
given above into search.php (where would I paste it)? 

// set ordering 
$stringCollection = new MgStringCollection(); 
$stringCollection->Add("c_ref"); // SORT FIELD 
MgOrderingOption::Descending); // SORT Asc or Desc  

However, I suppose it would be a little problematic if I had various
searches for different data and want to sort based on different data fields? 
I suppose then I might have to create custom search.php files for each type
of search...



View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Advanced-search-of-layer-using-MgFeatureQueryOptions-not-working-tp4978840p6339079.html
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