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I belive that the function you should examine is this:<br>
<tt> function ScreenToMapUnits2(x, y, bAllowOutsideWindow)<br>
if(x > mapDevW - 1) x = mapDevW - 1;<br>
else if(x < 0) x = 0;<br>
if(y > mapDevH - 1) y = mapDevH - 1;<br>
else if(y < 0) y = 0;<br>
x = extX1 + (extX2 - extX1) * (x / mapDevW);<br>
y = extY1 - (extY1 - extY2) * (y / mapDevH);<br>
return new Point(x, y);<br>
You then have to determine if it is extY1, extY2 or mapDevH that is
Once you find that out, you should examine areas where they get
calculated, to further narrow it down.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S
Ismael Cams skrev:
<blockquote cite="mid:11812151.post@talk.nabble.com" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Thanks for the answer Kenneth.
I have checked the coordinates and they are indeed skewed. The x coordinates
are ok, but the y coordinates do not match (which explains why I have to
click somewhat above the point in order to select it). As soon as I resize
the legend frame the coordinates get ok.
The MCS part is not clear to me. Can I somehow make changes to this
functions in order to solve the problem or can I try something else (without
having to disable my legend) ?
For your notice: I make also selections programatically. This works fine in
all cases.
Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I would say that the offset is likely caused by something incorrect on
the html side.
If point 7 means: create 2 layouts in studio and test them in the same
it would appear that a setting in the WebLayout file causes the html to
report bad map offsets.
You might see the actual coordinats being sent, by inserting an
"alert(...)" in ajaxmappane.templ,
where it builds the polygon (search for "POLYGON").
If the coordinates are correct (ea. the same), I have no clue.
If the coordinates are skewed, look in the ajaxmappane.templ,
for the function that calculates the MCS coordinates from screen (x,y).
That functions has some offsets, and it is my guess that they slip a bit.
Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S
Ismael Cams skrev:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I have following situation:
1. I build dynamically two weblayouts in a session. One is containing a
legend, the other one is only containing the zoom control.
2. The weblayouts refer to the same mapdefinition that is also build in a
3. The mapdefinition is referring to a point layer (sessionlayer)
4. Making a selection in the weblayout without legend works fine.
5. Making a selection in the weblayout with legend does not work
I have to click above the point to actually make the selection.
6. When I minimize the legend frame (by using the arrow in the
the selection suddenly works correctly. Also when I disable the legend in
the first layout this is also working fine.
7. When I create the same scenario with Studio I do not encounter the
problem (selection is working without problems).
I believe it has something to do with using the same session, but I do
have a clue where to look after. Can someone give me hints about what
be the problem ?
Kind regards,
<pre wrap="">_______________________________________________
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