I cleaned up the code a bit to explicitly check for addEventListener/attachEvent capabilities, and executed the correct statements based on that.<br><br>
document.attachEventListener('keydown', myFunction, false);<br>
parent.parent.mapFrame.addEventListener('keydown', myFunction, false);<br>
document.attachEvent('onkeydown', myFunction);<br>
parent.parent.mapFrame.document.attachEvent('onkeydown', myFunction);<br><br>
Maybe someone can find this useful in the future.
<blockquote class="quote light-black dark-border-color"><div class="quote light-border-color">
<div class="quote-author" style="font-weight: bold;">J Manafi wrote:</div>
<div class="quote-message shrinkable-quote">
I have some javascript set to capture key combinations, like shift+a or ctrl+d, and then I set my function as the callback to the document onkeydown events, like so:
document.onkeydown = myFunction;<br>
parent.parent.mapFrame.onkeydown = myFunction;
In IE, if I open my taskPane script and do any work in there, I can capture my key presses. However, if I open the context menu on the map and, let's say, choose the selection icon, I no longer have the ability to capture keys unless I click back in the taskPane. This works fine in firefox.
I'm not entirely sure of all of the differences between firefox and IE, but I was wondering if someone knew perhaps of a way to gain access to mapFrame javascript events?
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View this message in context: <a href="http://www.nabble.com/can-IE7-capture-key-presses--tp18319148p18342985.html">Re: can IE7 capture key presses?</a><br>
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