.hmmessage P
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<BR>Hi, <BR>
Can anyone help me?<BR>
1- How do I edit the php script "find address" so that the city and the state are not as they are hardcoded in the Sheboygan sample, because my question is "Find Address" uses "rpc.geocoder.us" in Sheboygan. Does it exist a general web address to find any data? this is, can I use the function "find address" to find a name (not a number and a name as is done in Sheboygan to find a address), but only a name that represents a natural space in Castilla y León (a Spain´s region)? <BR><BR>2- I have installed the program Autodesk design review, version With this program works for me the plot of DWF Sheboygan, but not with my data type shp, sbx, sbn, dbf, idx and shx (or with the transformation to sdf). (The message is: "Your current version of Design Review does not support files of this type") Do I need to install another program? What is the problem? <BR>
<BR>Thanks<BR><BR><br /><hr />Descubre la nueva versión de Messenger y <a href='http://download.live.com/' target='_new'>pruébala gratis</a></body>