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Hi, since last March I´m making the Final Project about a study of MapGuide´s tool (version 2.0.1, Fusion 3.0.1). First, I installed the tool with Windows <BR>installers. After, thank you, I installed it on Windows through the source code (my partner is in charge of the installation on Linux) and make an <BR>application on some data (with MapGuide Maestro), which are "paths" (communication paths of the region of Castilla y Leon (Spain)), "municipalities" <BR>(municipal boundaries of the region of Castilla y Leon (Spain)) and "nature" (spaces and nature reserves in the region of Castilla y Leon (Spain)). The <BR>"paths" only attribute is the length, "municipalities" only attribute is a code and the "natural space" the name themselves. After enough effort, and thank <BR>you again, I managed to run on these data the following features:<BR> <BR>Get printable page<BR>Measure<BR>Buffer<BR>Zoom:<BR> Previous view<BR> Next view<BR> Initial map view<BR>Zoom to rectangle<BR>Zoom in<BR>Zoom out<BR>Select mode<BR>Pan mode<BR>Clear selection<BR>Generic Tasks:<BR> Query<BR> Theme<BR> Find Espacio <BR> Plot as Dwf <BR> Markup<BR> Zoom to Vega del Duero (specifically zoom)<BR>Select Within<BR>View Options<BR>Overview<BR>Select more:<BR> Select Radius<BR> Select Polygon<BR>Zoom:<BR> Initial Center and Scale<BR> Zoom Selection<BR>Refresh map<BR>Help<BR>About<BR> <BR>As lines of future work would be integration with Google Earth. <BR> <BR>Now my supervisor asked me to add some more functionality, anyone you think of any functionality that I can perform on this data or may already be <BR>implemented and that can send me?<BR> <BR>Thank you very much, it is important and sorry for my English.<BR><br /><hr />El doble de diversión: <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/messenger.aspx' target='_new'>Con Windows Live Messenger comparte fotos mientras hablas.</a></body>