First let me say that I have a basic knowledge about Fusion so I don't know if I call everything the way it should be called :P<br><br>Issue: I want the Fusion detects browser language (already doing this as far as
I've seen) and loads the localizations files for everything.<br><br>I would like to have my Fusion Application localized in Spanish. I googled about it and I found the attached files I placed them in path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\fusion\text' and something did changed to Spanish but only a "few" things.<br>
I been looking at the Fusion code and templates files I see that Fusion search for the browser languages and for the query param "locale=es" I have tried both, to see if helps but nothing changed.<br>I have also seen that in the index.html file for the application/template there are some "hard coded" string like in the following code:<br>
<br>var p1 = new Jx.Panel({<br> label: 'Legend', <br> content: 'Legend', <br> collapse: false, <br> maximize: true<br> });<br><br>I see no way for the string "Legend" to get localized in this code unless Jx:Panel does it internally. <br>
I would like to know what is the correct/supported way to localize a Fusion application. I know that OpenLayers has support for localization too I don't know if I can use/extend that and use it in the Fusion application.<br>
Not sure is completely related but what is the way to localize a widget server side and client side.<br><br><br>Thanks in advance.<a href="http://localhost/mapguide/fusion/templates/mapguide/hayden/?locale=es"></a><br><br>
-- <br>Atte. Octavio Rodríguez Castañeda<br>