[mapguide-users] Generate lines in mypguide viewer - expert question

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Sat Sep 16 00:09:46 EDT 2006

Is the "Digitising and Redlining" sample on this site what you're looking for?


From: Ivan Milicevic [mailto:ivan at ineo.hr]
Sent: Fri 2006-09-15 6:05 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Generate lines in mypguide viewer - expert question



I was thinking about is it possible to generate lines in mapguide. For example, I have start point and end point of line. Is there any way I said to mapguide tat he draw the line.


If  maguide have feature for drawing polygons and buffers maybe we can generate lines between two points.

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