[MapProxy-dev] Opening the team for more contributors

Johannes Weskamm weskamm at terrestris.de
Thu Jan 12 03:06:13 PST 2023

Hi PSC members,

I just realized that people who want to contribute to mapproxy need to 
be in the organization to be able to do housekeeping (setting labels on 
issues, creating PRs without forks etc.).

Currently the organization consists of the group "PSC". Therefore i 
created another group named "Contributors" where we can give people 
access to the repo without mixing up the intention of those groups.

I would like to hear your opinion on this, if this is ok for you.

The person who adds people to that group needs to be an owner of the 
repository. So it would be best to upgrade the PSC members that want to 
add people to the owners.



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